House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 26 February 1642

Pages 456-458

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Sabbati, 26 Feb. 1641.


Priests, &c.

MR. Whittacre acquainted the House, That he had received a Letter from the Lord Falkland, in which was an Extract of Two Letters from Rome, concerning the Proceedings against the Priests and Catholicks here in England.

French Ambassador.

He farther acquainted the House, That he attended the French Ambassador with the Letters that were directed unto him, and intercepted in Sussex: That the French Ambassador took the Respect from this House very kindly; and, after he had taken his Leave of him, he sent him the Letters; which only gave him an Account from Diep, that, according to a Command they received from the Ambassador, they would do their Endeavour to stay all Irish Commanders that should come to embark themselves at that Port for Ireland: And that, at the Intreaty of this House, he had sent the like Injunctions to all the Ports of France.

Mr. Whittacre is appointed to return Thanks to the French Ambassador from this House.

Priests and Jesuits, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Peard, Mr. Whistler, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Selden, Mr. Young, Mr. Hill, do presently withdraw, to peruse the Statutes now in Force against Priests and Jesuits.

Ordered, That Mr. Whittacre, Mr. Morley, do presently go to Denmarke House.

Resolved, That the Capuchines shall be forthwith apprehended, and taken into safe Custody, by the Serjeant at Arms attending on his House; and there kept till this House take farther Order.

Naval Affairs.

Ordered, That Sir H. Vane do move the Lord Admiral, to inform this House, whether he hath received any Intelligence, by Letters, or other ways, of the Stopping of any English Ships in France, or of any Preparations there, for Ireland or England; and to hasten with all Speed the making ready of the King's Ships; and to give this House an Account in what Readiness the Fleet is: And that he repair to Sir Tho. Germain, to know of him, if he received Letters to any such Purpose from Sir Philip Cartwright; and if he have, to send such Information as he hath received to this House.

Resolved, That this House holds it fit to recommend unto the Lord Admiral, that the Ship of Eight hundred Ton, and Forty Piece of Ordnance, now ready to set to Sea, and offered by Mr. Martin, be employed for the Defence of this Kingdom; upon the same Terms as the other Ships are.

That the Lord Admiral be desired to take Order, that the Captains, Masters, and other Officers, of the Ships that are now to go to Sea in this Summer Fleet, may take the Protestation; and that such as shall refuse it may not go; and that he would be pleased to send in a List of all the Captains and Officers of the King's Ships; and that he would farther inform this House, who shall command this Fleet in Chief under his Lordship.

Portesmouth Garison.

Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir Walth. Erle, Sir Wm. Lewis, Sir Ro. Coke, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Pym, Mr. Hampden, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Lisle, Sir Jo. Merrick, Sir Sam. Rolle, Col. Goring, Mr. Morley, Sir Jo. Hotham, Sir Hugh Cholmely, Mr. Cage, Mr. Carew.

This Committee is appointed to draw such an Order as may satisfy the Garison of Portesmouth, and not engage this House to the Payment of it; and likewise to consider of the Demands and Propositions made by Colonel Goring, for the Security of that Place: And they are to meet on Monday next, at Eight of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber. And the Petition of Mr. Challenor, Captain of South Sea Castle, is referred to this Committee.

Hull Garison.

Sir Philip Stapilton presents to the House, Allowances to be made to the Garison of Hull.

£. s. d.
To Two hundred and Forty Men, each Man 8 d. per Diem, - - 8 - -
To the Colonel, - - - - 1 4 -
T o the Serjeant Major of the Town, - - 12 -
To the Captain of the Two hundred and Forty Men, - - - - - - 12 -
To the Lieutenant, - - - - - 4 -
To the Ensign, - - - - - 3 -
Three Serjeant, - - - - 3 -
Three Corporals, - - - - 2 6
Thre Drums, - - - - 2 6
Two Cannoneers, - - - - 5 -
Per Diem 11 8 -
Per Mensem £. 319 4 -

Resolved, &c. This House holds it fit to assent to the Payment of these Officers and Soldiers, according to this List, for the Defence of Hull, for so long Time as this House shall think fit to continue them in Pay.

Prisoners discharged.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Michael Burnell shall be forthwith discharged from Imprisonment.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Goodhall, now in the Serjeant's Custody, shall be forthwith discharged.

Person to attend.

Ordered, That Mr. Tho. Killigrew be forthwith summoned to attend this House.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir Hugh Owen, Mr. Philip Smith, Mr. Noble, Mr. Baldwyn, shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Preparations in France.

Sir Wm. Lewis is to carry up to the Lords the Letter sent from Guarnesey, to Sir Tho. Jermyn, concerning Preparations in France; and likewise Informations to the same Purpose from Leverpoole, and * in Cornewall.

Examining Nichollas.

He is likewise to desire, That Mr. Secretary Nichollas, an Assistant of their House, may be examined upon Oath, in the Matter concerning the Lord Digby.

