Pages 853-854
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Jovis; 17 Novembris, 1642.
Claxton's Petition.
THE humble Petition of Hamond Claxton Clerk, now Prisoner in the Clinke, was this Day read; and nothing done upon it.
Hughes' Petition.
The humble Petition of Lewis Hughes Clerk, a Prisoner in the New. Prison, was likewise read; and nothing done upon it.
Commrs for Hertford.
Ordered, That Joseph Dalton, Humphrey Packer, Tho. Mead of Ware, Charles Michell, Commissioners for Subscription Monies Com' Herts.
Prisoners in the Fleete.
The humble Petition of divers poor Prisoners in the Fleete, whose Names are subscribed, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Committee for the Citizens Petition, where Mr. Marten has the Chair.
Examining Cunningham, &c.
Ordered, Mr. Moore, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Maynard, Sir Christopher Yelverton, Mr. Pelham, or any Two of them, do examine whether Mr. Cunningham, Lieutenant to Captain Peter Heywood, be a Papist, or Popishly affected; and if he be, to know how he came to be recommended; and to give Order for his Discharge; and to examine whether he were One of those that gave the Alarm; and to examine the rest of the Gentlement that were taken last Night by the Guards: And if they find that they gave those Alarms, and be Soldiers of the Army, that they be sent to my Lord General, to be proceeded with according to the Law of Armies.
They are likewise to send for, and examine, the Captain and Lieutenant of the Dragooners of Lancashire, that were discharged.
Killing a Serjeant on Guard.
Ordered, That William Newman, that killed the Serjeant upon his Guard, be forthwith sent to my Lord General, to be proceeded with according to the Law of Armies.
Sir J. Merrick.
Resolved, upon the Question, That notwithstanding any Information given to this House, concerning Sir Jo. Merrick, Serjeant Major General of the Army, the House doth still hold their good Opinion of him, and his Service; and doth desire him that he would repair to his Charge, and continue the Performance of it, with the same Care and Affection to the Service as he hath formerly done.
Intercepted Letters.
Mr. Nicoll presented, from the Committee of the Safety of the Kingdom, a Letter from Sir Christ. Wray, &c. of the Twelfth of November; another from Sir Edw. Osborne, &c. at Newcastle, to the Earl of Cumberland at Yorke; a Letter of the same Date, from Mr. Aldburgh to Sir Jo. Mallory; a Letter of the same Date, from Sir Marmaduke Langdale, to Sir Wm. Savile: These Three last were all intercepted by Sir Christ. Wray, &c. The which were all read; and ordered to be carried up to the Lords at a Conference; and that they may be printed.
Earl of Newcastle's Declaration.
He likewise presented the Copy of a Declaration sent from the Earl of Newcastle to Yorke, to be printed, concerning his Intention of coming into Yorkeshire; and his Reasons of entertaining Recusants under his Command.
Prisoner to be sent to Hull.
Ordered, That Colonel Cockram, now in Custody in Yorkeshire, be forthwith sent Prisoner to Hull; and there kept as a Prisoner in safe Custody, until the House shall take farther Order.
Cheslan's Petition.
The humble Petition of Robert Cheslen, Rector of the Parish of St. Mathew, Friday-street, Prisoner in Colchester Gaol, by Order of this House, was this Day read; and nothing done upon it.
Fellgate's, &c. Powder.
Ordered, That the Powder belonging to Wm. Fellgate and Tho. Frere...., by virtue of an Order of this House, be forthwith delivered unto them, or that the Committee for the Militia will take it for the Parliament's Service, allowing them such a reasonable Price as in their Discretion shall be thought fit.
House will sit.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leeche and * *;
That the Lords intend to sit this Afternoon, at Three of Clock; and desire this House to do the like, if it may stand with their Conveniency.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House will sit, as is desired.
Loan from Merchant Strangers, &c.
Ordered, That the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen be moved in a special Manner, from this House, to cause a Certificate to be made of the Names of the Merchant Strangers, and others, from whom this House expected the Loan of Forty thousand Pounds, for Payment of the Brotherly Assistance to the Scotts.
Aldermen in Restraint.
Ordered, That it be left to the Discretion of the Lord Mayor, to dispose of the Aldermen now in Restraint, to such Places, to be kept in safe Custody, as he shall think fit.
Removing Prisoners.
Ordered, That Sir Kenelme Digby and Dr. Pinke be removed to Winchester-house, there to remain in safe Custody, during Pleasure of the House.
The Tower.
