Pages 978-980
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 25 Februarii, 1642.
Hamilton's Petition.
THE humble Petition of George Hamilton was read; and ordered to be referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland.
Persons committed.
Ordered, That John Sampson and William Sampson be forthwith committed Prisoners to the Gatehouse, there to remain during the Pleasure of the House; for resisting and disobeying the Orders of this House; and a Tumult against the Commands and Members of the Parliament. And
It is farther Ordered, That the Examination of this Business be especially referred to the Committee for Examinations, o take it into a speedy and serious Consideration.
Colloway Assessment.
Ordered, That, in all Taxes to be levied upon the Hundred of Whitechurch, the Tithing of Colloway, which is within the said Hundred, shall always be rated, and pay with the Town of Lyme Regis, as formerly they have done upon the Payments of former Subsidies.
Sir K. Digby.
A Letter from any Lord Mayor, of the First of February, concerning the Commitment of Sir Kenclme Digby, and a Desire of my Lord Mayor's for his Release; and likewise a Petition from Sir Kenclme to the same Purpose; were this Day read.
And the Question being put, Whether Sir Kenelme Digby should be bailed, and injoined to leave the Kingdom, and to go into France;
Bandonbridge Petition.
The humble Petition of Captain William Woodhowse and Abraham Savage, in the Behalf of the miserable Town of Bandonbridge in Ireland, concerning a Collection of the Charity of well-disposed charitable People in the Cities of London, Westminster, and the Suburbs, for One Sabbath Day, together with the City of Bristoll and County of Sommersett, for the Relief of Six thousand poor English Protestants in the Town of Bandonbridge, was this Day read; and nothing done upon it at this Time.
Westminfter Assessment.
Mr. Glyn, is appointed forthwith to bring in an Ordinance, concerning Commissioners for Westminster; and for easing the City of Westminster and County of Middlesex in that Tax and Assessment.
Earl of Bath.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;
The Lords do desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, presently, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning the Earl of Bath.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Treaty with the King.
Mr. Pym reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the Articles; and presented an Addition to be added to the last Article; viz.
"And that the Pursuing of all Orders, Instructions, and Directions, in the several Counties and Cities of this Kingdom (excepting Acts of Hostility betwixt the Army and Forces on either Side) shall not be interpreted a Breach of this Cessation."
And the Question being put, for the Adding of this Clause;
It passed with the Negative.
Ordered, That this Clause shall be added to the last Article of the Cessation; viz. "And that this Cessation shall not extend to restrain the Setting forth or Employing of any Ships for the Defence of his Majesty's Dominions."
The last Article, with the Addition aforesaid, was put to the Question; and assented unto.-
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whitfield and Serjeant Glanville;
The Lords intend to sit this Afternoon at Three of Clock; at which Time they do desire, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, that they may have a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Manner of Treating with his Majesty.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a Meeting, at a Conference, at Three of Clock, as is desired.-
Ordered, That the Committee of this House Yesterday appointed to meet with a Committee of the Lords, to consider of drawing up the Articles of Cessation into a Form, to be presented unto his Majesty, shall have likewise Power to prepare and Answer, to be presented unto his Majesty, concerning the Treaty upon the Propositions, with the Limitations agreed upon by both Houses: And that a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire them to grant the like Power to their Committee.
Sir Tho. Barrington is appointed to carry up this Message to the Lords.
Ordered, That Jane Hastings, Wife unto Wm. Hastings, Preacher of God's Word in Ireland, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to pass into Holland.
Post Meridiem
ORDERED, That any Four of the Committee for Mr. Goodwin's Privilege may meet.
Deferring the Assize
Sir Walth. Erle is appointed to go up to the Lords, to desire them to pass the Ordinance for putting off the Assizes.
Proceeding concerning Sir W. Shef field.
A letter from Sir Mich. Livesay, from Gravesend, of this present Saturday; who sent up Sir Wm Sheffield, whom he apprehended at Gravesend.
