House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 14 January 1642

Pages 378-380

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Veneris, 14 Januarii, 1641.


Search for Arms.

ORDERED, That the High Sheriff of the County of Suff", Sir Wm. Spring, Maurice Barrow Esquire, or either of them, shall search the House of the Lady Rivers; and shall seize the Arms that they shall find in the Lady Rivers' House, in that County; and put them in safe Custody.

Time of Meeting.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the House shall meet every Morning at Eight of Clock.

Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Gerard shall go up to the Lords, to acquaint their Lordships with this Resolution of the House, of sitting every Morning at Eight of the Clock; and to desire their Lordships to be pleased to sit every Morning, in regard of the important Affairs of the Kingdom.

Search for Arms, &c.

Ordered, That the Vice-chancellor of Oxon, the Mayor of Oxon, Sir Nath. Brent, and Alderman Nixon, or any Two of them, shall search the Houses of Mr. Green, Mr. Napier, and Mr. Williams, of the Star, and any other suspected Place, for Arms; and take good order to remove them, and put them in safe Custody: And shall likewise seize the Persons of such Recusants, that shall resort to either of those Places, or any other House or Place within the University or City of Oxon.

Pressing Mariners.

Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Gerard, when he goes up with the former Message, shall likewise desire to know of the Lords, if a Commission be come from his Majesty for passing the Bill for pressing of Mariners; and, if it become, that their Lordships will hasten the Passing of the same with all Speed.

Messenger to Portsmouth.

Ordered, That a Messenger be sent of purpose Post to Portsmouth, with the Ordinance of both Houses: And this House undertakes to see the Messenger paid.

Naval Affairs.

Sir H. Vane, Mr. Pym, Mr. Bence, Mr. Greene, Mr. Bond, Mr. Mathewes, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Rolle, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Cage, Alderman Soame, Mr. Vassall, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Jo. Harrison, Alderman Penington, Sir Edm. Partheriche, Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Jo. Hotham, Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Toll, Mr. Pellham, Mr. Hoyle, Mr. L ng, Sir H. Vane, jun.

This Committee is appointed to confer with the Officers of the Navy, and consider what Number of Ships, and of what Quality, will be fit to be set forth this Summer, for the Defence of the Kingdom: They are likewise to treat with Merchants and Owners of Ships, and the Trinity House, or any other, to know of them, upon what Conditions they will undertake presently to set forth Ships for the Defence of the Kingdom: And they have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c. And are to meet To-morrow at Two Post meridiem, in the Inner Court of Wards.

Salt, &c.

Ordered, That the Committee for Salt, Soap, Leather, and Wine, shall meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two post meridiem, in the Star-chamber: And Mr.Green, who has the Chair in that Committee, is appointed to take care that the Committee may meet; and to give Account of their Proceedings, and of any Obstructions that shall hinder them in their Proceedings: And that, as soon as they have brought any One Business to an Issue, that he shall report it to the House.

Proceedings concerning the Prince.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Lords be moved to join with this House, to enjoin the Marquis Hertford, appointed by his Majesty to be Governor to the Prince, (as he will answer the Breach of that Trust, that does so immediately concern the present and future Peace and Safety of the Three Kingdoms) forthwith to repair to the Prince; and, according to the Duty of his Place, to take care of the Prince, and to give his personal Attendance on his Highness; and to be very watchful, to prevent that he be not carried out of the Kingdom: And this House doth further declare (and desire that the Lords will do the like), That whatsoever Person shall be advising, or assistant, to the Conveying of the Prince out of the Kingdom, or attend his Highness in his Journey, shall be declared and reputed a publick Enemy to the Protestant Religion, to the Peace and Safety of the Three Kingdoms.

And it is further Ordered, That the Lords be moved to join with this House, in humble Desire to his Majesty, that he will not, for any Cause whatsoever, permit the Prince to be conveyed out of the Kingdom, without the humble Advice and Consent of his Parliament.

Settling the Peace of the Kingdom.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the House be resolved into a Committee, to take into Consideration the Ways and Means of removing the present Distempers and Disorders, and of the Settling the Honour, Peace, Safety, and Happiness, both of the King, and Kingdom.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair: And Mr. Whitlocke was called to the Chair. Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Suppressing Tumults.

A Message from the Lords by J. Foster and J. Mallett;

The Lords have sent us with this Message; That whereas, by a former Message, it was desired that the County of Oxon might be inserted into the Order for Suppressing of Tumults; That they have made the like Order for all the Counties of England; and entered it into their Journals: The which Order they have sent us with, and desire your Concurrence therein.

The Order was read, in hæc Verba:

Die Jovis, 13° Januarii.