Proceedings concerning the Prince.

That the Lords be moved, that the Order of the Thirteenth of January, concerning declaring Those Enemies that shall be assistant to the Transporting of the Prince, may be printed; and that the Lord Admiral may take Order ****

Resolved, upon the Question, This House holds it fit, that the Marquis of Hertford, or whosoever else shall have the Charge of the Prince, be required forthwith to bring him up to London: And that a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire them to join with this House therein; and that some Members of each House be presently sent away to that Purpose.

Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Gerard do go to the Lords with this Message to the Lords.

Arms and Ammunition.

Ordered, That the Committee of the Thirtieth of December, appointed to consider of furnishing the Kingdom with Powder, &c. shall have Power to treat with Workmen, to make Arms; and with Merchants, to bring in a Hundred Last of Powder; and shall take care for the Providing of a Thousand Horse-arms; and to consider what Arms and Ammunition are remaining in the King's Magazines, and in the Kingdom: And that Sir Hen. Vaine be added to this Committee: And that the Books sent down from the Officers of the Ordnance, be referred to this Committee: And that they give an Account to the House, on Thursday next, what Progress they have made.

Proceedings concerning the Prince.

Sir Gilbert Gerard reporteth from the Lords, That he received this Answer to the Message; That they did join with this House therein, with this Caution, That if the King be not there, or that they be informed he will not be there this Night, that then he be forthwith brought away; and that if the Earl of Hertford be not well, that then the Messengers of both Houses, appointed to go, do take the Charge of the Prince: And have appointed the Lord Seymor and Lord Newporte to go.

Ordered, That Sir Ralph Hopton, Mr. Morley, Sir Jo. Bamfeild, Mr. Carew, be appointed to go to Greenwiche with the Members of the Lords, with the Order concerning the Prince.

Collectors of Subsidies

Ordered, That the Collectors of the Subsidies paying the Sixpence into the Hands of Mr. Page, One of the Barons of the Exchequer, according to former Orders of that Court made upon a Reference from this House, the Auditors shall forthwith pass their Accounts, notwithstanding any Pretence or Claim of theirs.

Supplies for Ireland.

The humble Petition of divers Persons under named, late Inhabitants within the Kingdom of Ireland, was this Day read:

And Mr. Fitzgerald came in, and avowed it: And Mr. Speaker told him, "That the House had always had it in their Care to provide Supplies necessary for Ireland; and they do still continue it; and doubt not but to provide them very suddenly."

A Letter to be sent to the Sheriffs, concerning the Propositions for the Supplies of Ireland, was read; and assented unto; and ordered to be carried up to the Lords; and the Lords Concurrence desired herein.

Articles against Ld. Digby.

The ingrossed Articles against Geo. Lord Digby were read; and, upon the Question, assented unto: And

Ordered, That a Conference shall be desired with the Lords concerning them; and that they be delivered at That Conference.

Message to Lords.

Sir Christ. Yelverton is appointed to go to the Lords, to carry up the Letter to the Sheriffs, for the Advancing of the Propositions for the Succours of Ireland.

He is likewise to desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning the Articles of Impeachment against Geo. Lord Digby.

Mr. Attorney's Impeachment.

Ordered, That the Committee formerly appointed to draw a Bill against Mr. Attorney, do consider of his Answer to the Impeachment of this House; and report what they think fit to be done thereupon: And are to meet on Monday, at Eight of Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Preparations in France.

Sir H. Vane reports from the Lord Admiral, that his Lordship had Notice, Ten Days since, of the Preparation of the French, of Four thousand Foot, in Two Regiments; and that more Companies were pressing; and that Three English Ships came into a Port in France, in Brittanie, and were suffered to unload; and then they took out all their Mariners, and put in fresh Soldiers: Whereupon he gave Notice to the Isles of Weight, Jersey, and Gernesey, to put themselves in a Posture of Defence, to prevent their coming, and landing; lest, having English Men in their Ships, they come with false Colours: And his Lordship hath received an Answer from the Governors of these Islands, or from their Deputies, and of the Care they have taken to prevent their Landing: Besides, he hath taken Care to be informed, what Preparation is making in France; which he doth hear is in no greater Manner than is made every Year in that Kingdom. And, for the Ship offered by Mr. Martyn for the Defence of the Kingdom, if it be the Pleasure of this House, his Lordship is very willing to employ That Ship; though he hath not heard of any other Occasion of further Strength at Sea. For the List of the Commanders, his Lordship will send the same on Monday next; and, at the same time, will give an Account in what Condition the Ships are in. And, for the other Part, concerning the Protestation, he will cause the same to be put in Execution, as is desired.

Leave of Ablence.

Mr. Tomkins has Leave to go into the Country.

Davies' Contract.

