House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 20 September 1644

Pages 633-634

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Veneris, Septembris 20, 1644.


Munster Officers.

A LETTER to be sent to the Lord Inchiquin, and the rest of the Officers of Munster, in Answer of theirs of July the Seventeenth, was this Day read; and assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Exchange of Prisoners.

Upon a Certificate from the Committee at Leicester, that Captain F. Hacker was brought unto them by Sir Hen. Bard, and delivered in full Liberty; and Mr. Arth. Staveley also was set at free Liberty, in exchange for Hen. Bard;

It is Ordered, That Mr. Speaker grant unto Sir Hen. Bard a Pass to go to the King's Quarters.

Irish Affairs.

A Letter from the Lord Inchiquin, of Augusti ult. 1644, from Cork, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of both Kingdoms: Mr. Bettsworth, to whom this Letter more fully and particularly relates, is likewise referred to this Committee; to make known unto them what he has in Commission to deliver unto the Parliament: And that they do this Afternoon hear him; and make Report of their Opinions upon his Report, with all Speed.

A Letter from my Lord Inchiquin, from Cork, of August ult. concerning Forty Beeves taken of the Lady of Kerry, upon the Publick Faith, for Relief of their great Necessities, was this Day read: And

Ordered, That my Lady Kerry should be paid for the said Beeves, according to the Contract made by my Lord Inchiquin, out of the first Monies that shall come in upon the Ordinance for raising of Eighty thousand Pounds for Ireland: And that it be referred to the Committee appointed for that Ordinance, to take care herein.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to consider of and perfect the Ordinance for raising of Eighty thousand Pounds for Ireland do meet this Afternoon; and make Report To-morrow Morning.

Letter referred.

Ordered, That the Letter from Capt. Ben. Crandley from the Harbour of Corke, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of the Navy.

Prisoners reprieved.

Ordered, That those Prisoners that are upon Reprieve, and have been presented as fit for Pardons of Grace, shall be delivered out of Prison, and immediately sent unto Ireland, to the War there.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Munster Officers, &c.

Ordered, That the Petition of several Officers lately employed in Munster in Ireland, be referred to the Committee appointed for the Ordinance for raising of Eighty thousand Pounds for Ireland.

Ordered, That the Lord Baltinglasse be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the Ordinance for raising of Eighty thousand Pounds for Ireland; to consider of his going over with his Company that came out of Wareham; and of allowing him a Proportion of what is designed to the other Officers of those Companies: And that they make Report of their Opinions of this Business, to this House.

Lord Manchester's Association.

Ordered, That the Committee for my Lord of Manchester's Association do meet this Afternoon; and prepare an Ordinance for Continuance of the said Ordinance, for a time longer.

Martial Law.

Ordered, That the Committee for Examinations do send those Soldiers of my Lord General's Army that are brought up to that Committee, down to the Army (to be proceeded against according to the Law Martial) by a Convoy appointed by the Committee of the Militia.

Ordered, That the Commissioners for Martial Law do make Choice of some of the Soldiers of my Lord General's Army that come away from their Colours without Leave, and proceed against them for Example Sake, according to the Article and Ordinance of both Houses directed unto them in that Behalf.

Bishop of Canterbury.

Ordered, That the Committee of Lawyers, or any Four of them, do peremptorily meet this Afternoon in the Exchequer Chamber, to consider of the Business concerning the Bishop of Canterbury: And that from time to time they do meet, until the Business be dispatched: And that Mr. Niclas do give an Account to the House of such Members of this Committee as fail this Service.

Searching French Resident's House.

Ordered, That the Lords be desired to appoint a Committee to join with a Committee of this House, to speak with the French Resident, forthwith to satisfy him with the Occasion of the coming of some Members of this House to Mrs. Levensteyn's House, where the French Resident has Lodgings; and to take Order for the taking of Mrs. Levenston out of that House into their Custody, and her Papers and Writings, and such other Persons and Things as they shall think fit to have delivered unto them, belonging unto Mrs. Levenston, or Mr. Green: And that Sir John Clottworthy do go up with this Message to the Lords; and acquaint them with the Narrative of taking Macguire and Mac Mahoun, formerly escaped out of the Tower; and of the Business that since happened concerning Mrs. Levensteyn: And that the Committee shall have Power to call to them Assistance of Force, if there shall be Cause.

Sir Jo. Clottworthy brings Answer, That the Lords have appointed a Committee of Three of their House to meet presently with a Committee of a proportionable Number of this House, in the Painted Chamber; and thence to go to put in Execution the Business committed unto them.

Sir Hen. Vane sen. Mr. Holles, Sir Jo. Clottworthy, Mr. Heveningham, Mr. Whittacre, the Lieutenant of the Tower, are appointed a Committee to meet with the Committee of the Lords upon this Business concerning the French Resident, Mr. Levensteyn, and Mr. Green.

Hopkins' Pass.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant his Pass to Christ. Hopkins, the King's Trumpeter, who brought up Warrants for the Exchange of Sir Nich. Byron and Sir Jo. Digby, upon Exchange, to return to the King's Quarters.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Aylett;

The Lords do agree to the Ordinance concerning Worcestershire, with one Proviso.

They have assessed the Lord Coventry for his Twentieth, and Fifth, Parts, in the Sum of Fifteen hundred Pounds; and do join with the House of Commons, that the said Money shall be employed and bestowed for the Relief of the West, in such Manner as the Committee of Lords and Commons for the associated Western Counties shall direct and apoint.

They have likewise received a Letter from the States Ambassadors; which they have sent down, and desire this House to take it into Consideration.

Worcestershire Ordinance.

The Amendment to the Ordinance concerning Worcestershire was read; and assented unto.

Lord Coventry.

The Order concerning the Assessment of my Lord Coventry, was likewise read; and assented unto.

Worcestershire Ordinance.

The Proviso to the Worcestershire Ordinance; was in hæc Verba; viz.

"Provided, That, whensoever there shall arise any Question at the Committee, that concerns any Person or Persons of the said Committee, he or they so concerned, shall withdraw him or themselves while the same is in Debate."

The Ordinance, with this Proviso, is ordered to be printed.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree to the Proviso to the Worcestershire Ordinance; and to the Order concerning the Assessment of the Lord Coventry for his Fifth, and Twentieth, Part: And, as to the Letter from the States Ambassadors, They will take it into speedy Consideration; and send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Prisoner discharged.

Upon the humble Petition of Edw. Hales Esquire, Prisoner in the Counter in Southwarke; and upon the Desire of the Committee of Kent for his Discharge;

It is Ordered, upon the Question, That Edw. Hales Esquire, now Prisoner in the Counter in Southwarke, be forthwith discharged from any further Imprisonment or Restraint.

Propositions for Peace.

Ordered, That the House do To-morrow, the first Business, proceed with the Propositions for a safe and well-grounded Peace.

Ordnance Stores.

Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, and the rest of the Officers of the Ordnance, do forthwith issue and deliver, out of the Powder that came from Weybridge, Forty Barrels to Mr. Exton, a Member of this House, or such as he shall appoint to receive the same, to be employed for the Service of the Town of Southampton.