House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 29 January 1642

Pages 402-404

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Sabbati, 29 Januarii, 1641.


Houlden's, &c. Petition.

THE humble Petition of Humphry Houlden, and other Citizens of London, was this Day read: And it is Ordered, that the like Order should be made upon this Petition as was made upon Edward Gitting's Petition, upon the Twenty-fourth of January last past.


Ordered, That the Committee for Printing, and the Bill of Printing, shall be revived; to sit on Monday Morning at Eight of Clock, in the Court of Wards; and that the Master and Wardens of the Company of the Stationers shall be required to take special Order, that the Printers do neither print or reprint any thing without the Name and Consent of the Author: And that if any Printer shall, notwithstanding, print or reprint any thing without the Consent and Name of the Author, that he shall be proceeded against as both the Author and Printer thereof; and their Names to be certified to this House.


Ordered, That Mr. Pym shall report the Declaration.

Persons to attend.

Ordered, That Nathaniel Tomkins, Clerk of the Queen's Council, and Robert Thorne, Deputy Clerk of the Queen's Council, shall be forthwith summoned to appear presently before this House; and that they be not suffered to speak with Mr. Attorney Ball, nor with one another, nor with any Man else.

Information concerning a Sermon.

Ordered, That this Information given, concerning a Sermon preached at Canterbury, concerning that the People of England had deserted the King * * * *

Letters concerning the Five Members.

Ordered, That Mr. Trefusis do require of Mr. Bassett the Letter or Letters writ unto him by Sir Nicho. Slaning, or any other, concerning the Five Members of this House, viz. Mr. Hollis, Sir Arth. Haselrig, Mr. Pym, Mr. Hampden, and Mr. Strode.

King's Answer to Petition.

Mr. Speaker acquainted the House, that he had received a Letter from his Majesty; and in it his Majesty's Answer to the Petition presented unto his Majesty on Wednesday last, the Twenty-sixth of January, by Mr. Pierrepoint, and others of the House of Commons.

The Letter and Answer were first read by Mr. Speaker: And then the Answer was read by the Clerk.

Ordered, That this Answer of his Majesty, to the Petition, presented unto his Majesty, from the House of Commons, on Wednesday the Twenty-sixth of this Instant January, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of this House, formerly appointed to meet with the Committee of the Lords, to consider of his Majesty's Answer to the Scotts Proposition, concerning Knockfergus: And this Committee of this House is to consider what is fit to be done hereupon; and to use all Diligence and Expedition in this Business.

This Committee, or any Eight of them, is presently to withdraw to consider of this Business.

Information concerning Ball.

Mr. Ball, the Queen's Attorney, was called in; * * * "That an Information has been given to this House, that you have * * * *

Ordered, That the Examination of Tomkins and Thorne be referred to the Committee of Informations.

Ordered, That the Gentleman that gave Mr. Lane the Informations concerning Mr. Ball, shall, if the Committee for Informations thinks fit, be named to that Committee; and examined by them: And Mr. Lane is added to that Committee.

Tonage and Poundage.

Mr. Ellis reports from the Committee, the Bill of Tonage and Pounadage, with the Additions: Which were twice read: And the Bill, with the Amendments, ordered to be ingrossed.

Mr. Solicitor offered a Proviso, to be added to the Bill of Tonage and Poundage: Which was read the First Time; and then, by Vote, upon the Question, ordered to be read the Second time:

And then the Proviso was put to the Question, whether it should be added; and

It went with the Negative.

Raising Mariners, &e

Lecta 1a vice est Billa, An Act for the better Raising and Levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present Guarding of the Seas, and necessary Defence of this Realm, and other his Majesty's Dominions.

Lecta 2 a vice est Billa, An Act for the better Raising and Levying of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present Guarding of the Seas, and Defence of this Realm, and other his Majesty's Dominions:

Committed to the Committee for the Navy: And Mr. Cage, Sir A. Haselrigg, Mr. Mathewes, Mr. Grimston, Mr. Noble, Sir Rob. Pye, Mr. Maynard, Sir Tho. Hutchinson, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Bond, Mr. Bentz, Mr. Toll, are added to that Committee: And are to meet presently in the Court of Wards.

Irish Protestants.

