Pages 215-216
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Jovis, 17 Junii, 1647.
Army Pay.
RESOLVED, &c. That the Committee of the Army do give Warrant to the Treasurers at Wars, to pay One Month's Pay to Colonel Rosseter's Regiment, upon Account, in like manner as the Month's Pay is ordered to be paid to the Army.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee of the Army do give Warrant to the Treasurers at Wars, to pay one Month's Pay, upon Account, to those Forces that are Part of the Army, and are now at Newcastle and Tinmouth, in like manner as the Month's Pay is ordered to be paid to the Army.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Browne, Mr. Whitlocke, and Mr. Swinsen, do withdraw, and prepare a Letter to be sent to the Commissioners with the Army, to acquaint them, what hath passed here, in reference to the Army, touching the Month's Pay, and touching the recalling the Power of listing Men; and to direct them to know the General's positive Answer, concerning the Army's marching back, with all his Forces, Forty Miles from the City of London, not to put any Forces into any Fort, nor to recruit.
Ordered, &c. That, a Letter be likewise writ to the General, to signify the Pleasure of the Houses in the Business aforesaid.
Pass to the King.
A Letter from the Commissioners of Scotland, from Worcester House, of 16 Junii 1647, was read; desiring, that they might have the Pass of both Houses, for some of their Number to repair to the King, where-ever he is.
Resolved, &c. That the Commissioners of Scotland shall have Mr. Speaker's Pass for some of their own Number to repair to the King, with their Servants, Horses, and Necessaries, as is desired.
Commissioners with the King.
Ordered, &c. That Mr. Tate and Mr. Ashurst do withdraw, and prepare a Letter to be sent to the Commissioners with the King, in Approbation of their Proceedings, and to give them Thanks for their faithful and prudent Carriage in the Discharge of their Trust; and to acquaint them, that Order is taken for Money for them.
Army Pay.
Sir John Danvers carried to the Lords for their Concurrence, the Votes passed concerning the Pay of a Month's Pay to the Army under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairefaxe; and concerning the Pay of a like Month's Pay unto the Forces of that Army of Colonel Rosseter's Regiment, and those in Newcastle and Tynmouth.
King's Person, &c.
Ordered, &c. That the Votes concerning the King's Person being brought to Richmond, be sent to Colonel Rosseter; and likewise the Vote for his Regiment to attend him.
Transactions with the Army.
According to former Order Yesterday made, the Letter from the Commissioners with the Army, from St. Albans, of 16 Junii 1647; and the Three Papers inclosed, from the General, the Officers, and Soldiers, containing an Answer to the Demands of the Commissioners, touching the Representation from the Army. A Paper, purporting a Charge against Eleven Members of this House; Desires in order to the Charge; were all this Day read again. And
Ordered, &c. That this Business be taken up To-morrow Morning, the first Business: And the Clerk to have the former Proceedings of the House, concerning the Five Members, and Sir John Ellyot, and Sir Dudley Diggs, when they were sent to the Tower, to be brought in, and be in Readiness.
Army Pay.
Sir John Danvers brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to all the Votes carried by him, concerning a Month's Pay to the Army.
Mr. Whitelocke reports Two Letters; One of them to be sent to the Commissioners with the Army, and the other of them to the General: The which were read; and, upon the Question approved of; and the Letter to be sent to the General ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Resolved, &c. That the Army under the Command of Sir Thomas Fairefaxe be, and are hereby, required forthwith to remove Forty Miles from London.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Message to Lords.
Sir Walter Erle carried to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Letter to be sent from both Houses to the General, and the Vote requiring the Army to march Forty Miles from London.
Commissioners to the King.
Mr. Tate reports a Letter to be sent to the Commissioners now attending the King: The which was read; and, upon the Question, approved of.
Abuses by Soldiers.
A Letter from Colonel Blount, of 16 Junii 1647, at Midnight, complaining of some Abuses done by some of Sir Robert Pye's Regiment at Deptford, and desiring their Removal, was this Day read.
A Letter from the Committee of Kent, of 16 Junii 1647, from Maidston, and a Copy of a Warrant inclosed, from the Committee at Derby House, of 14 Junii 1647, for quartering Captain Farmer's Officers and Company of Dragoons at Greenwich, Deptford, and Lee, in the County of Kent, was this Day read.
Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, at Derby House, to examine the Misdemeanors complained of, and committed by the Soldiers in Kent, and to see them duly punished; and likewise to take care, such Soldiers as shall be quartered there, may be quartered in such a manner as may be for the most Ease of the Country.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Aylett, and Mr. Hackwell.
The Lords have commanded us to bring you this Order concerning the Commanders of the Garrisons and Forts; it formerly came from this House: To all which they agree, according as in the Margin, except where you find "Respited," or "Not agreed." To which your Concurrence is desired; and that it may be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, at Derby House, to grant Commission to the said Commanders: To put you in mind of an Order concerning Sir Thomas Hampson: An Ordinance for Indemnity for the Officers and Soldiers that are come off from the Army: An Ordinance concerning Francis Tompson: To which they desire your Concurrence: An Order for the Earl of Lauderdail, with his Retinue, to be permitted to go to his Majesty to Newmarkett: To which they desire your Concurrence. They have likewise sent you Copies of Two Letters; One out of Ireland, to the Lord of Scotland; the other, a Letter from their Lordships at Worcester House.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Lords in the Order concerning Commanders of Garisons and Forts, as is desired: And that it be referred to the Committee sitting for Irish Affairs, at Derby House, to grant Commissions to the said Commanders.
E. of Lauderdail to go to the King.
The Order for the Earl of Lauderdail, with his Retinue, to be permitted to go to his Majesty to Newmarkett, was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.
The Ordinance for Indemnity of the Officers and Soldiers that are come off from the Army, was read the First and Second time; and, being amended, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Walter Erle brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Letter to be sent to the General; and to the Vote for Removal of the Army Forty Miles from London.
Cockermouth Castle.
Ordered, That a Letter be written by Mr. Speaker, to the Gentlemen of the County of Cumberland, to dispose and secure the Ordnance, Arms, and Ammunition, and other Provisions, belonging to the Parliament, now in Cockermouth Castle, until this House take further Order.
Ordered, &c. That the Commissioners now in Town, formerly appointed to go to the Army, do, with all convenient Speed, repair thither.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers;
The House hath considered your Message: And as to the Order concerning the Governors of Garisons and Forts, and the Committee to grant them Commissions; the Order for the Lord Lauderdail, and his Retinue, to pass to Newmarkett; they do agree: And, as to the rest of the Particulars of this Message, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.