House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 01 December 1642

Pages 870-872

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, 1 Decembris, 1642.


Search for Money, &c.

ORDERED, That Mr. Rich. Wright, Linen Draper, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant, to search in all suspected Places of London and Westminster, for Monies, Plate, and Horse, in the Houses of all Papists and Malignants whatsoever.

St. Martin's in the Fields Vicarage.

Ordered, That the Profits of the Vicarage of St. Martin's in the Fields be sequestered into the Hands of Sir Jo. Hippisley, Sir H. Vane, Mr. Trenchard, and Mr. Oldsworth: Who have power to nominate Collectors thereof, such as they shall think fit: And that they cause the same to be paid unto Doctor J. Wincop, who is appointed Lecturer, to preach there every Lord's Day in the Forenoon.

Dep. Lieuts. of Sussex.

Ordered, That this House doth nominate and approve of Herbert Springate and Edw. Hepsley Esquires, to be Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Sussex.

Sussex Officers thanked.

Ordered, That Mr. Morley do return Thanks, from this House, to Captain Springate, and the other Captains of the County of Sussex, that have expressed their Affection to the Kingdom and Parliament, in Raising of Forces for the Preservation of the Peace of that County: And that they be desired to go on with all Vigour and Resolution in that Service: And this House will take Care they shall have Assistance from them, to settle the Peace of that County.

Proclamations against Members, &c.

Mr. Maynard, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Strode, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Sandys, Mr. Knightly, Mr. Jo. Goodwyn, are appointed to prepare a Declaration concerning the Proclamations that are set forth against any the Members of the House, or any others employed in the Service of the Parliament: And the Care of it is especially recommended to Mr. Whitlock: And they are to insert a Clause that such as have been plundered, shall have Reparation out of the Estates of such Noblemen and Gentlemen as are in the King's Army.

Sufferers by Plunder.

Ordered, That the Order now read, concerning Reparations .. be made to such as have... or are plundered, out of the Estates of such as are in the King's Army; be referred to this Committee.

Letter to Waller.

Ordered, That Mr. Nicholl do prepare a Letter to be signed by Mr. Speaker, and sent from the House to Sir Wm. Waller, in Acknowledgement of his good Service; and to acquaint him, that, upon all Opportunities, they will take Occasion to consider his good Services.

Sir B. Aylett's Commission.

Ordered, That Sir Ben. Aylett, High Sheriff of the County of Essex, be required to bring in his Commission on Monday Morning.

He was called in; and injoined accordingly; and likewise to attend the House in the mean...

And it is farther Ordered, That he be required not to take his Oath, or to do any thing upon his Commission, until the House take farther Order.

He was again called in; and injoined accordingly.

Citizens Petition.

The House being informed, That divers Citizens were at the Door, who desired to present a Petition;

They were called in; and did present their Petition.

And after some Things spoken, concerning an Accommodation, and the Army's going on;

They were commanded to withdraw.

And then their Petition was read.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Notice shall be taken to these Citizens, of their Affections; and Thanks returned unto them upon the whole Matter of their Petition.

The Citizens were again called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, according to the former Vote, Mr. Speaker did take Notice of the Expression of their very good Affections; and did return them Thanks upon the whole Matter; and did assure them, that the House would take their * * * *.

Sheriffs Commissions.

Ordered, That the Clerks of the Petty Bag be required to send in Copies of the new Patents or Commissions to the new Sheriffs, now lately nominated by his Majesty: And that the Sheriffs be ordered to bring in their Commissions; and to forbear the Execution of any Thing upon their Commissions, until the House take farther Order.

Raising Money.

Ordered, That the House do take into particular Debate, To-morrow Morning, the Consideration of Raising of Monies: And that Mr. Browne do bring in the Ordinance for Assessing of Monies through the Counties.

Raising Horses.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons, appointed to sit in London, concerning Monies, to consider of Mr. Browne's Proposition for Raising of Horses.

Message to Lords.

Sir H. Mildmay is appointed to go to the Lords, to carry up the Order concerning Captain Manwaring searching for Provisions and Ammunition, &c. going to the King: The Order for * * * *: Was likewise to renew unto the Lords the Message, the other Day sent, concerning the Advancing of the Contributions among their own Members.

