Pages 437-439
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Jovis, 17 Feb. 1641.
Innovations in Religion.
2da vice lecta est Billa, A N Act for the Suppression of divers Innovations in and about the Worship of God, and for the due Observing of the Sabbath, &c.; and for the better Advancement of the Preaching of God's Word, in all Parts of the Kingdom;
Upon Question, committed unto Mr. Whittacre, Mr. Ash, Sir Anth. Irby, Mr. Cage, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Nath. Fienis, Sir Walth. Erle, Mr. Crue, Mr. Ro. Goodwyn, Mr. Maynard, Sir Tho. Widrington, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. White, Mr. Hill, Sir Ben. Rudyard, Sir H. Vane junior, Mr. Glyn, Sir Rich. Buller, Sir Norton Knatchboll, Mr. Pierepoint, Mr. Prideaux, Sir Patr. Curwyn, Sir Arth. Haselrig, Sir Pet. Wentworth, Mr. Holland, Mr. Buller, Sir Tho. Dacres, Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Ro. Coke, Serjeant Wilde, Sir Dud. North, Mr. Moore, Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Mr. Rowse, Mr. Shuttleworth, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Kirby, Sir Jo. Corbett, Mr. Selden: And are to meet To-morrow Morning, at Eight of Clock, in the Court of Wards.
Isle of Rachraye.
The Commission for the Enabling of the Marquis of Argile to transport Fifteen hundred Men to the Isle of Rachraye, and to be Governor of the said Isle:
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth assent and agree to this Commission: And
It is Ordered, That Mr. Reynolds do carry up this Commission unto the Lords, so soon as they are set.
Sir Robert Harley reports the Amendments to the Bill of Pluralities, returned from the Lords.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth agree to the Amendments, reported and agreed unto by the Committee.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth adhere to the Bill in the *.
Sir Tho. Barrington is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a free Conference, concerning the Bill of Pluralities.
Sir Ro. Harley, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Prideaux, are appointed Managers of this Conference.
Sussex Petition.
The House being informed, that some Gentlemen of the County of Sussex were at the Door, and had a Petition to be presented to this House;
They were called...; and did prefer One to this House; and the Copy of another to be presented to the Lords, of which they desired the Approbation of this House.
And then they withdrew.
And their Petitions were read.
They were again called in: And Mr. Speaker told them, "That they found in their Petition many Particulars of weighty Consideration; as likewise many Expressions of Affection to the Publick, and to this House; for which they return you Thanks: As for the Petition to the Lords, this House hath read it; and doth well approve of it.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee that was appointed to consider of the Entering of the Petitions, to peruse the Petitions of the Counties, to see if there be any Grievances expressed in the several Petitions, that are not yet provided for and considered of by the House; and to report them.
Kirby's, &c. Petition.
Ordered, That the Petition of Mrs. Kirby and Mr. Derham be peremptorily appointed to be read To-morrow Morning, so soon as the House sits: And Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind of this Order.
Spanish Ambassador.
Sir Tho. Barrington is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire that somebody may be sent from both Houses to the Spanish Ambassador, to acquaint him with the Information given concerning the Ships of Duynkirke loaden with Arms and Ammunition, and bound for Ireland; and to tell him, that this House does expect, that he, being the King of Spaine's Minister, and that these are his Subjects, that he should take some Course to make Stay of those Ships.
Ordered, That the Surveyor and Keeper of the Store, or any other Officer of the Ordnance, be presently summoned to appear here, to give an Account, Why the Bullet, allotted by his Majesty's Warrant for the Service of the Scotts, are not delivered according to his Majesty's Warrant.
Sale of Offices.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Buying and Selling of judicial Places, is One Cause of the Evils of this Kingdom.
Resolved upon the Question, That the Buying and Selling of Offices of Trust belonging to Courts of Justice, and the Commands of Forts, Castles, and Places of Trust, are Causes of the Evils of this Kingdom.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Buying and Selling of Serjeantships at Law, is One Cause of the Evils of this Kingdom.
Ordered, That Mr. Pym do draw these Votes into a Clause, to be inserted among the Causes and Remedies of the Evils of this Kingdom.
Petition to the King.
Mr. Perepointe, according to the Order Yesterday, went up to the Lords, with the Petition to his Majesty, concerning the Five Members.
Dunkirk Ships.
Sir Tho. Barrington went up with the Message this Day ordered, concerning Three Dunkirk Ships loaden and bound for Ireland, with Ammunition.
Mr. Pym reports the Declaration of the Causes of the Grievances and the Remedies.
Upon the putting the Question, upon the Fifteenth Head of the Causes of the Grievances, and the Remedies;
The House was divided.
Mr. Hollis, | Tellers for the Yeas, 117. |
Mr. Nath. Fynes, | |
Sir Jo. Holland, | Tellers for the Noes, 113. |
Sir Ro. Hatton, |
The Question went with the Affirmative: And
It was Resolved, That it should be One of the Heads of the Remedies.
Spanish Ambassador.
