Pages 498-500
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 26 Martii, 1642.
Private Business.
RESOLVED, upon * *, That no private Business whatsoever shall be received, entertained, or proceeded on, between this Day and Monday come Four Weeks, excepting what concerneth the Earl of Warwick and the Lord Stanhope, touching the Letter-office and the Post-masters Places, which shall be heard on all Sides.
Resolved, upon the Question, That on Thursday next, the House shall be resolved into a Grand Committee for Religion: And all the Members are strictly injoined to attend that Committee: And to consider what is fit to be done for the present in the Matter of Religion, and what will be farther necessary to be done for the future.
Ordered, That Mr. Martin do go to the Lords so soon as they are set, to desire their Lordships to expedite the Declaration of the Causes and Remedies of our Evils; especially, because there is something contained in it that concerns the Matter of Religion, which this House desires should be settled and established.
Loans for Ireland.
Ordered, That whereas Mr. Henley does presently fur nish Five thousand Pounds for the Service of Ireland, That Five-and-twenty hundred Pounds thereof shall be paid presently, and Five-and-twenty hundred Pounds so soon as the First Monies shall come in upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, with Interest for the said Five thousand Pounds until the same be repaid; and that he shall be secured out of the said Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds.
Ordered, That Ten Thousand Pounds be presently paid to Nicholas Loftus, Deputy-treasurer at Wars for Ireland, upon Account, for the Service of Ireland; whereof Five thousand Pounds to be the Five thousand Pounds lent by Mr. George Henley, Merchant; One thousand Pounds lent by Sir Edward Hales, and Sir Tho. Dacres, and Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston; and Four thousand Pounds which Mr. Long does undertake to furnish, for the which he is to be secured and repaid out of the first Monies that shall come in upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds.
Reducing Irish Rebels.
Mr. Whittlock reports the Bill for Explanation, and Adding to certain Clauses in the Bill for the effectual Reducing the Rebels
Preparations in France.
Message from the Lords * * * *
That the Lords are informed by the Relation of Sir Philip Cartwright, by Intelligence out of France, that Seven thousand Men are raising in France, in Normandy, and Piccardy: And thereupon have appointed him to wait on this.... to make relation thereof: And
Sir Philip Cartwright was called in: And Mr. Speaker acquainted him, that the Lords had sent them Word, that they had received Information from him of some Forces raised in France; of which Particulars the House desired from him a particular Information:
Sir Philip Carterett said, He had received Informations from very good Hands, that there are Seven thousand Men raised in the Provinces of Normandie and Picardie, besides the Five thousand Men formerly appointed to be raised: The which Five thousand Men were appointed to be transported by the 5th of April, according to our Computation; as, by former Letters, he had formerly acquainted the Parliament.
* * * * To go to the Lord Admiral, to know of him in what particular State the Ships for this Summer's Fleet are.
Declaration of Grievances.
Mr. Martins brings Answer, That the Lords had set a Day to take into Consideration the Declaration of the Causes and Remedies of our Evils, before this Message came up: But in respect of this Message, they will take it into Consideration either this Day, if possibly they may, or on Monday next.
Lord Lieutenants, &c.
A Message from the Lords by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Bennett;
The Lords have sent to let you know, that the Earl of Cumberland doth desire to be excused from accepting of the Lieutenancy of Westmorland.
Resolved, That this House shall nominate the Lord Hastings to be Lord Lieutenant for the County of Westtorland: And that the Lords Concurrence herein be desired.
Mr. Sandis informs the House, that the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Surrey has been acquainted with the Recommendation of those Two Gentlemen, Mr. Anth. Fane and Sir Sam. Owfield, to be Deputy Lieutenants of that County, and that he approved of them, and accepted of them: And, withal, desired that Sir Jo. Gresham and Sir Francis Stidolph, in regard of their great Age, may be excused.
Earl of Warwick's Command.
Mr. Martin, by the Leave of the House, presents the Draught of a Petition to be presented unto his Majesty, concerning the Earl of Warwick commanding this Summer's Fleet.
Information against Richaut.
That this Information given concerning Sir Peter Richaut's tampering with Captain Penington to be a Pensioner to the King of Spaine, and likewise his selling an English Ship of good Burthen to the Spaniard, be referred to the Committee for Informations.
Lord Lieutenants, &c.
Sir Arth. Haselrig is appointed to go to the Lords to acquaint their Lordships, that this House, has nominated the Lord Willoughby of Parham to be Lord Lieutenant of the whole County of Lincolne: And the Lord Hastings to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Westmerland.
He likewise carried up the Bill concerning Sir F. Popham: And likewise re-carried the Deputy Lieutenants of Lancashire and Cheshire approved, and the Names of such as were recommended to those * *.
