House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 December 1642

Pages 900-902

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Sabbati, 24 Decembris, 1642.


Warrant to attend the King.

RESOLVED, upon the Question, That Mr. James Levinstein, of the Bed-chamber to his Majesty, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant, for himself and his Man, to go to the Court to attend his Majesty, wherever he is or shall be residing.

Seditious Publication.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Dr. Fearne shall be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, for Composing and Publishing of a seditious Book, intituled, "The Resolving of the Conscience, &c."

Prisoner discharged.

Resolved, That Mr. Tho. Newcomen Clerk, a Prisoner in the Fleete, by Order of this House, be forthwith discharged from any farther Imprisonment.

Loan from Customers.

The Customers, and other Officers, and Under Officers of the Customs were called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted them, "That the House hath been informed of your good Intentions and Inclinations to a Peace; and of a good Correspondence between his Majesty and his Parliament: The House hath the like Inclinations; and have resolved to send Propositions to his Majesty to that End: We are sure you desire no other Peace, than what may be honourable and safe for his Majesty and the Kingdom: And That cannot be attained, in any Probability, unless the Army be kept up during the Time of the Preparation of the Propositions: And, that they may do it, they desire you would advance Twenty thousand Pound."

Sir Paul Pindar, in the Name of the rest, desired the H .... * * * *.

Sir Ph. Stapilton, Mr. Holles, * Pym, * Wentworth, * Armyn;

These Gentlemen are presently to withdraw into the Court of Wards, to confer with the Collectors and Officers of the Customs, concerning the Advance of Twenty thousand Pounds, for supply of the Army, and to return their Answer forthwith: And likewise to receive the Answer of such other Gentlemen as shall be sent unto them, from the House, for the same Purpose.

Sir Geo. Whittmore was called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted him, That the House had been informed of his good Affections to a Peace, &c. prout to the Customers. - Propounded unto him the Loan of Three thousand Pounds, upon the Security of the Public Faith; to be repaid, with Interest. - Answered, He had no Money: he could receive no Rents; and desired to be excused from lending any Monies.

Others of the Gentlemen, Yesterday summoned, were called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, acquainted them, that the House had been informed of their good Affections to the Peace, &c. proùt to the Customers: &c. - Propounded unto them the Loan of Monies for keeping up of the Army.

Sir Jo. Cordell was called in: And the Loan of a Thousand Pounds, upon the Publick Faith, to be repaid with Interest....- Answered, He had no Monies.

Propounded; Whether he would be bound for a Thousand Pounds. - Desired to be excused.

Sir Jo. Geare was likewise called in: And the Loan of One thousand Pounds propounded unto him.- Desired to be excused.

Mr. Cropley was likewise called in: And the Loan of Three thousand Pounds propounded unto him, or that he would be bound for such a Sum. - Desired to be excused.

Sir Hugh Windham was likewise called in: And the Loan of Two thousand Pounds propounded unto him, or that he would give his Security for the like Sum.- Desired to be excused.

Mr. Smyth was likewise called in: And the Loan of Two thousand Pounds propounded unto him, or that he would give his Security for the like Sum. - Desired to be excused.

Sir Wm. Acton was likewise called in: And the Loan of a Thousand Pounds propounded unto him, upon the Publick Faith, to be repaid with Interest, or that he would give his Security for the like Sum.-Desired to be excused.

Loans for Western Parts.

Sir Jo. Bamfield carried up to the Lords the Ordinance for securing such Monies as shall be lent, by well-affected Members, to the Service of the Western Parts.

Captain Bingly.

Ordered, That Captain Rich. Bingly shall still keep his Company in Ireland, and ... dispensed with for his Absence; he being actually in Service in the Army raised here by the Parliament, for Defence of the King and Parliament.

Maimed Soldiers.

An Ordinance for Contribution, to be published in all the Churches of London, Westminster, and Liberties, &c. to be employed towards the Relief of such maimed Soldiers, as have been wounded in the Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex; or the Widows of such Soldiers as have been slain in the said Army; was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be printed and published.

Loan from Customers.

Mr. Holles reports, from the Customers, that they had been engaged, before this Proposition made by the House, to the Navy, to advance Twenty Thousand Pounds: Unless they might be disengaged there, they could not advance this Twenty thousand Pounds: But if such of the ablest as had subscribed the Petition, concerning a Peace; might have some Directions to meet and confer together; they did not doubt but good considerable Sums would be advanced, to supply the Army during the Time of the Treaty; it being their Opinion, that the Army ought to be kept up.

Intercourse of Letters.

Ordered, That Mr. Pym bring in, on Monday Morning, the Order from the Earl of Lindsay, for the free Intercourse of Letters, to be considered of.

Arrears due to the Scotts.

Two Papers from the Scotts Commissioners, of the Twenty-fourth of December, signed by Ja. Primrose; the One representing the sad Condition of their Army in Ireland, through Want of their Pay, and all Provision of Victuals, these full Five Months past; the other, desiring the Payment of the Forty thousand Pounds, of the Brotherly Assistance, which was due at Midsummer last, were this Day read.

