Pages 228-229
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Jovis, 1Julii, 1647.
Westminster Auxiliaries.
ORDERED, &c. That the Petition of Westminster Auxiliaries be read, and taken into Consideration, on Monday Morning next, the first Business.
King's Removal to Windsor Castle.
A Letter from the Commissioners with the King, from Hatfield, of 30 Junii, 1647; a Letter from Wickham, of the same Date; a Letter from Windsor Castle, from the Governor, of the like Date; all concerning the King's Removal to Windesor Castle this Night; were all read.
Committee for Accommodation.
Ordered, &c. That, on Saturday Morning next, the Report from Mr. Rouse, concerning an Accommodation, be taken into Consideration: And that the Names of the Committee formerly appointed for that Business be looked out by the Clerk in the mean time.
Officers Arrears.
Upon the humble Petition of the Officers mentioned in the annexed Petition, who have served in the Regiment of Reformadoes, under the command of Colonel Henry Saunderson, whose Accompts are stated for their Service in the same Regiment, by the Committee of the Three Counties of Berks, Bucks, and Oxon; and have not brought in any other Accompts or Certificates to receive any Arrears for any other Service.
It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That Mr. Greenehill, and the rest of the Treasurers at Christ Church, do forthwith pay unto the said Reformadoes Officers, or their Assings, such a Proportion of Pay as is ordered to be paid unto other Officers, whose Accompts are stated: And this, with the Receipts or Acquittance of the said Officers, or their Assigns, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers, or any of them, for Payment of the same, or any Part thereof.
Message to Lords.
Resolved, &c. That a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire them to expedite the Propositions to be sent to the King, for a safe and well-grounded Peace.
Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes went to the Lords with this Message.
He likewise carried to the Lords the Order for some Reformadoes of Colonel Sanderson's Regiment: The Order for this next Summer's Assizes.
Indemnity from Bonds.
Ordered, &c. That the Ordinance for Indemnity of such well-affected Persons, who have had Bonds, or other Engagements, extorted from them by the Enemy, now in Mr. Weaver's Hand, be read on Monday Morning next.
Soldiers to depart the Lines.
An Ordinance concerning the Departure of Officers and Soldiers out of the Lines of Communication, that are not Inhabitants of these Parts, was this Day read the Second time; and, upon the Question, committed unto the Committee that prepared it; with the Addition of Sir Walther Erle, Sir John Evelyn of Wiltes, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Dove, Sir John Northcott, Mr. Gewen, Mr. Doyley, Mr. Strode, Mr. Greene, Mr. Bosevile, Mr. Swinfen, Colonel Popham, Sir Martin Lunley, Mr. Dodderiche, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Say, Mr. Wheler, Colonel Morley, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Arthur Haselrige, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Walker, Sir Wm. Allenson, Mr. Packer, Colonel Puresoy, Mr. John Petham, Sir Henry Heyman, Mr. Clive, Mr. Robert Goodwyn: And are . . meet upon it this Afternoon at Four of Clock, in the Court of Wards.
Removing Malignants.
Ordered, &c. That the Ordinance for sending Malignants out of the Lines of Communication, now in the Clerk's Hands, be read To-morrow Morning.
Answer from Lords.
Sir John Evelyn brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Order, concerning Colonel Sanderson's Reformadoes; to the Order concerning this next Summer's Assizes: And, as to the Propositions, they will take them into speedy Consideration; and send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Bringing Forces from Scotland.
Ordered, &c. That the Information given in, concerning Mr. Cousins, and others, negotiating in Scotland, to bring Forces into this Kingdom, be referred to the Northern Committee: Who have likewise Power to consider of and inquire into this Examination, and all others of the like Nature; and to send for such Parties as they think fit, that can give them Information in any Matters of this Nature: And are to meet this Afternoon; and to make Report with all Speed.
Army Pay, &c.
Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, this Afternoon, to consider of a way of providing a Month's Pay for the Army; and to bring in their Report To-morrow Morning.
Ordered &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to consider of some effectual Way of bringing in the Arrears to the Army; and of some speedy and effectual Course to be prosecuted, for the bringing in the Sixty thousand Pounds per mensem, charged by the late Ordinance; and to propose it to the House.
Irish Affairs.
Ordered, &c. That To-morrow Morning, peremptorily, Mr. Tate do make the Reports that are in his Hands, concerning the Affairs of Ireland.
King's Residence.
Resolved, &c. That, during the Time that the Houses shall think fit to keep up the Army, no Place shall be appointed for his Majesty's Residence, nearer to London than they will allow the Quarters of the Army to be.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Officers Petition.
Ordered, &c. That the Petition of divers Officers, tendered this Day by Mr. Rigby, be read To-morrow Morning.