House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 14 December 1642

Pages 887-889

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, 14 Decembris.


Restoring Plate, &c.

ORDERED, That the Plate and Monies belonging to Sir Jo. Burlace, seized by Order of this House, in a Trunk, with J. B. upon it, and carried into Guildhall, shall be restored to the said John Burlace; he having contributed to the Parliament, both in Monies, and Bringing in of Horses: And the Treasurers in Guildhall, that hath the Custody thereof, are hereby required to deliver the same accordingly: And this Order, and Acquittance under the Hand of the said Jo. Burlace, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers.

Ordered, That the Three thousand Six hundred Pounds belonging to Mr. William Stewart, seized by Order of this House, and carried to Guildhall, in London, shall be restored unto him by the Treasurers in Guildhall, London, except the Sum of Four hundred Pounds, which the said Mr. Stewart is willing to lend the Commonwealth, upon the Publick Faith: And that this Order, together with an Acquittance under the Hand of the said Mr. Stewarte, shall be a sufficient Discharge with the said Treasurers.

Money, &c. seized.

The humble Petition of John Acton, his Majesty's Goldsmith, was read; concerning Monies and Plate seized in the Exchequer.

And the Question being put, Whether the Question for the Delivery thereof should be now put;

It passed with the Negative: And

Report to be made.

It is Ordered, That Mr. Rous go on in his Report To-morrow Morning.

King's, &c. Servants.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Bennett;

The Lords desire a Conference by Committees of both Houses, presently, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, touching some Order to be made, that the menial Servants of the King, Prince, and Duke of Yorke, may resort to Court.

Agent in Holland.

A Letter of Credit to be sent to Mr. Strickland, to enable him to communicate the Declaration lately passed to his Highness the Prince of Orange; and to acquaint him with the present Condition of the Affairs of this Kingdom, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers: That the House will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Affairs in London.

Mr. Shute presented, from the Lord Mayor, That Mr. Osbaldston (Yesterday sent to him by this House) tendered Bail to the Lord Mayor; who desires to know what he shall do herein; and likewise an Addition of more Particulars concerning the Demeanor of the Citizens in getting Hands to the Petition, &c.

Person admonished.

Ordered, That Mr. Vassall and Colonel Ven do acquaint Mr. Shute with the Sense the House has of some Expressions uttered by him; and to give him Admonition how to demean himself in his Expressions hereafter, when he comes to give Information to this House.

Lord Mayor to commit Osbaldston.

Ordered, That the Lord Mayor be required to commit and detain in Prison Mr. Rob. Osbaldston, Yesterday sent unto him from this House, until this House take farther Order: And that Mr. Vassall and Mr. Ven do acquaint the Lord Mayor with this Order.

Message to Lords.

Sir Tho. Barrington carried up to the Lords, the Order concerning the Apprehending of such as beat up Drums for Volunteers in Sommersetshire: The Order for the better Execution of the Ordinance for Assessing of Monies in London, &c. and the Letter of Credit to Mr. Strickland.

He was likewise to acquaint the Lords, That this House is now ready to give a Meeting at the Conference desired by their Lordships, concerning the King's, Prince's, and Duke of Yorke's menial Servants resorting to Court; and likewise for meeting at a Conference concerning the Declaration formerly desired.

Intercepted Letter.

Upon a Letter intercepted, concerning some Expressions uttered by Mr. Linne, Aldermen of Exon, manifesting his Disaffection to the Service of the Parliament, commending the Discretion of those of Tothnes, in yielding up that Town to the King's Forces, and his Sorrow for the Sheriffs of that County being taken, &c..

Apprehending Linne.

It was Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Jo. Linne, Alderman of Exeter, be forthwith apprehended, and brought up in safe Custody at his own Charge.

Members to be brought in custody.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Snow and Mr. Walker, Members of this House, who have not attended the House upon frequent Summons, be forthwith brought up in safe Custody at their own Charges.

Declaration concerning well-affected.

Ordered, That the general Declaration past, concerning Members, and other well-affected Persons in the several Counties, proclaimed Traitors and Rebels, be made particular for those Gentlemen of the County of Devon, proclaimed as aforesaid.

And it is farther Ordered, That every particular Shire that shall desire it, may have the like Order.

Persons killed in Parliament Service.

Mr. Marten, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Noble, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Rous, Mr. Browne, Serjeant Wilde;

This Committee, or any Two of them, is to prepare an Order, whereby to provide, That if any Tenant for Life, or other Estate, shall lose their Lives in the Service of the Parliament; that their Heirs may have their Estates renewed.

Persons serving against Parliament.

And it is referred to this Committee, to prepare a Declaration to be published in the several Counties, for the taking into Favour all such as have served against the Parliament, excepting some certain Persons to be nominated in the said Declaration.

Devon Forces.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the County of Devon shall have the like Order for taking up of Provision for the Forces there, as the County of Bucks had: And that the Gentlemen that serve for Devon bring in Names of fit Persons to be trusted in this Service.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Tho. Barrington brings Answer, That the Lords, as to the Conferences, will send Answer by Messengers of their own: And as to the Two Orders, and Letter of Credit, they assent unto them.