Mr. Pym, Mr. Holles, Sir Wm. Armyn, Serjeant Wilde, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir H. Heyman, Mr. Marten, Sir Sim. D'Ewes, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Cage, Sir H. Vane, Mr. Jo. Goodwyn, Mr. Holland;

This Committee, or any Four of them, are appointed to prepare Answer to the Scotts Demands of the Forty thousand Pounds, Arrear of the Brotherly Assistance, upon the Heads here debated: And are to meet when and where they please: And to bring it in on Monday Morning. It is likewise referred to the same Committee, to consider of some Way, How the Army in Ireland may be furnished with Provisions of Money, Victuals, and Cloathing.


Resolved, That the Matter of the Propositions shall be taken into Consideration on Monday Morning next, at Nine of Clock.


Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Navy and Customs, to prepare a Declaration in Answer to the Proclamation concerning the Receiving and Paying of Customs: And Mr. Glyn, Mr. Whitlock, and Mr. Prideaux, are added to this Committee.

Moore's, &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Captain Robert Moore, and Mrs. Elizabeth Grey, be referred to the Committee for the Navy, to take some Course with the Searchers for their Relief.

Money to Duke of Yorke.

Resolved, That this Sum of One hundred and Twentysix Pounds, seized by Order of the House, shall be sent, as they were appointed, to the Duke of Yorke.

Aldus' Barley.

Ordered, That Robert Aldus, who had brought Four hundred Quarters of Barley, or more, and had laded Part thereof at Woodbridge; the which Barley, upon Information, that it was shipped to be transported into Duynkirke, was stayed by Order of this House; that the said Robert Aldus, giving good Security at such Port, or Ports, where he shall ship, or lade, the said Barley, that he will transport it to the Port of London: that he shall have Liberty to bring it to London: And, upon bringing Certificate from the Customers of the Port, that he had landed it here, he is to have his Bonds re-delivered.

Lord Gray's Commission.

A Commission from my Lord General Essex, to constitute my Lord Gray of Grooby, Serjeant Major General of the Forces, raised, or to be raised, in the Counties of Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Northampton, Huntingdon, Bedford, and Bucks, was this Day read; and approved of; being the like as That to the Earl of Stamford.

Reformado Officers.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do grant their Warrants to the Treasurer at Wars, for the Payment of Two hundred Pounds to the English Reformado Officers; according to the Report this Day made from the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, by Mr. Marten.

Prisoners of War.

Mr. Pym and sir Philip Stapilton do prepare a Declaration, concerning the Usage of the Prisoners taken by the King's Forces.

Clerke's Petition.

Ordered, That the Petition of Roger Clerke, Citizen and Grocer of London, who was committed to the Compter in Southwarke, by Order of this House, upon the Report from the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Surrey, be referred to the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, to do with the Petitioner as they shall think fit, and see Cause.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That Mr. Goodwyn do make Report, from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, on Tuesday next.

Silkeston Vicarage.

WHEREAS the Lords and Commons, for divers weighty Reasons, having declared, That they intend altogether to abolish and take away the Jurisdiction and Office of Archbishops and Bishops, within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales; and now considering how much Prejudice hath been brought upon this Church and State, by such unworthy Persons as are usually presented to those Benefices, within this Kingdom, whereof they are Patrons; having, for the most part, constantly promoted such as have formented the unhappy Distempers wherewith this Kingdom is so much afflicted: And being informed, That the Vicarage of Silkeston, within the Jurisdiction of the Presentation of the Archbishop of York, is now lately become void: It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That John Spofford Clerk shall be enabled to serve the Cure, and receive the Profits and Fruits of the Vicarage of Silkston aforesaid, in the West Riding of the County of York: And the Archbishop and Archdeacon of York are hereby prohibited to present or grant Institution or Induction to any other Clerk, for the Vicarage of Silkston, until both Houses of Parliament shall take farther Order concerning the same.

Instructions for Western Counties.

Sir Jo. Northcott presented from the Committee for the Western Parts, certain Propositions and Instructions for the Deputy Lieutenants of those Counties: The which were read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence, by Sir Jo. Northcott.

Grant to Phillipps, &c.

Whereas Captain Geo. Phillipps hath done good and faithful Service, in blowing up Twenty-three Barrels of Powder, and sinking his Barge and Eight Brass Pieces of Ordnance, after he had spent all his Shot in the Fight with the Cavaliers near Braintford; which Eight Pieces of Ordnance he afterwards regained: It is this Day Ordered, That Eighty-seven Pounds shall be given to the said Captain Phillips; to be distributed to himself and his Soldiers, Volunteers, that sustained Losses at that Fight, according to the List presented with his Petition: And that the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom be moved to grant their Warrants to the Treasurer at Wars, for Payment of the same, accordingly.

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