Pages 326-328
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 2 Decembris, 1643.
Provost of Eaton College.
ORDERED, That the Sequestration of the Estate and Profits, belonging to the Provost of Eaton College, as Provost of Eaton College, be committed to Sir H. Cholmeley, to receive, upon Account, without Prejudice to the Scholars and Fellows: And it is referred to the Committee for Sequestrations to settle this Business accordingly.
Register of Chancery.
Resolved, &c. That Walt. Long Esquire, a Member of this House, be nominated, appointed, and constituted, Register of the Chancery, to execute the Place of Register, and to receive the Profits, Emoluments, of Advantages, belonging unto it, in as full and ample Manner, as any Register formerly ever did, might, or ought to receive them. The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.
Governor of Coventry.
A Letter from the Committee at Coventry, of November 27, concerning the Place of Governor of Coventry, was this Day read; and ordered to be recommended to the Care and Consideration of my Lord General.
Sir H. Cholmeley, Sir Jo. Curson, and Mr. Jesson, are appointed to communicate this Letter to my Lord General.
Weekly Assessments.
Ordered, That Letters be written, signed by Mr. Speaker, to the Counties of Sussex, Northampton, Huntington, and all other Counties, to require them speedily to collect and send up the last Two Months weekly Assessments; it being engaged to reimburse the City the Fifty thousand Pounds they lent upon the Security: And likewise to require those Counties, that have nothing done upon it as yet, do forthwith put it in Execution.
Member to attend.
Ordered, That Sir Edw. Littleton be summoned to attend the Service of the House forthwith.
Stafford Committee.
Ordered, That this House doth nominate and approve Rich. Grevis, Henry Vernon, Esquires, Lieutenant Barbour, Rob. Gregge, Thomas Pudsey, and Wm. Foxall, Gentlemen, to be Committees of the County of Stafford.
Crispe's Sequestration.
An Ordinance for receiving Sir Nicholas Crispe's Part of Gold Ore, and his Adventure in the Guiney Company, upon Return of the Ship Star upon the Account of the said Guiney Company; was this Day read the First and Second time; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto: And
Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.
Naval Affairs, &c.
Ordered, That the Committee of the Navy do forthwith proceed to give Order to the Victuallers of the Navy, for making Provision of Victuals for Two thousand Mariners to be employed in the next Summer's Fleet: And that my Lord General, my Lord Admiral, be desired to meet with the Committee of the Safety, and the Committee of the Navy, on Monday next; and to consider of the State of the Forces by Sea and Land; and what Number of Force and Mariners is fit to be employed in the next Summer's Service: And the Care of this Business is, in particular, referred to Sir H. Vane senior.
Earl of Denbigh.
Sir H. Cholmeley brings Answer from my Lord General, That the Earl of Denbigh has his Power from both Houses of Parliament; yet, notwithstanding That, he will take care, that nothing shall be done at Coventry to the Prejudice of that Town, or the Services; nor in any other of the Garisons of those Counties, under the Command of the Earl of Denbigh.
King's Children's Servants.
A List of such Servants as are thought fit and appointed to attend his Majesty's Two youngest Children, the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth; and likewise Orders to be duly observed in the Family of the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth; were read.
Resolved, &c. That this House do allow and approve of the Persons thought fit by the Committee to attend his Majesty's Two youngest Children, the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth; and do enjoin and require them forthwith to enter upon their several Charges and Duties accordingly.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree and consent to the Removal of those Servants, that are thought fit to be removed from their Attendance upon the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee appointed to consider of regulating the Family of the Duke of Gloucester and Princess of Elizabeth do tender unto all such, as are thought fit to attend on his Majesty's Royal Children, the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Elizabeth, the solemn National League and Covenant; and that they permit none to continue their Attendance upon the said Duke and Princess, but such as shall take the said League and Covenant.
Ordered, That the Report from the Committee concerning the Prince's Children, as to the rest, be re-committed.
Ordered, That Sir H. Vane sen. be added to this Committee.
French Embassy.
Sir H. Vane reports from the Committee, the Reasons to be offered to the Lords, at a Conference, why this House cannot agree to the nominating of a Committee, as was desired by the late Conference concerning the Prince D'Harcourt: The which were read, and assented unto; and ordered to be delivered to the Lords at a Conference.
