Pages 369-371
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Martis, 11 Jan. 1641.
Archbp. of Yorke.
MR. Noble informed the House, that a Prelate of this Land had Arms and Ammunition.
Ordered, That Mr. Noble shall attend the Sub-committee, that is appointed to inquire, what Arms, or other warlike Ammunition, the Lord of Yorke has made.
Intercepted Letters.
A Letter, directed to Mr. Bridgeman of the Fourth of January; and a Letter, inclosed in it, to one Mr. Anderton; were this Day read; and ordered to be entered.
To the Worshipful, and my much honoured Friend, Orlando Bridgeman Esquire, and a Burgess of the Parliament, at his Chamber in the Inner Temple; These present.
WE are your Friends: These are to advise you to look to yourself; and to advise others of my Lord of Strafford's Friends to take heed, lest they be involved in the common Calamity. Our Advice is, to be gone, to pretend Business, till the great Hubbub be passed: Withdraw, lest you suffer among the Puritans. We intreat you to send away this inclosed Letter to Mr. Anderton, inclosed to some trusty Friend, that it may be carried safely, without Suspicion; for it concerns the common Safety: So desire your Friends in Common-garden.
January 4th.
To the Worshipful, and my much honoured Friend
Mr. Anderton; These present.
ALTHOUGH many Designs have been defeated, yet That of Ireland holds well; and now our last Plot works as hopefully as that of Ireland. We must bear with something in the Man: His Will is strong enough, as long as he is fed with Hopes. The Woman is true to us, and real: Her Counsel about her is very good. I doubt not but to send you, by the next, very joyful News: For the present, our Arch-enemies, Pym, Hampden, Strode, Hollis, and Haselrig, are blemished, challenged for no less than Treason. Before I write next, we doubt not but to have them in the Tower; or their Heads from their Shoulders.
The Solicitor, and Fynes, and Erle, we must serve with the same Sauce. And, in the House of the Lords, Mandevile is touched: But Essex, Warwick, Say, Brooke, and Pagett, must follow; or else we shall not be quiet. Falkland and Colepeper are made Friends to our Side; at leastwise they will do us no Hurt. The Protestants and Puritans are so divided, that we need not fear them: The Protestants, in a great Part, will join with us, or stand Neuters, while the Puritan is suppressed: If we can bring them under, the Protestant will either fall in with us generally; or else, if they do not, they are so indifferent, that, either by fair or foul Means, we shall be able to command them. The mischievous Londoners, and the Apprentices, may do us some Hurt for present: But we need not much fear them; they do nothing orderly, but tumultuously: Therefore we doubt not but to have them under Command after One Brunt; for our Party is strong in the City, especially Holborne, the New Buildings, and Westminster. We are afraid of nothing but the Scotts appearing again; but we have made a Party there, at the King's last being there, which will hold their Hands behind them, while we act our Parts at Home: Let us acquit ourselves like Men: For our Religion and Country now or never.
The King's Heart is Protestant; but our Friends can persuade him, and make him believe any thing: He hates the Puritan Party, and is made irreconcileable to that Side; so that the Sun, the Moon, and Seven Stars, are for us. There are no less than Twenty thousand Ministers in England; the greater Half will, in their Places, be our Friends, to avenge the Bishops Dishonour: Let our Friends be encouraged, the Work is more than half done.
Your Servant,
R. E.
Resolved, upon the Question, That these Two Letter's shall be sent up to the Lords by Sir John Hotham: And he is to acquaint the Lords, that this House has given Thanks to the City, and Seamen, for their Affections expressed to the Parliament and Commonwealth; and refer it to their Lordships to do therein as they shall think fit; it being a Service performed to the whole Parliament.
Common Council thanked.
Ordered, That the Citizens that serve for the City of London do return Thanks, from this House, to the Common Council of the City of London, for their great Affection to this House, and the Commonwealth, expressed, both during the Time that the Committee of this House was in London, and in their Furtherance of the Guard this Day for the Parliament.
Adjournment of Parliament.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for enabling the Lords and Commons to adjourn this present Parliament, from Place to Place, as they shall see Cause.
