House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 21 August 1647

Pages 280-282

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Sabbati, 21 Augusti, 1647.


Leave of Absence.

ORDERED, &c. That Sir Richard Lucy a Member of this House, being indisposed in Health, shall have Leave to go into the Country, for Recovery of his Health.


Resolved, That Captain Hare be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, for affronting and abusing Mr. Knightley, a Member of this House.

Seal for Brecknock, &c.

Mr. Gewen reports the Amendments to the Ordinance, sent from the Lords, for the Original Seal for the Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, and Glamorgan: The which were twice read; and upon the Question, assented unto.

And the Committee being of Opinion, that the Proviso, in the said Ordinance should be left out;

The Ordinance, upon the Question, was re-committed unto the same Committee.

Earl of Lauderdale, &c.

A Letter from the General, from Kingston, of 20 Augusti, giving an Account concerning the Earl of Lauderdale and Mr. Chiesly, was this Day read.

Ordered, &c. That Sir Henry Vane, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Robert Pye, and Sir Arthur Hasilrige, do communicate this Letter to the Commissioners of Scotland; and acquaint them, from this House, with their Desire and Resolutions of doing all Things that may preserve the Union and good Correspondency between the Two Kingdoms.

Ordered, &c. That this Letter be printed.

Army Pay.

Resolved, &c. That a Month's Pay be forthwith advanced and paid to the Army.

Resolved, &c. That the Committee of the Army be appointed to go to the Common Council, to desire them forthwith to advance a Month's Pay for the Army, by way of Loan; and that they shall be secured and reimbursed out of the Arrears due from the City to the Army: And that the Committee of the Army do prepare and bring in an Ordinance to this Purpose.

The Lords Concurrence desired.

Ordered, &c. That Alderman Atkin, Colonel Venn, and Sir Thomas Soame, do desire the Lord Mayor to call a Common Council, to meet on Tuesday next, at Ten of Clock: And that the Committee of the Army do repair unto them, and move them in this Business concerning this Order.


Resolved, &c. That on Tuesday next, the first Business, the House do take into Consideration the State of the whole Forces in England; and what of them may be spared for Ireland; and how an Establishment may be prepared and settled for the Entertainment and Pay of them all, as well those in England, as those for Ireland: And that the Committee of the Army do, in the mean time, confer and advise with the General, and the Officers of the Army, herein, that they may be able to inform the House in the Consideration of those Matters at that Time.

Bowyer's Claims.

Upon Mr. Nelthorp's Report from the Committee for the Northern Association, in the Case of Jeremiah Bowyer;

It is Ordered, That the Debt of Fourscore Pounds, owing by the said Jeremiah Bowyer to one Sikes, a Delinquent, be assigned to him the said Jeremiah Bowyer, in Satisfaction of his Wool, used for the Steeple in the Siege of Bradford.

Beckwith's Children.

Upon the humble Petition of Susannah Beckwith Widow, John Anlaby, and John Odingsells, on the Behalf of Marmaduke Beckwith, and the rest of the Children of Arthur Beckwith, deceased;

It is Ordered, That the Guardianship of Marmaduke Beckwith, the Heir of Arthur Beckwith, of Aldborough in the County of Yorke, Esquire, slain in the Parliament's Service about Four Years since, be committed unto Susanna Beckwith Widow, John Anlaby, and John Odingsells, for the Behoof and Benefit of the said Marmaduke Beckwith: And that an Ordinance be brought in to this Purpose.

Mr. Anlaby is to bring in this Ordinance.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That Mr. John Nelthorpe, Sir Ralfe Ashton, Colonel Boothe, Mr. Bulkley, Mr. Wynne, Mr. Stawton, Mr. Drake, Mr. Hodges, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Wm. Pierrepont, Major General Skippon, Mr. Robert Packer, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Horner, Mr. Poole, Mr. Fran. Gawdy, Mr. Nutt, Mr. Kemp, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Cotton's Pass.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Cotton shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant, with Two Servants, to pass into France.


Ordered, &c. That, on Thursday next, the Reports concerning the Excise be made, that were appointed to be made this Day.

Violence offered to Parliament.

Ordered, &c. That, on Tuesday next, the Committee to whom the Examination of the Business concerning that horrid Force on the Houses, and the Engagement, is referred, do make their Report of the Matters then referred: And that the said Committee do, in the mean time, sit.

Cases of of Members.

Ordered, &c. That the Committee appointed for receiving the Cases of Members of this House be revived; and do sit de die in diem: And that they do make Report on Friday next: And the Members concerned, that have put in their Cases, are required to attend the Committee: And Mr. Doyley is appointed to attend that Committee this Afternoon: And

It is further Ordered, That the said Committee shall have Power to send for and examine Witnesses, upon all such Cases as are or shall be put in to the said Committee by the Members.

Order for delivering up Papers, &c.

Resolved, &c. That the Clerk attending the late Committees of Safety, and of the Militia of London, be enjoined forthwith to bring all such Papers, Orders, and Warrants, as are or were under his Custody, during the Time of his Attendance upon the said Committees, to the Sub-Committee to whom the Examination of the Business concerning the late Force upon the Houses, and Engagement, is referred: And that, for his Refusal to obey the Order of the said Sub-Committee herein, the said Clerk be forthwith taken into Custody by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, there to remain during the Pleasure of the House: And, in case of his Refusal to deliver the said Orders, Warrants, and Papers, that the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, his Deputy or Deputies, shall have Power to break open Locks and Doors where he shall be informed they, or any of them, are: And the Sheriffs, and the Committee of the Militia of London, established by the Ordinance of the Three-and-twentieth of July last, are required to be assisting to the Serjeant, or his Deputies, herein.


