Pages 789-790
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 1 Octobris, 1642.
Letter from Captain Bayly
A LETTER from Captain Bayly, of the 26th of September, was read; and ordered to be referred to the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom: And that the Committee send up for the said Captain Bayly.
Member admitted.
Upon the Report from the Committee for the absent Members, Mr. Hebblethwayte was ordered to be admitted.
Gibb's Petition.
The humble Petition of Mr. Fred. Gibb was read; and nothing done upon it at this time.
Lucas' Bail.
Resolved, upon * *, That the House doth allow of Sir Christ. Nevile, Sir Edm. Pye, Baronets, Mr. Henry Owen Scrivener, and Sir Peter Killigrew, to be Bail for Sir Jo. Lucas.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Tho. Barrington brings Answer, That the Lords will send Answer, by Messengers of their own, to the Instructions for Essex; and to the Order concerning the Preachers of Paule's Crosse: To the Orders for Worcestershire, concerning the Coat and Conduct Money; and concerning the Magazine at Droitwich; and concerning Captain Tucker; and for the Winter Guard; they do fully concur.
Irish Affairs.
A Letter from Mr. Nich Loftus, of the One and twentieth of September, to Mr. Allen, One of the Committee of Adventures; relating the State of the Army, and Town of Dublyn; was this Day read.
Ordered, That, on Monday Morning next, the Debate of the Lord Lieutenant's going into Ireland shall be taken into Consideration.
Proceedings on King's Speech.
Mr. Pym reports the Conference: That the Lords, having seen a Speech which his Majesty was pleas .. * * * * do conceive, that it contains many things that may prove prejudicial to the Parliament, and the whole Kingdom.
The Speech and Protestation were read.
The Lords * * * *
That if they be Traitors, we are Traitors; If they be Brownists, Anabaptists, and Atheists, we have little Religion.
Scandal upon the Parle ...
That in voting down Bishops, the Common Prayerbook was voted down.
That it should be necessary * * * * no farther Intention than what his Majesty had expressed to take Care, that the weak Consciences of all his Majesty's loving Subjects might be freed from such Ceremonies as were grievous.
He made another Observation * * * *
That it did appear that many great Pressures are likely to fall upon the People; which was likely to be laid upon Necessity, if his Majesty did prevail.
A Committee to be appointed, to make a fitting Answer to his Speech of his Majesty's; and to frame a Protestation to be made on the Behalf of the Parliament.
Resolved, That this House doth agree with the Lords, that a Committee be nominated for the Preparing a fitting Answer to this Speech and Protestation of his Majesty's: And that, at the same time, the Lords be moved to give and Answer to the former Message from this House, concerning the sending away the Capuchins, and dissolving the Convent.
Complaints against Wicherlye, &c.
Some of the Soldiers of Captain Wicherleye's Company were called in to the Bar, and did complain, That their Captain had not seen them, nor been at his Charge, above twice these Three Weeks: And that he had never trained them, nor exercised them, since he had the Command of them.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Captain Wicherley be forthwith sent for as a Delinquent; and his Lieutenant, Lieutenant Barnes, and his Ensign, be likewise forthwith sent for, as Delinquents, for neglecting their Charges.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Defence of the Kingdom, to examine the Carriage of these Officers; and to appoint new in their Stead.
Parliament Guards.
Ordered, That the Warrant to the new Sheriffs, for bringing down Guards to the Parliament, be renewed to them, in the like Manner as the other Sheriffs were required: And that, by virtue thereof, they be ordered to send out their Warrants, for the Bringing of Guards to the Parliament.
Landabola's &c. Petition.
The humble Petition of Ignatio Landahola, &c. Merchants, and Subjects of the King of Spaine, concerning Cochineal Goods of theirs stayed at Southampton, and ordered to be sold, and the Money deposited till the Property were made appear, was this Day read: And it is ordered, that it be referred to the Committee for the Navy.
Irish Affairs.
Upon Mr. Goodwin's Report from the Committee for Adventurers;
It is Ordered, upon the Question, as followeth; videlicet:
1. That two Mortar-pieces shall be sent to the Port of Galloway, that carry a Bullet of Eighty Pound.
2. That if my Lord Forbes leave Galloway before he put a Garison into it, that then, before his coming away, he shall put One hundred of his Men into the Port of Galloway; and so many more as my Lord Forbes and Captain Willoughby shall think necessary, for the Keeping of the Port; and likewise Three or Four Gunners, if it shall be thought meet.
3. That Victual shall be sent forthwith to the Fort of Galloway, to serve Four hundred Men for Six Months: And the Sending of this is committed to the Care of the Committee of Adventurers of London: And it is likewise commended to their Care, to send an Engineer to this Port, and Fifty Barrels of Powder.
4. That Fifty Musquets, and Twenty Firelocks, shall be sent or left at the Fort of Galloway, to be paid for by the Officers of the Fort, out of the Soldiers Pay: And this is likewise referred to the Care of the Committee of London.
5. That three hundred and Fifty Suits of Clothes, complete, shall be forthwith sent to the Fort of Galloway.
6. That Two Months Pay shall be forthwith sent to the Fort of Galloway, for the Soldiers there, out of the Adventurers Money.
7. Whereas it is desired, Two of the King's Ships should ride in the Harbour of the Fort of Galloway, it is commended to the Sea Adventuters, that Two or more of their Ships may ride there.
8. That Three hundred Suits shall be sent to Duncannon; and the rest in the Store (which is One thousand Eight hundred) shall be sent to Dublin: And this is commended to the Care of the Committee of London to see it done.
Upon Mr. Rowse's Report:
It is Ordered, upon the Question, That, by virtue of an Order of this House, there may issue out of the Stores in London, Six hundred Barrels of Powder, and Forty Ton of Match; and Ten thousand Pounds in Money, out of the Adventurers Money for Ireland, to the Committee of London, to buy Necessaries and Provisions for the Forces in Ireland; and to give Account to the House for the same.
Ordered, That the Consideration of continuing the Ships of the Adventurers upon the Coasts of Ireland, be referred to the Irish Committee.
Ordered, That his Majesty's Instructions to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland be forthwith brought in to the House.
Resolved, upon the Question, That no Instructions coming from his Majesty be put in Execution by the Lord Lieutenant, Deputy, or other Governor of the Kingdom of Ireland, or of any Forces there, but with the Advice of both Houses of Parliament.
Ordered, That the Committee for Adventures do consider of all the Orders for Payments of Monies for Ireland; and report them to the House.