Pages 969-971
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 18 Februarii, 1642.
Surmister Marshall Parsonage.
ORDERED, That Dr. Joshua Hoyle of Ireland be recommended unto the Provost and Fellows of Eaton College, to bestow upon him the Parsonage of Surmister Marshall in the County of Dorsett: And that a Letter of Recommendation be prepared to this Purpose, to be sent from Mr. Speaker.
Westham Petition.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of the wellaffected Inhabitants of Westham in the County of Essex be referred to the Committee of Examinations; to examine, and consider of it.
Informations concerning the Serjeants.
Ordered, That the several Informations concerning the Serjeant be referred to the Committee for Dispatches where Mr. Prideaux has the Chair.
Queen of Bohcuia.
The humble Remonstrance of Sir Abraham Williams Knight, Agent for the Queen of Bohemia; remonstrating her Extremities, and pressing Necessities, at the Hagh, where she liveth; was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Navy, to take a speedy Consideration of the Extremities and Necessities of the Queen of Bohemia, and Prince Elector, and of the said Remonstrance; and speedily to return their Opinions of some Course for their Relief.
Deferring the Assizes.
An Ordinance and Declaration for putting off the Assizes in the several Counties was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Message to Lords.
Sir Philip Stapilton is appointed to go up to the Lords, to desire them to pass the Ordinance for the weekly Assessments; in regard that a Common Council is called to meet this Afternoon; and the Passing of this Ordinance will much conduce to the Loan of Monies: And likewise to desire them to sit awhile.
Melting Plate, &c.
Resolved, &c. That the Plate of the Bishop of Yorke, the Bishop of Elye, the Plate that came from Oxon, the Lord Dunsmore's, Sir Nicholas Wharton, shall be melted down forthwith, and employed for the Service of the Commonwealth.
Resolved, &c. That the Money of Dr. Fuller, of the Lord Petre, of Mr. Wm. Petro, shall be employed, and made use of, for the Service of the Commonwealth.
Weekly Assessment.
Sir Philip Stapilton brings Answer, That the Lords will take the Ordinance for Assessing of a weekly Assessment into a speedy Consideration.
Stay of Money.
Ordered, That the Monies in Sir Peter Osborne's Office, upon Respite of Homage, and assigned unto Baron Henden be stayed in the Officer's Hand, in whose Custody it now is; to be employed for the Service of the Commonwealth, and not issued out but by Order of this House.
Melting Plate.
An Ordinance for the melting down of several Parcels of Plate, and making use of, and employing of several Sums of Monies seized, brought into Guildhall, London, mentioned in the said Ordinance, was this Day read; and re-committed unto the same Committee; to examine, Whether this Plate and Monies be already melted, and disposed of; and by whose Authority it was coined or disposed of: And the Petition of Humphry Shalcrosse is referred to the same Committee.
Indemnity for not publishing King's Proclamations.
Whereas divers Proclamations, Writs, and Messages, some under the Great Seal, and some under the Privy Signet, have been directed and delivered unto Alderman Langham and Alderman Andrews, then and yet Sheriffs of the City of London, and County of Middlesex, commanding them, in his Majesty's Name, to execute the same: Which Proclamations, Writs, and Messages, being contrary to the Privilege of Parliament; and some of them containing Matter tending to the Scandal of the Proceedings thereof, and to the Prejudice of the Commonwealth; were, by Order of both or either Houses of Parliament, forbidden to be executed: And the said Sheriffs, in Obedience thereunto, according to their Duty, did forbear to execute the same: The Lords and Commons do Declare, That they will approve of the ready Conformity of the said Sheriffs to their Commands: And do farther Declare and Ordain, That the said Sheriffs shall, by the Authority of both Houses, be saved and kept harmless from all Damages and Inconveniencies, that shall or can happen unto them for obeying the said Orders, or for any Act or Thing they have done, or shall do, in pursuance of the said Order or Orders.
Treaty with the King.
The House fell into the farther Consideration of the Lords Limitations to their Vote upon the Treaty: And, upon Debate,
It was Resolved, &c. That this House doth concur with the Lords in their Vote, concerning the Time of the Treaty, thus altered by an Addition; viz. "That the Treaty shall begin the Fourth of March, or sooner, if it may be: And that from the Beginning the Treaty may not exceed Twenty Days."
Resolved, &c. That this House does concur with the Lords in the several Times for disbanding the Armies.
The Question was propounded for a Cessation: And then the Question was put, Whether this Question should be now put:
And then the House was divided: And
The Noes went forth.
