House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 11 November 1644

Pages 692-693

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Lunæ, Novembris 11, 1644.


Money for Army.

RESOLVED, &c. That Five hundred Pounds be forthwith paid out of the Monies that come in at Haberdashers Hall to the Committee for the West, to be disposed of as they shall direct, for the Advance of additional Forces to be sent into the West.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Church Government.

The House being informed, that divers Gentlemen of the County of Norffolk were at the Door, who desired to present a Petition to the House;

They were called in; and did present a Petition, signed with many Thousand Hands, desiring, That there might be some Rules published for settling the Government of the Church; and that all, upon a Pain, by a Day prefixed, might take the National Covenant.

The like Petition, to the like Effect, was presented by Sir Nath. Barnardiston, Knight of the Shire for the County of Suffolk, in the Name of that County.

The Petitioners withdrew.

And the Petitions were read.

The Gentlemen that preferred the Petition from the County of Norfolk, were called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted them, That the House took Notice of their good Affections to the Pub. lick; of their Discretion in their Addresses to the House, and Delivery of the Petition, that though many Hands signed it, yet, to avoid any Shew of Tumult, few delivered it; of their Patience in their long Attendance, which was occasioned by the many great Businesses of the House; and did return them Thanks for all: That, as for the Matter of the Church, mentioned in their Petition, it was already under Consideration; and all convenient Expedition would be used therein: That as to the Matter of the Covenant, both Houses had already given Directions for the Taking the Covenant through the Kingdom; that they should pursue those Instructions; and, according to those Directions, return the Names of the Refusers; and that then they would take it into further Consideration, that nothing as yet was done in their County in pursuance of these Directions.

Business deferred.

Ordered, That the Business concerning Colonel Washington and Major Thans in Hartfordshire, and the Business concerning Mr. Bedingfield in Norfolk, be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning, next after the Business of the Church.

Romish Priests, &c.

Resolved, &c. That Five Pounds shall be bestowed upon every Person that shall discover and take a Romish Priest or Jesuit, and paid out of the Monies that come in at Haberdashers Hall.

Bishop of Canterbury brought up.

The Bishop of Canterbury, according to former Order, was called to the Bar; and there made Answer to the Report of the Evidence given in at the Lords, and made by Mr. Browne, 2 Novembris, according to an Order of that Day.

Ordered, That the Business concerning the Bishop of Canterbury be resumed, and taken into Consideration, on Wednesday next: And the Lieutenant of the Tower is hereby required to bring the Bishop of Canterbury to attend the House on that Day.

London Petition.

The House being informed, that the Sheriffs, divers Aldermen, and other Citizens, were at the Door, desirous to present a Petition;

They were called in: And Mr. Sheriff Gibb said, That they were sent from the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen, and Commons, in the Common Council of the City of London assembled, to present a Petition to this House. They did present a Petition, intituled, the humble Petition of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, of the City of London, in Common Council assembled.

The which was read, desiring, That the County of Sussex might be put into a Posture of Defence; that the Garison of Windsore might be sufficiently provided for; that the Ordinance for raising Monies for maintaining the Guards might pass; and that the Ordinance of 15 Junii may be renewed.

The Petitioners were again called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted them, That the House considered your Petition; and do find in this, and all other Matters, a great Care in the City, and good Affections to the Publick: They consider of the great and near Relation between the Parliament and City; that, if One fail, it will endanger Both: That they had taken one of the Ordinances into Consideration, and committed it; but, finding it to meet with some Delay, they do intend to quicken it. The like Care they will have of the other Ordinance mentioned in your Petition, for the Business of Sussex; they do commend your Care; it is under Commitment; and for that, and the rest, they return you Thanks. There is one thing the House takes Notice of; a Passage that fell from the Alderman at the Bar, as if there were an Apprehension (a Misapprehension it is I am sure) in the City, as if the House gave not their wonted Respect to the City: The Affections and Respects of this House are continued in as great measure as ever to the City; and so great, that they hope it is beyond the Power of the Enemy to divide them. I am commanded to tell you thus much from the House, that you that are the Representative Body of the City, may return this Answer to the City again.

Maintaining the Guards.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for raising of Monies to maintain the Guards, formerly committed to a particular Committee, be now committed to the Committee for Examinations, in the like manner, and with the like Power, as it was formerly committed to that particular Committee.

Windsore Garison.

Ordered, That the Business concerning Windsore Garison be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning, the first Business.

London Militia Committee.

Ordered, That the Ordinance for renewing the Power granted to the Committee of the Militia in London, by an Ordinance of June 15, be read on Friday Morning next: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind hereof.

Punishing Deserters.

Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Rich and Mr. Page;

That the Lords have sent down the Ordinance concerning the Punishing of Soldiers that run from their Colours; and do agree to it, with the Addition, videlicet, "corporal:" Which Amendment was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto: And that Answer returned by the Messengers.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Bainton returns Answer, That the Lords do agree to all the Particulars of the Message he carried up on Saturday last, except to the Ordinance concerning the Punishing of Soldiers; to which they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.