Pages 974-975
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Martis, 21 Februarii, 1642.
Bermondsey Petition.
THE humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Mary Magdalen, in Bermondsey, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Examinations.
Prisoners to be sent up.
Ordered, That Charles Lawrence Customer, and Andrew Richards, now Prisoners at Lynne, in the Custody of Captain Tho. Ceely, be forthwith sent, as Prisoners and Delinquents, aboard the Ship of Captain Rich. Swanley, now riding before Waymouth; and be there detained, as Prisoners, till he have Opportunity of sending them up safe by Sea hither, as Prisoners and Delinquents.
Ceely's Indemnity, &c.
Ordered, That Mr. Prideaux and Mr. Rose do prepare an Ordinance for the Indemnity of Captain Tho. Ceely; and for the Conferring upon him the Horses of the abovesaid Andrew Richards and Charles Lawrence.
Kent, &c. Association.
The Ordinance of Association of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey; and the Instructions upon that Ordinance: and the Votes of the Committee, the Ground of the said Ordinance and Instructions; were all this Day read.
Levying Money, &c.
Ordered, That all Orders and Ordinances made, or to be made, for the Advancing and Levying of Monies, or other Necessaries, for the Army raised by Authority of Parliament, shall be diligently and carefully pursued and executed, to all Intents and Purposes in the said Orders and Ordinances mentioned and declared, notwithstanding any Treaty, or Cessation of Arms, until farther Order be taken and published by both Houses of Parliament.
Carried up by Sir H. Mildmay.
Message to Lords.
He likewise carried up the Order for Mustering in Taunton, and for compelling the Soldiers there to do their Duty: The Order concerning Monies to Captain Cupper, for Provisions sent into Ireland: The Sequestration of the Parish of St. Nicholas, Olives: The Order for Stay of Ships: The Order for Five hundred Pounds to Sir Wm. Cole.
He likewise is appointed to desire the Lords to expedite the several Ordinances concerning the Raising of Monies in the several Counties of Sussex, Stafford, and Warwick; and likewise the general Ordinance for taxing such as have not yet contributed upon the Propositions, or not proportionable to their Estates.
Treaty with the King.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;
The Lords this Morning have received a Message from his Majesty; and likewise a Letter from my Lord General: They desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, that they may impart these Letters concerning a Cessation.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting as is desired.
Mr. Holles, Mr. Pym, Sir Phil. Stapilton, Sir Wm. Armyn, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Marten, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Answer from Lords.
Sir H. Mildmay brings Answer, That the Lords will send Answer by Messengers of their own to all the Orders and Messages carried up by him.
New England.
Ordered, That Mr. Rigby do prepare an Ordinance for the Inhabitants, Planters, and Adventurers, of New England, for Exporting and Importing of Commodities into That Planatation, Custom-free.
King's Proclamation not to be published.
Ordered, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex do not publish, or cause to be published, within their Liberties, a Proclamation, intituled, "A Proclamation for the Payment of his Majesty's Rents and Revenues into his Receipt of his Exchequer, at his City of Oxon:" And that for their Obedience therein they shall be saved harmless.
Treaty with the King.
Mr. Holles presented, from the Conference with the Lords, a Letter from his Majesty; and a Message inclosed concerning a Cessation; and a Letter from my Lord General Essex likewise, touching the Message sent unto his Excellency for his Advice concerning a Cessation.
The which were both read.
And then Mr. Holles further informed the House, That the Lords had appointed a Committee of Six of their Members; and desire this House, if they think it fitting, to appoint a Committee of a proportionable Number, to meet this Afternoon at Three of Clock, to consider of these Letters, and Message, concerning a Cessation.
Resolved, &c. That, in Return of this Conference, the Lords shall be desired, that Members of both Houses may speedily go to my Lord General, to advise with him concerning the Manner, Limitations, and Qualifications, of the Cessation; and to make a speedy Return of their Resolutions, to both Houses.-
Coal Trade, &c.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Riche, and Mr. Page;
The Lords have agreed to the Two Ordinances; the One for Rating of Coals; the other, for the Stay of the Ships.-
Ordered, That this Vote shall be delivered at a Conference with the Lords: And that Sir Tho. Barrington do desire the Conference: And that Mr. Holles and Mr. Pym do manage the Conference.
Raising Money in Chester, &c.
Ordered, That the Ordinances of the Fifteenth of February, and of the Twentieth of February, concerning the Raising of Monies in the County of Chester, sent up to the Lords, and not as yet passed there, be made now Orders of this House only: And that the Clerk do sign them as Orders of this House.
The like was ordered for the Instructions for Sussex.