Whereas Information hath been given to the Parliament, that the Lord Digby, Son to the Earl of Bristoll, and Colonel Lunsford, with others, have gathered Troops of Horse, and have appeared in a warlike Manner at Kingston upon Thames in the County of Surrey, where the Magazine of Arms for that Part of the County lies; to the Terror and Affright of his Majesty's good Subjects, and Disturbance of the publick Weal of the Kingdom: It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Sheriffs of the several Counties of England and Wales, calling to their Assistance the Justices of the Peace, and the Trained Bands of those several Counties, or so many of them as shall be necessary for the Service, shall suppress all unlawful Assemblies, gathered together to the Disturbance of the publick Peace of the Kingdom, in their several Counties respectively; and that they may take care to secure the said Counties, and all the Magazines in them.

Jo. Browne, Cleric' Parliamentorum.

Answer returned, by the same Messengers; That this House hath considered of their Message; read their Order; and do fully concur with them in it.

Ordered, That Sir Jo. Hotham do go up to the Lords with this Message; To desire their Lordships, that the Order agreed unto by both Houses, for the Suppressing of unlawful Assemblies, may be printed, and sent to the Sheriffs of the several Counties, to the Intent the same may be published in every Market Town: And, at the same time, to desire the Lords to hasten the Bill, concerning the Bishops Votes in Parliament.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Gilbert Gerard reports, That he had delivered the Message of this House to the Lords; and acquainted them with the Resolution of this House to sit every Morning at Eight of the Clock: The Lords gave this Answer; That they had appointed to sit at the same time: And, for the Bill for Pressing of Mariners, they gave this Answer; That the King had sent his Warrant to draw a Commission to that Purpose: Which was drawn, and sent to the King: And as soon as it is signed by his Majesty, and passed the Seals, the Lords will hasten the Passing of the Bill: And, for securing the Person of the Prince, they do concur with this House fully therein.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Whittlock called to the Chair.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Papers from the King.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and *;

The Lords have sent us with these Two Papers, which they have received from his Majesty, and thought fit to communicate them unto this House.

* * * *

Ordered, That this Paper, now delivered in a Message from the Lords, concerning the Proceedings against some Members of both Houses, shall be taken into Consideration To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock; and that, at the same time, the Report of the Conference had last Night with the Lords, concerning Mr. Attorney's Presenting of Articles in the Lords House against some Members of this House, shall be likewise made.

Forces at Windesore, &c.

Mr. Bagshaw of Windesore was called in: And did inform the House, that the last Night, as he went to Windesor, he * diverse several Troops of Horse: That there came a Waggon laden with Ammunition last Night to Windsore: That there was another Waggon that went away from Windsore to Farnham: That there was a Messenger gone to Portsmouth: That he was informed there were about Four hundred Horse in the Town, and about some Forty Officers.

Ordered, That Mr. Arth. Goodwyn go to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to sit awhile, in regard this House doth believe they shall have Occasion to come up to them with some Matters of great Importance.

Mr. Arth. Goodwin brings Answer, that the Lords will sit a while.

Resolved, upon the Question, That a Conference shall be desired with the Lords; and that the Heads of the Conference shall be to the Sense that was propounded at the Bar.

Sir Edw. Hungerford went up to the Lords, To desire a Conference concerning the Peace and Safety of the Kingdom.

Mr. Pym, * Glyn, Serj. Wilde, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Mr. Bassett, Sir Anth. Irby, are appointed Managers of this Conference.

Message from the King.

A Message from the Lords, by J. Foster and J. Mallett;

The Lords desire a present Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning a Message that the Lord Keeper hath received from his Majesty, and instantly to be imparted to both Houses of Parliament.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.

The same Persons that are appointed Managers of the former Conference, are appointed Reporters of this.


Sir Edw. Hungerford brings Answer, that the Lords will give Meeting at a Conference, presently, as is desired.

Defence of the Kingdom.

Mr. Pierrepoint, Sir Rich. Cave, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Philip Stapilton, Mr. Glyn, Sir H. Vane, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer;

This Committee is appointed to consider of some Heads, and present them to the House To-morrow Morning, for putting the Kingdom into a Posture of Defence: And are to meet To-morrow, at Seven of Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Bringing Intelligence.

Ordered, That Serjeant Major General Skippon do take care that Ten Horsemen be forthwith appointed to go as Scouts, from time to time, to bring Intelligence, if any Forces do approach near the City: And this House will undertake, that they shall be satisfied: And also to take care for the Appointing of such Boats, or small Vessels, as shall be necessary by Water for the Service aforesaid: And the House will take care, Satisfaction also be given to those so employed.

