House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 10 September 1651

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Wednesday, the 10th of September, 1651.


Lord Broghill's Act.

ORDERED, That the Lord Broghill's Act be read To-morrow Sevennight.

Well-affected at Worcester.

A Letter from the Lord General Cromwell, from Evesham, of the Eighth of September 1651, was this Day read.

Ordered, That the Clause in the Lord General's Letter, touching the well-affected Persons that suffered by the taking of Worcester, and the War in those Parts, be referred to a Committee to examine and state Matter of Fact, and present it to the Parliament: Mr. Salwey, Major Salwey, Mr. Hodges, Lord Chief Baron, Mr. Lechmere, Mr. Raleigh, Mr. Attorney-General, Col. Purefoy, Alderman Allen, Mr. Wylde, Sir Tho. Jervois, Mr. Nevill, Mr. Gold, Sir James Harrington, Mr. Bond, Col. Fielder, Mr. Trencherd, Col. Thompson, Col. Lister, Sir Henry Mildmay, Alderman Pennyngton, Mr. Garland, Capt. Skinner, Mr. Oldsworth, or any Five of them: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock; and so de die in diem.

Persons in Arms at Worcester.

Resolved, That the Clauses of the General's Letter concerning the Mayor and Sheriffs of Worcester, and such others of the County, as well of Quality as meaner ones, who having been ingaged in the former War, did now appear in Arms against the Parliament, together with the rest of the Prisoners, be referred to the Council of State, to consider how they may be proceeded against, and brought to Justice; and to report the same to the Parliament.

Proceedings against Massie.

A Letter from Thomas Lord Grey, from Broadgate, near Leicester, of the Seventh of September 1651; with the Examination of Edward Massie therein inclosed; and a Letter from the said Edward Massie to the Countess of Stamford; were this Day read.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider of Major General Massey, together with the other Prisoners, how they may be brought to Tryal; and report the same to the House.

Disbanding Forces.

Resolved, That the Four thousand Horse and Dragoons that were taken into the Establishment, in lieu of the Militia, for Six Months, be disbanded and laid down at the Time of the Expiration of the Six Months: And that it be referred to the Council of State, to see the same put in Execution, accordingly.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Council of State, to see those Foot, which, by Vote of the First of August, the said Council had Power to take into Pay for Three Months, or a shorter Time, be disbanded and discharged so as may be best for the Service of the Commonwealth, and Ease of the Charge.

Resolved, That Colonel Baxter's Regiment be reduced to Twelve hundred: And that the Council of State do see the same done, accordingly.


Ordered, That the Consideration of the Garisons and Forces be taken into Consideration the first Business Tomorrow Morning; nothing to intervene: And that Mr. Speaker do put the House in mind thereof.

Colours taken at Worcester.

The House being informed, That Captain Edward Orpyn was at the Door, he was called in; and brought with him to the Bar the Colours taken in the Fight at Worcester.

Resolved, That One hundred Pounds be given to Captain Edward Orpyn, for a Gratuity from the Parliament: And that it be referred to the Council of State, to give Order for the speedy Payment thereof, accordingly.

Ordered, That these several Colours taken in the Fight at Worcester, be hung up in Westminster-Hall by Mr. Riley, Norroy King at Arms: And the Number, with the Mottos and Devices, be by him entered in the Book with the rest; and that the Surveyor General do prepare Convenience for that Purpose: And the Committee of Revenue are authorized and required to pay the Charges thereof.

Apprehending Charles Stuart, &c.

Mr. Attorney-General reports a Proclamation, by the Parliament, for the Discovery and Apprehending of Charles Stuart, and other Traitors, his Adherents: Which was this Day read the first and second time.

Resolved, That the Sum of One thousand Pounds do stand: And the said Proclamation, after some Amendments at the Table being put . . . the Question, was assented unto, and ordered to be forthwith printed and published.

Ordered, That the Lord Commissioner Keeble be and is hereby authorized and required, alone, to issue out of the Chancery, under the Great Seal, a Writ to the Clerk of the Parliament, to transmit the said Proclamation into the Chancery: And that the said Lord Commissioner Keeble, alone, do grant a Warrant for Writs to be made, for sending and proclaiming the said Proclamation into all the Counties and Cities, &c. in England and Wales: And that a Warrant signed by him alone shall be a sufficient Warrant for making the said Writs: And that the said Lord Commissioner Keeble be authorized to pass the same under the Great Seal, and cause them to be sent, accordingly.

Report Deferred.

Resolved, That Mr. Scott and Mr. Salwey do report the Narrative To-morrow Morning.