House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 27 August 1644

Pages 608-609

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, Augusti 27, 1644.


Pass to go to Bathe.

ORDERED, That Mr. Speaker shall grant his Pass to a Gentlewoman that Mr. Strode shall name unto him, to go to Bathe, to bring her Husband there sick to Town.

Granting Passes.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall have Power to grant Passes to such as shall desire to come in; with Limitations of Ten Days for them to come in: And that the Guards shall be enjoined to bring the said Persons to Mr. Speaker immediately upon their coming to the Ports or Forts: And that he shall send them forthwith to the Committee of Goldsmiths Hall and Haberdashers Hall: And that Mr. Speaker shall appoint Duplicates to be kept of all such Passes as he shall so grant.

Ld. Brooke's Wardship, &c.

The humble Petition of the Lady Catharine Brooke, late Wife of Robert Lord Brooke, deceased, by and with the Consent of the Executors of the said Lord, was this Day read: And

It is Declared, upon the Question, That the Grant of the Wardship of F. Lord Brooke, made to the Earl of Bristol, or Lord Dighby, is void and null.

Resolved, &c. That F. Lord Brooke shall be freely discharged from Composition for his Wardship: And that his Wardship be granted to Catharine Lady Brooke, to the Use of the young Lord Brooke, without Fine or Composition, or Reservation of Rent.

Resolved, &c. That the House or Houses of the Earl of Bristol, or the Lord Digby, in Queen-street, shall be settled upon the Lady Brooke, and her youngest Son, for some Provision of Livelihood of her said youngest Son.

Mr. Solicitor is appointed to prepare and bring in an Ordinance both for the Wardship of the said Lord Brooke, and concerning the settling of House or Houses of the Earl of Bristol, or Lord Digby, upon the said Lady, and the youngest Son of the Lady Brooke; and likewise an Ordinance for discharging the Heirs of those as die in the Service of the Parliament, from Composition, Fine, or Reservation, for their Wardships: And that for the other Particular in the Petition, concerning the settling of such other Lands, of the Earl of Bristol, and Lord Digby, upon the Petitioner's youngest Son, when they shall have Knowledge thereof, they will take it into Consideration in due time.

Chertsey Parsonage.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Elizabeth Hammond, Widow, Inhabitant of the Parish of Chertsey in the County of Surry, be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations; to settle the Request in the Petition concerning the Parsonage Impropriate of the said Parish, in such manner as is desired in the said Petition.


Ordered, That the Ordinance concerning the County of Middlesex be read on Thursday next.

Harvey's Assessment.

Ordered, That the Business concerning the Assessment of Mr. Harvey shall be taken into Consideration on Thursday next.

Assessment for Ireland.

Resolved, &c. That an Ordinance be prepared for Levying of Eighty thousand Pounds for the Service of Ireland, by way of weekly Assessment, to be paid at Four Payments, at Three Months, Three Months, Three Months, and Three Months; half to be paid in ready Monies, and half in Provisions.

Mr. Reynolds, Sir Jo. Clottworthy, Sir Tho. Woodhouse, Sir Jo. Trevor, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Knightley, Sir Hen. Heyman, Mr. Heveningham, Sir Edw. Partheriche, Mr. Jephson, Sir Hen. Vane senior, Mr. Maynard. Mr. Scawen, Sir Sam. Rolle, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Trenchard, Sir Hen. Mildmay, Mr. Wheeler, Lord Wenman, Sir Edm. Fowell, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Cage, Mr. Rich. Browne, Mr. Tate, Sir Wm. Allanson, Mr. Buller, Mr. Hallowes, Mr. Holland, Mr. White;

This Committee is appointed to prepare an Ordinance for Levying of Eighty thousand Pounds for the Service of Ireland, by way of weekly Assessment, to be paid at Four Payments, at Three Months, Three Months, Three Months, and Three Months; half in ready Money, and half in Provisions; the first Three Months to be accounted from the First of September next: They are to consider what Counties are fit to be assessed; and likewise the Proportion by which the Monies are to be assessed and levied: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.

