Pages 370-372
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 20 Januarii, 1643.
City thanked.
MR. Recorder is desired to give the City Thanks for their great Entertainment; and likewise to return Thanks to Mr. Marshall, for the great Pains he took in the Sermon he preached, at the Meeting of the Lords, Commons, City, and Assembly, at Christ Church, Januarii 18; and to desire him, to print his Sermon, that it may be published.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Message to Lords.
Sir William Allanson to carry up this Order; and the Order for the Ministers in the several Churches, to give Thanks for the Discovery of the late Design.
Chatham Garison, &c.
Ordered, That Sir Norton Knachboll do forthwith pay, upon Account, to Sir Tho. Walsingham and Mr. Browne, the Hundred Threescore and Sixteen Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence, due by him of the Thousand Marks he ought to have paid, by Order of this House, towards the defraying of the Arrears due to the Garison at Chattham: And the Deputy Lieutenants of Kent, are to take Order that this Money be levied and paid accordingly.
Ordered, That the Three hundred Pounds, agreed upon by the Committee of Kent to be taken of Sir Rob. Honnywood, be accepted; and that the Sequestration of his Estate be taken off; and, that so much of the said Three hundred Pounds as will make up the former Sum of One hundred .... and One hundred Marks, Two hundred and Five Pounds, be paid towards the Discharge of the Arrears of Chatham Garison: And the Deputy Lieutenants of Kent are appointed to take care herein; and to bring these Monies to Account; and to cashier the Garison; and to dispose of so many of them as they shall think fit, to the Service under Sir Wm. Waller.
Custos Brevium of Common Pleas.
An Ordinance concerning the Settling and Disposal of the Office of Custos Brevium in the Common Pleas, was this Day read the First and Second time; and by Vote upon the Question, committed unto Sir Arth. Hesselrig, Mr. Hill, Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Oldsworth, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Selden, Mr. Sam. Browne, Sir Ben. Rudyer, Mr. Cage, Mr. Maynard, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Buller, Mr. Strode, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, and all the Lawyers of the House: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber: And are to bring in the Report on Monday Morning next: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.
Message to Lords.
Sir Walt. Erle went up to the Lords, to desire them to sit awhile: And carried up the Ordinance concerning the Seven associated Counties: The Order for Thanksgiving, to be given in the several Churches, for Discovery of the late Design: The Order for Thanks to Mr. Marshall, and the City: The Order for Three Pounds a Week to Captain Hotham: The Order for Three hundred Pounds to Captain Gifford, late Mayor of Northampton.
Lord Howard.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whittfield and Serjeant Finche;
The Lords have received a Petition from the Lord Edw. Howard; and do think fit to grant him his Desire, expressed in his Petition; and have sent it to this House, to desire them to concur to grant his Desire expressed in his Petition.
The Petition was read; directed, To the Lords and Commons.
Resolved, &c. That this Petition be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations, to take into Consideration the Relief of the Petitioner, according to the Desire expressed in his Petition; and to report to the House, before any thing be ordered in it.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and have read the Petition; and referred it to the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations, to take into Consideration the Desires of the Petition.
Advance from Excise.
An Ordinance to secure to the Commissioners of Excise the Ten thousand Pounds, advanced by them for the Service of the Army under the immediate Command of his Excellency the Lord General, was read Three times; and, by Vote, assented unto; and sent to the Lords, for their Concurrence, by Mr. Trenchard.
Waller's Brigade.
Ordered, That a Thousand Pounds, of the Ten thousand Pounds advanced by the Merchant Adventurers, be delivered to Mr. Trenchard, upon Account, to provide Shoes, Stockings, Boots, and Caps, for the Forces of Sir Wm. Waller's Brigade.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the mustering of Sir Wm. Waller's Forces, to consider of some Way of mustering the Forces under the immediate Command of his Excellency, upon the sending down of the Ten thousand Pounds, now designed for the present Supply of his Army; and of some Person that may, at this Time, see the Payment of these Monies, that the State may receive Advantage by it.
It is further Ordered, That the sending down of the several Monies assigned to his Excellency's Army and Sir Wm. Waller's Forces, be not staid till the Report come from the Committee concerning the regulating of these Musters, and Payment of these Monies; but that the said Monies, assigned unto Sir Wm. Waller, be forthwith paid to Mr. Trenchard, to be sent accordingly.
Duty on Currans.
