Pages 353-355
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, Decembris 30, 1643.
Irish Affairs.
ORDERED, That the Adventurers of this House for Lands in Ireland, and the Body of Adventurers in London, do meet at Grocers Hall, on Thursday, in the Afternoon, at Two of the Clock; and take into their serious Consideration, by what Ways and Means the British Army in Ulster, opposing the Cessation, may be maintained and encouraged to proceed in Prosecution of that War of Ireland against the Rebels; and do prepare some Propositions to be presented to the House: And the Ministers of the several Churches and Chapels, in and about London, are to signify this Order in their several Churches, that all may take special Notice hereof.
Cambridge University.
An Order for explaining the Ordinances of Sequestrations, in relation to the Revenues belonging to the Colleges of the University of Cambridge, was this Day read; and re-committed to the same Committee; who are to meet this Afternoon, at Four of Clock in the Exchequer Chamber; and to report it on Monday Morning next.
Military Successes.
A Letter from my Lord Grey of Groby, of the Twentyfifth of December; and from Colonel Wayte of Rutlandshire, to the Lord Gray, of the Twenty-fourth of December; concerning the giving of a Rout and Overthrow, by Colonel Wayte's Forces, to the whole Body of the Belvoire Forces; was this Day read.
Two Letters from the Lord Fairefaxe; one of the Eighteenth of December; another of the Two-and-twentieth of December; relating the State of his Condition; and of the Successes it has pleased God to give his Forces in those Parts.
Ordered, That the Committee for Supply of the Lord Fairefaxe do meet this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, in the Duchy Chamber: And all the Members of That Committee are particularly enjoyned to meet: And Mr. Millington, who sits in the Chair at That Committee, is to make Report of That Business peremptorily on Monday Morning next: And it is referred to This Committee to consider of some Way of Recompence and Reward of the great Service done by Serjeant Major Scott.
Wardour Castle.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of Dame Elizabeth Ludlowe; and the Consideration of sending Relief to Wardour Castle; be specially recommended to the Committee of the Safety.
Appointing Sheriffs.
Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal that are Members of this House, do bring in an Ordinance for the appointing and authorizing Sheriffs to execute their Places; and for taking off from their Sheriffs, the Charges usually incident to their Places; and to enable them to go out of their Counties upon the Service of the Commonwealth; and to consider of their Oath.
King's Proclamation for Members to attend at Oxford.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Scoche Affairs, to consider what Declaration is fit to be made, upon the Proclamation, enjoining the Members of both Houses to appear at Oxforde 22 Januarii next (and now read) where they shall have all fit Accommodation at their Meeting: And this Committee has Power to confer with the Scoche Commissioners concerning the same.
Message from Lords.
Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leeche and Mr. Page;
That the Lords have conceived it fit, to send a Letter to my Lord General, according to this Draught; wherein they desire your Concurrence; and that it may be signed by both Speakers.
They have likewise sent you down some Names to be added as Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Sussex.
Letter to Lord General.
The Letter was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; being as followeth:
May it please your Excellency,
There is Advertisement come from Sir Wm. Waller, giving Notice of the Preparation the Enemy makes to relieve Arrundell Castle; and the Necessity that there is of his present Supply: The Mischief, which will else follow upon the whole Kingdom, is easy to be foreseen.
It is therefore desired, That your Excellency will forthwith move that Way with your Army to Windsor; or to such other Place as you shall judge convenient; leaving Newport Pagnell as well secured as the present Occasions will permit: Both Houses conceive it so absolutely necessary, that any Delay will be dangerous. This being all we have in Charge to recommend to your Excellency's Care, &c.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That, as to the Letter to my Lord General, this House doth concur; and desire it may be speedily sent away: As to the additional Names of Deputy Lieutenants for Sussex, will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
Dep. Lieuts. for Sussex.
The Names were as followeth: Hall. Ravenscroft, The Middleton, Wm. Michelbourne, Anth. Fowle, Henry Shellcy, Herb. Hay, Jo. Baker, Law. Ashburneham, Jo. Busbridge, Peter Farnden, Esquires.
Associated Counties.
An Ordinance for the levying of Monies, by way of a Weekly Assessment, in the Counties of Essex, Suffolk, and other the Associated Counties, the better to enable them to march; and also to abate the Officers of their full Pay; and to accept of the publick Faith for the Residue; was read the First and Second time; and, upon the Question, committed to the Committee for the Associated Counties: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Four of Clock, in the Duchy Court.
An Ordinance for the present putting the Eight Associated Counties into a Posture, and for raising of Monies for the better effecting of that Service, was this Day read the Second time; and, by Vote, upon the Question, committed unto the Committee for the Associated Counties: Who are to meet upon it this Afternoon, at Four of Clock.
Letters referred.
Ordered, That the Two Letters, the one of the Nineteenth of December from Gloucester, the other from Northampton of the Twenty-eighth of December, from Colonel Farrar, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the Safety.
