House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 11 September 1644

Pages 624-625

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, Septembris 11, 1644.


Leave of Absence.

ORDERED, That Mr. Rigby, a Member of this House, shall have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.

Disposing of Pearls, &c.

Ordered, That Charles Vaughan Esquire do forthwith deliver unto Mr. Philip Francis, upon Account, the Pearls and Jewels, now in his Custody, sent up from Plymouth; to be disposed of by him, according to such Directions as shall be given him by the Committee for Plymouth; Whereof he is not to fail: And, for his so doing, this shall be his Warrant.

Trade with France.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Navy, to receive all Complaints of any French Merchants, or any Captain or Master of any French Barque or Vessel, that all just Redress may be given; and that the Commerce and Trade between the Nations may be preserved and maintained.

Advance from Excise.

Resolved, &c. That Four thousand Five hundred Pounds be forthwith issued out by the Commissioners of Excise for providing of Arms and Cloaths: And that the said Four thousand Five hundred Pounds be either paid out of the Monies come in upon the Excise, and now in Cash, or advanced by the said Commissioners: And that Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Green, and Mr. Bond, do repair to the Commissioners of Excise, to advance this Service; and to treat with the Commissioners of Excise; to undertake to pay and satisfy the Remainder for these Arms and Cloaths at Three Months and Three Months.


Ordered, That Mr. Knightley make Report of the Business concerning Leicestershire on Friday Morning, the first Business.

Navy Commissioners.

An Ordinance for the enabling of the Commissioners of the Navy to prepare Ships, and perform divers other Things, under the Lord High Admiral of England, concerning the Navy, was this Day read the First time; and ordered to be read the Second time on Friday Morning next.

Ship Tiger.

Upon Mr. Green's Report from the Committee of the Navy, concerning the Goods taken upon the Ship Tiger of Rotterdam, taken by some of my Lord Admiral's Ships;

It is Resolved, &c. That the Commissioners and Collectors of Prize Goods shall make present Sale of the Goods of the Tiger of Rotterdam, in regard of the Damage they will receive by their long lying: And that the States Ambassadors be acquainted with the Sale thereof; to the End they may appoint some to be present at the Sale, to see that they may be sold to the utmost Advantage; and that if any just Ground shall appear hereafter for Restitution, Right shall be done.

Delinquents Fines.

Sir Hen. Vane junior reports from the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, That Sir Tho. Bendishe has paid in Five hundred Pounds of his Fine for his Delinquency; and hath given in good Security to pay the other Five hundred Pounds, Remainder of his Fine, within Ten Days:

The House doth accept hereof; and Order, That an Ordinance be brought in for the Discharge of his Sequestration, and Freeing of his Person; provided that the Rents, and Arrears of Rent, due to the State to this Day, be paid in by those in whose Hands they are; and that the Monies be paid according to the Condition of the Bonds; otherwise the Sequestration to continue.

Sir Hen. Vane junior further reported, That Sir Geo. Grymes had promised to pay Five hundred Pounds within Four Days:

The House doth accept hereof; and do Order, That an Ordinance be brought in for the Discharge of the Sequestration of his Estate: conditionally, that the Monies be paid in, according to his Promise; and that the Rents, and Arrear of Rent, due to the State to this Day, be paid in by those in whose Hands they are; otherwise he is to receive no Benefit of the Ordinance for taking off his Sequestration.

Loan for Navy.

Mr. Green reports from the Committee, the Answer of the Commissioners of the Customs to the Propositions made by the Committee, touching the Loan and Advance of Fifty thousand Pounds for the Service of the Navy: The which were read.

Ordered, That it be re-committed to the Committee, to state to the House the Way propounded for the better regulating the Collections of the Customs; and to treat with the Commissioners upon accommodating the Business of the Time they have in the Collecting of the Customs; and upon Advance of Monies for carrying on the Affairs of the Navy in the mean time.

City Forces.

Resolved, &c. That the Lord Mayor be desired to call a Common Council, to meet on Friday next, at Three of Clock in the Afternoon, to consider, if there be Occasion, what Forces they can raise: And that a Committee of Members of both Houses be appointed to go to them, to confer with them about this Business: And that the Committee may have Power to treat and consult with any Committee that shall be appointed by the Common Council to treat upon this Business.

Carried up by Sir Robert Pye.

Lord Lieutenant of Westmorland.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of the Lord Wharton to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Westmorland.

Carried up by Sir Robert Pye.

Scotts Army.

Ordered, That the Lieutenant of the Ordnance do take care of providing and sending away the Powder and Ammunition for the Scotts Army: And that the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall do provide Monies for the Payment of them.

Ammunition for Barnstaple.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to take care that Barnstaple may be supplied with Ammunition out of the Ammunition left at Lime for the Service of the West: And that the Committee may be acquainted, that there are Four Ships now ready to go for Wales; the which, the House thinks, may conveniently have Order to take in the Ammunition at Lyme, and to convey it to Barnestaple.

