House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 24 January 1642

Pages 390-392

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Lunæ, 24 Januarii, 1641.


Arundell Election.

THIS Day Mr. Harman's Petition was received, concerning the Election of Arundell.

Lunsford's Debt to Gittings.

The humble Petition of Edward Gittings, of London, Merchant, was this Day read; And

It is Ordered, That the said Edward Gittings may take his Course in Law against Colonel Thomas Lunsford, for a Debt of Five hundred Pounds, he pretends, by his Petition, to be due unto the said Gittings from the said Colonel Lunsford, without any Offence to this House, notwithstanding that the said Colonel Lunsford is now in the Custody of the Serjeant of this House, as a Delinquent.

Hesketh's Estate.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Settling the Manors, Lands, and Tenements of Tho. Hesketh, of Rufforth in the County of Lancaster, Esquire, &c.

Hill's Petition.

The humble Petition of Col. Hill was read; and referred: Knights... Sir H. Anderson, Sir Jo. Hotham, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Sir Dud. North, Sir Walth. Erle, Mr. Blakiston, Mr. H. Darley, Sir Arth. Ingram, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Martin, Sir H. Bellingham, and the Knights and Burgesses of Kent: And are to meet To-morrow at Eight of Clock in the Star-chamber: And he is ordered to be bailed in the mean time.

Trained Band.

Divers of the Trained Band of the Parish of St. Martin's in the Fields, presented a Petition to the House, concerning their Officers: The which was read; And

It is Ordered, That Mr. Cecill, named in the Petition, be recommanded to the Lords Lieutenants of the County of Midd', that they would be pleased to confer the Charge of that Trained Band upon him, according to the Petitioners Desires, if Mr. Cecill shall be willing to accept it.

Sir Gilbert Gerard and Sir Arth. Ingram are appointed to acquaint the Lords Lieutenants of Midd' with this Order, and the Petition.

Upon the putting of this Order to the Question;

The House was divided.

Sir Walth. Erle,
Sir Peter Wentworth, Tellers for the Yea, 119.
Mr. Newport,
Sir H. Anderson, Tellers for the Noe, 107.

Resolved, upon the Question, That it shall be thus Ordered.

Information concerning Barnes.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee appointed at Guildhall, London, to examine the Injuries done to the Citizens at Whitehall, to examine the Fact of Lieutenant Barnes, upon the Information this Day given to the House concerning him.

The Petitioners were called in again; and Mr. Speaker acquainted them with the Substance of the Orders.

Relief of Algiers.

[a] Ordered, That the Committee for Algiers shall be revived; to sit To-morrow at Two, post meridiem, in the Exchequer Court; and that That Committee, being specified by their Names, shall be the Committee named in the Act for the [Relief] of Algiers.

Irish Affairs.

Mr. Jepson read part of a Letter directed unto him, from an Agent of his, of the Date of the 6th of January, concerning the State of Munster, at the Time of the Date of this Letter.

Whereas the Lord Inchequin, and Mr. Jepson, a Member of this House, have received Two thousand Pounds, by a former Order of this House, for the Levying of Two Troops of Horse, for the Service of Munster: It is this Day Ordered, That they shall have a Thousand Pounds more forthwith paid unto them by the Chamber of London, towards the Payment of those Horse; and that in convenient time, such other Monies, for the Payment of those

[a] Some Names of Committees were entered precedent to this Order, and are struck out again; and in the Margin is wrote, "Find out the Names of the Committee for Argier:" And the Twenty-fifth of January that Committee is named.

Troops as this House shall think fit, upon such Advice of the State of that Country as they shall receive from Mr. Jepson, shall be father paid unto them.

And it is farther Ordered, That the said Lord Inchequin and Mr. Jepson, immediately upon the Receipt of this latter Sum of a Thousand Pounds, shall repair unto their Charge in Ireland.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That a Committee shall be appointed to inquire where the Remoras and Obstacles have been, that have hindered the speedy and timely Succouring the Necessities of Ireland.