Resolved, &c. That the House, from the Rising this Day, do adjourn till Tuesday next, at Eight of Clock.

It is further Ordered, That, notwithstanding this Adjournment, all Committees do meet in the mean time.

Ministers of Religion.

An Ordinance for keeping in godly Ministers, placed in Livings by Authority of Parliament, was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Mr. John Corbett is appointed to carry it to the Lords on Monday Morning next.

Ordered, &c. That the Letter from the General, in this Business, be printed, together with this Ordinance.


Ordered, &c. That the Brewers appointed to attend the House on Monday Morning, do attend the House on Tuesday Morning next.

Sale of Bishops Lands.

Mr. Gott reports from the Committee, the Amendments to the Ordinance for regulating the Sale of Bishops Lands: The which were twice read; and, upon the Question, assented unto: and the Ordinance, so amended, upon the Question, passed; and is ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Mr. Jo. Corbett is appointed to carry it to the Lords on Monday next.

Earl of Ormond.

Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, at Derby House, to take effectual Course, that the remaining Moiety of the Monies payable unto the Earl of Ormond, upon Engagement, may be complied with, and paid unto him here in London.


Ordered, &c. That Thomas Sell, avowed to be a menial Servant to Mr. Richard Jennings, a Member of this House, who, contrary to the Privilege of Parliament, is arrested, be forthwith discharged from the Arrest: And the Parties concerned in this Arrest, and the Persons under whose Custody he is, are hereby required, upon Sight hereof, to set him at Liberty, accordingly.

Hampson's Delinquency.

Ordered, &c. That on Friday Morning next, the first Business, Mr. Myles Corbett do make Report concerning the Delinquency of Sir Thomas Hampson.

Pont's Arrears.

Ordered, &c. That the Sum of Four hundred Pounds be charged upon the Receipts at Haberdashers Hall, and paid by the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies at Haberdashers Hall, upon Account, unto Issabell Pont, the Widow of Major Abraham Pont, slain in the Parliament's Service, towards the Arrears certified to be due to her Husband, upon his Entertainment in the said Service.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Soldiers Widows.

Ordered, &c. That the Committee of the Military Garden, formerly appointed by Ordinance of the Third of June 1647, do proceed to receive and issue out the Three thousand Pounds appointed by the said Ordinance, in Proportion, to such Widows as have formerly their deceased Husbands Accompts made up, notwithstanding the Clause in the said Ordinance, viz. according to the Instructions lately passed both Houses, for taking the Accompts of the Kingdom: Yet the said Committee are to deduct for Free Quarter, according to the said Instructions.

It is further Ordered That such Widows that have had nothing at all, or not any thing since February 1646, shall be paid in the first Place.

Members Cases.

Ordered, &c. That Mr. Lisle be added to the Committee for examining and receiving the Cases of Members.

Invalid Soldiers.

A Letter from the General, of 18 Augusti 1647, with a Petition inclosed, concerning sick, wounded, and maimed, Soldiers, were read.

Ordered, &c. That such poor, wounded, sick Soldiers, that lie under Cure, shall have the Allowance of Four Shillings Eight-pence per Week during the Time of their Cure: And that the Committee for wounded and maimed Soldiers do give Order to the Treasurers for the Payment hereof accordingly, in such manner as they shall think fit.

Ordered, &c. That the Sum of Thirty Pounds per Week be allowed and paid by the Committee for Advance of Monies, at Haberdashers Hall, to the Treasurers for maimed Soldiers, for the Relief of sick and wounded Soldiers; and be issued for the Relief of sick and maimed Soldiers, by the said Treasurers, upon such Directions as they shall receive from the Committee for maimed Soldiers.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

A Letter, to be sent to the Judges of Assize, and Justices of Peace, for putting in due Execution the Ordinances, passed both Houses, concerning the Relief of maimed Soldiers, &c. was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Removing Delinquents, &c.

Ordered, &c. That the Committee of the Militia of London be required to put in effectual Execution the Ordinances, formerly passed both Houses, for putting reduced Officers and Delinquents, and such as have been in Arms against the Parliament, out of the Lines of Communication, according to the Directions of the said Ordinances.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Officers shipwrecked.

Ordered, &c. That the Letter recommending to the House the Relief of divers Officers of Colonel John Moore; who, with their Men, were shipwrecked, upon their Passage for the Service of Ireland, upon the Coasts of Beaumaris; and the Petition of the said Officers inclosed; this Day read; be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, at Derby House; and effectually, from this House, recommended unto them to consider of some speedy Course for their Relief; and to report it to the House.

Scarborough Petition.

Ordered, That the Letter from the General, recommending the Petition of the Bailiffs and Burgesses of Scarborough in the County of York to the Consideration of this House, be, together with the said Petition, referred to the Committee for the Northern Association; to consider of it, and to report to the House some effectual Course for Redress and Relief of the Petitioners, in Answer to their Petition.

Page's Petition.

Upon Sir Henry Heyman's Report, this Day made, of the Petition, and other Papers, concerning Robert Page, Commander of the Ship Pleiades;

It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider of the said Petition and Papers; and to give the Petitioner Satisfaction.


Ordered, &c. That, on Friday next, the Ordinance for setting poor People on Work be read.

Plunckett's Claims.

IT is this Day Ordained, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That the Sum of One thousand Pounds, with Interest, payable each Six Months, be charged upon the Receipts of the Grand Excise, in Course, to be paid unto Captain * Plunckett, or his Assignee: And the Commissioners of Excise, for the Time being, are hereby authorized to pay the said Sum of One thousand Pounds, with Interest, at the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent, at the End of every Six Months, till the said Sum shall fall due, in Course: And the Receipt of the said Captain Plunckett, or of his Assignee or Assignees, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Commissioners of Excise on that behalf.