Ordered, That the Committee at Haberdashers Hall do with all convenient Speed, bring in a Report of what Monies by the late Ordinance is due from such as have imported and landed Currans, since the Ordinance was made prohibiting the Importation and Landing of Currans; and that, out of such Monies as shall accrue to the State hereby, the first Two thousand Pounds thereof shall be disposed of, upon Account, to the Relief and for the present Supply of the English and Scotts Reformado Officers, proportionably.
Ordered, That Sir James Ramsay, out of the said Monies that shall accrue upon the landing of Currans, shall receive Three hundred Pounds, upon Account, towards the Payment of the Arrears due unto him for his Entertainment.
Reformado Officers.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Reformado Officers, where Sir Walt. Erle has the Chair, to inform themselves what Reformadoes, English and Scotts, are Officers, and have been in Service; and of some Manner of paying them, when Monies shall be provided.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Walter ... brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to all the Orders carried up by him, but That concerning Captain Hotham; to which they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Excise, where Mr. Green has the Chair, to confer with the Commissioners of Excise; and to consult whether, out of the Excise, Five thousand five hundred Pounds Monthly, over and above the Twenty-five thousand Pounds, may be raised for the Forces under the immediate Command of his Excellency; whereby the Associated Counties may be eased: And likewise to consider, whether the Monies assigned for recruiting my Lord General's Army, may be raised out of the Excise; or any other ways, as they shall think fit: And to consider upon what Commodities an Excise may be set, upon which no Excise is already set, for the better raising of these Monies: And that the Committee for Excise, where Mr. Serjeant Wilde has the Chair, be added to this Committee: And the Care hereof is referred especially to Mr. Green: And are to make Report on Wednesday next: And are to meet on Monday, at Two post Meridiem, in the Treasury Chamber: And the Petition of the Company of Butchers, London, is ordered to be referred to the Consideration of this Committee.
Committee for Accounts.
Ordered, That the Committee for Accounts, or any Four of them, do meet, at the rising of the House, in the Court of Wards: And that they report on Monday Morning next.
Army Pay.
Ordered, That it be referred to Mr. Trenchard to pay, upon Account, to the Four Troops of Sir Wm. Waller's, that came up with the Prisoners, one Week's Pay out of the Monies assigned to Sir Wm. Waller: And that he certify so much to Sir Wm. Waller.
Proceedings against Ludlam.
A Letter from the Lord Grey, concerning some Affront done him by Captain Ludlam of Leicester; and his Proceeding to the Commitment of the said Captain by a Council of War; and likewise the Examination of Major Bingley, Lieutenant Colonel Farrar, Mr. Wm. D'Anvers, and Mr. H. Grey; taken before a Council of War (Colonel Sir Edw. Hartopp being President) concerning the Imprisonment of the said Captain, were all this Day read; and one Captain Grey called to the Bar; who testified the same, with the Letter and Examinations. (fn. a) --
Protections to publick Claimants.
Upon the humble Petition of James Lawrence, John Dickenson, Nicholas Clements, and Elizabeth Hickford, Widow, informing the House, That about the Beginning of the Rebellion in Ireland, they did furnish in Commodities, and lent Monies, for the Service of the State, to the Value of Six hundred and Six Pounds; whereof they have not as yet received any Part, though they have often solicited, and had several Warrants, for Receipt of some; and the Petitioner Lawrence is arrested for Part of the said Commodities he and the rest so delivered: It is therefore Ordered, That the said Petitioners be freed from all present Arrests and Proceedings in any Suits already commenced, or to be commenced, for any of the said Commodities or Monies delivered, or taken up, for the Service of the State, as aforesaid, till they receive Satisfaction from the State, or this House give further Order to the contrary.
Upon the Report from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, That Tobias Norris, Merchant, hath furnished several Provisions for the Use of his Majesty's Army in Ireland, amounting to a great Sum; and having some Part of the said Monies to pay in London, hath, for want thereof, suffered much in his Credit; having been several times arrested and proceeded against in a Course of Law, for Part of the said Monies: It is therefore Ordered, by the Commons, assembled in Parliament, That all Arrests and Actions be taken off; and all Proceedings in Law against the said Tobias Norris be stopped; and he protected, and his Friends, as being engaged, for or in respect of the Want of the said Money; till the said Tobias Norris shall be satisfied the said Sum, due for the said Provisions, as aforesaid.
