House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 24 September 1644

Pages 637-638

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 24 Septembris, 1644.

Dr. Goudge-PRAYERS.

Fowlis' Petition.

THE humble Petition of Dame Mary Fowlis, Relict of Sir Hen. Fowlis Baronet, was read; and referred to the Committee for Yorkshire, where Sir Tho. Widdrington has the Chair; for the Petitioner's Relief; and to present their Opinion to this House.

And it is further referred to this Committee, to bring in an Ordinance for granting the Wardship of her Son, without Charge, Fine, or Composition.

Mayor of Cambridge.

Ordered, That Mr. Lowry, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to attend the Service of Mayor of Cambridge, he being already made Choice of as Mayor.

Sickness in Member's Family.

Ordered, That Mr. Smith, a Member of this House, whose Family was formerly visited with the Sickness, shall have Leave to come to the House.

Advance from Excise.

An Ordinance for securing the Commissioners of Excise, for Payment of Five thousand Pounds for Cloaths, &c. for my Lord General's Foot, was read; but nothing done upon it.

Ordered, That the Commissioners of Excise do forthwith comply with the Ordinance of both Houses, for Payment of Five thousand Pounds to Mr. Ashe: And that they do pay the same accordingly: And his Receipt shall be a sufficient Discharge: And Mr. Ashe and Mr. Vassall are to acquaint the Commissioners with this Order.

Heathcott's Petition.

Ordered, That the Petition of Grace Heathcott, be read on Thursday next.

Gloucester Assessment.

An Ordinance for a Weekly Assessment in the County of Gloucester was read the First time; and ordered to be read on Thursday next.

Affairs in Surrey.

A Letter from the Committee in Surrey, of the Nineteenth of September, and Articles there inclosed against Sir Jo. Maynard and Colonel Jones, were read; and also a Petition of the Ministers of Surrey.

Ordered, That Thanks be returned to Sir Rich. Onsloe, for his faithful Services to the State, in raising Forces in Surrey for the Defence of that County; and for marching with them to Basinge to besiege that Garison: And he is still desired to continue his Care therein.

And further Ordered, That the rest of the Divisions in Surrey do contribute their Proportions towards the Maintenance of those Forces which have or shall be in the said Service.

Mr. Holles, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Rigby, Sir Ph. Stapleton, Mr. Bainton, Sir Chr. Wray, Sir Hen. Mildmy, Sir Hen. Heyman, Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Col. Jephson, Sir Samuel Roll, Mr. Ashehurst, Col. Long, Sir Rob. Pye, Sir Wm. Strictland, Sir Hen. Cholmley, Sir Jo. Corbett, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Trenchard;

It is referred to this Committee, to reconcile the Differences between Sir John Maynard, Colonel Jones, and such of the Committee of Surrey as have articled against them two, if they can; or else to hear the same, and report to the House: And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Farnham Castle.

Ordered, That the Gentlemen of Surrey be heard, to make Answer to the Petition lately preferred by some Gentlemen of that County concerning Farnham Castle, and to the Votes upon that Petition.

Lancashire Forces, &c.

An Ordinance for providing of some Monies for Payment of Sir Thomas Middleton's and the Lancashire Forces, out of Monies intended for Repair of Paul's, was read twice; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to * * * *

Ordered, That the Deputy Lieutenants in Lancashire, or any Six of them, shall in the first Place, and with the first Monies that shall come in, out of the Monies given for the Repair of Paul's, cause Three hundred Pounds, for which Col. Rigby standeth bounden, for Powder and Match taken up in Warrington, and spent in the publick Service, to be paid to the Parties to whom the said Colonel standeth bounden for the same.

Prisoners of War.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to consider of the best Way to dispose of those Foot that were taken at the Battle of Mountgomery.

Officers thanked.

Ordered, That a Letter of Thanks be written to Sir John Meldrum, Sir Thomas Middleton, and Sir Wm. Brereton, for the valiant and faithful Service performed by them, at the Battle of Mountgomery.

Hurst Castle.

Resolved, &c. That the old Establishment of Hurst Castle shall be satisfied by the Committee of the Revenue, Fifty Pounds Monthly; and the Residue of the Pay for this Castle, shall be paid out of the Hundred of Christ Church: And it is referred to the Committee in Hants, to see the same collected.

Concealed Goods, &c.

