Pages 708-709
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, Novembris 29, 1644.
Ship at Lyme.
ORDERED, That it be referred to the Committee for the West, to take care of securing the Ship and Goods, driven into the Cobb of Lyme by Stress of Weather: And they are to confer with the Lord Admiral, upon what Course is to be taken in this Business: And, if it shall appear, upon Examination, to be Delinquents or Enemies Goods, and so sequestrable, That then, out of it, the Town of Lyme shall have Consideration and Recompence, to encourage them in their faithful Service.
Warwick Assessment.
Ordered, That Mr. Purefoy do bring in an Ordinance concerning the Weekly Assessment of the County of Warwick, the City and County of Coventry, for the Maintenance of the Garisons, and other necessary Forces, for the Defence of the same, for reducing it to some Certainty.
Dutch Ships.
Ordered, That all Proceedings in the Admiralty against any Ships or Goods unto which the States Ambassadors lay Claim, be suspended until this Day Sevennight: And the Judge of the Admiralty, and all others whom it may concern, are hereby enjoined to take Notice hereof.
Commissary Coply.
Ordered, That Mr. Tate do, on Monday Morning next, peremptorily, make Report of the Business concerning Commissary Coply.
Warrant to Griffith.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant his Warrant to John Griffith, to * * * *.
Exiles of Devon.
The humble Petition of the distressed Exiles of Devon, in the Behalf of themselves, and many others, was this Day read; and referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the West; to confer with the Petitioners, and to dispose things into such a way as may be fit to be offered to the House, for the Relief of the Petitioners.
Church Government.
Ordered, That To-morrow Morning, peremptorily, the first Business, the Ordinance be brought in for establishing the Directory for Publick Worship, and repealing the Book of Common Prayer, and the Law that establishes the same.
Member discharged, &c.
Upon Mr. Bond's Report from the Committee of absent Members, of the Cause of the Absence of Mr. Hebblethwaite; How he had been about Two Years absent; and that he confesseth, that, upon the King's Proclamation, to go to Oxon, he tendered himself to the Earl of Newcastle; and, in regard of his Infirmness, he desired to be excused; and, upon Sir Hugh Cholmeleye's Importunity, "That he might do good Service in the Country, and could not well be spared out of the Country," he saith. That he was assisting to the Commissioners of Array, and did them good Service as a Justice of Peace; and that he paid Three hundred Pounds to my Lord Newcastle.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Hebblethwayte shall be forthwith discharged, and disabled for sitting or continuing any longer a Member of this House, during this Parliament.
Ordered, That Mr. Hebblethwayte be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall; to compound for his Delinquency.
Ordered, That Mr. Darley do write to the Committee in the Country; to continue on the Sequestration of his Estate, till he hath paid such Fine as shall be set upon him, for his Delinquency.
Exchange of Prisoners.
Ordered, That Sir Christ. Yelverton do, from this House, move my Lord General, That an Exchange might forthwith be thought on and effected, for Mr. Stephens, Son to Mr. Stephens, a Member of this House, taken at Monmouth: And that his Lordship would give Order, that either Mr. Savage of Worcestershire, now Prisoner at Gloucester, or any other now Prisoner there, may be proposed for an Exchange for him.
Ordered, That Mr. Hodges do prepare a Letter to be signed by Mr. Speaker, and to be sent to Colonel Massy; to interpose his Endeavours for the Exchange of Mr. Stephens, taken Prisoner at Monmouth.
Monmouth Election.
Sir Robert Harley reports from the Committee of Privileges, the Case of the Election of Sir Tho. Trevor (then Mr. Trevor), and Mr. Wm. Watkins, to serve as Burgesses for the Town of Monmouth * * * *.
Resolved, &c. That Sir Tho. Trevor is not well elected to serve as a Burgess for the Town of Monmouth.
Resolved, &c. That the whole Election of Burgesses to serve for the Town of Monmouth is void.
Leave of Absence.
Ordered, That Mr. Drake shall have Leave of the House to be absent from his Attendance upon the Service of the House.
Deputy Lieutenants of Kent.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed formerly to consider of the Business concerning the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Kent acting in the City and County of the City of Canterbury, be revived; and do meet this Afternoon: And that the Knights and Burgesses of the Counties of Sussex, Surry, and Hants, be added to this Committee; and likewise Sir Hen. Heyman and Mr. Skinner.
Dover Water Bailiff.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of the Mayor, Jurats, and Commonalty, of the Town and Port of Dover, this Day read in the House, concerning the Place and Offices of the Water Bailiff, of the Town and Port of Dover, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of Examinations.
Exchange of Prisoners.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth insist upon the former Order of this House, concerning the Exchange of Major Porter, for Major Kerr: And Mr. Nicoll and Sir Hen. Cholmeley are appointed to acquaint my Lord General herewith, and the Reasons thereof.
Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the Tower do make a Stay of Major General Porter, Prisoner in the Tower.
They are likewise to acquaint my Lord General with this Order.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the West, to examine the manner of the Release of Sir John Stowell's Son; and how he came to be exchanged.
Sir Tho. Littleton.
Ordered, That Sir Tho. Littleton, Prisoner to the Tower, and at Liberty upon Bail, by my Lord General's Warrant, be taken Prisoner again into the Tower: And Sir Tho. Jervoise is to acquaint my Lord General with the Danger that is apprehended by the Gentlemen of Worcestershire, if Sir Tho. Littleton should have his Liberty.
Coal Trade, &c.
The House being informed, That divers Gentlemen of the City were at the Door;
They were called in; and did present Two Petitions, in the Name of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, of the City of London, in Common Council assembled.
They being withdrawn;
The Petitions were read; the one desiring, That some Course may be taken by this House, that the City, and Parts adjacent, may be served with Coals, upon as easy Terms, as the present publick Affairs of the Kingdom will permit; the other desiring, That the Adventurers for reducing of Newcastle, and Holy Island, may be reimbursed with such Allowance, as by the Ordinance is prescribed.
Ordered, That the humble Petition concerning the Reimbursement of the Adventurers for the Reducing of Newcastle, this Day read, be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall; and to the Committee for the Northern Affairs, where Sir Tho. Widdrington has the Chair; who are joined as to this Purpose; to consider of the particular Disbursements of the said Adventurers; and how they may be reimbursed; and to bring in an Ordinance to this Purpose.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, concerning the Serving of the City of London, and Parts adjacent, with Coals, be, from this House, in especial manner, recommended and referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, and the Committee of the North; with a Desire of this House, That such Course may be taken, that the City of London, and Parts adjacent, may be served with Coals, upon as easy Terms as the present publick Affairs of the Kingdom will permit.
Ordered, That the Petition of divers Seamen of the Town of Ipswich, concerning the Measure of Coals; and the Letters from Newcastle, concerning the Affair of Coals; be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of both Kingdoms, and the Committee of the North.
The Petitioners were called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted them, That they found the Petitions to be of Concernment; and that they had put them both into a way of Consideration and Dispatch.