He likewise produced the Copy of the French King's Letter of Credence by Sieur De Boysiner, to the Council of Scotland, and his Propositions to that Council; and the Answer of the Council of State in Scotland to these Propositions; which were likewise ordered to be delivered at this Conference.
Message to Lords.
Sir Jo. Clottworthy is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a Conference, concerning the Matter of the last Conference, touching the Prince D' Harcourt; and, likewise concerning the Business, touching the Lord Wharton and Sir H. Mildmay; by Committees of both Houses.
He carried up the Ordinance concerning Sir Nich. Crispe's Adventure in the Ship Star, returned home upon the Account of the Guiney Company: The Ordinance for Four hundred Pounds to the Ministers of the Assembly.
Ship Mary and Elizabeth.
Ordered, That the Ship Mary and Elizabeth of Newcastle, and the Corn therein, staid in the Burnt Island in Scotland; and ordered, by a former Order, to be sold, be brought up to this Town, notwithstanding the said former Order.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leeck and Dr. Aylett;
The Lords have appointed Nicholas Gold, of Threadneedle Street, to be Treasurer of the Monies upon the Ordinance concerning One Tenth more of Customs, to be paid for the Safety of the Towns of Plymouth, Poole, and Lyme.
They have made an Order concerning the disposing of some Places, which are not in the Gift of the Lord Keeper, nor the Master of the Rolls; wherein they desire the Concurrence of this House.
They desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning some Letters, read in their House, touching the State of the City of Coventry.-
Answer from Lords.
Sir Jo. Clottworthy brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Conference desired by this House, upon the Two Heads: Do agree to the Ordinance concerning the Guiney Company: And as to the Ordinance for Four hundred Pounds to the Ministers of the Assembly, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Culmer's Petition.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of Rich. Culmer of the City of Canterbury, Clerk, be referred to the Committee for the Plundered Ministers.
Naval Stores.
Ordered, That the Earl of Warwick be desired to grant his Lordship's Warrant to the Officers of the Ordnance, for the Delivery of the Ordnance and Gunners Stores, for the fitting of Two Ships and Frigate, belonging unto the Town of Ipswich, to be set forth for Men of War, by way of Reprisal, for the Defence of the North Coast of this Kingdom.-
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House. . . taken their Lordships Message into Consideration; and, as to that Part concerning Mr. Gold, to be Treasurer; and that Order concerning the Commissioners of the Great Seal; they will send Answer by Messengers of their own: And do agree to a present Conference, as is desired.
Sir Philip Stapilton, Sir H. Vane jun. Mr. Lisle, are appointed Reporters and Managers of this Conference.
Tin Farmers, &c.
Ordered, That the Business concerning the Tin Farmers be taken into Consideration on Monday next; and that, in the mean time, the Ship laden with Tin, and the Tin staid in the Ware-house, do remain under the same Condition of Restraint as now it is.
Register of Chancery.
Ordered, That Sir Philip Stapilton do go to the Lords with this Message; To desire them to concur with this House, in the Order to make Mr. Long Register of the Chancery; and to acquaint them, that this House had nominated him for that Place, before the Order came down from their Lordships.
Message from Lords.
Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whitfeild and Dr. Aylett;
Whereas the Lords did formerly join in passing an Order for the French Ambassador his Servants, to be brought before a Committee to be examined, before they pass the Court of Guards; they conceive, that, if they should be brought, from time to time, before a Committee, it would be inconvenient: Therefore, they desire to make this Alteration, here sent down with this; that they have made an Order in their House, That he shall take the Ambassador's Word, that nothing shall pass with his Servants prejudicial to the State: Next, that the Lords do desire an Answer concerning the Business between the Earl of Stanford and Mr. Nicoll, which was formerly sent down to this House.
French Ambassador's Servants.
The Order sent down, was in these Words: "It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, that the Committee for the Militia do give Order, that no Captain of the Guards do presume to stay, search, or uncivilly to use any of the French Ambassador's Servants, that come to pass their Guards, having a Pass from both Houses of Parliament, or the Lord General."
Letter read.
A Letter from the Earl of Stamford, to the Committee appointed for the Business concerning himself and Mr. Nicoll, was read.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That, as to the Order concerning the French Ambassador, they will send an Answer by Messengers of their own.