Ordered, That the Propositions concerning the Raising of Monies for Ireland, delivered in from the Committee of Adventurers of Ireland in London, be referred to the Consideration of this Committee.

Watkins thanked.

Ordered, That Mr. Strode and Mr. Ashe do acquaint Sir David Watkins, that this House is very well satisfied of his good Affections to the Service of England and Ireland; and that they do return him the Thanks of this House, in Acknowledgment thereof.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the carrying on of the War in Ireland be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms; with Power to that Committee, of appointing Sub Committees, for the better Acting and Managing of that Business.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

A Letter from the Lord Inchiquin, and others, from Corke, of Augusti 2 1644, concerning the State and Condition of the Garison Towns in Munster, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of both Kingdoms.

Letter read.

A Letter from my Lord Admiral, from Plymouth Sound, of Augusti 20 1644, relating, that the Ammunition sent for my Lord General's Army is safely arrived, &c. was this Day read.

Chichester, &c. Garisons.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to consider what Forces of Horse and Foot may be spared from the Garisons of Chichester, Arundell, and such other Garisons and Places where they think fit, to march forthwith into the West; and to give Order to them to march accordingly.

Commissioners of Excise.

Ordered, That the Propositions from the Commissioners of Excise be sent up to the Lords on Thursday.

Victuals for Army.

Ordered, That it be referred to Sir Gilbert Gerard, to provide, out of my Lord General's Monies, Two thousand Pounds to make Provision of Victuals to be forthwith sent to my Lord General.

Plymouth Garison, &c.

Resolved, &c. That that Part of the Letter from the Earl of Warwick, concerning the Garison of Plymouth, Mayor, and Committee there, be referred to the Committee of the West: And they are to consider of the like Complaints and Difference in all other Parts of the Kingdom; and to present a Remedy.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Erle shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Ordered, That Mr. Gourdon shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Hamilton's Sequestration.

Resolved, &c. That the Sequestration of the Parks. House, and Lands, of Sir John Hamilton's, in the County of Middlesex, be taken off.

Irish Adventurers.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed this Day for Ireland do meet on Friday next with the Adventurers for Ireland.


Sir John Clotworthy reports the Order for Adventurers to meet: Which was read; and assented to; and ordered to be printed and published.

Advance from Excise.

Ordered, That the Commissioners of Excise do forthwith advance the Sum of Three thousand Pounds, to be paid to the Committee of the West, for the present Service of the West: And that the Lords Concurrence be desired herein: And Mr. Nicoll, Mr. Prideaux, and Sir Jo. Bamfeild, are to acquaint the Commissioners with this Vote; and that their Propositions shall be sent to the Lords on Thursday next.


Ordered, That the Lady Drummond, and all others appointed by the Committee to be removed out of Whitehall, be forthwith removed; and an Account given to the House thereof.

Forces in Ireland.

The House of Commons, upon late Information received from their Armies in Ireland, have tenderly considered the great Extremities they are in, with their constant Resolutions to proceed in that Work, notwithstanding all Difficulties; and thereupon, having now laid a certain Foundation of Credit for the Encouragement of their Forces there; do Order, That it be published, To-morrow the Twenty-eighth of August One thousand Six hundred and Forty-four, in the several Churches in and about London; that the Adventurers do meet on Friday, at Two of Clock in the Afternoon, at Grocers Hall, where a Committee of the House of Commons is ordered to meet them, for the present Raising of some Provision on this Foundation of Credit, for the Relief of those who stand so resolutely for Maintenance of the common Cause: And all the Ministers in London, and within the Lines of Communication, are then to recommend the Success of this Affair unto God in their Prayers, with Thanksgiving for God's great Blessing on their late Endeavours; and to stir up the several Adventurers not to fail of this Meeting, as they tender the Good of Ireland.