Pages 328-329
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Mercurii, 1 Decembris, 1641.
ORDERED, That the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, of the several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs, respectively, shall take the best Care and Diligence they can, for the Dispersing and Sending down the Certificates and Declarations concerning the Poll-money; and that Copies of the said Certificates and Declarations shall be likewise delivered to the Messengers that carry down the Commissions to the several Sheriffs: And they shall be enjoined from this House, carefully to deliver the said Copies, together with the Commissions: And the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, are to write to the several Commissioners, and inform them, that the House does expect and require an Account from them of the Performance of this Order.
Newcastle upon Tyne.
The humble Petition of divers of the Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne was this Day read; and nothing, at this time, done upon it.
Petition to the King.
Ordered, That the Committee Yesterday appointed to wait upon his Majesty, for the Delivery of the Petition and Declaration, shall forthwith repair unto his Majesty, to perform that Service.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Edw. Deering shall present and read the Petition unto his Majesty.
Hill's Pay.
Ordered, That Mr. Pay, Deputy to Sir Wm. Uvedall, shall pay to Captain Hill, One of the Reformado Officers whose Name was omitted in the List, the Sum of Ten Pounds.
Habeas Corpus for bringing up a Prisoner.
Ordered, That the Judges of the King's Bench shall be moved to grant forth a Habeas Corpus, for the Removing of Wm. Chorley, a Prisoner in the Prison at Leverpoole, or in the County Prison of Lancashire, that he may be brought to this House in safe Custody; to be examined of Matters of great Consequence.
Serjeant Wilde is appointed to move the Judges in this Particular.
Perkins Petition.
The humble Petition of Rich. Perkins Esquire was this Day read; and ordered, that it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs; to recommend the Petitioner to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for such an Employment in these Wars of Ireland as he shall be worthy of. And
It is farther Ordered, That all Petitions of the like Nature shall, in the same manner, be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs.
Petition to the King.
Resolved, upon the Question. That Sir Ra. Hopton, in the Absence of Sir Edw. Deering, shall read and present the Petition and Declaration unto his Majesty.
It is farther Ordered, That if neither Sir Ra. Hopton, nor Sir Edw. Deering, shall be there, that then the Committee shall agree among themselves for the Reading the Petition, and Presenting that and the Declaration unto his Majesty.
Sir Simonds D'Ewes received, from Mr. Speaker, the Petition and Declaration; and, from the Clerk, a Copy of the Orders; to deliver to the rest of the Committee.
Raising Soldiers.
Serjeant Wilde reports the Bill for Raising of Soldiers, for the present Defence of the Kingdoms of England and Ireland, with the Additions and Amendments: The which Additions and Amendments were twice read; and, upon the Question, recommitted: And they are to meet upon it this Afternoon, at Five of Clock, in the inner Court of Wards.
Papers delivered.
Memorandum. Sir John Clotworthy this Day had from me, to carry to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Letter from the Lords Justices of Ireland, of the Fifth of November; and the Letter from the Lord Chichester and Sir R. Terringham, of the Thirteenth of November; together with the... and Sir Faithfull Fortescue's Petition.
Scotch Commissioners.
Ordered, That Alderman Penington and Mr. Spurstoe shall use their Endeavour for providing a House, well furnished, for the Entertainment of the Commissioners, that are to come from the Parliament in Scotland, if the Lord Mayor have not already provided one: And they are likewise to acquaint the Lord Mayor, that this House takes it not well, that he has not already provided one, according to the former Desires of this House.
Proceedings against the Bishops, &c.
The Order, made Yesterday, for the Taking of the Bishops plea and Demurrer into Consideration, was read:
And the House fell into the Debate of that Business.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House shall desire the Lords, that they may proceed to their Proofs against the Bishops, charged by this House, notwithstanding their pretended Plea and Demurrer.
Mr. Hatcher is appointed to go to the Lords; To desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, so soon as may stand with their Lordships Conveniency, concerning the Proceedings against the Thirteen Bishops; and concerning their Lordships Message, touching Ro. Phillips the Priest.
Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Whitlock, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Pimme, are appointed Managers of this Conference.
Relief of Captives.