2da vice lecta est Billa prædicta; and, upon Question, committed unto Mr. Pym, * Strode, * Glyn, * Browne, * Northcott, * Pierrepoint, * Whittlock, Mr. Rigby, * Hollis, * Hide, * Peard, * Whistler, * Crue: And they are to meet, presently, in the Court of Wards, upon this Bill.
Citizens Defence of Parliament.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Actions of the Citizens of London, and others, in the Guarding and Defence of the Parliament, or the Privileges or Members thereof, either by the Trained Bands, or otherwise, are according to their Duties, and the late Protestation, and the Laws of this Kingdom; and that if any Person shall arrest or trouble any of them for so doing, he doth thereby break the Privileges of Parliament, violate the Liberty of the Subject, and is hereby declared an Enemy of the Commonwealth.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Philip Stapilton shall go up to the Lords with this Vote of the House of Commons; and desire their Lordships Concurrence therein.
Westminster Petition.
The humble Petition of the Trained Band, and other Inhabitants of the City of Westminster, was this Day read.
Resolved, upon the Question, to be entered: In hæc Verba; viz.
To the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled;
Humbly sheweth,
THAT your Petitioners, to their great and unexpressible Griefs, lying under many heavy Fears and Distractions; but especially, for that there have been some Doubts and Jealousies raised of your Petitioners Duty and Affection to this Honourable House; your Petitioners, though the last, yet not the least either in Love or Obedience, have thought fit hereby humbly to desire your Protection in these great Dangers; and to assure this Honourable House, that, as there are none who do more affectionately love, so there shall not be any who shall more readily obey and observe the Commands of the same, nor more willingly expose both their Persons and Estates for Defence of the Rights and Privileges of Parliament; wherein, your Petitioners humbly conceive, do consist the Security of Religion, the Safety of his Majesty's Royal Person, and the due Execution of our Laws. In real Testimony whereof, the Petitioners humbly offer their Service to this Honourable House, when it shall please them to command it:
And humbly pray Almighty God, to crown your unwearied Endeavours with happy and good Success, to the Settlement of Church and Commonwealth.
Mariners, &c. thanked.
Divers Sea-captains, Masters of Ships, and Mariners, were called in: To whom Mr. Speaker delivered This by the Commands of the House.
1. That the House did take special Notice of the Performance of this Service of theirs to this House, and to the Commonwealth; and gave them Thanks for it; and desired them to communicate the same to the rest of the Seamen and Mariners.
2. For the Petition, which they delivered to the Committee of this House the other Day in London, that this House will take it into speedy Consideration; as also any other Desire of theirs, that they shall make to this House.
Westminster Petition.
Divers of the Trained Band of Westminster were called in; whose Petition being read, and ordered to be entered; Mr. Speaker acquainted them as followeth;
That this House has taken Notice of the Expression of a great Deal of Affection in their Petition unto this House; and have commanded him to give them Thanks for it: And that this House had never any Cause to be jealous of them; and shall make use of them as there shall be Occasion.
London Sheriffs, &c. thanked.
The Sheriffs of London were called in; to whom Mr. Speaker spoke as followeth;
That this House was very sensible of their great Care and Love, and Respect to this House, and, in them, to the Commonwealth; as also to the Committee of this House that sat in London; and for the special Service done this Day: And hath commanded him to give them hearty Thanks for it; and to desire them to return it the like to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen.
Buckingham Petition against Popish Lords, Bishops, &c.
A Petition, in the Name of the Inhabitants of the County of Buckingham, was delivered by divers Gentlemen of the Bar, and read; and by Vote, upon the Question, it was ordered to be entered: In hæc verba;
To the Honourable the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the House of Commons, now assembled in Parliament;
The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Buck'.