Upon Report from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, That Daniel Potter of London, Sadler, hath furnished, with great Saddles, by Order of the Commissioners and Committees of Parliament, for the Use of the Army in Ireland; for which there is due, and owing unto him, great Sums of Money; by means whereof he is like to suffer in his Credit, and to be arrested by divers Persons, to whom he is indebted; whom he can no way satisfy, unless he receive those Monies due to him: It is therefore Ordered, by the said Commons, assembled in Parliament, That some Course be taken to satisfy the said Daniel Potter his Debt due unto him: And
It is Ordered, by the said Commons, That in the mean time he shall be protected from the Arrests and Proceedings of any Suits at Law, of any his Creditors, who furnished him with Commodities, or Monies, yet owing unto him by the Parliament. -
Differences between Lord Gray, &c.
Ordered, That it be recommended to my Lord General to compose the Differences between the Lord Gray, and the Mayor of Leicester, and Captain Ludham; and that his Excellency be desired so to compose those Differences, that, as no Affront may be given to the Lord Grey, so that the Committees of that County may not be discouraged: And Sir Arthur Hasilrig and Sir Philip Stapilton are to acquaint my Lord General herewith; and what Sense this House hath of this Business.
Exchange of Prisoners.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of the Exchange of Sir Robert Hatton Prisoner to the Parliament, for Mr. Thomas Hasilrig Prisoner to the Earl of Newcastle.
Ordered, That Sir Robert Hatton be committed Prisoner to the Tower, during the Pleasure of the House.
Letter read.
A Letter from the Commanders of the Kentish Forces at Arundell, dated 12 Januarii 1643, was read; and referred to the Committee for the Four associated Counties.
Reducing North Wales.
An Ordinance to enable Sir Thomas Middleton to raise Forces for the reducing of North Wales, was once read; and ordered to be read the Second time on Monday Morning.
Petition, &c. to be read.
Ordered, That the Adventurers Petition, and Ordinance, be read on Monday next.
Ordered, That the Business concerning Windsor be taken into Consideration on Monday next.
Regulating University, &c.
Mr. Pelham reports the Ordinance, with the Amendments, concerning the regulating of the University, and removing scandalous Ministers in the Seven associated Counties;...was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be carried up to the Lords.
Leicester Petition.
Sir Henry Vane, Mr. Purefoy, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Reynolds, Sir Wm. Strickland, Mr. Millington, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Anthony Irby, Sir Dudley North, Sir Rob. Pye, Mr. Lisle, Sir Arth. Hasilrig, Sir Phil. Stapilton, Mr. Prideaux, Sir Hen. Cholmeley, Sir Wm. Massam, Colonel Cromwell, Sir Tho. Cheek, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Recorder, Sir Christopher Wray, Sir John Curson, and the Knights and Burgesses of Leicester, Northampton, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, and Warwick: To consider of the Petition of the Committee of the County of Leicester, now read; and the Paper of Grievances thereunto annexed; and to present to the House what they think fit to be done thereupon: And are to meet on Monday next, at Two Post Meridiem, in the Exchequer Chamber.
The Ordinance for Middlesex was presented; and, upon the Question, assented unto.
Associated Counties.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the associated Counties, and to the Knights and Burgesses of Bedfordshire and Buck', to consider of adding of Bedford and Buck' to them.
Assignments to Waller.
Ordered, That Mr. Trenchard do receive the Monies assigned to Sir Wm. Waller.
Advance from Excise.
Whereas John Towse, Thomas Foot, Jo. Kendrick, and Thomas Cullam Esquires, Aldermen of the City of London; Simon Edmonds, John Lamott, and Edward Claxton, of London, Esquires, Commissioners of Excise and New Impost, have advanced Ten thousand Pounds for the present Supply of his Excellency the Lord General his Army; Be it hereby Ordained, by the Lord and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That the said John Towse and the rest of the Commissioners of Excise before named, shall be hereby authorized to reimburse themselves, of the said Ten thousand Pounds, together with Interest, after the Rate of Eight per Cent., out of such Monies, as shall come in upon the Receipts of the Excise, appointed by Ordinance of the Eleventh of September last, next after the Merchant Adventurers shall have received their Ten thousand Pounds, now due upon former Assignment of Parliament; and so afterwards to proceed in such Intervals of Time, as shall fall between the next Payment assigned to the said Merchants Adventurers, until the whole Sum of Ten thousand Pounds, and the Interest aforesaid, be fully received and reimbursed: And the said John Towse, and the rest of the Commissioners aforesaid, are hereby further authorized to pay the said Ten thousand ...., by them now advanced, into the Hands of Sir Gilbert Gerard Baronet, Treasurer at Wars, upon Account, for the Army under the immediate Command of his Excellency the Lord General.