Merchants Strangers.
A Message from the Lords by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;
The Merchants Strangers of the Netherlands residing in London have petitioned the Lords, desiring thereby that they may be freed from paying the Subsidies and Fifteens according to the ancient Treaties, and according as the Merchants of this Kingdom enjoy in those Parts: This being a Business of great Weight, the Lords have appointed Twelve of their Members.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Rolle, Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Mr. Vassall, Mr. Bond, Sir Walth. Erle, Mr. Green, Sir Robert Pye, Sir Arth. Ingram, Alderman Penington, Mr. Spurstoe, Mr. Peard, Mr. Trenchard, Sir Jo. Harrison, Dr. Eden, Mr. Ven, Sir Tho. Middleton, Mr. Glyn, Dr. Parry, Mr. Selden, Sir Sam Rolle, Sir Jo. Potts, Sir H. Vane, Sir Robert Harley.
This Committee is to meet with a Committee of the Lords, to consider of the Merchants Strangers Petition delivered to the Lords: And they are to meet on Thursday next, at Two post meridiem, in the Painted Chamber.
Passing a Bill.
Upon the Committee's Report, appointed to consider what is fit to be done upon the Message received Yesterday concerning the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, to which his Majesty had given his Assent by Commission; and that the Bill, being a Bill of Subsidies, was affixed to the Commission.
It was (after that the Gentleman-usher had come in and desired Mr. Speaker, and the House, to come and be present at the Passing of the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds by Commission annexed) Resolved, upon the Question, That this House, being desired by the Lords to be present at the Passing of the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds by Commission, That Mr. Speaker shall go up: And if the Bill be delivered to Mr. Speaker before the Commission be read, That then he shall have Leave to present it to be passed: But if the Lords shall not deliver the Bill to Mr. Speaker's Hands accordingly, that then he shall immediately return.
Mr. Speaker and the House went up accordingly.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Arth. Haselrig brings Answer, That the Lords do fully concur in all the Particulars carried up by him.
Message to Lords.
Mr. Arth. Goodwyn was sent to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to sit this Afternoon: But the Lords were risen before he came.
Benion's Impeachment.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde reports the Impeachment of Mr. Benion: The which was read, and recommitted: And Mr. Glyn is added to the Committee.
The Articles were likewise read, and recommitted to the same Committee: And they are to meet upon it this Afternoon at Two, in the usual Place.
Oxfordshire Petition.
That the Information concerning the Counter Petition of Oxfordshire, and all other Circumstances concerning That, be referred to the Committee for Informations: And Mr. Fienis and the Lord Wenman are added to this Committee.
Information against Neale.
It is likewise referred to this Committee to consider of the Words informed to be spoken by one F. Neale at Banbury, to consider what is fit to be done with him, he being detained at Ban....
Impeachment of Recorder of London.
Ordered, That this Impeachment of the Recorder of London be recommitted to the same Committee: And that Report be made of these Articles, and Impeachments be made on Monday Morning last.
Impeachments, &c.
That Mr. Peard, Mr. Pym, Mr. White, Mr. Whittlock, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Sam. Browne, do meet together on Monday next, at Two post meridiem, in the Inner Court of Wards, to consider of the Materials for the Charge against the Archbishop of Cant', and prepare it. And
Ordered, That the ingrossed Articles against Daniel O'Neile be carried up on Tuesday next by Serjeant Wilde.
Ordered, That on Friday next Mr. Glyn bring in the Articles against Secretary, Windebank.
Ordered, That the Lords be desired that a Proclamation may issue forth for the Calling-in of the Lord Finch by a Time prefixed, sub Pæna Convictionis: And that Mr. Peard do not move the Lords herein.
Ordered, That Mr. Peard do move the Lords that Sir Geo. Ratcliffe may speedily be brought to his Trial.
Ordered, That Mr. Pierrepoint do prepare himself for the Managing the Evidence at the Trial against Justice Berkeley:
That a Time be prefixed for the Accusation of Mr. Piercy Jermyn, and Sucklyn, &c. to the Lords, of High Treason, according to the Vote of the House.
That the Information against Mr. Ven be referred to the Committee for Informations, to call before them the Witnesses, and to examine the Matter of Fact, and report it to the House.
King's Letter to Sheriff of Berks.
Ordered, That the High Sheriff of Berks do immediately send up to this House the Letter he has received from his Majesty, concerning the Publishing of some Passages that concern the Parliament: And that likewise he send up the Papers.....
Sheriff of Northampton.
Ordered, That the High Sheriff of the County of Northampton be called in, and heard on Monday Morning next.
Publick Accounts.
