Pages 246-249
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Lunæc, 9 Aug. 1641.
Leave of Absence.
SIR Ro. Pye has Liberty to be absent for a Week, in regard that his Daughter is visited with the Small Pox.
Message from the King- Journey to Scotland.
Mr. Solicitor brings a Message from his Majesty, * * * * for the settling of the Treaty for securing the * * * *
Ordered, That this gracious Answer from his Majesty shall be entered:
"His Majesty forgot to tell the Houses, Yesterday, One thing; viz. That his Business are so well prepared in Scotland, that he shall make no long Stay there; and intends to be back before Michaelmas; and, it may be, by the midst of September."
"And concerning the Army, (which he is sorry is not already disbanded) upon the Word of a Prince, he will do his best (and hopes, not without good Effect) for the speedy Disbanding thereof."
"That, besides the Bill for the Scotts Treaty, another Bill will come down from the Lords, for securing the Government in his Majesty's Absence: And his Majesty's Command to me is, to signify his Desire to the House, that they pass both these Bills some time this Day, that so his Majesty may give his Assent unto them. His Majesty desires the speedier Passage of this last Bill, considering that the Passing thereof will much assist his Majesty in the desired Disbanding of the Armies: And that when his Majesty, upon Saturday, bad the Lords Farewell, his Intent then was to both Houses; which, if they did not so understand it, I am now commanded to signify his Majesty's Intention therein."
Treaty with Scotland.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Confirmation of the Treaty of Pacification between the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland.
* * * *
Paper from Scotts.
This Committee is to take into Consideration the Paper that came from the Scotts last Night; and the Message that came from his Majesty; and whatsover may concern the Safety of the Kingdom, or conduce thereunto; and are to retire into the Inner Court of Wards.
Treaty with Scotland.
2da vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Confirmation of the Treaty of Pacification between the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland; and, upon Question, committed unto a Committee of the whole House; to meet upon it presently.
The House was resolved into a Committee, to consider of this Bill: And
Mr. Crue was called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Mr. Crue reports * * * *
Ordered, That the Report from the Committee, made by Mr. Crue, shall be taken into Debate, after the Messengers are dispatched.
Royal Assent.
A Message from the Lords, by J. Foster and J. Mallett;
The Lords desire a present Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, concerning the Passing of an Act to enable Commissioners to give the Royal Assent to such Acts that shall pass in the King's Absence.
Answer returned by the same Messengers, that this House has taken their Lordships Message into Consideration; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
.. Vaughan, .. Whittlock, .. Crue, .. Strode, .. Grimston, .. Waller, .. Perd, .. Selden, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Paper from Scotts.
Mr. Pime reports from the Committee appointed to take into Consideration the Paper that came last Night from the Scotts, &c. * * * *
Armies in the Kingdom.
Two Armies still in the Kingdom; although both Houses of Parliament have used their utmost Endeavours for the Disbanding.
The dangerous Practices that have been discovered, and proved, of brin. . * * * *
House to sit.
Ordered, That the House shall sit this Afternoon at Two of Clock.
Message to Lords.
Mr. Arth. Goodwyn went up to the Lords, with this Message;
To acquaint their Lordships, that this House intends to sit this Afternoon; and desires their Lordships to do the like, if it may stand with their Conveniency.
Passing Bills.
Mr. Whittlock reports from the Conference, that the King had taken into Consideration to pass a Bill, and in it a Commission to pass the Bills, the Titles whereof were formerly sent down to this House; only the Bill of Saltpetre was left out; and the Bills for the Earls of Pembroke, and Cleveland.- The Bill is read in the Lords House, and committed:- And did desire, that this House would, with all convenient Speed, send up the Heads of such Bills as this House desires should pass, that they may be inserted into the Bill.
Bills fit to pass.
Mr. Glyn informs the House, that the Committee appointed to consider what Bills are fit to pass, had in their Consideration these Particulars:
The Lords sent down the Bill of Subsidies, granted by the Clergy, which this House thinks fit to add; or any other Bill, for Grant of Subsidies by the Clergy; or any One or more Bills for Raising of Forces; and so to the other Two Bills following, as they came from the Lords.
A free and general Pardon.
An Act for the Punishment of scandalous Ministers.
An Act for the Queen's Jointure.