Mr. Holles, | Tellers for the Yea: | 99. |
Sir John Evelyn, | With the Yea, | |
Sir Walt. Erle, | Tellers for the Noe: | 67. |
Mr. Hampden, | With the Noe. | |
So that it passed with the Affirmative. |
Resolved, &c. That there shall be a Cessation of all Acts of Hostility, in order to the Treaty upon the Propositions: And that the Manner, Limitations, and Qualifications, of this Cessation, be referred to my Lord General for his Advice; that thereupon the House may take farther Order therein.
Sir Jo. Holland is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, concerning the Matter of the late Conference, touching the Limitations to the Lords Proposition, concerning the Treaty upon the Propositions. He is likewise to desire their Lordships Resolution, concerning the Ordinance for the weekly Assessments, before they rise; in regard it is a Business of great Importance, and something must be done upon it this Night: And likewise to desire them to speed the Ordinance for the Assessing of Delinquents.
Irish Protestants.
The humble Petition of the Lords, Knights, Gentlemen, and other Protestants, late Inhabitants in the Kingdom of Ireland, desiring that a Committee might be appointed to draw a Bill for the Loan of Two hundred thousand Pounds, from the States General or Particular, or any other Persons of the United Provinces upon the Publick Faith, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That the Matter of this Petition be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next, at Ten of Clock: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind of this Order.
Mr. Holles, Mr. Pym, are appointed Managers of this Conference.
Guynny Company.
Ordered, That Mr. Wood, Treasurer of the Guynny and Binny Company, do forthwith pay all such Monies as are due from that Company, for the Duty of Customs: And that, upon the Payment thereof, he shall receive the Elephants Teeth seized, and now remaining in the Warehouse at the Custom-house.
Ships seized.
Ordered, That Sir Hugh Cholmeley shall stay and detain the Three Ships he has seized on at Scarborough, that were bound for Newcastle, with Provisions of Victuals: And that he shall make use of those Provisions for the Service of the Army Forces: And that Mr. F. Thorpe, Mr. Rich. Darley, and Mr. J. Ledgar of Malton, Mr. Peregrine Pelham, or any Two of them, do inventory the same Goods; and return up One Duplicate of the Value of them hither; and another to my Lord Fairefax; that the Commonwealth may have an Account of them.
Persons seat for.
Resolved, &c. That Mr. Edw. Major, Mr. Wm. James, and Mr. Tho. Jansey, be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, for breaking open their Warehouses, and taking out several Hogsheads of Tobacco; the Custom not being paid.
Sheriff's Commission.
The under Sheriff of the County of Suffolk, that was summoned to bring in the Patent of Commission to Thomas Playtor Esquire, to be High Sheriff of the said County, was this Day brought in to the Bar; and delivered the said Commission, and Commission of Assistance. And It is Ordered, That * * * *.
Weekly Levy.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Riche and Mr. Page;
The Lords desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning the weekly Levy.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has taken their Lordships Message into Consideration; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Mr. Strode, Mr. Marten, Mr. Glyn, are appointed. Reporters of this Conference.
Message to Lords.
Sir Robert Harley carried up to the Lords the Order for putting off the next Assizes; and the Order for the Treasurer at Wars to pay unto Mr. Stevens and Mr. Hodges the Seven hundred and Twenty Pounds advanced for Preparing of Eight hundred Arms for the Service of the County of Gloucester.
Towers' Petition.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of Tho. Towers, Gentleman, and Soldier for the King and Parliament, be referred to the Committee for Dispatches.
Bonds, &c. for Customs.
Whereas there are several Bonds and Debts from Merchants and others, upon the Accompts of the late Commissioners for the Customs; which are appointed by this House to be collected by the Committee of the Navy and Customs, for the several Fleets for this Year's Service, and for the Affairs of the Navy; which said Debts and Bonds cannot be speedily enough collected, unless Power be given to the said Committee of the Navy and Customs, for the Making Stay of the Goods and Ships that belong to the said Persons, as they shall see Cause, in case the said Persons shall prove refractory or dilatory in their said Payments: It is therefore Ordered, That the said Committee shall have Power, from time to time, as they find Cause, to make Stay of any of the Ships or Goods belonging to the said Persons, until they shall give Satisfaction, or make Payment, for the several Debts owing by them into the Committee upon their Customs.
Weekly Levy.
Mr. Marten reports from the Conference with the Lords, That the Lords had passed the Ordinance for a weekly Levy; with some Amendments, Alterations, and Additions, and Two Provisoes.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir * * * *;
Loan from the City.