Ordered, That this House doth approve of this Action of Sir Mich. Livesay, and return him Thanks for it: And do Order, That Sir Wm. Sheffield, and * Fairefaxe his Servant, be forthwith discharged: And that Sir Wm. Sheffield, shall have the Pass of this House to go into Holland: And that he shall have all his Horses, Money, and Bills of Exchange, restored unto him.
Conference, &c.
Sir Tho. Barrington is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a Conference concerning the Propositions touching a Cessation.
He likewise carried up to the Lords the Order for Three hundred Pounds, to be impressed for the Service of the Lough: And the Order for Payment of the Arrears to Scotts Reformando Officers.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Marten, Mr. Holles, Mr. Grimston, are appointed Reporters and Managers of this Conference.
Bastwick's Petition.
The humble Petition of Susannah Bastwick, Wife of John Bastwick, Doctor in Physick, Prisoner in Yorke Goal. And
It is Ordered, That Mr. Rigby do prepare a Letter to be sent to the Lord Fairefax and Sir John Hotham, concerning the Exchange of Prisoners for them, according to the Petition.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Walth. Erle brings Answer, That the Lords will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Elson's Recognizances.
Ordered, That the Judges of the King's Bench do grant a Certiorari, for removing all Recognizances entered into by Isaac Elson; and Sureties taken by Sir Edw. Berkeley for the Appearance of the said Elson at the next Assizes to be held for the County of Sommersett.
Palmer's, &c. Arrears.
Upon the humble Petition of Walter Palmer and Nicolas Garrett, Gunners in the Tower;
It is this Day Ordered, That Mr. Wheeler, out of such Monies as are remaining in his Hands, do forthwith pay unto Mr. Sequire Bence the Sum of Twenty-four Pounds Ten Shillings, to be by him paid unto the Petitioners, in Satisfaction of the Arrears of their Entertainment.
Deferring the Assizes.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;
The Lords conceiving many Difficulties to be in the Manner of the Putting off the Assizes, they have appointed a Committee of Six Members of their House, to meet with a Committee of a proportionable Number of this House, to consider of the Manner of putting off the Assizes: To meet presently in the Painted Chamber.
.. Prideaux, .. Whitlock,.. Constantine,.. Grimston, .. Hill, .. Lisle, .. Nicholas,.. Sandys,.. Cage, .. Young,.. White,.. Strode;
This Committee is appointed to meet with a Committee of a proportionable Number of the Lords, presently, in the Painted Chamber, to Consider of the Manner of putting off the Assizes.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and have appointed a Committee of a proportionable Number to meet presently, as is desired.
Portesmouth Garifou.
Resolved, &c. That the Treasurers for the Subscriptions in London do, by Monday Night next, pay unto Sir Gilbert Gerard, Treasurer at Wars, the Sum of Fifteen hundred Pounds, to be by him paid to Sir Wm. Lewes, or his Assigness, to satisfy the Arrears due to the Garison at Portesmouth.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Tho. Barrington brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Two Orders carried up by him; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Treaty with the King.
Mr. Hollis reports from the Conference with the Lords, That, as for the Manner of Treating, their House has agreed, if this House shall so think fit, to send a Committee of both Houses to treat with his Majesty himself, as a Thing more Parliamentary than to treat with Commissioners.
Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Lords to send a Committee of both Houses to treat with his Majesty himself, upon the Propositions, as a Thing more Parliamentary than to treat with Commissioners.
Mr. Marten reports, The Lords do agree to the Inlargement of the Power to the Committee, to prepare an Answer to his Majesty concerning the Treaty; and do desire, that they may meet presently in the Painted Chamber.
Sir Gilbert Gerrard is appointed to go to the Lords, to acquaint them, that this House doth concur as to the Vote for sending Committees to treat with his Majesty.
Hall Garifon.
Ordered, That Sir Samuel Owfield and Mr. Vassall do speak with the Treasurers at Guildhall, for the present advancing the Two thousand Pounds, for Payment of the Garison at Hull, now in great Distress; and to give an Account on Monday Morning to the House.
Ld. Scudamore's Goods.