Any One or more Acts against Delinquents.
Any One or more Acts, for Reparations to be made to any Person or Persons, that have been damnified by any Court of Justice.
An Act concerning Emanuell College.
Defence of the Kingdom, &c.
Ordered, That the First Business in the Afternoon shall be, to take into Consideration, in whose Custody the Prince is: To put the Kingdom into a Posture of Defence, against all Invasions, and Commotions at home: And to consider, what Counsellors go along with the King:... are left behind for the Government of the Kingdom.
Arrears due to Scotland, &c.
Ordered, That the Earl of Warwick shall have Power to pay over, into the Hands of the Scotts Commissioners, all such Monies as are now in his Hands, and designed for the Scotts, for the full Discharge of the Fourscore thousand Pounds, the First Payment of the Brotherly Assistance; the Sums due to Northumberland, Bishoprick, and NewCastle, being deducted; giving Discharges at * *
Imports and Exports.
Ordered, That no Merchant, or other Person, shall export or import any Goods or Merchandize, before they have made a particular Entry of all such Goods in the Names of the true Owners: And that no Person shall ship or land any Goods, but at usual Keys, and usual Times, according to Law.
Tonage and Poundage.
Ordered, That the House shall be put in mind of the Bill of Tonage and Poundage this Afternoon.
Commission in King's Absence.
Ordered, That the Report, now made by Mr. Whitlock, concerning the Commission that the King intends to leave behind, be referred to the Committee formerly appointed to consider of a Custos regni: And they are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock: And Mr. Whitlock is added to that Committee.
Treaty with Scotland.
Mr. Perd, Mr. Upton, Mr. Bridgeman, are required to examine the Bill of the Treaty, with the Articles.
Whereas the Scotts Commissioners are contented to allow of the Sum * * * *
Post Meridiem.
Treaty with Scotland.
THE House was resolved into a Committee, to consider of the Bill of the Treaty.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Mr. Peard reports the Amendments to the Bill of Treaty:
In the Fourth Press, Line Twenty-five, "Parliament" to be made "Parliaments."
In the Sixth Press, Line Fifteenth, "Sir" in place of "Mr."
In the Twelfth, *, Line Nineteenth, "England" to be made "England."
In the last, *, Line Twelfth, "Spiritual and Temporal" to be left.
In the Ninth Skin, Line ult. for "Successor" put in "Successors."
In the last Skin, and the Thirteenth Line, between the Word " thereof," and the Word, "be," in the Beginning of the next Line, put in these Words, "assented unto, as aforesaid."
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House does assent unto these Amendments aforesaid, to the Bill of Treaty.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Bill of the Treaty shall be returned.
Message to Lords.
Mr. Jo. Bellassis is appointed to go up to the Lords, to desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning the Bill of the Treaty: And to carry up the Earl of Pembroke's Bill: And to desire, that the Bills concerning Gunpowder; Clerk of the Market; Knighthood; Destroying of Turkish and Moorish Pirates; and the Bill of Pluralities; be made ready, and presented to the King, for his Royal Assent.
The Commission.
Mr. Glyn reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the Report concerning the Commission * * * *
Passing Bills.
Mr. Bellassis brings Answer, that the Lords will give a present Meeting, by a Committee of the whole House, as is desired.
He likewise informs the House, that he delivered the Commands of this House, concerning the Passing of the particular Bills mentioned in the Message; and brings Answer, that they had passed the Bills of Knighthood and Gunpowder: The rest mentioned are under Commitment; but shall be dispatched, with all Conveniency.
Treaty with Scotland.
Mr. Peard, Mr. Crue, Mr. Bridgman, Mr. Upton, are appointed Managers of this Conference.
Mr. Peard reports, that the Lords do assent to the literal Amendments to the Bill of the Treaty: For the other two Amendments, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich * *;
The Lords do desire a free Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, concerning the Bill of the Treaty, presently, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House.
Answer returned, by the same Messengers;
The House is resolved to give a present Meeting, as is desired.
The Committee appointed to manage the Conference the last time, concerning the Bill of the Treaty, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Mr. Peard reports, that the Lords had assented unto all the Amendments of this House; and had amended it accordingly.
Arrears due to Scotland.