Ordered, That Two strong Locks, or Padlocks, be put upon both the Iron Gates at the Tower: And that a Watch-house for Two Centinels be made upon the Top of the Tower, over the Iron Gate: And that Watch houses be made for the Gunners, near their Cannons: And the Committee to take Care to see it performed: And that the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do issue out their Warrant to Sir Gilbert Gerard, Treasurer at Wars, to disburse so much Monies as those Locks and Watch-houses shall come to.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Tower, to consider of what Number, and what Allowance shall be made to those Citizens that shall assist to watch in the Tower, and on the Wharf.
Raising Forces.
Sir John Hotham, Sir Wm. Constable, Sir Matthew Boynton, Sir John Fenwick, Sir Wm. Strickland, Henry Darley, John Hotham, Henry Warmouth, George Lilborne, Thomas Milford, Esquires, Robert Hutton, Clement Fulthrope, Richard Lilborne, Francis Wren, Thomas Shadforth, Ralph Gray, Henry Lawson, Gentlemen, Sir John Dallewell, Sir Robert Jackson Knight, Thomas Middleton, Leonard Car, Wm. Shafto, Michael Welden, Henry Ogle, John Sleigh, Rob. Clavering, Esquires, and Thomas Ledgard Gentleman;
Resolved, &c. That the Lord General be moved to grant Commission to the said Gentlemen above-named, for the Raising of Forces for the Preservation of the Peace of the Counties of Northumberland, Bishoprick of Duresme, and Town of Newcastle, and Port of Barwick: And that the Information, concerning the said Places, be referred to the Committee where Mr. Prideaux hath the Chair.
Post Meridiem
Leave to go beyond Sea.
ORDERED, That Mr. Altham shall have Leave to go beyond Sea, with One Servant.
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Proceedings of King's Army at Braintforde.
A Paper, intituled, "A true Relation of certain Passages of the King's Army at Braintforde, &c." was read (presented by Mr. Rushworth, from the Testimony of the Inhabitants and others in Brainforde, according to an Order Yesterday made.)
Ordered, That Mr. Rigby and Mr. Sandys be injoined by this House, to go to Brainforde To-morrow Morning; and to call before them the Inhabitants, and others of that Town; to give what Testimony they can, concerning the Passages and Proceedings of the King's Army at Braintford, and Places adjacent; and to confirm the Truth of the Relation in Writing, presented to this House by Mr. Rushworth: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, and Writings: And are to present their Proceedings herein to this House.
Northern Counties Association.
THE Lords and Commons now in Parliament assembled, being certainly informed, That the Papists, and other malignant and ill-affected Persons, Inhabitants in the Counties of Yorke, Northumberland, Westmerland, Cumberland, Lancashire, Cheshire, County Palatine of Duresme, and Town and County of Newcastle, have entered into an Association; and have raised, and daily do raise, great Forces, both of Horse and Foot, to oppose and distress the well-affected Subjects; and to aid and succour the Popish and malignant Party in those Northern Parts; and in particular, those now in the City of Yorke; the said Lords and Commons do Declare, That they hold it a Thing most fit, necessary, and healthful, for the present State of this Kingdom, and do accordingly Order, That all Lord Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants, Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, and all other well-affected Persons, Inhabitants in the several Counties of York, Lincoln, Nottingham, Darby, Stafford, Chester, Lancaster, Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmerland, County Palatine of Duresme, and Town and County of Newcastle, do and shall associate themselves, and mutually aid, succour, and assist one another, by raising Forces of Horse and Foot, and leading them unto Places which shall be most convenient and necessary; and by all other good Ways and Means whatsoever, to suppress and subdue the Popish and Malignant Party in the said several Counties; and to preserve the Peace of the Kingdom, according to the Orders and Declarations of Parliament: And that the said Inhabitants of the said several Counties, and every of them, for so doing, shall be saved and kept harmless by Power and Authority of Parliament. And the said Lords and Commons, taking into their serious Consideration the Necessity of appointing a Commander in Chief over the Forces, which are or shall be raised in the Counties aforesaid, or any of them, for the Service aforesaid, in regard, that by the Particular Commissions already granted to Persons in the said several Counties, there is not Power given to lead Forces out of their own Counties; It is Ordered, That the Lord General the Earl of Essex his Excellency shall be desired to grant such Commission to the Lord Fairefax, in his Excellency's Absence from the said Counties, for levying, leading, and conducting all such Forces, as are or shall be raised in the several Counties, or the Service of King and Parliament, as his said Excellency himself hath; and likewise Power, to give the same Orders and Instructions for regulating the Soldiery, which is or shall be under his Command, as his said Excellency hath given to his Army; and to use Martial Law to compel Obedience thereunto as Occasion shall require, and also Power and Authority to make and appoint Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, for levying, conducting, and leading the said Forces, as he shall think fit.
This Association being read, and assented unto, was ordered to be carried up to the Lords, by Sir Wm. Strickland.