Pages 877-879
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Martis, 6 Decembris, 1642.
Suing Persons confined by the House.
THE House doth Declare, That it is lawful for any Man to sue, and proceed, according to Law, against any Man that shall be a Prisoner, or under Restraint, by Order of this House.
Prisoner discharged.
Resolved, That the Recorder, or his Deputy, may discharge Mr. Gourdon, a Prisoner in Newgate, notwithstanding any Order of this House; upon the Condition that he forthwith depart this Kingdom.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Glanvile and * * ;
County Associations.
The Lords do desire a present Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning an Order sent from this House, touching the Association of several Counties. That this and will Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Leave of Absence.
Ordered, That Mr. Maynard shall have Leave to go into the Country, upon his own pressing Occasions.
Letter Office.
Sir Gilbert Gerard went up to the Lords, to acquaint them, That this House is ready, when their Lordships shall please, to give them a Meeting upon the Conference Yesterday desired, concerning the Letter Office.
Loan from the City.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee that sits with the Committee of Lords in London concerning Monies, to summon the Officers of these several Halls, who are behind with their Proportions of their Loans, to make up the Hundred thousand Pounds, promised by the particular Companies; a List whereof was this Day delivered unto the House; and take their best Care for the Bringing in of those Monies.
Letter Office.
Sir Gilbert Gerard brings Answer, That the Lords are willing and ready to give a Meeting at this Conference, touching the Conference Yesterday desired, concerning the Letter Office.
Payment to Dawkes.
Whereas the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, did, by an Order, require of James Penfole High Collector of Shepway, the Lath and Hundred annexed, in the County of Kent, to pay Six hundred Pounds to Rich. Dawkes of Dover Castle, out of the said Monies, for Repair and Service of the said Castle: The House doth now Order, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do give their Warrants to the Treasurers for the Proposition Monies in London, to pay, out of the Monies and Plate come to their Hands, the said Six hundred Pounds, to the said James Penfole, or his Assignee.
Langar Fort.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom to issue their Warrants to the Treasurer at Wars, to pay the Pay to the Hundred Soldiers drawn into the Fort of Langar, by Order of that Committee: And that likewise they give Order for the continuing in Pay Forty of those Soldiers.
Publick Accountant.
That the Treasurer at Wars, and the Treasurers of the Subscriptions, do certify all Sums that have been imprested unto any Persons upon Account; and the Names of the Persons unto whom they have been imprested; to the end that all such Persons that have received any Monies may be called to an Account for them.
Sir *Vane, *Vassal, Sir Ro. Pye, *Green, *Trenchard, Mr. Spurstoe, *Harrison, *Bond, *Holland, * Wheeler;
This Committee, or any Three of them, are to take Care to see this Order executed: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records: And are to meet To-morrow, at Eight of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.
..Prideaux, .. Knightley, .. Whittlock, .. Barrington, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Fortifying Lyme.
Ordered, That the Treasurers of the Proposition Monies, in the Town of Lyme in the County of Dorsett, do detain in their Hands One hundred Marks, out of their Proposition Monies, towards the Fortifying of the said Town: And that they send up the Residue of their Monies and Plate, by Sea, forthwith.
Fortifying Aldborough.
Ordered, That the Treasurers of the Proposition Monies, in the Town of Aldborough in the County of Suffolk, do detain in their Hands Fifty Pounds of their Proposition Monies, towards the Fortifying of the said Town.
Coventree Garison Arrears.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do issue out their Warrants, to the Treasurers for the Proposition Monies at Guildhall in London, to require them to deliver unto Tho. Bassnett of Coventree, Five hundred Eighty Pounds Two Shillings and Five Pence, being the Value of so much Plate raised in the City and County of the City of Coventree, upon the Propositions, and now brought up to Guildhall: And likewise Two hundred Ten Pounds Nine Shillings and Five Pence, or thereabouts, in Money; being so much raised in Money in the said City and County, to be employed towards the Payment of the Arrears due to the Garison billeted in the said City and County of the City of Coventree.
Reading's Petition.
Ordered, That the humble Petition of John Reading, Minister of St. Marie's, in the Town and Port of Dover, this Day presented to the House, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Informations.
Letters referred.
Ordered, That the Letters sent from Dover be referred to the Committee for Informations.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to consider of the Bringing in of Names to be inserted into the Ordinance for Assessing of Monies, through the several Counties, do meet this Afternoon, at the Rising of the House; and bring in their Names: And that the Report be made To-morrow Morning.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Twelve Pence in the Pound shall be assessed upon all Lands, Offices, Rents, Issues, Profits, Revenues, Annuities, Pensions, Tythes, and Glebe, through the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, to be paid Quarterly, for One whole Year: Whereof One Fourth Part to be paid on the Second of January, and the other Three Parts to be paid at Three Months, Three Months, and Three Months.
Resolved, &c. That Five Shillings in the Hundred Pounds shall be assessed upon the Farmers Stock.
Resolved, &c. That Six Shillings and Eight Pence in the Hundred Pounds shall be assessed upon the Goods of Merchandize and Trade; and upon Stocks of Money.
Mr. Hill, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Green, Mr. Browne, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Grimston;
This Committee is to draw these Votes, concerning the Assessing of Monies, into the Form of an Ordinance; and to bring it in on Thursday Morning next: And the Care of it is more particularly recommended to Mr. Prideaux and Mr. Hill: And are to meet when and where they please.
