Pages 683-685
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, Novembris 1, 1644.
Bartley's Arrears.
THE humble Petition of Colonel Alexander Bartley, who came, on Tuesday night last, wounded, out of the Army, desiring the Arrears of his Pay, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, upon the Question, That the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Monies, at Haberdashers Hall, do forthwith pay and advance, upon Account, to Sir Gilbert Gerard, Treasurer at Wars, One hundred Pounds, to be paid forthwith to Colonel Alexander Bartley, upon Account, towards the Discharge of the Arrears due unto him, for his Entertainment in the Service of the Parliament.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Surgeons neglecting their Charge.
Ordered, That Timothy Langley, Surgeon to his Excellency's Regiment of Foot, Mathew Broad, Surgeon to the Train of Artillery, Richard Tompkins, Surgeon to Major General Skippon his Regiment of Foot, and Arth. Parlevant, who received Four Pounds apiece Advance Monies on Wednesday was Sevennight, with Injunction to repair with all Diligence to their Charges in the Army, and have failed therein, to the great Detriment of the Service, be referred to the Examination and Consideration of the Commissioners for Martial Affairs.
Resolved, &c. That Captain James Hopton be forthwith sent for, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, to answer his Contempt, and Breach of the Privilege of this House, in violently entering upon the House and Estate of Mr. Holles, a Member of this House.
It is further Ordered, That his Troopers be likewise sent for, to answer the like Breach and Contempt of Privilege.
Vicar of Nayland.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Nayland, in the County of Suffolk, desiring an Allowance of Ninety-seven Pounds Ten Shillings per Annum, granted by former Order, to be paid unto their Vicar, out of the sequestered Impropriation, and to be paid by the Sequestrators of Suffolk, was this Day read; and referred to the Consideration of the Lords and Commons for Sequestrations; to give Order therein, accordingly.
Archbishop of Canterbury to be brought up.
Resolved, &c. That the Archbishop of Canterbury be brought here to the Bar, To-morrow Morning, to hear the Evidence summed up, formerly given in against him in the Lords House.
Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower is required to acquaint the Archbishop herewith: And to bring him to the House, accordingly.
Wakinham Petition.
The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town and Parish of Wakinham, in the County of Berks and Wiltes, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Three Counties of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, to consider of it; and to prepare and bring in an Ordinance upon it.
Evidence concerning Archbishop of Canterbury.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Sam. Browne be enjoined, Tomorrow Morning, to make Report of the Evidence formerly given in the Lords House against the Archbishop of Canterbury, and of his Answers to the said Evidence, in the Presence and Hearing of the said Archbishop, at the Bar.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Finch and Mr. Page;
Lord Pagett.
The Lords have received a Petition from the Lord Pagett: Which they have taken into Consideration; and recommend it to this House, to take into speedy Consideration; and to do, according to the Petition.
Letter from Lord General.
They have likewise sent down the Copy of a Letter from my Lord General, under their Clerk's Hand; whereby the Time appears, when he came into the Parliament Quarters.
The Petition, and Copy of the Letter, were read: And
It is Ordered, That the Lord Pagett be referred to Goldsmiths Hall, to be admitted to Fine and Composition.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and have taken the Petition into Consideration.
Prerogative Court.
The Ordinance for constituting a Judge of the Prerogative Court was this Day read the Third time; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence.
Message to Lords.
Sir Tho. Widdrington carried up to the Lords this Ordinance; and the Votes concerning Sir Jo. Marlay; and the Affairs of Newcastle: The Ordinance for Reimbursing of Two hundred Pounds to Sir Robert Harley out of Haberdashers Hall: The Order for an Hundred Pounds to the Lady Ellen Drake; and a Hundred Pounds to Colonel Alexander Bartley, out of Haberdashers Hall: And was to desire the Lords to expedite the Ordinance for the Pay of the Garison of Lynne Regis.
Deputy Lieutenant of Lancaster.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve Alexander Standishe Esquire to be Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Lancaster.
Carried up by Sir Tho. Widdrington, for the Lords Concurrence.
Prerogative Court.
Ordered, That the Ordinance concerning the Register's Place of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; and the Petitions concerning That Office; be read Tomorrow Morning.
Reimbursing Potts.
An Ordinance for the Reimbursing of Twelve hundred Pounds, undertaken by Sir Jo. Potts, for making of Provisions to be sent to the Armies, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence.
Commissioners of Excise.