As to the Business concerning the Earl of Stamford, they had referred it to a Committee, and the Earl of Stamford had Notice of it from the Committee; and that no Proof or Accusation is come in against Mr. Nicoll to the Committee.
Affairs at Coventry.
Mr. Lisle reports, - The Occasion of the Conference was, concerning a Letter from the Committee at Coventry: That the Lords had resolved to send to the Earl of Denbigh, to know why he should enter a Protestation against Colonel Purefoy, for obeying my Lord General's Command: That Colonel Barker be continued Governor of Coventry: To know what is done to the Mayor, and others, that threatened to fire the Town, and to turn to the Enemies: That a Copy of the Information against the Earl of Denbigh be sent down to him.
Resolved, &c. That my Lord General be desired, to send to the Earl of Denbigh, to come to his Excellency's Quarters, for the composing of Differences between him and the City of Coventry.
Resolved, &c. That Colonel Barker doth continue Governor of the City of Coventry, notwithstanding any Power given to the Earl of Denbighe, by the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament.
Sir John Corbett is appointed to write a Letter to the Committee of Coventry; and to send them down a Copy of my Lord of Denbighe's Ordinance; and the Vote this Day passed concerning the Governor of Coventry.
Letter to Committee.
Ordered, That Sir Philip Stapilton do write a Letter to the Committee at Wem' in Answer to the Letter received thence from Colonel Mitton, Mr. Mackworth, and others.
Tin Farmers.
The House resumed the Business concerning the transporting of Tin from Cornwall by Sir Job Harby, and others, and sending Money for the same to Cornwall.
Ordered, That Sir Job Harby, and the rest of the Tin Farmers, do attend the Committee at Haberdashers Hall, to bring such Orders, or Warrants, as they have had from this House, or any Committee concerning the Tin Farm Business: And That Committee is to inform themselves, what Warrants, or Orders, have been made by this House, or any Committee, concerning the Tin Farmers.
Recruiting the Army.
Ordered, That a Committee of the whole House do meet on Monday next, at Eight of Clock, further to consider of the Ordinance for recruiting my Lord General's Army.
Apprehension of Bushell.
The humble Petition of Captain Wm. Bushell, who deserted the King's Army, by reason of the great Countenance given to Papists there, more than Protestants; and hath taken the Covenant; and is since apprehended in Surrey, notwithstanding my Lord General's Protection; was read: And
It is Ordered, That the Committee in Surrey do forthwith certify unto my Lord General, the Cause why they apprehend Captain Wm. Bushell.
Ordered, That Captain Bushell (in what Place of Restraint soever he be in) be forthwith sent unto my Lord General.
Person committed.
Whereas Mr. Baker in Lothbury was ordered to pay a Bill of Exchange of One hundred Twenty Pounds, and Thirty Pounds, upon the Assignment of one Wm. Young, a Delinquent, to Mr. Rose, a Member of this House, for the Service of Lyme Regis; and hath refused to pay the same: It is this Day Ordered, That the said Baker shall be committed unto the Serjeant's Custody, until he pay the said Monies, or this House give further Order.
Supplies for Lyme Regis.
Ordered, That the Value of One thousand Pounds, in Money and Goods, belonging to Delinquents not yet discovered, and made to appear, to the Committee for Examinations, shall be disposed of to Mr. Rose, for the buying of Arms, and Ammunition; and making other Provisions, for the Town of Lyme Regis.
Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England shall present the Names, to both Houses, of such Persons as they think fit for such Offices as are Attendant upon the Great Seal, and are not in the Gift of the Lord Keeper, or the Master of the Rolls; that so they may be approved of by both Houses.
Seizure of a French Ship.
The humble Petition of some Aldermen and Merchants of London, concerning a Ship from St. Malo, seized upon at Poole, was this Day read: And it was Resolved, That the Ship should be forthwith discharged; and that Mr. Holles should go to the Prince D'Harcourt, and acquaint him what this House had done: And presently, upon a little farther Debate, it was Ordered, That the Vote, touching the Discharge of the Ship, should be revoked; the House declaring, they would not discharge the Ship; but commit it to take its Course in the Admiralty: Otherwise it might discourage such as are willing to set forth Ships upon Reprisal.