Earl of Bedford.
A Letter from his Excellency, from Saint Alban's, of the Thirtieth of December, concerning the Earl of Bedford coming unto him upon his safe Conduct; and likewise a Letter from the Earl of Bedford, from the same Place, and of the same Date; were both this Day read; and referred to the Consideration of the Committee appointed for the Earl of Holland; to consider what is fit to be done thereupon: And, that my Lord General be desired, by Letter from Mr. Speaker, to keep the Earl of Bedford in safe Custody, until both Houses take further Order.
Appointing Sheriffs.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and appoint Wm. Duncomb of Battlesden, Esquire, to be High Sheriff of the County of Bedford;
Sir F. Pyle Baronet, to be High Sheriff of the County of Berks;
Thomas Bulstrode Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Buck';
Sir Thomas Martin Knight and Baronet, High Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingtonshire;
Henry Brook Esquire, High Sheriff of Cheshire;
Cornwall respited.
Derby respited.
Duresme respited.
Timothy Middleton Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Essex;
Sir Matthew Bointon Knight, High Sheriff of the County of York;
Thomas Stephen Esquire, High Sheriff of Glocestershire;
Richard Norton of Southwick Esquire, High Sheriff of Hampshire;
Sir John Garret Baronet, High Sheriff of Hartfordshire;
Herefordshire respited.
Sir Michael Livesay Baronet, High Sheriff of Kent; Lancashire respited.
Peter Temple Esquire, High Sheriff of Leicestershire;
Edward King Esquire, High Sheriff of Lincolnshire;
John Coke Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Norfolk;
Edward Harby Esquire, High Sheriff of Northamptonshire;
Michael Welden Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Northumberland;
Francis Thornhagh Esquire, High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire;
Oxfordshire respited.
Maurice Barrow Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Suffolk;
Thomas Wayte Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Rutland;
Edmund Jurdaine Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Surrey;
John Baker Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Sussex;
Thomas Mitton Esquire, High Sheriff of Shropshire;
Simon Ridgley Esquire, High Sheriff of Staffordshire;
Wm. Colmore Esquire, High Sheriff of Warwickshire;
Wilteshire respited.
Westmoreland, in the Power of the Earl of Pembroke.
Worcestershire respited.
Wales * * * *
The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Resolved, &c. That the Counties of Cambridge and Huntington be joined, and put under one Sheriff.
Ordered, That this putting of Surrey under a Sheriff, divided from the County of Sussex, shall not be drawn into Example, for the future, in Times of Peace.
Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal be desired forthwith to pass the several and respective Patents for the Gentlemen, nominated and appointed by both Houses, to be High Sheriffs of the several and respective Counties, according to their several Nominations and Appointments; and all other Writs incident thereunto.
Tin Farmers.
Mr. Strode reports from the Committee of Lords and Commons, appointed to examine the Business of the Tin Farmers * * * *
The humble Petition of the Tin Farmers was presented:
And the Question was put, whether it should be now read.
It passed with the Affirmative.
The Petition was read accordingly.
The Question being put, whether the Six thousand Pounds, paid in June and July last, by the Farmers of the Pre-emption of Tin, and the Proceed thereof, should be forfeited;
The House was divided: And
The Yeas yielded.
Whereupon the Question passed with the Negative.
The Question being put, whether the Thousand Pounds, paid to Mr. Kendall at Rouen, shall be forfeited;
It passed with the Negative.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the King's Revenue, to consider whether the Conditions of the Bond, dated 1 Augusti, 1643, entered into by the Tin Farmers, be performed or not; and to make Report thereof to the House.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the King's Revenue, to consider what Rent is Arrear, and due from the Tin Farmers to his Majesty, for the Preemption of Tin.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, to examine the Business concerning Mr. Charleton his Twentieth Part; and to report the same to the House: And that the Tin, taken out of the Ware-houses, for the said Twentieth Part, be not sold, till this House give further Order.
Committees added.
Ordered, That Mr. Rous, Mr. Strode, Mr. Bond, Sir John Clotworthy, and Mr. Gourdon, be added to the Com-mittee for Mr. Pym's Business: And are to meet, from time to time, when and where they please.
Ordered, That the Grand Committee do meet on Monday next, in the House, to consider of the Business of the Navy, at Eight of Clock.
Committee of Association.
Ordered, That the Committee of Association do meet when and where they please.
Letter referred
A Letter from the Committee at Stafford, of the Three-and-twentieth of December, was read; and referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom.
Sheering Parsonage.
Order for sequestering the Parsonage of Sheering, in the County of Essex, whereof Mr. Stephen Withers is Rector, to the Use and Benefit of John Yardley, Master of Arts, a godly, learned, and orthodox Divine: Who is forthwith to officiate the said Cure, as Rector; and to preach diligently to the Parishioners of the said Parish in the Church there; and to receive the Rents and Profits of the said Parsonage, paying all Duties to his Majesty; was this Day read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered accordingly.