Letters, &c. from Lincolnshire.

Ordered, That the Letters and Informations from Lincolnshire be referred, and communicated to the Gentlemen that serve for That County: And they are, for this Purpose, to meet this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, in the Exchequer Court; and consider what is fit to be done upon these Informations; and to present them to the House.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;


The Lords desire a present Conference, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, presently in the Painted Chamber,

1. Concerning the King's Children.

2. Concerning the Earl of Portland.

3. Concerning the seizing of Horses in the Cities of London, Westminster, and Parts adjacent.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That the House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting as is desired.

Sir H. Vane, Mr. Glyn, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Browne, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Answer from Lords.

Sir H. Mildmay brings Answer, That, as the Two Orders carried up by him, they do agree unto them; but as to the Motion for advancing the Contributions among Themselves, and their Assistants, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Defence of Lancaster.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Propositions within the County of Lancaster shall have Power to dispose upon Account, such Monies, or other Provisions, as are or shall be brought in, or underwritten within the said County, for the Defence of the same, in such Manner as may best conduce to that Service.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Metcalfe's Petition.

Ordered, The humble Petition of Margaret Metcalfe Widow be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the Navy, to give her relief according to her Petition, if they shall judge it reasonable.


Mr. Glyn reports the Conference with the Lords.

Seizing Horses.

1. That the several Complaints are made concerning the Seizing of Horses of Persons that have contributed to the Parliament: And desire that some Course may be taken to remove the Abuse: And that it might be considered what Number will serve the Turn.

King's Children.

2. That the Lords had received Information from the Lady Roxbroughe, That the King's Children are incommodiously settled in the House where they now are, by reason of the Smoke of the Glass Houses: And that the Lady Elizabeth is sickly: And therefore held it fit to be removed from St. James.

3. The Money designed them by Sir Ra. Freeman, he is bound to pay it into the Exchequer: And therefore Sir D. Cunningham, having a Privy Seal, may receive it thence.

Earl of Portland.

4. That the Earl of Portland hath exhibited a Petition for more Liberty: And that the Lord Lovelace and Lord Feildinge would engage themselves he should continue at his House, and not stir abroad, but to Church; which he earnestly desires.

Horses for Army.

Resolved, That the Proposition delivered at the Conference with the Lords, concerning Consideration what Number of Horses will be sufficient for recruiting the Troops, be referred to the Committee for Seizing of Horses.

King's Children.

Resolved, That the King's Children will be removed to St. James, where formerly they were.

Resolved, That it shall be recommended to the Earl of Pembroke to continue his Care of the King's Children at St. James.

Resolved, &c. That this House will adhere to their former Vote concerning the Monies for the King's Children, at St. James, to be paid into the Hands of Mr. Holland, according to the Ordinance of Parliament.

Person sent for.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Francklyn, Deputy to Sir Wm. Parkhurst, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, for his Contempt in refusing to obey the Ordinance of both Houses.

Earl of Portland.

The Question being propounded, Whether this House would concur with the Lords, concerning the Removing the Earl of Portland to his own House, upon the Security of Two of their Members;

It passed with the Negative.

Order for Searching.

A Message from the Lords; by Sir Robert Rich and Mr. Page;

The Lords have sent down this Order concerning searching by Captain Manwaringe, with an Addition: And, with this Addition, they agree unto it.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Lecturer at Norwich.

Ordered, That Mr. Stanton be continued Lecturer, and to preach in the Parish of St. Michaell of Cosney in Norwich on Sundays and Wednesdays there.

Loan from the City.

Ordered, That Mr. Vassall do see What of those Monies is behind, that was promised to be lent by the several Companies of London; and by what Companies there is any Arrear: And it is referred to the Committee appointed to sit in London, concerning Monies, to take their best Care for the Getting of it in: And that this Money be employed for the Pay of the Scotts Army.

Order for Search.

The Order concerning Captain Manwaringe's Searching of all Packs, Carts, Carriages, &c. was again read; and ordered to be passed by this House alone.

Bringing up Delinquents.

