House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 November 1642

Pages 861-863

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, 24 Novembris, 1642.


Clerke's Petition.

ORDERED, That the humble Petition of Robert Clerke, now a Prisoner in the Fleete, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Examinations.

Prisoner discharged.

Upon the humble Petition of John Newman, of Rodnell in the County of Sussex, Clerk, this Day read in the House of Commons, now in the Serjeant's Custody;

It is Resolved, That he be forthwith discharged.

Search for Arms, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Bentley shall be authorized by this House to make diligent Search in the Parts of the Country near unto Keymton, for such Arms as they shall find pawned, or otherwise disposed of, contrary to the Ends for which they were sent, being the Arms belonging to the Earl of Essex; and to convey the same to London: And likewise to search for and seize all such Goods of his own as have been taken from him, or he plundered of, by the Cavaliers.

Search for Deserters.

Ordered, That Mr. Jo. Moore do go unto the Lord Mayor, to desire him to cause a diligent Search to be made in and about London, for such Soldiers, Horse or Foot, as are here of the Earl of Essex his Army; and to send them to the Lord General, to be proceeded against according to Law: And Mr. Moore is desired to take Care, that a Search be likewise made about Westminster and Middlesex; and to grant his Warrants for the Execution of this Order.

Apprehension of Moulineux, &c.

A Letter to Mr. Speaker, from the Deputy Lieutenants of Kent, from Maidstone, of the 23th of November, concerning Sir Vivian Moulineux, and one Mr. Brewer, and some Two or Three others.

Resolved, That Sir Vivian Moulineux, Mr. Brewer, and the others, apprehended at Maidston, be forthwith sent up in safe Custody: And that the Deputy Lieutenants have Thanks returned them: And that they be desired to give Assistance to the Messenger, for the safe Conveying of them hither.

Sir H. Vane to write a Letter to the Deputy Lieutenants.

Letters referred.

A Pacquet of Letters stayed at Dover, and sent up to Mr. Speaker, were referred to the Committee for Informations, and delivered to Mr. Whittacre; and likewise the Pacquet of Letters sent from the Deputy Lieutenants at Maidston.

King's Army.

A Relation of the Passages of the King's Army at Brainford.

Listing Horses.

Ordered, That the Four Horses of Sir F. Inglefield's stayed at Lambeth, be listed for the Service of the Commonwealth; and delivered unto Sir Arth. Heselrig, to be employed for the Service of the Commonwealth. Sir Fr. Inglesfield's Man to remain still in Custody where he is.

Hanserd committed.

Upon a Report from the Committee for Lancashire Dragoons;

It was Resolved, That Captain Hanserd be forthwith committed Prisoner to Winchester-house, ther. * * * *

Answer to King's Message.

Sir Jo. Wray went up to the Lords, to desire a free Conference concerning the Matter of the last Conference touching an Answer to his Majesty's late Message: And

Letters from Maidston.

Mr. Nicolls went to Sir Jo. Wray, to require him to desire a Conference concerning some Letters received from the Deputy Lieutenants at Maidston.

Mr. Maynard, Sir H. Vane, Sir Gilbert Gerard, are appointed Managers of this Part of the Conference; and to acquaint them with the Letter.

Message to Lords.

He likewise carried up to the Lords the Order for Mr. Holland to receive the Coinage Money due to his Majesty at the Mint, to be employed for the Relief of the King's Children: The Order to prevent the great Resort to the City of London: The Order concerning Manchester and Lancashire: The Order concerning run-away Soldiers out of Ireland; for the Pay of my Lord Lieutenant's Train; and for Five thousand Pounds to be deposited in the Hands of the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, chosen in London, to .. disbursed upon several Particulars.


Sir Jo. Wray brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to a free Conference concerning the Matter of the last Conference touching the Answer to his Majesty's late Message; and likewise to a Conference concerning a Letter sent from the Deputy Lieutenants of Kent, from Maidston.

Message to Lords.

Sir Tho. Barrington carried up to the Lords, the Order for the Lord Mayor to summon a Common Hall; and likewise an Order from the Lord Fairefax to receive the Contribution Monies, Plate, and Horses, subscribed in the Counties of Yorke, Cumberland, and the other Northern Counties.

Weekly Sub-scriptions, &c.

Mr. Whitlock reports from the Committee for the Militia in London, That, as for weekly Subscriptions, they make Account it will come to Three thousand Pounds a Week: For a Body of Horse, they understand nothing of it: But they have raised a Thousand Dragoons, and a Troop of Horse, which they have sent to the Army.

Common Hall.

Mr. Rolle brings Answer, That the Lord Mayor will summon a Common Hall, as is desired.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords by Sir Ro. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords do concur and agree in all the Orders that were last carried up to them.

Message to Lords.

Sir Martin Lumley carried up to the Lords, the Orders for the particular Halls to meet on Saturday next, at Two post meridiem.


Resolved, That Sir Rich. Leveson and Sir Robert Woseley be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents.

Resolved, That Sir Rich. Leveson be forthwith disabled to sit any longer as a Member of this House, during this Parliament.

Resolved, That Mr. Samuel Sandys, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, for raising Forces against the Parliament.

Resolved, That Sir Harvey Bagott be disabled for sitting and continuing any longer a Member of this House.

Resolved, That Mr. F. Gamull be summoned, in safe Custody, to attend the Service of the Commonwealth.

Digby's Horses.

Ordered, That those Men of the County of Northampton, that brought up Sir Jo. Digby, who has Three Horses at Northampton, shall have those Horses to repay their Charges.

