House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 23 October 1644

Pages 673-674

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, Octobris 23, 1644.


Prayers for Army.

ORDERED, That Mr. Trenchard and Mr. Gourdon do, from this House, go to the Assembly of Divines; and desire them, in regard that the Armies are very probably engaged, that they will employ this Day in Prayers unto Almighty God, for his Blessing upon the Parliament Forces, now joined.

Army Surgeons.

Ordered, That the Committee . . . Haberdashers Hall do forthwith pay Fifty Pounds to Mr. Bell, or such as he shall appoint, to be distributed amongst the Surgeons that are to go down to the Army: And

It is further Ordered, That the Surgeons do immediately go down: And that the Chests be sent down to Colonel Pindar, and the rest of the Commissioners in the Army, to be disposed to every Surgeon in the several Regiments.

Defence of Middlesex.

An additional Ordinance to the Committee for the County of Middlesex, for putting the said County into a Posture of Defence, by the better Regulating of the Trained Bands, and raising other Forces of Horse and Foot, for the Preservation Defence and Safety of the said County, was this Day read the Second time: And,

Upon Question, Ordered, That the Sum expressed in the Ordinance shall be thus expressed, "not exceeding the weekly Sum of Five hundred Pounds:" And that the Time for the Continuance of this Ordinance shall be Six Months.

And then the Ordinance, thusamended, was passed upon the Question; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence; and to be carried up by Mr. Strode.

Cornsupplied to Ireland.

A Letter from the Lord Inchiquin, from Cork, of Septembris 21, relating, That one Francis Filkinge furnished them with Two Barques Lading of Corn, upon Publick Faith, at such Rates as in certain Bills or Certificates delivered to him are mentioned, was this Day read: And

It is Ordered, upon the Question, That the said Francis Filkinge be forthwith satisfied for the said Corn so delivered upon Publick Faith, according to the Bills or Certificates delivered unto him: And that it be referred unto the Committee of both Kingdoms, to give Order that the said F. Filkinge be forthwith satisfied for the said Corn, according to the said Bills or Certificates, out of the Monies proportioned upon Mounster, out of the Monies that shall come in upon the Ordinance for Raising of Eighty thousand Pounds for Ireland.

No Quarter to Irish Rebels.

Ordered, That Mr. Reynolds, Sir Jo. Clottworthy, Mr. Corbett, and Mr. Holles, do presently withdraw; and prepare an Order to declare that no Quarter be given to such Irish Rebels as shall be taken here in England: And that this Declaration be sent to all the Commanders of the Parliament Forces: And likewise a Letter to my Lord Fairefaxe, concerning the sending up of Lieutenant Colonel Macmoyler, his Prisoner.

Adjourning the Term.

Ordered, That Mr. Hill do bring in an Ordinance, To-morrow, to prevent the Adjournment of the Term.

Prisoners at Wem.

Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the Tower do prepare a Letter to be sent to the Governor of Wem, to desire him to send up the State and Condition of the Rebels, Prisoners in Wem, upon their Examinations.

Trial of Macguire, &c.

The House taking Notice of the slow Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Macguire and Mac Maon, Two of the principal Rebels of Ireland, do Order, That the said Court do forthwith summon Juries of Middlesex, necessary for the Trial of the said Rebels, according to the Desires of this House: And that this Order be publickly read in the Court of King's Bench.

Sir Jo. Evelyn, and Sir Christ. Yelverton are appointed to carry this Order.

Securing Milford Haven, &c.

A Letter from the Committee in Pembrokeshire, from Hacerford West, of Septembris 27, 1644, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to take some Care for securing the Harbour of Milford Haven, and the Forces there; and for the Arming the Forces raised by Sir Jo. Price.

Trial of Macguire, &c.

Sir Jo. Evelyn brings Answer, That they had delivered the Order of this House, to the Court of King's Bench concerning the Trial of Macguire and Mac Mahon: And that the Judge of the said Court answers, That he never heard any thing from the Counsel appoin . . . * * .

Ordered, That the Counsel appointed to manage the Evidence at the Trial of Macguire and Mackmahoun, do this Afternoon repair unto the Judge of the King's Bench; to acquaint him with the State of the Evidence for the Trial of the said Macguire and Mac Mahon: And that Mr. Whitelock, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Lawrence Whitaker, Mr. Corbett, Sir Jo. Clottworthy, do likewise go along with the said Counsel, and give an Account of this Business, To-morrow Morning.

It is further Ordered, That the said Counsel, formerly appointed for the said Trial, be hereby required to use all Diligence to bring the said Rebels to a speedy Trial.

Advance from Excise.

An Ordinance for reimbursing the Commissioners of Excise Two thousand Pounds advanced by them for makeing Provisions for my Lord General's Army, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and carried up to the Lords by Mr. Green.

He likewise carried up the Order for Five hundred Pounds out of Haberdashers Hall to Colonel Massie.

Ordnance Officers.

Ordered, That Mr. Holles, Mr. Whitelock, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Recorder, Sir Simonds D'Ewes, and Sir Hen. Vane senior, and Mr. Green, do peruse the Patents formerly granted to former Lieutenants of the Ordnance; and to consider of the Differences between the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, and the inferior Officers of the Ordnance; and to compose them if they can; otherwise to state the Differences to the House; and to present their Opinions upon them to the House.

Propositions for Peace.

Mr. Recorder is to desire the Committee of both Kingdoms to send presently the Propositions for a safe and well-grounded Peace, if they be ready; otherwise, that they be brought in To-morrow Morning.