Apprehending Delinquents.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant his Warrant for the Apprehending of such Persons, Delinquents to this House, as he shall be informed of.

Raising Troops.

Ordered, That Two thousand Pounds shall be forthwith imprested to Mr. Jepson, for the Raising of the Troops for the Province of Munster, out of the Chamber of London, according to the former Order.

Arms, &c. for Ireland.

Ordered, That the Lords be desired to join with this House, to move his Majesty to grant a Warrant to the Master of the Ordnance, for delivering of a Thousand Muskets, Fifteen hundred Swords, and Ten Last of Powder, with a proportionable Quantity of Match and Bullet, Eighteen Partisans, Eight-and-thirty Drums, and Eight-and-thirty Halberds, out of the Stores at the Tower, for the Provision of Ulster: And likewise, that they would join to move his Majesty, that the Arms, and the whole Magazine, at Carllell, may be transported into Ireland, for the Security of that Kingdom; and be received, by Indenture, by such as shall be appointed to that Service.

* * * *

Message from the King-Impeachment of Members.

Mr. Glyn reports the Conference had with the Lords: That the Lord Keeper had received a Letter from his Majesty, and this Paper inclosed; which, by the Letter, he was commanded to communicate, immediately upon the Receipt thereof, to both Houses of Parliament: Which was read, in hæc Verba:

"His Majesty, being no less tender Care of the Privileges of Parliament, and thinking Himself no less concerned, that they be not broken, and that they be asserted and vindicated, whensoever they are so, than the Parliament itself, hath thought fit to add to His last Message this Profession; That in all his Proceedings against the Lord Kymbolton, Mr. Hollis, Sir Arthur Haselerigg, Mr. Pym, Mr. Hampden, and Mr. Strowde, He had never the least Intention of violating the least Privilege of Parliament; and, in case any Doubt of Breach of Privileges remained, will be willing to clear That, and assert Those, by any reasonable Way that His Parliament shall advise him to; Upon Confidence of which, He no way doubts His Parliament will forthwith lay by all Jealousies, and apply themselves to the publick and pressing Affairs; and especially to those of Ireland, wherein the Good of this Kingdom and the true Religion (which shall be His Majesty's first Care) are so highly and so nearly concerned: And His Majesty assures Himself, that His Care of their Privileges will increase their tenderness of His Prerogative; which are so necessary to the mutual Defence of each other, and both which will be the Foundation of a perpetual perfect Intelligence between His Majesty and Parliament, and of the Happiness and Prosperity of his People."

Forces at Winsor, &c.

Mr. Pym to go to the Lords with these Heads for a Conference;

1. To acquaint the Lords with the Information concerning divers Forces of Horsemen, armed in a warlike Manner, seen at Kingstone, and afterwards at Winsor, and now gone towards Farneham:

That Yesterday about a Hundred Men were met going from London towards Winssor, armed with Pistol; and Waggons with Ammunition:

That it causeth much Wonder at this time, a Parliament sitting, that such Forces should be levied, and all at Peace; and that it be declared, by both Houses, whosoever shall raise Forces at this time, without Consent in Parliament, may be declared Enemies and Disturbers of the Peace of the Kingdom; and that both Houses will take care to suppress them: And that a Message do go .. the King to this Purpose; and to acquaint his Majesty, that both Houses of Parliament will be very careful of the Publick Peace; and that they do hold it against the Law any such Forces should be so levied; and that the Authority of Parliament, and Power of the Kingdom, shall be employed to suppress them.

Lord Digby.

That the Lord Digby be summoned to attend the Lords.

To acquaint them with the Thanks that the Lord Digby gave, in the King's Name, to the Cavaliers at Kingston: To acquaint them with the Six great Horse of Mr. Crofts, the Queen's Page, at Hampton: That Thirty Horse more of his were gone from thence the Day before.

Message from the King-Arms for Ireland.

HIS Majesty, having considered the Messages delivered to him from the House of Commons, of Order of the Twelfth of this present; whereby it is desired, that He should give a general Warrant for Delivery of Arms and Ammunition for the Service of Ireland, returns this Answer:

That as His Majesty hath been very careful to contribute all that possible He could, for furnishing Provisions for the Relief of Ireland; so He shall be ready to give Warrant immediately, from time to time, for any Particulars, that shall be thought fit by His Parliament to be sent out of His Stores, for that Service: And, for the present, hath given Warrant for the Delivering of Fifteen hundred Muskets, with all things to them belonging, and Five hundred Pikes and Corslets, and Two thousand Swords, out of His Tower of London; and Arms for Five hundred Horse, out of the Magazine of Hull.