THAT whereas, for many years past, we have been under very great Pressures, which are clearly set forth in the late Remonstrance of the House of Commons; the Redress thereof, which hath for a long time been by you endeavoured with unwearied Pains, though not with answerable Success; having still your Endeavours frustrated or retarded, and we deprived of the Fruit thereof, by a malignant Faction of Popish Lords, Bishops, and others; and now of late, to take from us all that little Hope was left of a future Reformation, the very Being of the Parliament shaken; and by the mischievous Practices of most wicked Counsellors, the Privileges thereof broken, in an unexampled manner, and the Members thereof unassured of their Lives, in whose Safety, the Safety of us, and our Posterity, is involved; we held it our Duty, according to our late Protestation, to defend and maintain the same Persons and Privileges to the uttermost Expence of our Lives and Estates: To which Purpose we are now come to make the humble Tender of our Service, and remain in Expectation of your Command and Order; to the Execution whereof we shall, with all Alacrity, address ourselves, ready to live by you, or to die at your Feet, against whomsoever shall, in any sort, illegally attempt upon you.
May it therefore please this Honourable Assembly, to assist the ardent Prayer of your Petitioners, that Popish Lords, and Bishops, may be forthwith outed the House of Peers; that all Privileges of Parliament (yours and our Posterity's Inheritance) may be confirmed to you: and that all evil Counsellors, the Achanes of this Commonweal, may be given up to the Hand of Justice; without all which, your Petitioners have not the least Hope of the Kingdom's Peace, or to reap those glorious Advantages, which the Fourteen Months Seed-time of your unparalleled Endeavours, have given to their unsatisfied Expectations.
So your Petitioners shall be bound to pray, &c.
The Gentlemen of Buckinghamshire being called in again; Mr. Speaker acquainted them as followeth;
That this House had read their Petition; and finds in it an Expression of great Affection for the Maintenance of the Privileges of Parliament with their Lives and Fortunes: And that the House had commanded him to return this Assurance from them, That they shall also spend their Lives and Fortunes in Maintenance of Religion, the Privileges and Liberties of the Subjects of those Counties, Cities, and Boroughs for which they serve: And for the Petition itself, they will take it speedily into Consideration.
The Gentlemen of Buckinghamshire desired Leave to speak a Word more.
Buckingham Petition to the King.
Which being granted unto them, they said, "They had a Petition to deliver to his Majesty; which they humbly desired this House to present for them, or to direct them the best Way and Manner how to present it."
Which Petition was received, and read; and they called in again; and received this Answer from Mr. Speaker: That this House had read their Petition, directed to the King; and had commanded him to acquaint them, that their Demeanor and Carriage had been so fair in this Business, and their Judgments and Discretion are such, as this House makes no doubt but they know how to present it to his Majesty:-If Ten or Twelve do go with it, it is conceived it will be most convenient.
Skippon, &c. thanked.
Serjeant Major General Skippon, and the other Captains of the City of London, were called in: To whom Mr. Speaker declared as followeth;
That this House did take special Notice of the great Care and Affection expressed by them, both in the Safeguard of the Committee while they sat in London, and for the Performance of that great Service of theirs this Day to the House and Commonwealth; for which he was commanded by the House to give them Thanks; and further to acquaint them, that for their better Satisfaction, this House had voted, that the Actions of themselves, and other the Citizens of London, in preserving the Privileges of Parliament, and the Members thereof, are done according to the Law, and to their Duty and Protestation.
Adjournment of Parliament.
Mr. Browne reported the Bill, intituled, An Act to enable the Lords and Commons, respectively, to adjourn this present Parliament, &c. with the Amendments an Additions: The which Additions and Amendments were twice read; and, upon the Question, the Bill, with the Amendments, were ordered to be ingrossed.
Parliament Guard, &c.
Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whitfeild and Serjeant Glanvile;
That the Lords had agreed to the Proposition lately sent up: and have called in divers Citizens, and given them Thanks: And their Lordships will take Order, with the Sheriffs of London and Midd', for continuing such a Guard about the Parliament, as both Houses shall think fit.
Ordered, That Mr. Fynes do go up to the Lords with this Message; To desire the Lords, that the Guard may be of Two Companies of the Trained Bands their Lordships have agreed to, and under the Command of Serjeant Major General Skippon.
