House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 21 December 1642

Pages 898-899

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, 21 Decembris, 1642.


Moneyers Horses.

THE humble Petition of the Moneyers of his Majesty's Mint, in the Tower of London, desiring that their Horses might be secured, was this Day read: And

It is Ordered, That the said Moneyers shall have an Immunity and Privilege to secure their Horses from any * * * * .

Restoring Horses.

Ordered, That Field, who had contributed Two Horses to the Parliament, and hath had Two Horses taken from him, shall have his Two Horses restored unto him, and be protected for the future.

Ordered, That Mr. Browne, a Member of this House, shall have his crop-eared grey Nag, that has been seized, restored unto him: And that Mr. Herne's Man, Mr. Baily, shall likewise have his Horse restored unto him.

Persons to be summoned.

Ordered, That Stiles be summoned to appear here; to answer his Contempt in seizing the Horses that there were Order * * * * .

Committee for Trade.

Ordered, That the Committee for Trade, where Sir H. Vane has the Chair, be revived; to meet on Monday, at Two post meridiem, in the Exchequer Chamber; to consider of the Patent of Captain Bond, and the State of the Business between the East India Company and the said Captain Bond: And Captain Bond is hereby required to bring in his Patent to the said Committee, at the Time aforesaid.

Money, &c. going to King's Army.

Sir H. Mildmay and Mr. Noble are appointed to go forth, to take Examination of fome Information that is given of Monies appointed to be sent to some Gentlemen in the King's Army.

A Letter from Mr. Toll, of Monies and Plate, to the Value of Sixteen thousand and Forty-five Pounds and Eleven Pence.

Ordered, That Mr. Noble, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Ashhurst, do presently take a Serjeant's Man with them and make Seizure of such Persons, Money, or Plate, Horses, or other Goods, as they shall be informed is now going to the King's Army: And that they require the Assistance of Justices of Peace, Constables, and other his Majesty's Officers, and loving Subjects; and also to search all Persons and Carriages informed to go as aforesaid.

Prisoners of War.

Mr. Glyn, Mr. Strode, are appointed to prepare a Declaration concerning the Usage of Prisoners taken by the King's Army; and for some Course for the Relieving of them.

Mr. Corbett, Sir Robert Pye, Mr. Whitacre, Mr. Bond, Sir Peter Wentworth, are added to the Committee for Prisoners; And this Committee, or any Two of them, are appointed to inform themselves, What Prisoners are committed to the several Prisons, by the Commitment from Parliament, or from any Committee of Parliament; of their Qualities; and which have been taken in War; and which, in the several Counties, upon the Commission of Array, the Propositions, or other Grounds; and to return a List of them to the House, with all convenient Speed; that a Copy of it may be sent to my Lord General, to make use of either in Exchange of Prisoners, or otherwise.

Seizing Rents of King's Adherents.

Ordered, That Mr. Serjeant Wilde and Mr. Prideaux do, To-morrow Morning, bring in a Order to enable the Committees and Assessors in the several Counties to seize the Rents and Profits of such Persons as are in the King's Army, or have contributed either Horse, Money, or Plate, to this unnatural War.

Train Bands.

Mr. Glyn, Mr. Hollis, Col. Venn, are appointed to prepare an Order to compel such Defaulters of the Train Bands as shall not appear upon Duty.

Letter read.

A Letter from Mr. Speaker to Sir Jo. Gell, of Derbyshire, was read: And * * * *.


Ordered, That if any Man that is in the King's Army have a Protection, the House doth Declare, that That Protection doth extend to secure him only from Plundering by Soldiers; but not from searching the Houses of any that they shall find suspected, or doing any other Act that they shall be commanded unto by Ordinance of Parliament, or by the Commands of the Lord General.

King's Servants.

The Question being put, Whether the House would give Leave, at this Time, to the King's Servants to go to Court, to attend his Majesty;

It passed with the Negative.

Holland's Pass to the Prince.

Resolved, That Felix Holland, Interpreter to the Portugall Ambassador, shall have Mr. Speaker's Pass to convey Four Cases of Sweetmeats and Perfumes to the Prince of Wales, from the Portugall Ambassador; they being first opened and examined by Sir Jo. Hippisley and Mr. Bond, and sealed up again.

Landguard Fort, &c.

The humble Petition of the distressed Soldiers of Landguard Fort; and a Letter from Captain Camock to the Earl of Warwick, of the Fifteenth of December, concerning the Extremities of the Soldiers, of that Fort; were this Day read.

Resolved, &c. That a Thousand Pounds shall be allowed out of the Monies raised in the County of Norfolk, and now coming up; to be imprested, upon Account, for Payment of the Garison of Landguard Fort.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Tho. Barrington, and Mr. Martyn do move the Earl of Warwicke to give an Account unto this House, What Monies hath been disbursed, and what the Charges for the future will come unto, for the Materials for the Fortifying of Langer Fort and Harwiche; to the end the rest of the Monies may be employed for the Service of the Kingdom.

Search for Money, &c.

Mr. Noble reports, That the Committee had been at the House, where it was informed, that Monies were going to the Court: That the People were gone: And that the Trunks were searched by Captain Hawes, and sealed up again: And that they had a Pass from the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom.

Ordered, That the Oxford Waggon shall be stayed, and brought back again to London.

Intercourse with Oxford.

Ordered, That there shall be no Intercourse hereafter, either by Land or Water, by Horse or Waggon, between Oxford and London.

Seizing Waggon, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Ashherst and Mr. Noble shall have Power, and be injoined, to send a Messenger to seize and stay the Waggon and the Carriers; and to bring back the said Waggon, Horses, and Carriers; and likewise the Gentlemen and Trunks, that were going upon a Pass from the .... Safety of the Kingdom.

St. Anne and Agnes Lecturer.

Upon the humble Petition of the Churchwardens and Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Anne and Agnes, within Aldersgate, London, this Day read in the House of Commons;

It is Ordered, That Mr. John Rawlinson, formerly elected by Order of this House to be their Lecturer, shall continue there still, to preach a Lecture so long as he please.

It is also Ordered, That the said Petitioners may bring and appoint an orthodox Divine to preach in the said Parish Church every Fast Day in the Morning: And that the present Incumbent or Curate shall permit him the free Use of the Pulpit without Interruption.

Correspondence with Scotland.

Ordered, That Mr. Pym do acquaint the Lord Lindsey with their Desires, That all Pacquets to and from Scotland may be addressed to the Commissioners of Scotland residing in London; to be by them conveyed, from time to time, according to the Directions either from the King or Parliament.