House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 17 October 1644

Pages 667-668

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, Octobris 17, 1644.


Lord Newburgh.

RESOLVED, &c. That the House doth agree with the Lords, in leaving out of the Lord Newburgh in the Order for the Assessment of the Earl of Chesterfield and the Lord Newburgh.

Regiment in Portesmouth.

An Ordinance for recruiting the Regiment in Portesmouth to a Thousand, and for the Payment of them out of the Excise, was this Day read the First *.

Dorsettshire Garisons.

An Ordinance for passing of Two thousand Four hundred Pounds out of the Excise, for the Garison of Dorsettshire, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence.

Money discovered.

Ordered, That a Thousand Pounds of the Monies informed to be discovered unto my Lord Grey, shall be paid for the Garison of Portesmouth: And the Residue, upon Account, to pay the Arrears due unto my Lord Grey, and his Officers; the Discoverer being first satisfied, and agreed with: (Provided that it may be made appear unto the Committee of Examinations, that the said Monies are concealed, and not before discovered:) And that my Lord Grey do take care, that a perfect Inventory be made of such Money and Estate as shall be taken by virtue of this Order.

Earl of Thanett's Fine.

Ordered, That the Earl of Thanett be referred to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall, to settle his Fine this Afternoon, according to former Resolutions and Orders of this House; and to make Report of this Business To-morrow Morning: And, in case that the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall and the Earl of Thanett come to an Agreement, that then the Committee for Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, do go on in receiving of the Three thousand Pounds assigned for the Service of those Counties: And that Sir Hen. Mildmay, and all other Officers whom it may concern, as well of the Jewel House as the Tower, do forthwith deliver in to the Treasurers at Goldsmiths Hall, the King's Plate in the Tower, to be Security to the said Committee for the said Three thousand Pounds.

London Propositions.

Ordered, That the London Propositions be brought in To-morrow Morning.

Portesmouth Fortifications.

An Ordinance for Two thousand Pounds-worth of Wood for the Repair of the Fortifications at Portesmouth, out of the Woods and Estates of Papists, and other Delinquents, in the Counties of Sussex and Hantshire, was this Day read the First time; and re-committed.

Examining Colonel Were.

A Letter from my Lord General, from Portesmouth, of Octobris 15, 1644, concerning the Sending up of Colonel Were, to be examined by a Committee; and the Deposition of Captain Abercromy concerning him, inclosed; was read. And

It is Ordered, That my Lord General be desired forthwith to send up Colonel Were, to be examined by a Committee here: And that, upon his Examination, he shall be immediately returned to my Lord General's Army.

Affairs at Plymouth.

A Letter from the Lord Robarts, Governor of Plymouth, of Septembris 26, relating a Practice for betraying the said Town by Captain Joseph Greenvile; who, being discovered, was tried by a Council of War, and thereupon executed; and likewise desiring some Supplies to be sent to that Town; was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the West.

Tickets for Provisions.

Resolved, &c. That what Goods or Provisions Serjeant Major General Browne shall take of Friends to the Parliament in the Parliament Quarters, and that he shall give Tickets for, the Persons, to whom such Tickets shall be given, shall have the Publick Faith for the said Goods and Provisions, according to their Tickets.

Military Affairs.

A Letter from his Excellency, of the Fifteenth of October, concerning his March; and the Extract of another from Sir Wm. Waller, concerning the King's March to Salisbury; were presented by the Committee of both Kingdoms to the House; and read.

Trade with Ireland.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do write and signify unto the Commanders of the Parliament Ships upon the Coast of Ireland, what Ports in Ireland are reduced to the Obedience of the King and Parliament; and to direct them to keep a free and open Trade with such Ports.

Scotts Commissioners.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland and Mr. Oldisworth do accommodate Lodgings in Worcester House, for the Reception and Entertainment of such of the Scotts Commissioners as are to come, or are lately arrived, in like manner as formerly: And that the Committee of the King's Revenue do take care to defray the Charge thereof out of the said Revenue.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Desires made by Colonel Jephson from the Lord Inchiquin, concerning the Assistance he desires from the Commanders of the Parliament Ships upon the Coast of Ireland, upon all Occasions and Designs, be referred to the Consideration of my Lord Admiral, and the Committee of the Navy.

Business deferred.

Ordered, That Consideration be had To-morrow, of continuing the Ordinance of the Fifteenth of June last, made to the Committee of the Militia, for a longer Time: And that the Ordinance for raising of Six thousand Nine hundred and Sixty-two Pounds Four Shillings, for maintaining the Fortifications, be read To-morrow.

Scotts Armies, &c.

Resolved, &c. That what Doubts or Objections shall arise in either House, upon Consideration of any thing propounded concerning the Scottish Armies in England or Ireland, the same shall be re-committed to the Committees of both Houses, appointed to treat with the Scotts Commissioners; that, after Debate with the Scotts Commissioners, and full Understanding of their Meaning, the Results thereof may be reported to both Houses.

Ordered, That the Particular now read, and the rest of the Particulars contained in the Paper this Day presented from the said Commissioners, be referred to the Committee of both Houses, appointed to treat with the Scotts Commissioners; to treat and debate with the Scotts Commissioners concerning the same; and to report their own Opinions, and the Reasons of the Scotts, to the House: And have likewise Power to consult with the Northern Committee, or any other Northern Gentlemen, concerning these Particulars.

It is further Ordered, That all other Particulars presented to the House from the Scotts Commissioners, to which the House hath, as yet, given no Answer, be referred in like manner to this Committee; to debate and consult of: And the Committee to report their own Opinions, and the Reasons of the Scotts Commissioners, concerning the same.

Ordered, That the Committee of both Kingdoms do acquaint the Scotts Commissioners with the Vote passed this House, concerning the Assessments in the Northern Counties.

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Widdrington's Report concerning the Northern Counties, be made on Saturday Morning next.

Propositions for Peace.

Ordered, That the Committee of both Kingdoms do, To-morrow, make Report of the Preamble and Conclusion to the Propositions for a safe and well-grounded Peace.

Report deferred.

Ordered, That Sir Henry Vane junior do proceed with his Report To-morrow Morning.

Upon Report from the Committee of both Kingdoms;

Restoring Money, &c.

It is Ordered, That the Money and Goods of Lieutenant Colonel Mackworth, and the other Two Gentlemen that came along with him from Hartlepoole, be restored unto them.