House of Commons Journal Volume 6: 31 October 1648

Pages 65-66

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 6, 1648-1651. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 31 Octobris, 1648.


Prynne's &c. Claims.

ORDERED, That the State of the Proceedings in the House, concerning the Sufferings and Damages of Mr. Prynne, Mr. Burton, and Mr. Foxley, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Dr. Bastwick's Business; to consider, from whom, and in what Matter, they may have Reparation, respectively for their Sufferings and Damages; and to ascertain the same; and to report it to the House.

Serjeants at Law.

Resolved, &c. That a Writ do issue, under the Great Seal, to call William Powell, of Lincolne's Inn Esquire, to be a Serjeant at Law.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Be it Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal do forthwith issue Writs, under the Great Seal, in usual Form, to call William Powell, John Clerke, John Eltonhead, Robert Nicholas, John Parker, and Robert Bernard, Esquires, to be Serjeants at Law, according to the Votes of both Houses passed in that Behalf.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Sir William Lewis is appointed to carry it to the Lords.

Isle of Sarke.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland do make his Report, on Monday next touching the Isle of Sarke, the first Business.

Answer from Lords.

Sir William Lewis brings Answer from the Lords, That the Lords do agree to the Ordinance and Vote touching the Serjeants at Law, by him carried to the Lords for their Concurrence.

Treaty with the King.

Resolved, &c. That the King's Answer to the Proposition concerning Delinquents is unsatisfactory in all the Clauses thereof; except that Clause, wherein his Majesty gives his Consent, that all Persons who have had any Hand in plotting, designing, or assisting the Rebellion of Ireland, shall expect no Pardon, as is expressed in the First Branch of the said Proposition.

Resolved, &c. That Sir John Strangeways be taken out of the Proposition concerning Delinquents.

Resolved, &c. That those Persons, named in the First Branch of the Proposition concerning Delinquents, that are Protestants, except those that shall be excepted from Pardon, shall be admitted to Composition.

The Question was propounded, That those Persons, named in the First Branch of the Proposition concerning Delinquents that are Protestants, except those that shall be excepted from Pardon, shall be admitted to compound at Two full Third Parts of their Estates:

And the Question being put, Whether this Question shall be now put;

The House was divided.

The Noes went forth.

Sir Tho. Dacres, Tellers for the Noe: 81.
Sir Wm. Waller, With the Noe,
Sir Wm. Massam, Tellers for the Yea: 89.
Colonel Birch, With the Yea,

So that the Question passed with the Affirmative.

The Question being put, That those Persons, named in the First Branch of the Proposition concerning Delinquents, That are Protestants, except those that shall be excepted from Pardon, shall be admitted to compound at Two full Third Parts of their Estates;

The House was divided.

The Yeas went forth.

Sir Wm. Massam, Tellers for the Yea: 87.
Colonel Birch, With the Yea,
Sir Wm. Waller, Tellers for the Noe: 89.
Sir Tho. Dacres, With the Noe,

So that the Question passed with the Negative.

Resolved, &c. That those Persons, named in the First Branch of the Proposition concerning Delinquents, that are Protestants, except those that shall be excepted from Pardon, shall be admitted to compound at a full Moiety of their Estates.

Resolved, &c. That all Papists, and Popish Recusants, who have been, or now are, actually in Arms, or voluntarily assisting, against the Parliament of England, except such who have had any Hand in the plotting, designing, or assisting the Rebellion of Ireland, and except such as shall be excepted from Pardon, shall be admitted to Composition.

Resolved, &c. That all Papists, and Popish Recusants, who have been, or now are actually in Arms, or voluntarily assisting, against the Parliament of England, except such who have had any Hand in the plotting, designing, or assisting the Rebellion of Ireland, and except such as shall be excepted from Pardon, shall be admitted to compound at Two full Third Parts of their Estates.

Resolved, &c. That the Persons named and comprised within the Proposition concerning Delinquents, who, by the said Proposition, were to compound at Two Thirds of their Estates, and are not discharged, shall be admitted to compound at a full Third Part of their Estates.

Resolved, &c. That those Persons who, by the Proposition concerning Delinquents, were to pay the full Moiety of their Estates, shall be admitted to compound at a full Third part of their Estates.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth insist upon that Part of the Proposition, that appoints, that all Lawyers, Clergymen, and Scholars, shall pay a full Third Part of the Value of their Estates.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth insist, that the Persons appointed, by the Proposition concerning Delinquents, to pay a full Sixth Part of the Value of their Estates, shall so continue to compound at a full Sixth Part.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth insist upon the rest of the Proposition concerning Delinquents, in all the Parts wherein the House has made no Alteration, as before it was: And that the Commissioners be desired to press the King to give his Consent thereunto.

Resolved, &c. That the First of February 1648 is now the Day limited for the Persons to come in, that are admitted, by the Proposition concerning Delinquents, to compound.

Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired in these Votes: And that they be sent to the Commissioners in the Isle of Wight; with Power to them to communicate them to the King.

Ordered, That the House do proceed in the Business concerning the Treaty, and the Propositions, To-morrow Morning, the first Business; and nothing to intervene: And that, after this Business, the Business concerning Plimouth be taken into Consideration.


Ordered, That the Business concerning the Soldiery be taken into Consideration on Thursday Morning next.

Wrecks on Norfolke Coast.

Ordered, That a Letter be prepared by the Committee of the Army, and signed by Mr. Speaker, directed to the Committee of the County of Norfolke; to desire them to employ their best Endeavers, that the Goods, shipped on board The Exchange of Ipswich, belonging to the State, and provided by the Committee of the Army, and designed for Newcastle, and the other Provisions of Corn and Beer, laden on other Ships, and designed for that Port, cast away upon the Coast of Norffolke, may be preserved, and recovered, such as are embezzled, for the Service of the State: And that Benjamin Huskins, Gunner in the said Ship The Exchange, now a Prisoner in Norwich, be forthwith discharged, and set at Liberty: And that they give an Account to the Committee of the Army therein, with what Speed they can.