Grant to Essex.

An Ordinance for appointing certain Sums of Money arising from the Estates of Delinquents, to the County of Essex, according to certain Propositions presented from the Standing Committee of Essex to the House, and by them referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall; and, upon Report this Day made from that Committee, assented unto; was this Day read the First and Second time; and, upon Question, committed unto the Committee for the Earl of Manchester's Association: Who are to meet upon it this Afternoon, in the usual Place.

Answers from Lords.

Mr. Green brings Answer; That the Lords do agree to the Two Ordinances carried up by him.

Mr. Strode brings Answer, That the Lords will take the Middlesex Ordinance into speedy Consideration; and send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Trial of Macguire, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Serjeant Whittfield and Mr. Bradshawe be added to the Gentlemen formerly appointed to manage the Evidence at the Trial of Macguire and Mac Mahon.

Money for Oxford, &c.

Ordered, That the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall do pay the Three thousand Pounds advanced and lent by them for the Service of the Counties of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, to Mr. Knight, for the Service of the said Counties: And that his Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers.

Oconnelley's Pension.

Ordered, That Mr. Wheeler do inquire into the State of the Pension granted unto Owen Oconnelley, how it stands upon the Journals; and to report it to the House.

Delinquents Fines.

Upon a Report made by Mr. Ashe, from Goldsmiths Hall;

It is Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Richard Guerney Knight, Sir Benjamin Ayliffe Knight, Sir Robert Cooke Knight, Thomas Cuningsby Esquire, Sir Roger Twisden Knight, John Covert Esquire, Thomas Tunstall, Sir Francis Williamson Knight, Edward Maynard, Sir John Morley Knight, Sir Edward Hearon Knight, Sir Tho. Littleton Knight, Sir Wingfeild Bodenham Knight, Sir Thomas Peyton Knight, Sir John Butler Knight, Sir Richard Norton Knight, Nevill Smith, Doctor Featly, be admitted to a Fine and Composition.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Wm. Gaudy and Mr. Thomas Harrison be left to the Committee of Berks, Bucks, and Oxon.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Edward Bishopp Knight, be admitted to a Fine and Composition, to a Third Part of his Estate at the least.

Resolved, &c. That Sir George Sands Knight, be left to the Committee for Plymouth.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to examine and inquire into the State of the Matter of Offence whereupon Mr. Antho. Hungerford stands committed; and to report it to the House.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to treat and compound with the Persons above-named; and to report their Fines to the House.

Advance from Excise.

Whereas John Towse Esquire, Alderman of the City of London, and the rest of the Commissioners of Excise and New Impost, have advanced and lent the Sum of Two thousand Pounds, for Biscuit, Cheese, &c. and for Carriage of the same, for Provision of the Lord General's Army; Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That the said Commissioners for Excise shall satisfy and reimburse themselves the said Two thousand Pounds, together with Interest for the same, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. for so long time as the same, or any Part thereof, shall be forborn, out of such Monies as shall be next paid to his Excellency's Army; or out of such Intervals of Receipts of Monies, as shall arise upon the Office of the Grand Excise, when other Payments shall not fall due: Or, for want of such Intervals, then as this Reimbursement thereof shall follow in Course: And shall not, by any other Order or Ordinances of one or both Houses of Parliament, be debarred from satisfying themselves, accordingly: And the Receipt of Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet, Treasurer at Wars, for the said Two thousand Pounds, shall be a sufficient Discharge for the said Two thousand Pounds, to the said Commissioners of Excise: And the said Sir Gilbert Gerard is hereby ordered to pay the same unto Commissary Bond, upon Account, for the Service aforesaid.

Earl of Thaynett's Fine.

Resolved, &c. That the Fine of Twenty thousand Pounds set upon the Earl of Thaynett, shall stand: And that, in case the said Fine be not paid, the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall is left to proceed to the Sale of his Lands, according to former Order: And that the former Orders of Nine thousand Pounds and Six thousand Pounds, to be accepted in lieu of the said Fine, be annihilated, and made void.

Propositions from Essex.

Propositions made by the Standing Committee of Essex, to the honourable House of Commons, according to a Letter directed to them from Mr. Speaker, towards the Satisfaction of the great Charges of the said County, lately disbursed by special Command of Parliament; with their humble Desire, that the House will grant the same unto them:

I. Sequestrations concealed and not yet discovered in this County, of the Personal Estates of Papists and Delinquents.

II. The Fines and Profits of Papists and Delinquents Courts in this County, Quit Rents excepted, and other certain Rents payable at those Courts.

III. The particular Estates of some Papists in this County, in Arms with the King; videlicet, the Estates of Mr. Edmond Church, of Sir Richard Minshall, and Mr. Wm. Petre; to have Power to sell the Lands of these Papists, allowing half the Money made upon the Sales unto the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, for the Scotts Army, and the Lord Fairfax.

IV. The Benefit particularly of Sir Thomas Wiseman's Estate, if it prove sequestered; or Power to compound with him: And likewise a Debt of Eleven hundred Pounds owing by Mr. Digby and Mr. Westbrowne, for Timber, to Sir Henry Awdley, if it prove sequestrable; with Power to compound for it.

V. The Residue of the Lady Rivers sequestered Estate in this County, after the Discharge of Sixteen thousand Pounds owing by the said Countess; which is ordered, by the Parliament, to be paid out of the Estate of the said Lady.