Sir Jo. Evelyn Mr. Maynard, Mr. Martyn, Mr. Glyn, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Whitlocke, Sir Wm. Lewes, Sir Sym. D'Ewes, Mr. Hill, Sir Edw. Hungerford, Sir Samuel Rolls, Mr. Bamfeild, Sir Walt. Earle; Mr. Prideaux, Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Rigby, Sir Martyn Lumley, Mr. Moore;

This Committee is to inquire where the Remoras and Obstacles have been, that have hindered the speedy and timely Succouring the Necessities of Ireland, since the first Discovery of that Rebellion there to this House, to this time; and to report the same unto this House: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Writings, and Records: And are to meet To-morrow, at Eight of the Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Ordered, That the Lords be moved to join with this House, to move his Majesty, that there may be a Commission dormant granted, for the Transporting of such Men, Horse, and Ammunition, for the Affairs of Ireland, as shall be thought fit, from time to time, by both Houses of Parliament.

Ordered, That Mr. Bridgeman, Sir Jo. Evelyn, and Mr. Maynard, do forthwith repair to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; and to acquaint him with the Letter which Mr. Bridgeman hath received from Chester; and also with the Information given to this House, of the Delay in the Transporting the Horse and Foot from Chester to Dublyn; and to receive his Lordship's particular Answer; and report the same unto this House.


Ordered, That the Sub-Committee appointed to draw up the Heads for the Declaration, shall withdraw, to perfect those Heads.

Middlesex Petition.

Some Gentlemen of the County of Midd', being called in, did present an humble Petition from the Gentlemen, Freeholders, and other Inhabitants of the County of Midd', and distinct from the Suburbs of London.

The Gentlemen withdrew.

And their Petition was read.

Then they were called in again: And Mr. Speaker gave them Thanks, by the Command of the House, for their good Affections to the Church, the King, and the Commonwealth, expressed in their Petition:-This House doth continue the like Care for them: And both this Petition, and the other, they will take into Consideration, with regard, in due time.

Petitions from Devon, &c.

The Gentlemen of the County of Devon, and some of the Citizens of the City of Eron, called in, did present divers Petitions: Which when the House had received, they were required to withdraw.

And then their several Petitions were read.

They were then called in again: And Mr. Speaker acquainted them from the House, That the House gave them Thanks for their good Affections expressed to the King, the Church, and the Parliament; and that this House will continue their Care in those Particulars:- "They have observed so much good Carriage in the Delivery of the Petition to this House, that they doubt not, but the same Discretion will direct you to the Delivery of the same Petition, according to the Direction, to the House of Peers: For as much as concerns this House, they will take into Consideration in due time."

Book of Rates.

Mr. Green, according to the Order of the House on Thursday last, reported from the Committee for the Customers, the Book of Rates; and the Proceedings of the Committee thereupon.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the House shall be resolved into a Committee To-morrow, at Ten of Clock, to take the Book of Rates into Consideration, now presented from the Committee: And Mr. Speaker to put the House in mind of this Order.

Proceedings concerning the Bishops.

Ordered, That Mr. Glyn shall go to the Lords, to desire their Lordships, that they would appoint a Committee, that, in the Presence of some Members of this House, might examine some Witnesses concerning the Twelve Bishops impeached by this House: And to desire the Lords that the Day of their Trial may be put off for some convenient time.

Forces, &c. for Ireland.

Mr. Bridgeman reporteth, That he hath acquainted the Lord Lieutenant with the Want of Ships, to transport Men and Horse from Chester: For the Ships, he saith, that That properly belongs to the Care of the Lord Lieutenant: For Victuals, for Transportation, it belongs to the Care of Mr. Frost, Commissary for Chester: For the Payment of the Foot, Mr. Loftus hath taken care of it; and on Saturday last sent it away by the Carrier: And for the Horse, there are Three hundred and Forty at Chester; of which there are not above Two hundred offensive Arms; and none defensive: And that he hath spoken to the Lord of Newporte for Arms.

Army Provisions.

A Letter from Mr. Geo. Monck, dated from Chester, of the 21th of January, addressed to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, concerning the Troops and Companies that were come to Chester, was likewise read.