Mr. Greene reports from the Committee for the Navy, That there came some from the Company of Drapers of London, and offered, from that Company, One hundred Quarter of Wheat, in Meal or in Bisket, for Relief of the Protestants in Ireland: But the Parties, not being now at ... Door, are to attend here on Monday Morning, to be called in, to receive hearty Thanks from the House.

Irish Protestants.

Ordered, That the Committee for Irish Affairs shall have Power to receive such Monies as are collected in the Parish of Sepulchre's, London; being given for the Relief of the Protestants in Ireland.

Disarming Recusants.

Letter to the Justices of Peace for the County of Lincolne, from Mr. Speaker, for the present Disarming of the Recusants there, was read.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do write Three of those Letters, for the several Divisions of that County.

Ordered, That the Bill for Disarming of Recusants be reported on Monday Morning.

Message from Lords.

Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Rich, and Mr. Page;

That the Lords desire, with as much convenient Speed as may be, a Dispatch of the Two Bills remaining in this House, concerning the Securing the Persons of Recusants; and the other concerning Protections and Privileges against Arrests.

Proceedings against Duke of Richmond.

Ordered, That Sir H. Heyman and Mr. Peard shall be injoined to attend the Conference concerning the Duke of Richmond, to be ready to be sworn, if Occasion shall be: And Mr. Perd hath leave to speak, concerning the Votes against Mr. Jermain and Mr. Peircy, depending here, and not yet transmitted to the Lords.

Sir Peter Wentworth went up, to desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning the Duke of Richmond.

The Heads of that Conference reported by Mr. Glyn; as followeth:

1. To take Notice, That before any Election of the Barons of the Cinque Ports for this Parliament, the Duke of Richmond did recommend Captain Wymberley to One of those Ports, but they making Choice of some other, Captain Collins did write a Letter to the Officers of that Port, (signified to be by the Direction of the Duke) requiring, to certify the Names of those Persons that gave their Votes, their Quality, and which way they gave their Vote: Which sheweth, his Intention was to call some of them to Account, for not giving their Votes for the Party the Duke recommended: And, to read this Letter at that Conference.

2. To take Notice to the Lords, of Mr. Scrope, Steward to the Duke, his coming, in the Duke's Name, to Mr. Perd, a Member of this House, to his Chamber at the Temple; and there persuading him not to be forward in the Pressing of the Matter of Accusation, depending in the House of Commons, against Mr. Percy, Mr. Jerman, &c.: And told him, it would be taken as an acceptable Service. That Mr. Perd answered him, He came to the Parliament to serve God, the King, and his Country; and if in the Contemplation of these Three, he might serve Him, he would; otherwise not: That afterwards, this Business of Mr. German's, &c. coming to Question in the House, he, as formerly, pressed to give the Matter of Fact proved against them, a Name; which he did, in his Judgment, - of High Treason: And afterwards, the Duke, meeting him in the Lords House, told Mr. Perd, "I had thought, Mr. Perd, you had been my Friend; but I see it was but a Shew of Friendship; and that, from henceforth he must expect but a Shew of Love from him:" And that the Duke frowned upon him at the same time, with Anger and Disdain. Mr. Perd affirmeth, he never had any Business with the Duke, nor ever received any Message from the Duke, but That; and therefore, conceiveth, the Duke's Speaking to him was in relation to that Business.

3. To acquaint the Lords, That it appeared by a Copy of a Record, in their Lordships House, That 26° Jan. instant, the Duke did propound, that a Question might be put for the Adjourning of the Parliament, for Six Months: Which, had it taken Effect, in these Times of Distractions and Distempers here; and, considering in what a bleeding Condition Ireland is in, and that the only Means, next under God, to preserve That, and this Kingdom, and our Religion, is the Sitting of this Parliament, and settling Things for the Preservation of both Kingdoms; it was a Motion of dangerous Consequence: Upon all which the House of Commons have voted, that they conceive the Duke of Richmond to be One of the malignant Party, and an evil Counsellor about the King: And to desire the Lords to join with this House, to move his Majesty, that this Duke of Richmond may be removed from the Court, and from the King and Queen; and that he be removed from all those Offices and Places of Trust, which he holds, wherein the Kingdom is so much concerned, in these Times of Danger.

Deane Forest.