Ordered, That, the Bill of Charges that the Under-Sheriff of the County of Herts has been at in bringing up Delinquents, be referred to the Committee for Informations, where Mr. Corbett has the Horses.

Affairs in Suffolk, &c.

Ordered, That the Letters from the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Suffolk, and the Letter to Sir Thomas Barrington, and the several Propositions made concerning the Safety of the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Herts, and Cambridge, be referred to the Consideration of the Members of this House, that serve for those Counties: And to consider what Persons are fit to be intrusted with the Seizing of Malignants Horses in those Counties: And to consider what Persons are fit to be sent for up out of Norfolke: And to communicate their several Propositions for the better Safety of their Counties.

Apprehending Germin, &c.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Tho. Germin, Sir Ro. Coke, Henry Coke, Esquire, Mr. Scrivener, be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House; for their Contempt in not appearing upon the Summons of the House: And the Deputy Lieutenants, Mayors, Justices of Peace, Constables, and all other his Majesty's Officers, and loving Subjects, are required to be aiding and assisting for the Apprehending of them.

Search for Arms, &c.

Whereas we are credibly informed, That Powder, Money, Ammunition, and other Provisions in considerable Proportions, are carried out of this City daily to the King's Army; and that many ill-affected Persons do withdraw their whole Estates out of the City; to the end they may avoid such equal Contributions to the Parliament as are or may be appointed by both Houses: And whereas divers Arms belonging to the Army under the Command of his Excellency the Earl of Essex, are sold by dissolute Soldiers; and many Soldiers do run from their Colours; It is this Day Ordered, by the Commons House of Parliament, That Colonel Manwaring, and the several Captains, and Officers appointed by him, shall, in their Watches at the Out-guard, both by Day and Night, diligently search all Waggons, Carts, Carriages on Horseback, or on Foot, that go forth of this City, and Liberties thereof, to find out, and make Seizure of all Monies, Ordnance, Arms, and Ammunition, Victuals, and other Provisions that may be attempted to be carried to the Enemy, or are carried forth to avoid the Contributions appointed by Parliament. It is farther Ordered, That, all Goods so seized upon, shall, upon Account, be sent to Guildhall, London, there to be disposed of for the publick Service, as the Parliament shall appoint. It is also Ordered, That they shall seize upon all Persons that carry forth, or bring in, Letters, to or from suspected Persons: And that they shall carry both the Letters and the aforesaid Persons, to the Committee of the House of Commons for Examinations, to be disposed of by them. It is, lastly, Ordered, That they make Search for all such Arms as have been Sold or pawned by any of the Soldiers belonging to the Army of the Earl of Essex; and, Finding of them, they are to seize them: And these Arms are likewise to be returned to Guildhall: And, for such Soldiers as shall be found by them running away from his Excellency his Army, they are to stop them, and either to commit or send them to the Army.

Form of Commission.

By virtue of an Ordinance of Parliament, authorizing me to be Lieutenant of the County of I do hereby nominate and appoint you to be Captain of a Company of to be mustered within the several Parishes of the County aforesaid; and do further give Warrant to you, to lead, train, and muster the said Company of, at such Days, Times, and Places, as the said, Captain of the said Company, shall think fit and convenient: And do hereby give Power and authorize you, the said Captain of the said Company, to take, lead, and conduct the said Forces, as well in Places without the said County as within; and to give Battle, and fight with all Rebels and Traitors, and their Adherents, and all others that shall approach with any Force towards or against the said County, or cause Insurrection within the same, and them to invade, resist, repress, subdue, pursue, kill and slay, and put to Execution of Death, and by all means to destroy, as Enemies of the King and Parliament; and to perform all Things else needful for the Preservation of the King, Parliament, and Kingdom, and the Peace of the said County; observing from time to time such other Directions and Commands as you shall receive from me, or, in my Absence, from my Deputy Lieutenants, or any One or more of them, in that Behalf directed; willing and commanding all inferior Officers and Soldiers of the said Company of to be attending, aiding, and assisting unto you, for the better Furtherance of this Service by the said Ordinance required.

Given under my Hand this Day in the 18th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles, &c.