Ordered, That it be referred to Sir Wm. Brereton to take care, with all Speed, the Supplying and Providing the Lord Lieutenant's Regiment, now at Chester, with such Victual as shall be necessary for their Transportation: And likewise for Captain Baker's Troop: And that this House does undertake the Payment.

Information concerning O'Neal, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Hampden do go to the Lords with this Message; to acquaint them with the Information given to the Committee of this House, appointed to sit in London, concerning Daniel O'Neal's sending a Letter, or Message, by one Sanders, his Servant, under the Name of Mr. Hollis his Servant, to the Lord Digby, being then at Sea, aboard one of the King's Ships, where Sir Jo. Penington hath the Command: That this Sanders was committed by the Mayor of Canterbury, and his Examination taken upon Oath: And afterwards Mr. O'Neal was examined, and a great Difference in their Examination: Whereupon the Committee gave Direction for a close Restrainment of Mr. O'Neal, till the further Examination of that Business; the Committee then conceiving, he was the Prisoner of this House: But now the House, calling to mind, that Mr. O'Neal is their Lordships Prisoner, by reason of the Charge of High Treason, transmitted against him from this House to their Lordships, to desire their Lordships to give Directions for restraining Mr. O'Neal from speaking with any Person, till this House hath examined him: And that their Lordships will give way he may be examined by such Members of this House, as this House shall appoint: And, further, to acquaint the Lords with the Message, concerning the Twelve Bishops, which Mr. Glyn was ordered to carry up.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Instructions for a Commission, for the more speedy putting in Execution all Matters concerning the Affairs of Ireland, do bring in the same To-morrow Morning peremptorily.

List of Officers.

Mr. Pym promised to bring in the List of the Officers of the Field, and the Artillery; upon the Settling whereof, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland stays his Journey.

Transporting Provisions to Ireland.

Sir Jo. Hotham, Sir Jo. Clatworthy, Sir Gilb. Gerard, Sir Sam. Rolls, Sir Wm. Uvedall, Sir Wm. Lewes, Mr. Scowen, Sir Walt. Erle, Mr. Mathewes, Mr. Charles Price, Sir Ric. Cave, Mr. Bents;

This Committee, or any Four of them, is to draw up the Form of an Ordinance, to pass both Houses, for the Payment of such Monies as shall be disbursed by Merchants, for the Transporting of such Quantities of Victuals, and other Provision, to the Ports in Ireland, as shall be agreed upon: And to meet this Afternoon, at Five .. Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Scotch Propositions.

Sir Jo. Clatworthy is to go to the Lords with this Message; To acquaint them, that this House hath agreed to the Propositions sent to this House by the Scotts Commissioners, concerning the present Sending over the Two thousand Five hundred Men, there already levied, into Ireland.

Examining Winter, &c.

Mr. Hampden, Sir Ph. Stapleton, Sir Hen. Vaine, Mr. Fynes;

This Committee is to draw Interrogatories for the Examining Captain Winter, and his Servants, upon; concerning the Information sent to this House out of Scotland against them: And, further to examine them, as they in their Discretion shall think fit.

Sir C. Valvasor.

Ordered, That Sir Charles Valvasor do attend this House To-morrow Morning, to give an Account why he is so slow in hastening himself, and his Companies, over into Ireland; having received Authority long since for the Raising of his Men.

Irish Papists, &c.

Ordered, That the Head Officers, and the Justices of Peace, of the several Port Towns of England and Wales, do take a special Care, that all such Irishmen, Papists, that come to any of the Ports, may be disarmed; and, if they find Cause, or that they carry themselves in that manner, whereby those Ports may be endangered, to call to their Assistance the Sheriff, and Justices of Peace, for the Apprehending of such Persons, and of all other suspected Persons.

Letters read.

Two Letters from the Earl of Corke, dated 12° Januarii instant, directed to the Lord Goring, read.

One Letter from the Lord Broghill, of the 11th of January, read.

One Letter of the 22th of January, from the Mayor of Chester and others, to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, read.