Person sent for.

Resolved, That Sir Harvey Bagott be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House.

Answers from Lords.

Sir Tho. Barrington brings Answer, That the Lords do concur in those Orders he carried up.

Sir Martin Lumley brings Answer, The Lords do concur in the several Orders to the several Halls to meet on Saturday next, at Two post meridiem.

Sufferers by Plunder, &c.

Ordered, That those Gentlemen, and others, that were plundered, fined, or ransomed, by Sir F. Wortley, and his Adherents, in Derbyshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, and Shropshire, shall have Reparation and Satisfaction out of the Estates of the said Sir F. Wortley, and those that have adhered unto him, countenanced or assisted him, in these his illegal Proceedings.


A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords do desire a present Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning the Matter of the Two last Conferences.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.

Mr. Pym, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Strode Mr. Marten, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Army Commissions.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Brereton and Mr. Noble do attend my Lord General, with the Names of these Gentlemen following; and with a Desire from this House, that, if his Excellency shall approve of them, them, that he would be pleased to grant Commissions unto for raising and being Captains of Companies, to be employed for the Defence and Safety of the County of Stafford;

Sir Walter Wriottesley, Edw. Manwaring Esquire, Edw. Leigh Esquire, John Whorewood Esquire, Hen. Stones Esquire, Edw. Broughton Esquire, Jo. Jackson Esquire, Rich. Pyatt, Alexander Whittwick, of Whittwick, Esquire, F. Collier, of Stone, Esquire, Richard Bowyer Esquire, William Jolley Esquire, Tho. Crompton, of Stone, Esquire, Matth. Moreton Esquire, Ra. Rudyer Esquire, Jo. Buckley Esq; Jo. Turton Esquire, Mich. Lowe Esquire, Jo. Birche Esquire.

Warrant to go to the King.

The Question being propounded, Whether Mr. Jessy, the King's Servant, should have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to go to the King, to carry him Stockings, and other Necessaries;

The House was divided.
Mr. Marten, Tellers for the Noe, 18.
Mr. Long
Sir Edw. Aiscough, Tellers for the Yea, 26.
Mr. Trenchard,
It passed with the Affirmative.

Ordered, That Mr. Jessey shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to go to the King; and to carry with him some Stockings, and other Necessaries, for his Majesty; Mr. Wheeler undertaking, that he shall carry nothing else.

Answer to the King.

Mr. Glyn reports the Conference with the Lords:

That the Lord Mandevile said, That it was the happiest Thing that could be presented in these Times, for the Lords and Commons to speak One Language: That the Lords do agree to the former Part of the Answer to be sent to his Majesty; and that so much of the latter Part of it be omitted, as the House of Commons have presented Reasons for the Leaving out of the same: And that this be the Manner of sending it; That the Speaker of the Lords House do write a Letter, in the Name of both Houses, to the Lord Falkland, to present the same to his Majesty: And that it be sent by Sir Peter Killigrewe: And that the Lord General be made acquainted with the Desire of both Houses, that he may take Care of the King's Subjects, that they be not plundered by the King's Forces, but that he advance for their Protection.

Letter from Kent.

For the Letter out of Kent, the Lords conceive that Misinformation causes often an Aspersion without Cause: That they called the Clerk of the House to Account whether any Order was for the Discharge of Sir Vivian Molineux, only an Order from the Committee of the Safety of the Kingdom, to bring him to be examined by them; and therefore if a Crime in them, both Houses are concerned therein: And for Brewer, Servant to the Earl of St. Albons, the Lords sent for him to be examined by them also.

Answer to the King.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree with the Lords in this Answer, to be sent unto his Majesty by Sir Pet. Killigrew, in a Letter to the Lord Faulkland; to be sent by the Speaker of their House, in Name of both Houses.

Releasing Caswell, &c.

The humble Petition of Josiah Caswell and Rich. Vaughan was read.

Ordered, That a Conference be desired with the Lords, upon this Petition: And that they be moved, that these Persons be released without paying any Fees: And Mr. Whitlocke is to manage this Conference: And Sir Martyn Lumley is to desire this Conference.

Middlesex Forces.

Ordered, That the Train Bands and Troops of the County of Middlesex be forthwith discharged.

Young's Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Nicolas Young, the Keeper of Winchester-house, in Southwark, this Day read be referred to the Committee for Propositions where Mr. Trenchard has the Chair.

Certioraries for Newcastle upon Tyne, &c.

Ordered, That the Judges be moved for certioraries for the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, the Counties of Cumberland, Westmorland, Northumberland, and the Bishoprick of Duresme; whose Names Mr. Blackston shall at any time present.

Powder stayed, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Vassall and Mr. Ashe do examine what is become of the Ninety Barrels of Powder of Mr. Frere's and Mr. Felgate's, stayed by the Committee for the Militia, and delivered by the Orders of this House.

And it is farther Ordered, That the Two hundred and Ten Barrels, remaining still in their Custody, be kept safe, until the House take farther Order.

Ordered, That Mr. Vassall and Mr. Ashe do take Order, that the Temple Mills, and the Brimstone, and Saltpetre, and other Materials there, be seized and employed for the Service of the Commonwealth: And that they appoint such as they shall think fit, to be employed in this Service.

Sir V. Moulineux, &c.

Ordered, That the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Kent, from whom the Letter was sent to Mr. Speaker, concerning Sir Vivian Moulineux, be desired to send unto the Keeper of Maidston Gaol, to send up the Warrant to this House, by Order of which Sir Vivian Moulineux and Mr. Brewer, notorious Papists, were discharged.