House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 16 November 1648

Pages 77-78

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, 16 Novembris, 1648.


Reduced Officers.

THE Grand Committee sat, upon the Ordinance for raising Monies for the reduced Officers.

Mr. Whitacre in the Chair.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

King's Parole.

Mr. Lisle reports a Letter, to be sent to the Governor of the Isle of Wight, to convey the Vote passed this House Yesterday, touching the King's Parole.

The which was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Message to Lords.

Mr. Lisle is appointed to carry it to the Lords: And likewise the Vote Yesterday passed; and the Letter from the Governor of the Isle of Wight, of 7 Novembris 1648; and the Order for Sir Thomas Bedding feild to be sworn next Mr. Samuel Browne.


Mr. Lisle brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Letter and Vote concerning the Parole; and will send it away this Afternoon: They do likewise agree to the Order concerning Sir Thomas Bedding field.

Banishing Lord Holland, &c.

An Ordinance for the Banishment of Henry Earl of Holland, George Lord Goreing, Arthur Lord Capell, Henry Hastings Esquire, Sir Henry Lyngen Knight, Sir John Owen Knight, and Rowland Langherne Esquire, was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto Mr. Samuel Browne, Mr. Prynne, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Lane, Mr. Selden, Mr. Waller, Mr. Twisden.

Conference desired with Lords.

Resolved, &c. That a Conference be desired with the Lords; to signify unto them, That the Votes sent unto them, for the Banishment of those Seven Delinquents, were sent to the Lords for their Concurrence, that they might be Part of the Answer to the Proposition concerning Delinquents; and no present Judgment upon those Persons.

Sir James Harrington is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, so soon as may stand with their Lordships Conveniency, touching that Part of the Proposition concerning Delinquents, and relating to the Delinquents to be excepted from Pardon, and those to be banished.

Temple Ministers.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of plundered Ministers, to examine the whole Business of the Complaint, here made, of the Sermon preached by Mr. Lee on Sunday, in the Temple; and concerning Mr. Johnson, and his being placed Minister there.

Keymish's Fine.

Ordered, That the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall are hereby authorized and required to received the Twelve hundred Pounds, tendered to be paid in to Goldsmiths Hall by Sir Charles Keymish, in Part of his Fine; and to pay forth, and issue out, the same, in Course, to such Persons as, by Order of Parliament, are appointed to receive the same.

Ordered, That Sir Charles Keymishe be discharged, upon good Bail.

Ships detained.

A Letter from Sherrington Farewell, one of the Sub Commissioners of Sommersett, from Bridgwater, of 11 Novembris 1648, was this Day read; giving notice, That Two Ships, of great Value, were put in at Minhead and Pennagh; which, upon some Grounds, they had caused there some Stay to be made of.

Ordered, That Stay be made of those Two Ships till further Order: And that it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider of the said Letter; and to send down Order, presently, for Stay of the said Ships; and to take Course for speedy examining the whole Business; and report their Opinions to the House, What Course is sit to be taken herein.

Conference agreed to.

Sir James Harrington brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to a Conference, as is desired, presently, in the Painted Chamber.

Mr. Annesley, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Lysle, Sir James Harrington, Sir Walter Erle, are appointed Managers of this Conference.

Treaty with the King, &c.

Ordered, That no other Business than what concerns the Treaty, and the Perfecting thereof, be taken into Consideration To-morrow, or Saturday next: And that the Business concerning Sir John Danvers, and the other Matters appointed, by former Order, for Saturday next, be proceeded in, and considered of, on Saturday Morning next come Sevennight, the first Business.


Ordered, That the Reports concerning the Army and Free Quarter be proceeded in, and taken into Consideration, on Monday Morning next, peremptorily, the first Business: And that, in the mean time, it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to consider of the Business formerly debated, touching Assignations, touching the Pay of the Arrears to the Army since the Fifteenth of January last, and touching Monies to disband the Supernumeraries: And are to report their Opinions to the House concerning them, and for putting Matters into the speediest and most effectual Course, in order to the taking off Free Quarter.

Mr. Annesley, Colonel Birch, Sir James Barrington, Sir Wm. Lewis, Colonel Copley, Colonel White, are added to this Committee, as to these Matters.

Pecke's Claims.

Whereas the Sum of Four thousand Two hundred and Eighty-one Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Four-pence Halspenny was, by Order of both Houses of Parliament, of Sabbati, 21 Octobris 1648, appointed to be paid unto Henry Pecke Esquire, in Discharge of so much owing unto him out of the Iron Works in the Forest of Deane, out of the Two Thirds of the Estates of Sir Thomas Timperley, and other Recusants of the County of Suffolke, named in the said Order, payable to the State, and sequestered for their Recusancy: And whereas the Committee of Sequestrations of the County of Suffolke only, and their Treasurer, and the Tenants and Occupiers of the said Lands, are required to pay the Two Thirds of the Rents and Profits of the said Estates, as in the said Order, of 21 Octobris, is expressed: It is now Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That all Committees for Sequestrations, in any of the Counties respectively, where any of the Estates of the said Sir Thomas Timperley, or any other of the said Recusants, in the foresaid Order mentioned, lieth, their Treasurers, and the Tenants and Occupiers of the Lands of any of the said Recusants, in any of the said Counties, be, and are hereby, required to take notice of the said Order of 21 Octobris, and of this present Order; and to yield full and ready Obedience to That and This, in all the Clauses thereof, that they, or any of them, are concerned in respectively.