Letter to Hotham.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do write a Letter to Sir Jo. Hotham, in the same Manner as Mr. Speaker should have done, to return him Thanks, &c. and declare the Care this House has to provide Monies to pay the Garison.
Attempts on Lambeth House.
Mr. Glyn, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Wheeler, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Robert Pye, Mr. Rowse, Sir Richard Onslow, Mr. Priudeaux, Mr. Browne, Mr. Cage, Mr. Corbett, Sir Robert Parkhurst, Mr. White, Mr. Pym;
This Committee is to take into Consideration the Petition of Dr. Leighton, Keeper of Lambeth House, Captain Andrewes, Captain of the Guard there, and other Inhabitants of those Parts; and of the Representation of the Attempts of the Inhabitants of Lambeth upon the Guard at Lambeth House: And are to meet at Eight of the Clock on Thursday Morning, in the Chequer Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, &c.
Post Meridiem
Solliciting Pardon for Hockyn.
ORDERED, That James Coffyn and Hugh Prust of Devon, and Hugh Prust of London, Gentlemen, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant, quietly and peaceably to travel to the King's Court, where ever it shall be residing; to solicit the Pardon of Wm. Hockyn, late Captain in the Militia, who casually did commit a Manslaughter.
Letter to Dublyn.
A Letter in Answer to divers Letters from the Committees at Dublyn, to be signed by Mr. Speaker, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented....
Treaty with the King.
Sir Tho. Barrington went to the Lords, to desire a Conference by Committees of both Houses, concerning the Matter of the late Conference touching the Message from his Majesty; and the Letter from my Lord General, touching a Cessation.
Royne Minister.
An Ordinance for sequestring the Profits of the Parish Church of Royne, in the County of Essex, into the Hands of certain Sequestrators mentioned and named in the said Sequestration, for the Use of Mr. Robert Atkins, Master of Arts, a godly, learned, and orthodox Divine; who is thereby appointed and required to preach every Lord's Day, and to officiate as Parson, and to take Care for the Discharge of the Cure of the said Place in all the Duties thereof, until farther Order shall be taken by both Houses of Parliament; was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Receiving Informations.
Sir Ben. Rudyard, Sir John Clotworthy, Mr. Selden, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Morley, and Sir Gilbert Gerard, are appointed to receive such Informations as shall be offered unto them by Sir Edmund Stafford.
Prisoners discharged.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Miles Brigg and Charles Chamberlaine, Collectors, Yesterday sent for, as Delinquents for being in Arrear in their Collections, be forthwith discharged from any further Restraint, without paying Fees.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Henry Coles, Collector, formerly sent for, as a Delinquent, for being in Arrear in his Collection, be forthwith discharged from any further Restraint without paying Fees.
King's Proclamation.
A Proclamation, by his Majesty, intituled, "A Proclamation for the Safety of his Majesty's Navy, and the Kingdom," was this Day read: And
Declaration in Answer.
It is Ordered, That Mr. Green, Mr. Browne, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Maynard, Mr. Pym, Mr. Grimston, and Mr. Hill, do prepare a Declaration in Answer to this Proclamation from his Majesty for the Safety of his Majesty's Navy and the Kingdom: And are to meet on Thursday Morning, at Eight of Clock, in the Court of Wards; and so from time to time, as they shall think fit: And the Care of this is especially recommended to Mr. Browne.
Treaty with the King.
Mr. Pym reports, That the Lords do agree totally with this House in the Resolution delivered at this Conference: And have appointed Two Members of their House to go to my Lord General; and desire this House would appoint a Committee of a proportionable Number; and that they may return on Thursday.
Sir Walter Erle, Sir John Corbet, Sir John Clotworthy, and Mr. Pym, are appointed to go to the Lord General, with a proportionable Number of the Lords, to advise with him concerning the Manner, Limitations, and Qualifications, of the Cessation.
Harwich Fortifications.
Ordered, That Sir Harbotell Grimston, and Sir Thomas Cheek, or either of them, shall go down to Harwich, to see the Works and Fortifications there repaired; and to take Care for the Disbursement of such Monies as are appointed by Order of this House; or as shall be assigned to those Purposes by the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Essex, or any Two of them: And are to consider and certify unto the said Deputy Lieutenants, what Guard, as also, what Arms, Ammunition, and other Necessaries, are fit to be raised for the Defence of the said Works: And have Power to appoint such Substitutes under them for the better Effecting of this Service, as they shall think fit: And are also hereby required to put the Propositions for Raising of Horse, Money, and Plate, in Execution; and to return the Names of such as have not contributed, or not in Proportion answerable to their Estates.