Mr. Kinge reports the Bill for Relief of the Captives of Algiers, with the Additions and Amendments: The which Additions and Amendments were twice read; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.
Proceedings against Wilmott, &c.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to consider of the Examinations in Mr. Wilmott's Business, and Mr. Oneile's Business, shall meet To-morrow Morning upon that Service; and bring them in To-morrow, if they can: And Mr. Peard, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Hill, and . . Nicholas, are added to this Committee: And they, or any Three or Two of them, have Power to meet upon this Business.
Sir F. Windeback.
Ordered, That Mr. Glyn, on Friday next, shall report the Business concerning Sir F. Windeback.
Absence from Committee.
Ordered, That Mr. Glyn be spared from the Service of the Committee concerning Mr. Germyn, Mr. Oneile, &c.
Dawes' Estate.
Ordered, That the Bill against the Estate of Sir Abraham Dawes be read To-morrow.
Searching Phillips' Trunk.
Whereas a Trunk was brought to the Tower, by Two Capuchins, to Ro. Phillips Priest, and was committed, by Order from this House, to the Custody of Captain Cunisby, Deputy to the Lieutenant of the Tower: It is this Day Ordered, that the Lieutenant of the Tower, and Sir Wm. Parkhurst, shall open the said Trunk in the Presence of Ro. Phillips: And if they find any Papers of Consequence, that may concern the State of Parliament, that they take them, and keep them till they receive farther Order from the House: And shall deliver the Trunk unto the said Phillips.
Mr. Chillingworth was called in: * * * *
Mr. Hatcher brings Answer, that the Lords will give a present Meeting, by a Committee of the whole House.
Persons to attend.
Ordered, That Mr. Chillingworth be required to attend this House To-morrow at Eleven of Clock: And that Mr. Tho. Wadland, and John Dan of Clements Inn, and Andrew Broughton, be required to attend here at the same time.
House to sit.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Doctor Bennett;
The Lords desire this House would sit a while after the Conference is ended.
Ordered, That the House shall meet after the Conference is ended, and sit awhile, according as is desired by the Lords.
Answer returned, by the same Messengers; that this House has considered of their Lordships Message; and will sit awhile, as is desired.
Proceedings against the Bishops.
That Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Peard, Mr. Pury, Sir Ro. Pye, shall take Order that the Records, and other Proofs, that tend to the making good of the Charge of this House against the Bishops, be brought into their Custody: And that they prepare those Proofs, that this House may make use of them as they shall have Occasion: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.
Raising Mariners, &c.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the better Raising of Mariners, Sailors, &c. for the Guarding of the Seas, and necessary Defence of the Realm.
Tumults about the House.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Doctor Bennett;
The Lords sent us with this Message; That, whereas they delivered unto you lately, at a Conference, the great Inconveniencies that may happen, by the tumultuous Assembling of Multitudes about the Houses of Parliament; they desire this House would take it into speedy Consideration; and deliver their Resolutions thereupon.
Answer returned, by the same Messengers; that this House will take the Matter of your Message into Consideration in convenient time.
Serjeant Wilde reports the Conference had last Night with the Lords, concerning the tumultuous Assembly of People about the Houses of Parliament:
The Lord Keeper told the Committee, That their Lordships had received Information, of great Numbers of People gathered together in a tumultuous, unusual, and disorderly Manner about the Houses of Parliament: And therefore desired this House to join with them, in a Declaration to remove them, for these Two Reasons: 1. If these Disorders should continue, they might render the good Acts and Provisions of this Parliament of Suspicion to Posterity, by the Interpretation of ill Ministers: 2. It did not stand with the Dignity of Parliament, to suffer such Tumults to be so near the House.
London Petition.
The humble Petition of divers the Inhabitants in the City of London, and the Suburbs thereof, was this Day read:
And Jeremy Baines, and Griffith Marshall, who subscribed the said Petition, were called in; and did avow it.
Ordered, That the Report now made of the Conference had last Night with the Lords, concerning the tumultuous Assembly of People about the Houses of Parliament; and the Petition now read in the House, and signed by Jeremy Baines, and Griffith Marshall; shall be taken into Consideration To-morrow at Eleven of Clock.