Another Letter from Sir Rich. Greenvile, of the same Date, to the Lord Lieutenant, read.

Scotch Propositions.

Sir Jo. Clatworthy brings Answer, That the Lords agreed with this House in all the Propositions made by Scotts Commissioners: And it is further ordered, That these Propositions, thus assented unto by both Houses, shall be forth with delivered unto the Scotch Commissioners.

Message to Lords.

Sir Philip Stapleton is appointed to go the Lords, to desire their Lordships, that the Lord Craven may nominate the Member, or Members, of this House, that informed his Lordship, that the Addition to their Lordships Answer to his Majesty's Message, delivered in a Message, by Mr. Fynes from this House, was beyond any Authority given unto him from this House. And he is further to desire, That if the Lords do agree to this Addition, that they would be pleased to send the Answer, with the Addition, to his Majesty.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this Message shall be sent unto the Lords.

King's Answer to Petition.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leeche and Dr. Bennett;

The Lords having received an Answer from his Majesty, to the Petition presented unto him from both Houses, thought fit to communicate .. to this House.

The Answer was read.

Ordered, That the House shall take into Consideration his Majesty's Message to the Petition of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the Members impeached; and what is fit to be done thereupon.


Ordered, That the Heads of the Declaration shall be reported To-morrow Morning.

City of Bristol.

This House doth undertake, and so Order, That those Monies which shall appear, by account, upon Oath, to be disbursed by the City of Bristoll, for the Setting forth to Sea of Three Ships, for the Service of Ireland, shall be repaid, with Interest for the Forbearance, by Order of this House. And it is likewise Ordered, That the Lord Admiral shall be moved by Mr. Potter, a Member of this House, to give Warrants to the City of Bristoe to press Men for the Setting forth to Sea those Ships, according to the Tenor and Meaning of the Act for the Pressing of Mariners, now lately set forth.

Scotch Propositions.

Ordered, That Mr. Fynes, Sir Philip Stapleton, and Mr. Hampden, do take into Consideration what is fit to be done by this House, in Execution and Performance of those Propositions made by the Scotts Commissioners, and assented unto this Day by both Houses; and to report to the House To-morrow Morning.

Charge against Mr. Attorney.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare the Charge against Mr. Attorney, do bring it in Tomorrow Morning.

Loan from the City.

Ordered, That Captain Venn, shall desire the Citizens, from this House, to expedite their Answer to the Message, from the Committee at Grocers-hall, concerning the Loan of One hundred thousand Pounds.

Examining O'Neale.

Ordered, That the Committee formerly appointed to examine Mr. O'Neale, touching Sanders, that was sent with a Letter to the Lord Digby, shall have Power to examine concerning that Matter, upon such Questions as they shall propound unto him.

Letter to Goring.

Sir Wm. Lewes presented from the Committee nominated at Grocers-hall, the Draught of a Letter, to be sent unto Colonel Goring, from this House: Which was read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto: And Mr. Speaker is ordered to subscribe the same: And that it be sent unto him accordingly.

King's Answer respecting the Impeachments.

His Majesty having seen and considered the Petition, presented unto him the One-and-twentieth of this Instant, by the Earl of Newport and Lord Seymour, in the Name of both Houses of Parliament, is pleased to return this Answer:

That he doth well approve of the Desire of both Houses, for the speedy Proceeding against the Persons mentioned in the Petition; wherein his Majesty (finding the great Inconveniencies by the first Mistake in the Way) hath endured some Delay, that he might be informed in what Order to put the same: But, before that be agreed upon, his Majesty thinks it unusual, and unfit, to discover what Proof there is against them; and therefore holds it necessary, lest a new Mistake should breed more Delays, (which his Majesty, to his Power, will avoid) that it be resolved, whether his Majesty be bound, in respect of Privilege, to proceed against them by Impeachment in Parliament; or whether he be at Liberty to prefer an Indictment at the Common Law, in the usual Way, or have his Choice of either: Whereupon his Majesty will give such speedy Direction for the Prosecution, as shall shew his Majesty's Desire to satisfy both Houses, and to put a Determination to this Business.