Ordered, That Sir Thomas Widdrington do bring in an Ordinance for the disposing of such Goods and Monies as shall be discovered to the Committee for Yorkshire to be concealed, and do belong to Persons whose Estates, by Ordinance of Parliament, ought to be sequestered, for the Payment of the Lord Fairfax his Forces.

Utie's Presentation.

Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Rich, and Mr. Page;

That the Lords have sent down the Ordinance concerning the Presentation of Mr. Utie; and do agree to the Ordinance, with a small Amendment.

Which Amendment was read; viz. "and that this present Ordinance shall be to all Purposes a Presentation of him to the same."

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House doth concur with the Lords, in this Amendment.

Military Affairs.

Sir Henry Vane presents, from the Committee of both Kingdoms, a Letter from Sir Wm. Waller, at Blandford, the Twentieth of September; which was read, desiring the Five thousand Pounds Arrear: And Letter from the Lord General, dated at Portesmouth, Nineteenth September, concerning the Defence of that Town, was likewise read.

Farmer's Arrears.

Ordered, That the Petition of Captain Jo. Farmer be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall: And that the Petitioner shall have, according to his Desire, a Moiety of his Arrears out of such Delinquents Goods as he shall discover, till his Arrears be paid; and the other Moiety thereof, so discovered, shall be disposed for the Service of the West, for buying of Arms and Ammunition.


Ordered, That the Petition of Thomas Gage, &c. and the Two Letters from Plymouth, one of the Twentyninth of August, from the Earl of Warwick; and the other, of the Tenth of September, from Mr. Layton; be referred to the Committee for Plymouth; to examine the same; and forthwith to defray the necessary Charges in conducting the Prisoners that the Petitioners brought up from Plymouth.

Ordered, That Sir Peter Prideaux be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall; and likewise the rest of the Gentlemen brought up Prisoners with him, that have not been in Arms against the Parliament: And to bail him if they see Cause.

Crisp's House.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, to appoint some Persons to survey the House of Sir Nicholas Crisp, in Lyme-street; and to receive a Report of the true Estimate thereof; and to consider of the Proposition made concerning that House; and to make Sale thereof to the best Advantage: And that the Proceed of the Money, upon the Sale thereof, be employed for the Buying of Cloaths, and other Provision, for the West.

Money for Army.

Ordered, That Five thousand Pounds for Payment of Sir Wm. Waller's Army, shall be forthwith raised out of the Excise.

Ordered, That Mr. Green, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Bond, and Mr. Trenchard, do go to the Commissioners of Excise for the procuring thereof; and to expedite the Payment hereof in this Exigent.

Committee added.

Ordered, That Mr. Hill be added to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Forces for the West.

Whereas the House is informed, that the Earl of Manchester was no farther than Uxbridge, on his March Westward, the last Night;-

It is this Day Ordered, That the Earl of Manchester do march for the Relief of the West with all Speed, with all his Forces: And that the Committee of both Kingdoms do send this Order to the Earl of Manchester; and to acquaint him by Letter, That this House expects a ready Obedience to this Order.


Ordered, That it be recommended to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations, That the Business concerning the Plate of the Lord of Dover; and the Business concerning such Monies as are payable by Sir Pawle Pinder to one Beale, a Delinquent (which, if they be found sequesterable, are to be employed for the Relief of Sir Thomas Middleton); be heard upon Friday next, the first Business: And that the Parties concerned therein have Notice thereof.

Earl of Manchester.

Ordered, That the Earl of Manchester's Ordinance be reported on Thursday next.

Business deferred.

Ordered, That the Report concerning Ireland, be made the first Business: And then the Letter concerning Portesmouth to be taken into Consideration.

Sheriff of Leicester.

Ordered, That Mr. Temple, High Sheriff of Leicestershire, have Leave to come to the City of London.

Saint Martin's in the Fields Poor.

Upon the humble Petition of Thomas Fisher, Pawle Trey, Richard Brigham, and Others, Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Martin's in the Fields; informing of the great Increase of the Poor of that Parish; especially of the Wives and Children of such as are abroad in the Service of the Parliament;

It is this Day Ordered, by the Commons House of Parliament, That the Collections to be made on the several Fast Days, in that Parish, shall be disposed of for the Use of the Poor of that Parish: Provided, That if hereafter the one Moiety of Collections on any Fast Day, be ordered for any other Occasion, that this Order be no Hindrance to the Collection and Disposal of the same accordingly.