Ordered, That Mr. John Ash and Mr. Edw. Ash be added to the Committee for the State of the Accounts.
East India Company.
The humble Petition of the Governor and Company of Merchants of London, trading to the East Indies, was this Day read.
Ordered, That the several Sums of Nine thousand Seventy-three Pounds Twelve Shillings and Sixpence due from the East-India Company for Customs in June last; and of Three thousand One hundred Twenty-three Pounds Six Shillings and Eleven-pence due from the said Company in August last, be, within Ten Days, paid into the Hands of the Customers, to be employed for the Service of the Navy.
Petition to the King- Command of the Fleet.
Mr. Martin reports from the Committee the Draught of a Petition to be presented from the Lords and Commons, concerning the Earl of Warwick's commanding this Summer's Fleet.
May it please your Majesty:
THE Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, having found it necessary to provide and set to Sea a strong and powerful Navy for the Defence of this Kingdom against foreign Force, and for the Security of Your other Dominions, the Charge whereof is to be borne by the Commonwealth: and, taking notice of the Indisposition of the Lord Admiral, which disables him at this Time commanding the Fleet in his own Person, did thereupon recommend unto his Lordship the Earl of Warwick, a Person of such Quality and Ability, as in whom they might best confide, to supply his Lordship's Room Room for this Imployment: And understanding that Your Majesty hath since signified Your Pleasure concerning That Command for Sir John Pennyngton: We do hold it our Duty to represent unto Your Majesty the great Danger and Mischief the Commonwealth is likely to sustain by such Interruption: And therefore do humbly beseech Your Majesty, that the noble Person recommended by both Houses of Parliament for this Service may no longer be detained from it, out of any particular Respect to any other Persons whatsoever.
Providing Gunpowder.
Ordered, That the Propositions this Day reported by Mr. Venn concerning the Provision of Gun-powder, shall be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Gun-powder: And they are to deliver their Opinions thereof, and present the same unto this House: And That Committee, or any Four of them, have Power to meet when and where they please.
Reducing Irish Rebels.
3a vice lecta, An Act, intituled, An Act for an Addition unto, and Explanation of, certain Clauses in the Act passed for the speedy and effectual Reducing of the Rebels in Ireland to their due Obedience; and, upon the Question, passed, with the Amendment of One hundred thousand Pounds to Two hundred thousand Pounds, in the Clause concerning the Dutch.
Ordered, That Sir Walter Earle do carry up this Bill on Monday Morning, at the first Sitting of the Lords.
Money for Ireland.
Ordered, That Mr. Nicholas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars for Ireland, shall be authorized by this House from time to time to transport, Custom-free, such Sums of Money as this House shall order to be paid to Sir Adam Loftus, Treasurer at Wars for Ireland: And the Officers and Customers of Chester, and other Ports, where he shall have Occasion to embarque the same, are required to take Notice of this Order, and to permit him to transport the same, Custom-free, accordingly.
Irish Protestants.
Whereas One thousand Pounds is given by this House out of the Monies come in upon the Act of Contribution to Mr. Bysse, Recorder of Dublyn, to be distributed for the Relief of those poor distressed Protestants that are in Dublyn: It is this Day Ordered, that the said Mr. Bysse shall transport the same, Custom-free: And the Officers and Customers of the Ports of Chester, and other Places, are required to permit him to transport the same accordingly, Custom-free.
Safety of Hull.
Ordered, That the Letters and Informations sent up from the High Sheriff of the County of Yorke be referred to the Consideration of the Committee appointed to consider of the Safety of Hull,
Reducing Irish Rebels.
It is this Day Ordered, by the House of Commons, That the Committee for the Bill for Explanation of the Act concerning Ireland shall have Powder to consider of all such Matters as shall arise from time to time concerning those Two Bills, and the Propositions therein mentioned; and to prepare such Things as shall be propounded unto them concerning the same, to be presented unto this House: And every Member of this House that shall adventure the Sum of Three hundred Pounds, or above, shall be of That Committee.
Ordered, by the House of Commons, That a Transcript shall be forthwith made of the Names of the Members of this House that have subscribed, according to the Act of Parliament for the Reducing of the Rebels in Ireland, and of the Sums they have underwritten; and that the same be forthwith sent to the Four Gentlemen appointed by that Act to receive the Subscriptions and Sums of Money subscribed, according to the said Act.
Ordered, That the Four thousand Pounds advanced by Mr. Long, Alderman Towse, Alderman Warner, and Mr. Hussey, for the present Occasions for Ireland, shall be paid unto them out of the first Monies that shall come in upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds, together with Interest for the Forbearance thereof until the same be repaid them.
Ordered, That this Business of Subscription of the Members of this House be resumed on Monday Morning: And Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind thereof.