Ordered, That, To-morrow Morning, the House take into Consideration the farther Providing of Monies.
Declaration to Scotland.
Resolved, That the Earl of Lindsey, One of the Scotts Commissioners, be desired to recommend the Declaration from this State, to the State of Scotland, with the best Expedition, and the best Advantage for the Service, as he shall think most fitting.
Ordered, That Mr. Weldon shall be joined with Mr. Pickering, in the Delivery of the Declaration; and in the Prosecution of all other such Businesses there, as shall concern the Parliament: And that it be left to Mr. Pickering to return home when he shall think fitting, and when the Occasions of State there * * *.
Levying Dragooners.
Resolved, upon the Question, That a Thousand Dragooners be levied in Sommersettshire, Devon and Cornewall: Five hundred at the Officer's own Expence, upon Adventure for Land in Ireland; and Five hundred to be taken up upon Ticket, upon Papists, Commissioners of Array, not Contributors, and Delinquents; and these Dragooners to be employed in the Service of the Western Parts, till the latter End of March next; and then to be sent into Ireland: And that a Thousand Pounds be advanced to the Officers, upon Account; and likewise ready Money, to provide Arms, and a Thousand Saddles: And that the said Thousand Pounds, and Money for Arms and Saddles, shall be repaid out of Plate raised in the Counties of Devon and Cornewall, upon the Propositions: And that all his Majesty's Officers, and well-affected Persons, who value the Protestant Religion, and the Safety of their Lives and Estates, in the Peace of the Three Kingdoms, be obliged to assist Captain James Chudleigh, and the other Officers of Colonel Minnes' Regiment, in the speedy Levying of these Dragoons: And that all Officers and Soldiers of the said Regiment be required, in Absence of their Colonel, to obey the said Captain Chudleygh their Officer in Chief, according to the Discipline of War.
French and Dutch Churches.
Ordered, That the Officers of the French and Dutch Churches in London be required to return unto my Lord Mayor a List of the Names of all such Persons, in their Congregations, as do not receive Contributions.
Wroughton's Petition.
The humble Petition of Wm. Wroughton Esquire, a Prisoner in the Gaol of Salisbury; for his Release; was read:
And the Question being put for his Release;
It passed with the Negative.
Hieron's Petition.
The humble .... of Sir * Hieron, late High Sheriff of Lincolneshire, a Prisoner in the Tower; for Bail; was likewise read:
And the Question being put for his Bail;
It passed with the Negative.
Nicolson, &c. Prisoners.
A Motion being made for the Bail of Mr. Nicolson, a Minister, and his Son, a Civil Lawyer, Prisoners in the Fleete;
The Question being put for their Bail;
It passed with the Negative.
Chudleygh's &c. Arrears.
Ordered, That Captain Chudleygh and Captain Thorneton shall have their Arrears of their Entertainment in the late Northern Expedition, forthwith paid unto them, as they shall appear to be due, by the Certificate from Sir Wm. Uvedale, late Treasurer at Wars.
Restoring Horses.
The House of Commons being this Day informed, That Mrs. Highlord, an Inhabitant of the County of Essex, though now in London, hath had Two Coach Horses lately seized within the City of London, though she hath contributed in a very liberal Proportion to the Parliament; it is this Day Ordered, by the said House of Commons, That Mr. Browne and Mr. Beard, who seized the said Horses by Themselves or their Officers, shall be required forthwith to deliver the said Horses to the said Mrs. Highlord, or such as she shall appoint: And if in case the said Horses be out of the Possession of the said Mr. Browne, or Mr. Beard, or their Agents, That then all such Persons to whom the said Horses are delivered, are hereby required to deliver the said Horses: And if the said Mr. Browne, or Mr. Beard, or any other Person whom it may concern, shall refuse to deliver the said Horses, this House shall account it as a high Contempt committed against them; it being a great Disservice done to the Parliament to seize the Horses of any Member of this House, or any other that have contributed in a liberal Manner to the Parliament.
Ordered, That Mr. Browne and Mr. Beard, and their Agents, shall discharge all Horses for which he receives Warrant from this House, or from any Five of the Committee for raising a Body of Horse; provided they be the Horses of such Persons as have contributed to the Parliament: And, in case they fail to do the same, That then this House shall take it to be a high Contempt in them.
Ordered, That the like Order be made for Monsieur Sebes, Mrs. Holland, and Mrs. Humble, and Mrs. Knightley, as was made for Mrs. Highlord.
Person to attend.
And Mr. Dobson is ordered to be summoned to attend the House.
ORDERED, by the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, That Twenty of his Majesty's Ships, manned with Four thousand Men, and Twenty Merchant Ships, shall be employed as the next Summer's Fleet, for the Space of Eight Months, for the Defence of the Narrow Seas, and of his Majesty's Kingdoms of England and Ireland: And that the Lords, and others, Commissioners for the Admiralty and Cinque Ports, do take effectual Care for the timely Fitting, Victualling, Manning, and Setting forth the said Number of Ships, in warlike Manner, according to Custom; that they may be ready to ..... Sea, Twelve of them by the First of March; and the rest by the First of April, at the farthest.