Town of Hull.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Lords be moved to join with this House, that some Companies of the Trained Bands, of the Parts next adjoining to Hull, be forthwith put into that Town, for the Safeguard of that Place, and Magazine there; and to be under the Command of Sir Jo. Hotham.
Adjournment of Parliament.
3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act, intituled, For enabling the Lords and Commons to adjourn this present Parliament, &c: Upon the Question, passed.
Ordered, That Sir Philip Stapleton do carry up this Bill to the Lords; with a special Recommendation for Expedition: And that he move the Lords, at the same time, concerning the Trained Bands to be put into Hull, under the Command of Sir Jo. Hotham.
Parliament Guard.
Mr. Fynes reports, the Lords will take care, that such a Guard be appointed, as is desired.
Town of Hull.
Sir Philip Stapleton reports, that he hath delivered the Bill to the Lords; and that they have taken into Consideration the Message concerning the Trained Band of the Parts near Hull, to be put into that Town under Command of Sir Jo. Hotham: That they do concur with this House in it; and do desire that this House will take care that it be done accordingly: Whereupon it was
Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir John Hotham, or such Person as he shall be responsible for, do instantly repair to Hull, and put some of the Trained Bands, of the Parts next adjoining to that Town, into that Place, for the Defence of that Town, and Magazine there, according to the Resolution of both Houses.
Lords to sit.
Ordered, That Sir Jo. Clatworthy do go to the Lords with this Message; To desire their Lordships to sit To-morrow(this House intending to sit by Nine of the Clock;) for that this House shall have Occasion to confer with their Lordships about the weighty Affairs of the Kingdom.
Lieut. of the Tower.
Resolved, upon the Question, That a Message be sent to the Lords; To desire their Lordships to join with this House in a Petition to his Majesty, that Sir John Byron, now Lieutenant of the Tower, be removed from his Command there; and that Sir Jo. Conyers, in pursuance of their former Request, have the Command of that Place.
Ordered, That Sir Hen. Vaine do deliver this Message to the Lords.
Lords will sit.
Sir Jo. Clotworthy reports, the Lords will sit To-morrow, as was desired.
Sir J. Byron.
Ordered, That Sir Jo. Byron, Lieutenant of the Tower, to attend this House To-morrow Morning at Ten of the Clock.
Reformado Soldiers.
Ordered, That this shall be the Answer to the Petition of the Reformadoes Soldiers in the Earl Craford's Troop; That this House is no ways engaged to pay them any Thing.
Papists in Yorkshire.
Part of Letter directed to Sir Hugh Chomley read, concerning the great Fears the People of the East Riding of Yorkshire are in, by reason of the Papists thereabouts;
Apprehending Brooke.
Ordered, That, in the Execution of the Warrant of this House, for the Apprehending of Sir Basil Brooke, the Serjeant at Arms attending on this House, his Deputy or Deputies, do require the Assistance of all Sheriffs, Justices of Peace, Constables, and other Officers, for the Apprehending of the said Sir Basil Brooke; and to use all possible Diligence herein.
Lieut. of the Tower.
Sir Hen. Vaine reports, that the Lords do not join with this House, concerning the Displacing of the Lieutenant of the Tower.
Ordered, That the Business concerning the Lieutenant of the Tower be resumed To-morrow Morning.
Money for Service of Ireland.
Ordered, That Two thousand Pounds be forthwith paid to Sir Jo. Nulls, and Sir Job Harby, out of the Loan-money in the Chamber of London, upon Account, for the Payment and Transporting of the Three hundred Horse now at Chester.
Ordered, That Three thousand Pounds shall be forthwith delivered to Sir Job Harby, and Sir Jo. Nulls, upon Account, out of the Loan-monies in London, to give Credit to Mr. Frost, to employ Fifteen hundred Pounds to provide a Magazine of Victuals for Dublyn; and likewise to employ Five hundred Pounds for Oats for Horses at Dublyn; and likewise One thousand Pounds, to make Provision of a Magazine of Victuals for Tredagh.
Persons going to Hull.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do grant his Warrant to those Persons that are to go Post to Hull, that they be furnished with good and sufficient Horses and Guides.