Ordered, That the Words "be they more or less," in the Articles of Agreement, made the Four-and-twentieth Day of Feb', between Mr. Fienis, Sir Philip Stapilton, and Mr. Hampden, of the One Part; and Joh. Davies of Carrickfergus, Merchant, of the other Part; for the Victualling of his Majesty's Forces, English and Scottish, in the Province of Ulsler, be struck forth.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Wm. Lewis reports, That, as to the first Part of his Message, it needed no Answer: For the other Part, the Lords do agree that Mr. Secretary Nicholls shall be examined, as is desired.

Supply Bill.

Ordered, That the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds shall be reported on Monday Morning, at the first Sitting of the House; and no other Business or Motion to intervene; and that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind of this Order.

Clearing Ld. Kimbolton, &c.

Mr. Serjeant Wilde reports the Bill for clearing the Lord Kimbolton, and the Members of this House, impeached, with the Amendments: The which Bill, with the Additions and Amendments, were twice read: And

It is Resolved, upon the Question, That this Bill, with the Additions and Amendments, be forthwith ingrossed.

Stay of Ships.

Sir Hugh Owen had of me, the Letters and Informations concerning some Ships freighted with Provisions, bound for Ireland, and stayed at Milford Haven, to carry to the Lord Admiral.

Irish Affairs.

Sir Christ. Yelverton brings Answer, That the Lords have assented to the Letter to be sent to the Sheriffs, concerning the Advancement of the Propositions for the Succours of Ireland; and that they are ready to give a present Meeting, by a Committee of both Houses.

Sir Jo. Evelyn is appointed Manager of this Conference: and Mr. Bainton is to read the Articles against the Lord Digby.


Ordered, That the Lord Cramborne and Mr. Hollis shall acquaint the French Ambassador with the Desires of this House, that the Capuchins be forthwith sent away; and to know if he will undertake to send them away; and, if he will, that then they be forthwith delivered unto him.

That Mr. Hollis do go up to the Lords, to acquaint them with the Resolutions of this House, concerning the Capuchins, and desire their Lordships Concurrence therein.

Mr. Attorney's Impeachment.

Resolved, upon the Question, That a Conference shall be desired with the Lords, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning the Impeachment of Mr. Attorney: And Mr. Goodwin is appointed to desire this Conference.

Turkey Company.

Ordered, That the Lord Mayor, and the Collectors of the One per Cent. shall permit the Merchants of the Turkey Company to enter and take up their Goods; they giving good Security to pay the One per Cent. at such a Rate, and in such Manner, as shall be ordered and assigned by this House.

Holes, &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of Jeremy Holes, Christopher Wilson, and others, Owners of Twelve Ships lately employed in his Majesty's Service, be referred to the Committee for the Navy, to consider of it, in what Manner the Petitioners may be relieved; and to report their Opinions to the House herein, with what convenient Speed they can.

Sunderland Lecturer.

Upon the humble Petition of Geo. Lilborne, Mayor of the Corporation of Sunderland, in the County Palatine of Durham, in the behalf of himself, and divers other Inhabitants of the same Town; It is this Day Ordered, by the Commons House of Parliament, That Mr. Timothy Batt, an orthodox Divine, be appointed Lecturer, to preach every Sunday in the Afternoon, and every Wednesday in the Week, in Bishop Wearmouth Church, being the Parish Church.. the Port of Sunderland, in the said County Palatine of Durham; the said Mayor and Inhabitants of the said Town and Parish allowing him competent Maintenance for the same: And Mr. Johnson, Parson of the Parish Church of Sunderland aforesaid, is hereby required to permit the said Mr. Batt the free Use of his Pulpit, to preach there the said Lecture Days.

Lewisham Lecturer.

Upon the humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Lewisham, in the County of Kent; It is this Day Ordered, That Mr. John Batchelor, an orthodox Divine, be appointed Lecturer, to preach every Tuesday in the Week in the Parish of Luisham; the Inhabitants of the said Parish allowing him a competent Maintenance for the same: And Mr. Abraham Colfe, Vicar of the said Parish, is hereby required to permit the said Mr. Batchelor the free Use of his Pulpit, to preach there every Tuesday, as aforesaid.

Bailing a Prisoner.

Ordered, That Tho. Smith, now the Gaol of the White Lyon in Southwarke, formerly committed, by Order or Direction of a Committee of this House, shall be bailed, upon Security to attend this House from time to time: And Sir Jo. Lenthall is desired to take the Bail.

Brainford Lecturer.

Ordered, That Mr. * Betts, an orthodox Divine, be appointed Lecturer for the Town and Parish of Brainford, in the County of Midd', to preach there every Tuesday in the Week; the Inhabitants within the said Parish allowing him convenient Maintenance for the same: And Mr. Coke, * Parson of the said Parish, is hereby required to permit him, the said Mr. Betts, the free Use of his Pulpit, to preach there every Tuesday, as aforesaid.