Pages 856-857
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 19 Novembris, 1642.
Hatton's Petition.
THE humble Petition of Sir Robert Hatton Knight, now in the Serjeant's Custody, was this Day read: And the Question being put for his Bail;
The House was divided: | |
Mr. Darley, | for the Yea, 31. |
Sir Ro. Parkhurst, | |
Sir Peter Wentworth, | for the Noe, 46. |
Mr. Purefrey, | |
So that it passed with the Negative: And |
It is Ordered, That the Business concerning Sir Robert Hatton be referred to the Committee for Examinations; to sit upon it.
Member admitted, &c.
The humble Petition of Sir Alexander Denton, Knight, was this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That his Bail be discharged: And that he be admitted to sit again, as a Member in the House: And that his Arms be restored.
Collector of Assessment.
Ordered, That Mr. Armson of Barbage, One of the High Collectors of the Monies upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, in the County of Leicester, do pay the said Monies, according to the Act, at Yieldhall, London: And that he do not pay it over to Mr. Hastings, notwithstanding any Warrant or Directions requiring him thereunto: And he shall be protected herein by the Authority of Parliament.
Commissions of Assessment.
Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Millington, Mr. Hill, Mr. Maynard, * Trenchard, Lord Ruthen, are appointed to consider whether, by the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, the Commissions for the First Payment of the said Monies will serve for the Second Payment likewise; or whether there will need new Commissions: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.
Receiver for Northern Counties.
The Order for Paying of the Monies, collected upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds in the Northern Counties, to Sir Jo. Hotham at Hull, was this Day read; and re-committed to the same Committee; with the Addition of Sir H. Vane, and Mr. Blakiston.
Mr. Steward.
Mr. Pelham, Mr. Darley, are appointed to speak with Mr. Steward.
Prisoners of War.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the common Foot Soldier of the King's Army, that are Prisoners, shall be discharged: And that it be referred to a Committee, to consider of the Manner and Number of such as shall be discharged.
Ordered, To be referred to the Committee for maimed Soldiers.
Prisoners in Serjeant's Custody.
Ordered, That the Serjeant bring the Names of such Prisoners as are in his Custody to the Committee, where Mr. Corbett has the Chair.
Maimed Soldiers, &c.
That the Committee for maimed Soldiers may have Power to consider of some Reward to be given, for the present, to such Soldiers as are maimed; and to such as have been Prisoners in the King's Army: And likewise to give some present Relief to the Widows of such Men as have been slain in the Army raised by the Parliament.
Re-committed to the same Committee, to inquire after the Names of such hurt Soldiers as are at Warwick; in what Regiment, and under whose Command they are.
Money due to Ld. Capell.
Ordered, That * *, who is to pay Four hundred Pounds to my Lord Capell, do pay the same into the Hands of Sir Gilbert Gerard, Treasurer at Wars: And that a Copy of this Order, together with an Acquittance under Sir Gilbert Gerard's Hands, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said * *, for the Payment thereof.
Maimed Soldiers.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do give their Warrants to Sir Gilbert Gerard, to issue out an Hundred Pounds to Mr. Holland and Mr. Jennour; to be employed for the Relief of maimed Soldiers, and the Widows of slain Soldiers.
Bishop's, &c. Sequestration.
Ordered, That Mr. Serjeant Wilde do, on Monday Morning, bring in the Ordinance for sequestring the Estates of, and Rents of, Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters.
Discharge for Money.
Ordered, That the Treasurers of the Subsidy of Four hundred thousand Pounds do give a Discharge unto Mr. Peregrin Thistlethwayte, One of the Collectors of the first Payment of that Subsidy for the County of Wiltes, for Three hundred Pounds, by him paid, of that Money, to Captain Anselme; to enable him and his Troop to march from Sarum to my Lord Generals.
Message from the King.
A Message from the Lords, * * * *.
The Lords desire a present Conference, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, presently, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning a Message which they even now received from his Majesty.
Answer returned by the same Messengers, That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
King's Proclamation not to be published.