Mr. Martyn reported from the Committee for the Forest of Deane, some Resolutions of that Committee, concerning the Wood and Timber of that Forest; and concerning some Monies to be issued upon the Sale of the said Wood and Timber, to the Earl of Salisbury and Mr. Browne.

Ordered, That this Report be recommitted to the same Committee: And the Lord Falkland, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr. Stevens, are added to this Committee: And are to meet on Monday Morning at Eight of the Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Transporting Provisions to Ireland.

Ordered, That the Ordinance of Parliament for Securing of such Monies, as shall be due to such Merchants, as shall transport any Provision or Victuals, for the Ports of Carrickfergus, and other Ports thereabouts, in the Kingdom of Ireland, shall be printed.

Money for Carrickfergus.

Ordered, That Sir Rob. Pye, Mr. Wheeler, Alderman Soames, Sir Hen. Mildmy, Mr. Vassall, and Sir Tho. Barrington, do consider how Two thousand Pounds may be presently advanced, for the Victualler, for Carrickfergus.

King's Answer to Message.

Sir Jo. Holland reports that the Committee appointed to attend his Majesty with a Message from this House, performed that Service; and that, by the Assistance of Mr. Porter, a Member of this House, they had a speedy Access unto his Majesty. They read the Message: The which being read, his Majesty returns this Answer; That if there had not been some Mistake, this Message had been prevented: That, to the first Part of the Message, concerning the Petition presented unto him, on Wednesday last, he had sent his Answer: And to the second Part of * *

Tonage and Poundage.

3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for granting a Subsidy of Tonage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money, payable upon Merchandize exported and imported.

Upon Question, passed: And Mr. Solicitor carried up the Bill to the Lords.


Ordered, That the Lord Mayor of London, and Commissioners for the Poll-money, and Subsidy, be moved, by the Gentlemen of this House, that serve for the City to speak with those Gentlemen that have lent Monies, and have Assignations to be repaid upon the Payment of the Subsidy, in February next, to forbear their Monies a little longer, upon Consideration of Eight Pounds per Cent. during the Time of their Forbearance.

Raising Mariners, &c.

Mr. Greene reports the Bill for the better Raising of Mariners, Sailors, and others, for the present Guarding of the Seas, and necessary Defence of the Realm, and other his Majesty's Dominions, with two Provisoes: The which were twice read; and the Bill, with the Provisoes, ordered to be ingrossed.

Irish Papists,&c.

"Whereas great Numbers of Papists, both English and Irish, some whereof have been and are Commanders in the Wars; and others, such as have Estates in England, have gone out of this Kingdom into Ireland, immediately before and during the barbarous and bloody Rebellion there, and traiterously joined themselves with the Rebels of that Nation, against his Majesty, and the Crown of England; and likewise divers others, Commanders, and such as have Estates in England, are daily preparing to go thither, to the same wicked Ends, and great Store of Arms, Ammunition, Money, Corn, and other Victuals, and Provisions, have been sent, and are daily preparing to be sent to that Kingdom, for the Assistance and Encouragement of those Rebels: For Prevention whereof, the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, do hereby order, and straightly charge and command, all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and other his Majesty's Officers within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, that they apprehend and examine all such Persons as they shall suspect to be Papists, and going out of this Kingdom, or the Dominion of Wales, into Ireland; and that they make also Stay of all Arms, Munition, Money, Corn, and other Victuals and Provisions, which they shall suspect to be preparing for Transportation into Ireland, for the Aid and Relief of the Rebels there; and to give speedy Notice thereof unto the Parliament. And whereas also, divers poor People, Men, Women, and Children, of the Irish Nation, and Papists, are lately come in great Numbers out of Ireland into Cornwall, Devon, and other Parts of this Kingdom; where they have been, and are very disorderly; and much terrify the Inhabitants where they come; and due Care is not taken, in all Places, for the Suppressing and Punishing of them: The Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, do hereby further Order and require all Officers before mentioned that they put the Laws in due Execution against such wandering Irish Papists before expressed; and that they cause them to be forthwith conveyed back into that Kingdom."

This Order was read, and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be fair written, and sent up to the Lords, by Mr. Carew.

Mr. Carew brings Answer, that the Lords do fully agree with this House in this Order.