Money for Army.

Ordered, That the Report concerning the Five thousand Pounds for Sir Wm. Waller be made on Friday next; and likewise concerning the Arrears of the weekly Assessments for my Lord General's Army.

Mission to Denmark.

A Commission, in Latin, to enable Mr. Skinner and Mr. Jenks to treat with the King of Denmarke, about the Complaints of English Merchants, and to take away all Obstructions of Trade and Commerce, was this Day read; and assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence: And was carried up by Sir Hen. Mildmay.

He likewise carried up the Order to require Baron Trevor to swear Alderman Hoyle into the Place of Remembrancer of the Exchequer.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Robert Pye brings Answer, that the Lords do agree to the Lord Wharton's being Lord Lieutenant of the County of Westmorland: And, as to the rest, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Arrears of Assessment.

Ordered, That Mr. Wheeler do receive an Account of the several Committees and Collectors concerning the Arrears of the weekly Assessment; and to make a Report thereof on Friday next.

Frechvilds' Business.

Ordered, That the Business of Mr. Frechvilds be resumed on Friday next.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Business of Ireland be proceeded in on Friday next.

Relief of Lancaster Sufferers.

Whereas there hath been such Spoil, Rapine, and unheard-of Cruelties, lately committed by the Enemy within the County of Lancaster, insomuch that in some Parts the People have hardly any thing left them to cover their Nakedness, or their Children Bread to eat; which extreme Misery being represented unto the Commons assembled in Parliament; it is Ordered, That upon the Twelfth Day of this Instant September, being appointed for a solemn Fast, the One-half of the publick Collection to be made in all the Churches within the Cities of London, Westminster, and within the Lines of Communication, shall be employed for the Relief of those poor distressed People within the said County of Lancaster; and the Money so gathered, being certified under the Hands of the Ministers and Churchwardens of every Church, to be upon Tuesday following, being the Seventeenth Day of this Instant Month, paid unto Mr. Herle and Mr. Case, Ministers, Members of the Assembly of Divines, at the Dean's House at Westminster: Which Money is by them forthwith to be conveyed and paid unto Mr. John Hartley of Manchester; and by him to be disbursed, according to such Directions as he shall receive under the Hands of Mr. Herrick Warden of Manchester, Mr. Harper Minister of Boulton, Mr. Ward Minister of Warrington, Mr. Lathom Minister of Douglasse, Mr. Ambrose Minister of Preston, Mr. Shaw Minister of Aldinham, and Mr. Hipworth Minister of Whaley, or any Four of them; who have hereby Authority to dispose and distribute the same; the several Distributions being first seen or allowed by Three or more of the Deputy Lieutenants of the same County.

Baker's Fine.

Whereas the Estate of Sir John Baker Baronet was formerly sequestered, and he fined; and since, be, to free himself and his Estate from the same, hath entered into Bonds, with good Securities, to pay Two thousand Pounds on or before the Twentieth Day of this present Month of September, and One thousand Pounds more within Three Months after, as by the said Bonds and Conditions thereof may better appear: It is therefore now Ordered and Ordained, by the Lords and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, That the said Fine and Sequestration be from henceforth taken off from the Estate of the said Sir John Baker: And the same are hereby taken off accordingly: and he and his Estate freed and discharged of and from the same: And all Committees or Parties whom the same may concern, are to take notice hereof, and yield a ready Obedience hereunto. Provided that all Rents, and Arrear of Rents, due to the State to this Day, be paid in by those in whose Hands they are; and that the said Three thousand Pounds shall be paid according to the Conditions of the said Bonds; and, upon Payment thereof, the said respective Bonds shall be delivered up to the said Sir John Baker, or his Assigns, to be cancelled: And these Presents are and shall be a sufficient Warrant and Discharge for all Persons in whose Hands the same are or shall be, for the doing thereof.

Earl of Westmerland's Composition.

Whereas the Right Honourable * Mildmay Earl of Westmerland hath compounded for his Delinquency for the Sum of One thousand Pounds; and, in pursuance of the said Composition, hath already paid in the same; which is accepted of by both Houses of Parliament; It is this Day Ordained and Declared, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Sequestration of the said Earl's Estate be, and is hereby, taken off from this Day forward; provided that all Rents, and Arrears of Rent, due to this Day to the State, be paid in by those in whose Hands they are.


Ordered, That the Business for Ordination be taken into Consideration on Thursday Morning.

Saint Margarett's, &c. Poor.

Ordered, That the one Moiety of the Collections gathered in Saint Margarett's, Westminster, and Saint Martin's in the Fields, To-morrow, being a particular Day of Humiliation, shall be disposed of to the Poor of those Parishes.