Ordered, That the Lord Mayor, and Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, shall be injoined not to publish the Proclamation, intituled, "His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Mariners:" And that, for their Obedience hereunto, they shall be saved harmless, and protected by Authority of Parliament.
Maimed Soldiers.
Ordered, That Mr. Bond, and Mr. Marten be added to the Committee for maimed Soldiers: And they are to consider of Distributing of such Clothes as are in Mr. Marten's Custody.
Stopping Provisions to Newcastle.
Ordered, That Mr. Maynard, Mr. Browne, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Vassall, Mr. Prideaux, do prepare an Order to prevent and stop the Carriage of all Provisions of Victual and Ammunition to Newcastle.
Proclamations not to be published.
Ordered, That neither the Mayor of Salisbury, not any other Mayor or Sheriff whatsoever, shall publish any Proclamation that concerns the Proceedings or Members of Parliament: And that they shall be protected and saved harmless, for their Obedience herein, by Authority of Parliament.
Ship to be seized.
Ordered, That the Ship Amitie of Newcastle, and the Provisions in her, be stayed and seized: And that the whole Proceedings of this Business be referred to the Committee for the Navy.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Holles, Mr. Glynn, Mr. Whittlock, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Proceedings of King's Army at Brantford.
The Passages of the Proceedings of the King's Army at Brantford, on Saturday the 12th of November, was this Day read; and re-committed to the same Committee; with the Addition of Mr. Strode, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Prediaux, Mr. Rowse, or any Two of them: And Mr. Rushworth is to attend them: And they are to sit this Afternoon.
Intercepted Papers.
A Message from the Lords by Serjeant Whitfield and Serjeant Glanvile;
The Lords have commanded them to deliver unto this House some Papers that were sent from his Majesty to his Printer, and were intercepted.
Conference-Message from the King.
Mr. Hollis reports from the Conference, the Message sent from his Majesty, in Reply to the Answer to his Majesty's Message of the 12th of November.
This Message being read, the Earl of Holland said,
"That it is a Business of great Consequence: That either a great deal of Misery, or a great deal of Happiness, will follow to the Kingdom, upon the Resolution that shall be taken upon this Message: Therefore they think it not fit to fall suddenly upon it; but that it be referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, if this House shall so think fit."
Ordered, That this Message from his Majesty be taken into Consideration by the House, on Monday Morning next.
Message to Ld. General.
Ordered, That a Message be sent to my Lord General; to acquaint his Excellency, That the Message that this House has this Day received from his Majesty, is not for the Cessation of any hostile Acts; and that therefore his Lordship should take all Advantages in prosecuting of the War.
Mr. Morley, Mr. Darley, are appointed to attend my Lord General with this Order.
Ordered, That the Lord General be desired to give Order that those that have the Guard at the New Bridge may examine all that pass.
Treasurers to attend.
Ordered, That the Treasurers for the Monies that comes in upon the Proposition Monies, do attend here on Monday.
Persons committed.
Ordered, That the Frenchman, the Dancer, and another of the King's Servants, now in the Custody of the Gentleman Usher of the Peers House, be committed Prisoners to Winchester House: And that the Examinations of the Business concerning them be referred to the Committee for Information.
Search for Arms, &c.
Ordered, That Sir Edward Barkham and Mr. Wilcocks, or either of them, and such as they shall appoint, shall have Power to search for Arms, Ammunition, or any Horses that have been sold, pawned, or imbezilled, by any of the Soldiers of the Army raised by the Parliament; and to seize them where they find them; and to send them to the respective Officers of the said Army, who are appointed to have Care of such Matters.
Punishing a Deserter.
Ordered, That the Dragooner that is run away from his Colours, and taken by the Court of Guard, shall be forthwith sent to the Lord General; to be proceeded against according to the Law of Arms.
Search for Arms.
Ordered, That Richard Wright and Nath. Hall shall be authorized by this House, to search in London, and Suburbs, and Towns adjacent, for Arms lent by the City; and to seize the same; and to appoint Deputies for that Purpose.