House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 13 November 1642

Pages 847-848

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Dominico, 13 Novembris, 1642.


Disaffected in the Tower.

ORDERED, That the Committee for the Tower shall have Power to put out of the Tower Mr. Palmer, and such other Persons as they shall find disaffected.

Lieutenant of the Tower.

Ordered, That it be left to the Lieutenant of the Tower to stay in the Army where now he is, if he shall so think fit: And that the Charge and Custody of the Place, in the mean time, during his Absence only, be left and intrusted with Sir Peter Wentworth, and Mr. Squire Bence, with the Assistance of the Committee.

Payment to Bence.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do give Warrant to Sir Gilbert Gerard, Treasurer at Wars, to imprest unto Mr. Squire Bence Two hundred Pounds, upon Account.

The Tower.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Tower shall have Power to take an hundred Mariners out of Lambethhouse, if they shall see Cause; and to dispose of them as they shall think fit.

Maimed Soldiers.

Ordered, That Proclamation be made, that all maimed Soldiers of the Army raised by the Parliament, do repair unto the Savoye; where Care shall be taken, that Surgeons shall be provided to look to their Cure; and all other Necessaries fitting for them: And the Master, and Brethren, and all other Officers, and every of them whom it may concern, are hereby required to see the Savoye furnished with Beds, and other Things convenient for them.

Ordered, That the Master and Wardens of the Surgeons Company do take care of the Cure of the maimed Soldiers of the Army raised by the Parliament; and provide all Necessaries fitting for their Cure: And the House does undertake to see them satisfied for whatsoever they shall disburse in this charitable Act; and likewise for their Pains.

These Orders to be proclaimed in all Parts of London, Westminster, and Suburbs, by beating of the Drums; and to be sent to the Army.

Mr. Bell is appointed to take Care of this Order, to the Surgeons Hall.

The Committee for maimed Soldiers is appointed to take Care of the Provision for the Soldiers in the Savoye.

The Tower.

Mr. Vassall is added to the Committee for the Safety of the Tower.

Committing Papists.

The House doth approve of the Act of the Committee, in committing of those Four Papists, this Day brought to the House, to Newgate; whither, it seems, they were formerly committed, and released by the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, as was affirmed.

Post Meridiem

Citizens Propositions.

THE House was informed, That divers Gentlemen of the City of London were at the Door; who desired to offer something to the Consideration of the House.

They were called in: And one Mr. Shute, a Merchant, in the Name of the rest, spake to this Purpose;

That they did acknowledge, with all Thankfulness, the continued and unwearied Care and Pains of this House, for the Preservation of the true Protestant Religion, the Liberty of the People, and the Privileges of Parliament.

They have presented a Petition of Ten Particulars; to which they expect an Answer in convenient Time.

They speak in the Language of many Thousands; That they fear they are bought and sold.

These Things they present:

1. That in a Case of so much Danger, and so great Concernment, that there should be but One Army to rely upon.

2. That, in all this Time, the King's Strength lying in Horse, that the City should not appear in a considerable Body of Horse.-Though it has been offered, and not effectually yet put in a way, they do now again offer it.

3. That Windsore Castle should not be provided for, as they ought.

4. That Colonel Holles his Regiment, Men of that Courage, and so considerable, should be exposed to a Place of so imminent Danger, lying next to the Enemies Forces, and almost naked.

5. The Point of Accommodation is another Reason of their Grief.

They are come to this Resolution;

That they will man out every Man his Man, and make their own Captains and Officers, and live and die with the House of Commons, and in Defence thereof: And if there he any in the Lords House, that do any way retard or hinder this publick Defence, they wish they would declare themselves, and that they were with the King.

6. Another Matter of their Grief was, that the Sabbaoth Day should be so long profaned by publick Authority; and the Book that enjoins it, not yet burnt by the Hands of the common Hangman. They observe, that this Day they have so profaned, has been the Day of their Ruin.

7. The Bloodshed of the Martyrs, in Queen Marye's Days, done by publick Act of Parliament, and no Expiation as yet made for it.

8. The Officers in the Army (though they must always mention my Lord General with Honour, as one in whom they absolutely confide) not so careful and diligent as they ought, nor all of them so trusty.

9. The Numbers of the Prisoners very great, and of dangerous Condition; and the Masters and Keepers of those Prisons not to be confided in.

10. The good Ministers in Times past silenced, and put out by the Bishops.

You have our Persons, Purses and Estates, all at your Command: You may do with us at your Pleasure.

We come in the Name of the Godly and Active Part of the City.

The Gentlemen withdrew.

After some Debate, the House fell to these Resolutions.

Book of Sports to be burnt.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Book concerning Injoining and Tolerating of Sports upon the Sabbaoth Day be forthwith burnt by the Hands of the common Hangman, in the usual Places.

Citizens Offer accepted.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth accept of this Offer of the Citizens, of furnishing Horse and Foot; and doth account it to be a Service much importing the Safety of the Commonwealth; and doth return them publick and hearty Thanks therefore.

Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Green, Mr. Rigby; Mr. Browne, Mr. Marten, Sir Jo. Francklyn, Mr. Rolle, Mr. Millington;

This Committee is appointed presently to withdraw, to treat with the Citizens that made this Offer of furnishing Horse and Foot; to know upon what Terms, in what Numbers, in what Time, and under what Command; they will furnish them.

Citizens thanked, &c.

The Gentlemen of the City were again called in: And Mr. Speaker, by the Command of the House, told them, They found, that what was said was expressed with a zealous and earnest Care of the Commonwealth; for which they return them publick and hearty Thanks.

For the Particular of Horse and Foot, they accept; and have appointed a particular Committee to treat concerning it.

The Book of Sports they have voted to be burnt by the Hands of the common Hangman.

The Gentlemen desired again to speak.

Citizens further Complaints.

And then the Gentleman, that formerly spoke, said, That the Coming of the Lord General's Army into the City of London, and staying here so long as they did, is another thing troubles them; which they forgot to express before.

Another thing is; That some present and more severe Course might be taken with Malignants; and, amongst them, with the malignant Ministers.

Another thing is; That, when they spoke of the Book of Sports, they intended likewise the Books written by Dr. Heylyn and Dr. Pocklington.

Information to Lord General.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland do take Care to send Two Messengers; One to the Lord General, to acquaint him with the Informations the House has received, concerning the Ammunition sent towards Windsore; and another to the Boats that are now going up; to advise them not to go further than Hamersmith: And he is hereby authorized to take up Horses in the next Stables he shall find them.

Recompence to Philipps.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for maimed Soldiers, where Mr. Prediaux has the Chair, for to consider of a fit Recompence for Phillips, &c.

Declaration concerning the Treaty, &c.

A Declaration concerning the Carriage of the Treaty, and the Assault made upon the Parliament Forces, pending the same, was this Day read; and re-committed unto Mr. Rowse, Mr. Pelham, and Mr. Glyn.

City Forces.

Mr. Browne reports, from the Committee appointed to treat with the Citizens; They desire that the Forces, that these Gentlemen shall raise, may be under Command of Serjeant Major Skippon, with a Power subordinate to my Lord General: And for the Number, and for what Time they will maintain them, they will present to the House their Resolutions To-morrow, at One..the Clock in the Afternoon.

Raising Forces in Essex.

WE the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, upon the King's first Approach towards the City of London, knowing the Destruction of our Religion, Laws, and Liberties, would follow, if his Army, consisting of Papists, and all Sorts of Malignants, should prevail; thought it our Duties to give the Inhabitants of the Counties near adjoining, and in particular the County of Essex, Advertisement thereof; to the end, that, by a timely uniting of our Hearts and Forces, the Miseries intended us might be prevented: And for that Purpose gave Directions to the Earl of Warwicke, Lord Lieutenant of that County, for the Raising of the Trained Bands, and other Companies of Volunteers; and to bring them up to Islington, in the County of Middlesex, being the Place then appointed for their Rendezvous: Which Service, with the Assistance of the Deputy Lieutenants, was very carefully performed: But we now find, that a great Part of those Men, being People merely mercenary, neither respecting the Cause, nor the Honour of the Nation, have most unworthily withdrawn themselves; whereby we are not only disappointed of a great Part of the Strength we depended upon, but also the honest, well-affected Gentlemen, Freeholders, and Farmers, deceived and abused by Them into whose Hands they put their Arms and Monies, out of a Confidence (through God's Blessing) to have been thereby the more safe and secure at home, with their Families and Estates: Therefore we have thought fit hereby to give Notice thereof; not doubting but all that are well-affected will immediately raise all the Power and Strength they can possibly make, for the Preservation of the Kingdom from the Malice and Violence of those who labour for the Dissolution of our Government, and the Destruction of our Religion: And, for that Purpose, we think it very necessary, for the Expediting of so acceptable a Service of so much Importance, that the worthy Gentlemen, and honest Freeholders, of the County of Essex, should forthwith assemble themselves in the several Hundreds and Corporations of that County, as they shall think fit; and speedily to resolve upon the Putting forth their utmost Strength, as the only Remedy left them, under God, to preserve themselves and us; and to come to Warwick-house in Holborne, where the Earl of Warwick, or, in his Absence, Sir Wm. Massam, or Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir H. Mildmay, or any One of them, will be ready to receive and list them; and provide such Commanders, and other Officers, as shall be wanting, to put them in Order for the Service: And the Deputy Lieutenants, that now are or shall be in that County, together with the Commissioners for the Propositions, and all other Officers whatsoever, are hereby required to give the Gentlemen and Freeholders their best Direction, and their utmost Aid, Help, and Assistance, for the Furtherance of this Service. And it is hereby Declared, That all such as shall thus freely offer themselves in this Service, provided with Arms and Money for Two Months, shall, from the Time they are listed, and during the Time they continue in the Service, be repaid again, according to the Pay established for the Army: And, in regard they are at the Charge of arming and furnishing themselves, there shall be farther Consideration had thereof for their Recompence, or Damage which they shall sustain by this Service: For which we do hereby engage the Publick Faith.