Pages 637-639
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, 24 Junii, 1642.
Horses stayed.
ORDERED, That the Horses of Mr. Killigrewe's stayed at Enfield, shall be brought up to the Bell, in Coleman-street; and there kept at Mr. Killigrewe's Charges, until he shall give good Security not to carry them to York.
That a Letter be written to the Sheriff of Norhamptonshire, to let him know, that there is a Horse of Mr. Nevill's stayed at Northampton, by Ordinance of both Houses; and therefore that he should not grant forth a Replevin, until he shall receive farther Order.
It is farther Ordered, That, if Mr. Killigrew shall give Security not to carry the Horse to Yorke, and shall defray the Charges since the Detainer, that then the Horse be forthwith delivered.
Ordance, &c. for Ireland.
Ordered, That the Lords be moved to join with this House, in a Desire to his Majesty, to grant his Warrant to the Master and Officers of the Ordance, for the Issuing out of such Ordnance, Ammunition, Arms, and Necessaries, as are requisite for the Train of Artillery to be sent into Ireland, and are contained in a List this Day presented from the Commissioners for Irish Affairs.
Magazine from Hull.
Mr. Pym reports the Conference had on Wednesday last with the Lords; and presents an Order for the Disposing of the Magazine from Hull: Which was read; and assented unto, with some Amendments.
Lincolne Militia.
He likewise presented a Letter from the Lord Willoughby of Parham, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lincolne, shewing the Readiness of that County, in yielding Obedience to the Ordinance touching the Militia.
Lincolne Declaration, &c.
He likewise presented a Declaration and Protestation of the Knights, Gentry, Freeholders, and others, of the County of Lincolne.
Treaty with Scotts.
He likewise reported, that the Lords assented to all the Amendments made by this House to the Articles of the Scott's Treaty.
Arms, &c. from Hull.
Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That so much of the Arms and Ammunition that were brought from Hull, shall be put into convenient Places in Leaden-hall, Blackwell-hall, Guild-hall, Apothecaries-hall, and Leathersellers-hall, or in such other Places as the Committee for the Militia of London shall think fit; to be kept there: And that the said Committees shall be hereby appointed to see this done; and take the said Arms and Ammunition by Inventory: And shall have Liberty to chuse such Officers and Servants as they shall think fit, to take care of this Charge.
This House doth condescend to the Lords Proposition, that Wages be allowed them for their Pains; and also how those Persons that have had the Arms and Ammunition in Care all this while, may be satisfied for their Care: And that the Marshall of the Admiralty shall have an Order to deliver the said Arms and Ammunition to the said Committees for the Militia.
Lincolne Declaration, &c.
To the Right Honourable Fra. Lord Willoughbie, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lincolne and Lincolnshire.
The Declaration and Protestation of divers of the Knights, Gentry, Freeholders, and others, of the foresaid Counties, whose Names are subscribed:
THAT, considering the many unhappy Distractions lately grown in Church and Commonwealth, through the malicious Practices of a malignant Party, labouring to breed Jealousies between the King and his People, we are enforced to express, in this our humble Declaration, our Desires and Resolutions to spend our Lives and Estates in the Defence of his Majesty's Person, the true Protestant Religion, the Peace of the Realm, the Maintenance of the Rights and Privileges of Parliament, the Laws of the Land, and the lawful Liberties of the Subjects, according to our late Protestation, against all such as shall attempt to separate his Majesty from his great and faithful Council of Parliament; and, by that Means, to alienate his Majesty's Affection from his loyal Subjects: And this our Declaration we humbly desire your Lordship to represent from us to the high and honourable Court of Parliament.
Irish Affairs.
The House, according to an Order of Yesterday, proceeded to consider of the Relations concerning the Submission and Protection granted by the Earl of Clanricard to the Town of Galloway.
That it be referred to the Members of this House that are Commissioners for the Affairs of Ireland, to take into their Consideration the several Letters, Declarations, and the other Papers concerning Galloway; and to report their Opinions to this House: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two a Clock, in the Inner Star-chamber.
Sir Hen. Vane, and Sir Hen. Mildmy, are added to that Committee: And to consider what Course is fit to be taken with the Priests that they shall apprehend in Ireland: And the Petition of Lodovicke Dike and Tho. Gunningham, and the Propositions concerning Two Scotts Ships, are referred to that Committee.
Lord Lieut. of Buckingham.
The humble Petition of the Captains, Officers, and Soldiers, of the Trained Bands and Volunteers of the County of Buck', assembled at Ailesburie, June 17th, 1642, was read, desiring a new Lord Lieutenant, and returning Thanks for the Ordinance for the Militia.
Resolved, &c. That the Lords be moved to join with this House, that the Lord Pagett be discharged of his Lieutenancy in the County of Buck.
Resolved, &c. That the Lords be moved to join with this House, in nominating and appointing the Lord Wharton to be Lieutenant for the County of Buck'.
Ordered, That Mr. Ar. Goodwyn do move the Lords to join with this House therein, and in the Printing of this Petition.
Message to Lords.