The Lords have given their Consent to the Propositions sent from this House; and will forthwith send to the Earl of Essex, for his Advice upon them. They have appointed Six Members of their Houses to go presently to the Common Council, about the Loan of Monies; and do desire this Houses would appoint a proportionable Number.
Resolved, &c. That this House shall nominate and appoint a Proportionable Number of the Members of this Houses, to go to the Common Council, concerning the Loan of Monies.
Mr. Pym, * Stapilton, * Parkhurst, * Hampden, * Clotworthy, * Armyn, * Gerard, * Vane, * Pierrepointe, * Evelyn, * Lumley, * Erle;
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has taken their Lordships Message ......; and have resolved to send a proportionable Number of their Members, as is desired.
Judges Fees.
Ordered, That the Secondary of the Court of King's Bench be required to detain all the Fees that are due to the Judges of that Court, except the Fees due to Mr. Justice Bacon and Mr. Justice Bartlett; and not to part with the same, without further Order from this House.
Discharging Coal Ships, &c.
Ordered, That John Simpson, Master of the Primrose of Newcastle, shall be discharged, and his Ship likewise, from any further Restraint: And that he have Power to sell his Coals.
And it is further Ordered, That the Committee for the Navy shall have Power to discharge such of the Ships as are within the Ordinance for seizing of Ships that come from Newcastle with Coals: And the Committee hath Power to give them Leave to sell their Coals, if they shall think fit.
Crispe's Sequestration.
WHEREAS Sir Nicolas Crispe Knight, and other Merchants of London, do trade in joint Stock under the Name and Title of the Ginney Company, for Ginny, Binny, and Angola, upon the Coast of Africa: And whereas it appeareth to this House, that Sir Nicolas Crisp hath One Moiety of the said Stock for the Adventure; which Stock remaineth now beyond the Seas; and that Mr. John Wood, Treasurer for the said Company, together with his Partners, purpose to draw home the said Stock with all Conveniency; for which Purpose the said Wood hath, in the Behalf of the Company, already advanced Monies, and must probably disburse more, to carry on the said Trade, and to bring home the Remainder of the Stock: It is this Day Ordered, That all such Part of the said Stock, as belongeth to Sir Nicolas Crispe, and now remaining beyond the Seas, or any Proceed thereof, which shall hereafter be brought into this Kingdom, or any other Parts, shall remain sequestered in the Hands of the said John Wood, for the Use of the State, towards the Satisfaction of a Debt due by the said Sir Nicolas Crispe, unto the Commonwealth: And this House doth require the said John Wood to take Notice of this Order; and, from time to time, to make Payment of all such Proceed of the said Sir Nicolas Crispe his Part in the said Stocks, to such Persons as shall be appointed by this House: And this Order shall be his sufficient Warrant for his Indemnity against the said Sir Nicolas Crispe, or any other Person whatsoever.
Bonds, &c. for Customs.
WHEREAS there are several Bonds and Debts from Merchants, and others, upon the Accounts of the late Commissioners for the Customs, which are appointed by this House to be collected by the Committee of the Navy and Customs, for the several Fleets for this Year's Service; and for the Affairs of the Navy; which said Debts and Bonds cannot be speedily enough collected, unless Power be given to the said Committee of the Navy and Customs, for the making Stay of the Goods and Ships that belong to the said Persons, as they shall see Cause, in Case the said Persons shall prove refractory or dilatory in their said Payments: It is therefore Ordered, That the said Committee shall have Power, from time to time, as they find Cause, to make Stay of any of the Ships or Goods belonging to the said Persons, until they shall give Satisfaction, or make Payment, for the several Debts owing by them to the Committee upon their Customs.
Payment to Stephens, &c.
WHEREAS Mr. Stephens and Mr. Hodges, Members of the House of Commons, have, for the Advancing and Furnishing out of Forces into the County of Glocester, for the publick Service of the Kingdom, under the Command of Sir Wm. Waller, Serjeant Major General of the Forces raised in the said County of Glocester, and other the Counties adjacent, taken up, and provided at Interest, upon their particular Credit and Security, the Sum of Seven hundred and Twenty Pounds, for Arms; without which the said Forces could not march upon their present Expedition: It is therefore Ordered, by the Commons, assembled in Parliament, That Sir Gilbert Gerard, Treasurer for the Army, shall forthwith issue and pay out of the first Receipt upon Subscriptions, or otherwise, the said Sum of Seven hundred and Twenty Pounds, with the Interest, according to Eight Pounds per Cent. unto the said Members of the House of Commons.