Conference agreed to.

A Message from the Lords by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Bennett;

The Lords have resolved to give you a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, both concerning the King's Servants, &c. which they desired; and concerning the Declaration desired by this House; To-morrow at Ten of Clock, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will be ready to give a Meeting To-morrow, as is desired.

Yorkshire Forces.

Ordered, That the County of Yorke shall have the like Order for taking up of Provisions for the Army there, upon the Publick Faith, as the County of Bucks had: And Mr. Darley, Sir Wm. Strickland, and Mr. Hoyle, are appointed to present Names of fit Persons to be intrusted with this Service.

Affairs in Yorkeshire.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do recommend unto my Lord General the Consideration of the Condition of Yorkeshire; and do write unto those Gentlemen of Yorkeshire, to encourage them to keep their Forces together in a Body, to be ready to fall upon the Lord of Newcastle's Army, upon Occasion; and to keep it from ruining the Country.

Prisoner to be sent up.

Ordered, That Colonel Cockram, now in Custody at Hull, be forthwith sent up to the Parliament by Sea, in some very safe Way, and in the Charge of some trusty Persons.

Earl of Portland.

Ordered, That the Earl of Portland shall be removed unto his own House, in St. Martin's Lane; and there guarded by such a Guard as this House shall approve of, at the Costs and Charges of the said Earl.

Money due to Palmer, &c.

WHEREAS Barnaby Backwell, Grasier, of Buckinghamshire, is to pay unto Sir Roger Palmer, his Majesty's Cofferer, Three thousand Pounds, or thereabouts, for Three hundred Composition Oxen, formerly sold out of his Majesty's Store unto him, as an Assignee of one William Guilpin, lately deceased: It is this Day Ordered, That the said Barnaby Backwell shall not pay the said Three thousand Pounds unto Sir Roger Palmer, he being now in the King's Army; but that the same shall be forthwith paid by him unto Mr. Durand Hotham, Assignee of Sir Jo. Hotham, for the Relief of the Garison of Hull. And whereas the said Barnaby Backwell hath delivered an Hundred and Thirty of the said Oxen for the Expence of his Majesty's Children, for which he is not yet paid: It is further Ordered, That Mr. Holland, a Member of this House, shall pay him for the same out of such Monies as he hath or shall receive, for his Majesty's said Childrens Expence: And this House will save the said Backwell harmless, and all others whom it may concern, for doing or executing any thing conducing to this Service.

Examination of Hall.

Ordered, That the Examination of the Business concerning Mr. Wm. Hall, sent for, as a Delinquent, out of the County of Essex, be referred to the Committee for Informations, where Mr. Corbett has the Chair: And that in the mean time he be committed Prisoner to the Gatehouse.

Examination of Bond. &c.

Ordered, That the Examinations of the Persons, viz. Wm. Bond, Robert Carver, Jo. Harrison, brought hither by the Officer of Holborne Company, that came from the King, be referred to the Committee for Informations, where Mr. Corbett has the Chair: And that the Business be examined by the Committee, To-morrow: And that in the mean time they be all committed Prisoners to the Gatehouse.

Ordinance of Assessment.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Browne called to the Chair: And

The Committee fell into the Consideration of the Ordinance for Levying and Assessing of Monies in the Counties, &c.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair: And

Mr. Browne reported, That there were divers Names wanting for several Counties, to be inserted in the Ordinance for Levying of Monies.

Ordered, That the Members of this House, that have not brought in Names for their Counties, do bring in the same To-morrow Morning.

Removing Persons from the City.

Ordered, That those Persons left in the House of Dr. Turner, a Recusant in London, shall be removed out of the House; Alderman Towse, Colonel Manwaringe, and those that subscribed a Paper, desiring their Removal, for the more safe Guard of the City, undertaking to pay the Rent of the House to the Landlord thereof: And they are required to take Care that none of the Goods in the House, belonging to Dr. Turner, be embezzled away or lost.

Committees added.

Mr. Rose, Mr. Bond, Mr. Ashurst, Mr. Purefry, and Mr. Blackston, are added to the Committee for St. Martin's, where Mr. Trenchard has the Chair, for the Examination of the Petition against Dr. Winchomb.

Prisoners from Essex.

Ordered, That the Prisoners brought out of Essex shall be forthwith committed to Newgate: And that the Examination of the Business shall be referred to the Committee for Association.

Agent in Holland.

YOUR Highness may be pleased to understand, by Mr. Strickland (who is employed by the Lords and Commons, in the Parliament of England assembled, to negotiate some Affairs concerning this Kingdom, with the Lords of the States General) the great Desire they have to entertain all kind of good Correspondency with you; which he is directed more particularly to declare and make known to your Highness, and to communicate to you a more express Notice of the present Condition of the Affairs of this State: Wherefore we are commanded, in the Name of both Houses, to desire your Highness to give him favourable Audience and Credit, from time to time, so often as he shall have Occasion to address himself to your Highness:

And rest * *