Sir Tho. Barrington brings Answer, That the Lords do agree, that a Message should be sent to the Spanish Ambassador, concerning the Ships at Duynkirke laden with Ammunition, and bound for Ireland; and have appointed One Lord to go.
Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Jo. Holland, are appointed to go with that Lord to the Spanish Ambassador.
A Message from the Lords, by * * * *;
Letters, &c. from the King.
The Lords have received a Letter from his Majesty, directed to the Lord Keeper; and in it a Paper inclosed: The Copy of which Letter, and which Paper, they have commanded us to deliver unto you.
RIGHT trusty and well-beloved Counsellor, We greet you well. These are to require you to deliver this inclosed Paper with all convenient Speed to the Lords in Parliament; and for so doing this shall be your Warrant. From our Court at Canterbury, the Sixteenth Day of February, 1641.
HIS Majesty, at the earnest Desire of His dearest Consort the Queen, hath thought fit to acquaint His Parliament, that She understanding that a Letter addressed unto Herself, hath been opened by the Parliament and remains in their Custody, desireth that a Transcript thereof may be speedily sent Her; and declareth, that if the Parliament shall desire to be further satisfied from Her of any Particulars mentioned in That Letter, or any Circumstance concerning the same, so far forth as may any way relate unto or reflect upon her Person, or of any Thing whatsoever concerning. Her, She is very ready and willing to give them due Satisfaction therein: To which End His Majesty thinks it fit to advertise them, that She finds that the Embarking of her Stuff and necessary Provisions, will take up so much Time, that it will be Monday before Herself can be ready to set Sail.
Ordered, That this Message shall be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning.
Ordered, That the Declaration of the Causes, and the Remedies, be further taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning, at Ten . . . Clock.
Sir Walter Erle reporteth, the Lords will give a present Meeting, at a Conference of both Houses, as was desired.
Answer from the King.
Sir Jo. Colpeper reports from the Committee that went from this House, with a Committee of the Lords, to his Majesty, to return Thanks of both Houses for Passing the Two Bills; One to take away the Bishops Votes, and the other to press Soldiers; His Majesty's Answer was: "I pray you take the Business of Ireland into serious Consideration; and express your Thanks therein; and I shall thank you."
Leave of Absence.
Mr. Whitlocke hath Leave to go into the Country.
Originals of King's Letter, &c.
The Lord Gray went up to the Lords with this Message; To desire their Lordships to send to this House the Originals of the Letter from the King to the Lord Keeper, and the Paper inclosed, concerning the Queen's Desire of having a Transcript of the Letter from the Lord Digby to her Majesty; that this House may examine the Copy they have by the Original; it being always used, that the Originals with Copies of them, were sent to this House.
Killigrew's Bail.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth accept of Sir Charles Berkley, Carew Rawley, and Mr. Geo. Bampfeild, to be Bail for Sir Wm. Killigrew; the Principal in Ten thousand Pounds, and the Sureties in Five thousand Pounds apiece.
Spanish Ambassador.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;
The Lords have sent down this Writing; which they conceive fit to be sent to the Spanish Ambassador, by the Earl of Newporte and Two Members of this House, concerning the Ships at Dunkirke loaden with Ammunition, and bound for Ireland.
Gray's Bail, &c.
Resolved, upon the Question, that Doctor Gray, now in the Serjeant's Custody, shall be forthwith bailed: But he is not to go out of Town till he hath put in an Answer to the Articles exhibited here against him.
Originals of King's Letter, &c.
Lord Gray brings Answer, That the Lords, according to the Desire of this House, have sent down the Originals, both of the Letter and Paper inclosed, from his Majesty.
Havant, &c. Lecturers.
Ordered, That the like Order shall be made for Havant and Petersfeild, as was made for Alsford, Winton, &c.
Persons to attend.
Ordered, That Serjeant Major Gibbs and Lieutenant Geo. Okes shall be summoned to attend this House forthwith:
Message to Lords.
And Sir Jo. Evelyn is to go with this Message to the Lords; To desire their Lordships, that Serjeant Major Gibbs and Lieutenant Okes may be examined, upon Oath, concerning the Lord Digbie.
Sir L. Dives.
The House doth take Sir John Strangewayes his Word for the Appearance of Sir Lewis Dives, at such Time or Times as the House shall require: And
It is Ordered, That, in the mean time, he shall be discharged of further Attendance.
Spanish Ambassador.
THE Lords and Commons have commanded us to intimate to the Spanish Ambassador, the Advertisement that they have received, of certain Ships lying at Dunkerk laded with Ammunition, ready to take Sail, intended for the Relief of the Rebels of Ireland. This they hold contrary to the Articles agreed upon in the Treaties of Peace between the Two Crowns: And therefore, the Ambassador is to be moved, from both Houses, to send speedily to Dunkerk, and to all other his Majesty's Dominions, and unto the King his Master, to make Stay of those, and all such Ships as may carry any Supply of Men, Victuals, Money, or any other Aid, to his Majesty's Subjects that, at this present, are in Rebellion in Ireland: Which otherwise, will be understood to be a Breach of the Treaties between the Crowns of England and Spaine, and so resented by the Parliament.