Ordered, That the Committee for Examination do cause Inquiry to be made of the Conveying away of the Hangings, and other Goods, belonging to the Lord Scudamore, from the Temple; and to seize such of the said Goods as shall be found out.
Privilege-Subpænaing a Member.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Thomas Cropp be sent for, as a Delinquent, for Breach of Privilege, in causing a Subpæna, at his Suit, to be served upon Sir Wm. Lewis, a Member of this House, to appear at Oxon.
Weekly Assessments.
Ordered, That the Committee at Haberdashers Hall do consider, What Members are fit to be sent down into the several Counties, for the speedy putting in Execution the Ordinance for the weekly Assessments; and to present those Names on Monday Morning to the House.
Hansard discharged.
Ordered, That Mr. Hansard shall be discharged, upon taking the Protestation not to serve against the Parliament.
Lord Saye's Loan.
Ordered, That this Money shall be paid over to Sir Wm. Lewes, to be repaid unto my Lord Viscount Saye and Seale at Two Months End.
Weekly Assessment.
Ordered, That the Commissioners of the County of Middlesex and Westminster, and the County of Surrey, do go on with the Rates and Levies upon the Ordinance of the weekly Assessment, according to the Proportions and Rates as passed this House.
Committees for Assessments.
Committees for Levying of Monies upon the Ordinance for the weekly Assessments, agreed on by the Commons House.
St. Albane's, Woodstreet, Parsonage.
An Ordinance for sequestering the Rents and Profits of the Parsonage of St. Albane's Woodstreet (whereof Dr. Wm. Watts is Parson), in the Hands of certain Sequestrators, named in the said Sequestration, to the Use of Samuel Fisher Master of Arts, a godly, learned, orthodox Divine; who, by this Ordinance, is, for the Time, placed in this Parsonage; was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Payment of Money.
Ordered, That the Treasurer at Wars do, on Monday Morning, bring in a Note of such Monies as are most pressing to be paid; and, in particular, that imprested to Sir Hugh Cholmeley: And that the House do then take them into Consideration; and give Order for the speedy Payment of them: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind hereof.
Dr. Seaton, a Prisoner.
Ordered, That Dr. Seaton, now under the Serjeant's Custody, be removed by Mr. Speaker's Warrant to the King's Bench: And that it shall be lawful for Henry March to lay Actions upon him.
It is farther Ordered, That the said Dr. Seaton do pay all Fees and Duties due to the Serjeant.
Warrant to Pratt.
Ordered, That Mr. Roger Pratt, of the Inner Temple, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to pass into France, with One Servant, Toby Drake.
Bennett's Horses.
Ordered, That the Three Horses taken from Sir Jo. Bennett, and valued at Thirty-six Pounds, be allowed unto him, as so much Monies subscribed by him upon the Propositions.
Contribution for Ireland.
The Draught of a Letter to be sent into the several Counties, for the speedier putting in Execution the Ordinance for a Contribution for Ireland, was this Day read; and by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered, that Mr. Speaker should sign them.
Lord Say's Loan.
Whereas the Lord Viscount Say et Seale did, about August last, borrow and lend Seven hundred Fourscore Fourteen Pounds, for and towards the Household Expences of his Majesty's Children at St. James's; It is this Day Ordered, by the and Commons, That Mr. Holland shall repay the said Seven hundred Fourscore Fourteen Pounds unto the said Lord Say, out of such Monies as are now remaining in the Hands of Sir Ralph Freeman, or his Deputies: And that the said Sir Ralph Freeman, or his Deputies, do forthwith pay all such Sums of Money, as are remaining in their Hands due to his Majesty, unto the said Mr. Holland, according to a former Ordinance of Parliament.
Ordered, That this Money shall be paid over to the Treasurers at Guildhall for the Service of the Army, upon Account, to be repaid unto my Lord Viscount Say and Seale, upon the publick Faith, at Two months End.
Wasse's Petition.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of John Wasse Surgeon, employed in Captain Langrege his Troop, and in Sir Wm. Waller's and at Coventrie, this Day read, be referred to the Committee for maimed Soldiers to Consider of some Way for his Relief.