Mr. Whittlock reports the Bill for securing the Remainder of the Brotherly Assistance to the Scotts, with the Amendments: The which Amendments were twice read; And the Bill, with the Amendments, was ordered to be ingrossed.
King's Counsellors.
The Proposition concerning a Declaration was laid aside; and the House fell into the Consideration of what Counsellors go along with the King, or what are left behind.
Resolved, upon the Question, nullo contradicente, That this House shall desire the Lords to join with this House, to petition his Majesty, that he will be pleased to make the Earl of Salisbury Lord High Treasurer of England.
Resolved, upon the Question, nullo contradicente, That this House shall desire the Lords to join with this House, to petition his Majesty, that he will be pleased to make the Earl of Pembroke Lord Steward of his Majesty's Houshold, in case the Earl Marshal shall surrender it.
Mr. Hollis went up to the Lords, to carry up these Resolutions.
Grant to Queen Mother.
Ordered, That the Committee formerly appointed to consider of Raising of Ten thousand Pounds to furnish the Queen Mother in her Journey out of the Kingdom, shall have Power to take some Course for the Consigning of Seven thousand Pounds, Remainder of the said Ten thousand, to be received at Days certain, at Antwerpe, by Bills of Exchange; And to consider, how the Merchants, that shall transmit it, shall be repaid and secured.
Answer from Lords.
Mr. Hollis brings Answer, that the Lords will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whittfield and Serjeant Glanvile;
The Lords have sent a Bill, intituled, An Act to authorize certain Commissioners, named by his Majesty, * * * * desire, that the House would use such Expedition in passing this Bill, and the Bill of the Treaty, so as the King might give his Royal Assent unto them, before his going: And that if this House thought they could dispatch them this Night, that their Lordships would sit.
Answer returned, by the same Messengers;
This House has taken into Consideration their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own, with all convenient Speed.
Arrears due to Scotland, &c.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and * *;
The Lords have sent us with this Message; To desire this House, in regard of the Necessity of it, to take the Bill for securing the Brotherly Assistance into Consideration; that it may have the Royal Assent, before the King's going.
Mr. Hampden went up with this Message to the Lords;
To acquaint their Lordships, that we do now conceive it to be so late, that we can do nothing this Night, either to pass the Bills, or otherwise: But, with all convenient Speed, we will pass the Bills: And this we desire might be represented unto his Majesty.
Prisoner released.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Willson, now a Prisoner in the Gatehouse, shall be forthwith released from his Imprisonment.
Arrears due to Scotland.
3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for securing, by publick Faith, the Remainder of the Friendly Assistance and Relief promised to our Brethren of Scotland; and, upon Question, passed; and carried up to the Lords by Sir Arth. Haselrig.
Treaty with Scotland.
Mr. Hampden brings Answer, that he had delivered the Commands of this House to their Lordships: And that they had sent some of their Members to acquaint his Majesty, what Care this House had taken for expediting the Bills, of the Treaty, and of securing the Brotherly Assistance.
Royal Assent.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act authorizing certain Commissioners, named by his Majesty, to give his Majesty's Royal Assent unto certain Bills mentioned in the said Commission, and in this Act.
Arrears due to Scotland, &c.
Whereas the Scotts Commissioners are contented to allow the Sum of Twenty-eight thousand Six hundred Sixtythree Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Ten-pence, ascertained and agreed, by the Commissioners of the Scotts, to be due to the County of Duresme, and Town of Newcastle; and the Sum of Ten thousand Two hundred Twenty-four Pounds Six Shillings and Ten-pence, agreed in like manner to be due to the County of Northumberland; in part of Fourscore thousand Pounds, due for their Brotherly Assistance: It is this Day Ordered, by the House of Commons, now assembled in Parliament, that the Residue of the said Fourscore thousand Pounds shall be forthwith paid, by the Earl of Warwick, unto the Scotts Commissioners, in full Discharge of the said Fourscore thousand Pounds, being the First Payment of the said Brotherly Assistance: And that Acquittances, under the said Commissioners Hands, or any Four of them, shall be a sufficient Discharge to the Earl of Warwick, for such Sums of Money, as, by virtue of this Order, he shall pay unto the said Commissioners: And shall be likewise a Discharge to the Parliament, for sending the Monies to Newcastle, as was formerly agreed upon.