House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 22 December 1652

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Wednesday, the 22d of December, 1652.


Worcester Petition.

THE humble Petition of the Gentlemen, Freeholders, and others, inhabiting in the County of Worcester, was this Day read.

Resolved, That Colonel Bridges, and other Persons, who presented this Petition, be called in; and that Mr. Speaker do acquaint them, That the House hath read their Petition; and do give them hearty Thanks for their good Affections; and will take the Particulars thereof into Consideration, in due time.

And they were accordingly called in: And, being come to the Bar, Mr. Speaker did, by Command of the House, acquaint them, That the House hath read their Petition; and do give them, and the Petitioners, hearty Thanks for their good Affections; and will take the Particulars into Consideration, in due time.

Encouraging Seamen.

Ordered, That the Title to be prefixed to the Resolutions of Parliament, passed Yesterday, be as followeth:

"The Votes and Resolutions of the Parliament, concerning the Encouragement to be given to Mariners and Seamen in the Service of the State:" And that the same be printed with that Title, and published as the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy shall direct.

Embassy from France.

Sir Henry Vane the elder reports from the Committee appointed to give Audience to the Publick Minister from the French King, That the said Publick Minister did deliver unto the said Committee, the Letters of Credence, in French; and afterwards made a Speech in French; a Translate whereof he after brought unto them in English: Which said Letter, and the Translate of the Speech of the said Publick Minister; were now read.

Ordered, That the Letter of Credence, and Paper, containing what was delivered at the said Audience, by the said Publick Minister of the French King, be referred to the Council of State: And that they prepare an Answer to be given to the said Publick Minister; and present the same to the Parliament, on Friday Morning next.

Articles of War.

Ordered, That the Report concerning the Ordinances of War and Reprizes be made To-morrow Morning the first Business; nothing to intervene.

Forfeited Estates.

Ordered, That the Certificate of the Trustees for Sale of Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason be taken into Consideration on Friday Morning next, the first Business.