Mr. Bedingfield reports from the Commissioners of Excise, That they cannot furnish the Three thousand Pounds desired to be furnished by them for the poor Widows, and the Reformadoes.
Money for Army.
Sir Gilbert Gerard to be sent to, to return his Answer, whether he will undertake the Thousand Pounds for the Making of Provisions of the Armies, upon his Reimbursement out of the first Monies as shall be appointed for my Lord General's Army.
Affairs of Newcastle.
Mr. Solicitor presents from the Committee of both Kingdoms, a Letter directed to That Committee, from the Commissioners of both Kingdoms resident in the Northern Armies, from Newcastle, of Octobris 22, 1644, concerning the Reducing of the Town of Newcastle, and touching the Affairs of Newcastle, to be settled to the best Advantage of the Publick: The Copy of a Letter from the Earl of Leven, to the Mayor and Town of Newcastle, of Octobris 18 and the Answer of the Mayor and others, of Octobris 19, 1644, and the Copy of the Conditions, whereupon the Surrender of the Town of Newcastle was demanded.
Church Government, &c.
A Letter from the Committee of the Estates of Scotland, from Newcastle, of Octobris 23, signed Sinclair, J. P. D. pressing the Expediting the Settling of the Affairs of the Church, for preventing the Growth of Sectaries and Schismaticks; and desiring, that the Propositions for a safe and well-grounded Peace may be expedited to his Majesty.
The which were all read.
Ordered, That the Letters reported from the Committee of both Kingdoms, be sent up to the Lords.
Ordered, That the Lords be desired to join with this House in sending to the Assembly, to require them to return an Account to the Houses, how far they have proceeded in the Matter concerning the Government of the Church; and speedily to send in what they have already prepared touching that Matter: And to acquaint them, That the Houses have received Desires, in Letters from the Committee of the Estates of Scotland, to press an Expedition in settling the Affairs of the Church.
Ordered, That the Lords be moved to expedite the Propositions for a safe and well-grounded Peace.
Mr. Holles is appointed to carry up these Letters and Orders.
And the Letters were delivered unto him.
Ordered, That the Ordinance for Tythes be reported on Monday next.
Antinomians, &c.
Resolved, &c. That the humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, for preventing the Mischiefs that shall arise from, and follow upon, the Divulging the dangerous Opinions of Antinomianism and Anabaptism, this Day presented from the Committee of plundered Ministers, and read, be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next, peremptorily.
Church Government.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee appointed to meet and treat with the Commissioners of the Church of Scotland, to whom, by an Order, of Septembris 13, the Matter of Accommodation was referred, do surcease to sit upon that Matter, until the House take further Order.
Isle of Jersey.
Ordered, That the Message from the Lords, concerning the Ordinance for the Isle of Jersey, be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Thomas Widdrington reports, That the Lords do agree to all the Particulars carried up by him; except the Ordinance for the Constituting a Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury: To which they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Reimbursing Potts.
Whereas it is found necessary, as well for Relief as Encouragement of the Parliament's Army about Newbury, as also to prevent all unlawful or disorderly Taking of Provisions upon the Country, that some good Proportion of Victuals and Horse Meat should speedily be sent thither from the City of London: And whereas, upon Order of the House of Commons, Three thousand Pounds is appointed for furnishing of the same Provisions; whereof Twelve hundred Pounds, allotted upon the Counties associated under the Earl of Manchester's Command, is to be undertaken by Sir John Potts, a Member of the House of Commons, and paid unto Mr. *Bond, Commissary of the Victuals, for Provision to be delivered and sent to the said Earl of Manchester's Forces: The Lords and Commons do hereby Ordain, That the said Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds shall be satisfied unto the said Sir John Potts, out of the first Monies raised by the weekly Tax, for the Maintenance of the said Forces under the Earl of Manchester's Command: And that it shall be lawful for John Cory, of the City of Norwich, or any other High Collector of the Monies or weekly Assessment so rated and gathered in the County of Norfolk, to defalk and stay the said Sum of Twelve hundred Pounds; and the same to pay unto the said Sir John Potts: Whose Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge for the same; and shall be so answered in Account to the Treasurers of the Association by the said High Collectors; any Words, Limitation, or Direction, in any former Ordinance notwithstanding.
Filling the House with Members.
Ordered, That, on Wednesday next, the House do take into Consideration the Debate of filling the House with Members, according to former Orders: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind hereof.