Mr. Long carried up to the Lords the Instructions for the Deputy Lieutenants for Warwickshire; The Order for Two thousand Pounds to Sir Jo. Hotham; The Ordinance for the Hundred thousand Pounds borrowed of the City; The Order and List of Arms for a Warrant, for his Majesty to grant for Issuing thereof; and the Order and Amendments for laying the Hull Magazine in the Halls in London.
Treaty with Scotts.
Upon the Commissioners Report of the Treaty with the Scotts, it is Resolved, upon the Question, That the Word "Colonel," in the Fourth Article of the Scotts Treaty, be altered into "Commissary General," provided that he have the Pay only of a Colonel: And that the List be so amended.
Resolved, That these Words shall be added to the End of the Third Article, "according to Instructions received, or to be received by the Masters of these Ships, from the Lord Admiral, to that Purpose."
In the Third Memorial, "First of July" to be made "First of August."
In the Memorial Eight, "or the Lord Chancellor," to be added: Article Five, "both Houses," to be made "Commissioners of both Kingdoms."
The Question was propounded, whether the House should insist upon their former Vote concerning the Transport Money to be allowed to the Scotts: And
It passed with the Negative.
Resolved, That the common Soldiers of the Scotts Army, at their Dismission, shall be allowed Fourteen Days Pay, for the Carrying of them Home.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for Irish Affairs, to agree with the Scotts Commissioners about the Taking of all such Victuals as, by their own List, shall be provided by this Kingdom for them.
Ordered, That these Words, "and that there shall be a Month's Warning beforehand of their Disbanding; which said Discharge, and Month's Warning, shall be made known by them to the Council of Scotland, or the Lord Chancellor, One Month before the Discharging thereof."
Resolved, That the Consideration of these Words, in the Tenth Article, viz. "as in their Judgment they shall think," be suspended till the End of the Treaty, notwithstanding the former Order.
Proclamation posted at Guildhall.
A Message from the Lords, by Justice Foster and Dr. Aylett;
That this Proclamation was posted at Guildhall, where the Plate and Money are received: It was there met with by the Officers, and brought to the Lords: And, it concerning this House, as well as theirs, they thought good to communicate it to this House.
King's Answer to Propositions.
Ordered, That the House meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock; and be resolved into a Committee, to consider of his Majesty's Answer to the Nineteen Propositions of both Houses.
Ly. Sidley's Committee.
Ordered, That the Lady Sidley's Committee shall have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Writings, and Records.
Post Meridiem
St. Sepulchre's Parish.
ORDERED, That the Petition of the Alderman, Alderman's Deputy, Vicar, Common-council-men, Church-wardens, and Ancients, of the Parish of St. Sepulchre's, with the Articles, be referred to the Committee for scandalous Ministers.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords by Justice Foster and Dr. Aylett;
The Lords do agree to the Order for Disposing of the Ammunition for Hull; and to the Amendments to the Order for Securing the Hundred thousand Pounds to the City; and to the Order for Two thousand Pounds to Sir Jo. Hotham; to the Instructions for Warwickshire, with some * * * *
King's Proclamation.
A Proclamation forbidding all Levies of Forces, without his Majesty's express Pleasure, signified under his Great Seal; and all Contributions or Assistance to any such Levies.
Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Fynes, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Selden, Mr. Perepointe, Mr. Whitlocke, Sir Jo. Cooke, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Waller, Sir Gilb. Gerard, Mr. Palmar, Sir Wm. Widdrington, Mr. Hill, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Crue, Serjeant Wilde, Mr. King.
This Committee is to take into Consideration this Proclamation; and to draw a Declaration for the Vindication of the Proceedings of this House: And are to meet To-morrow, at Two.. Clock, in the Court of Wards, in the Afternoon.
Prepositions to the King.
The House met according to the Order; and was resolved into a Committee, according to the Order in the Forenoon: And
Mr. Whitlocke was called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Mr. Whitlocke reports, from the Committee of the whole House, the Resolutions which the Committee had made concerning the Propositions, and his Majesty's Answer referred to that Committee: Whereupon
It was Resolved, upon the Question, That this House shall insist upon this Part of the Second Proposition; viz.
"That the great Affairs of the Kingdom may not be concluded or transacted by the Advice of private Men, or by any unknown or unsworn Counsellors; but that such Matters as concerning the Publick, and are proper for the High Court of Parliament, which is your Majesty's great and supreme Council, may be debated, resolved, and transacted, only in Parliament, and not elsewhere: And such as shall presume to do any thing to the contrary, shall be reserved to the Censure and Judgement of Parliament."
Resolved, &c. That this House shall insist upon this Part of the Second Proposition; viz. "and such other Matters of State as are proper for your Majesty's Privy Council, shall be transacted and concluded with the Advice of such of the Nobility, and others, as shall, from time to time, be chosen for that Place."
Resolved, &c. That this House shall insist upon this Part of this Second Proposition; viz. "And that no publick Act concerning the Affairs of the Kingdom, which are proper for your Privy Council, may be esteemed of any Validity, as proceeding from the Royal Authority, unless it be done by Advice and Consent of Six or more of your Council, attested under their Hands."