House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 21 July 1641

Pages 218-219

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, 21 Julii, 1641.


Printing, &c.

AN Act concerning Printing, Importing, and Allowing of Books.


Ordered, That the humble Petition of Sir Wm. Lampton be referred to the Committee for Grievances, to be considered of at the next Meeting after the next Recess; and that the Patent complained of in the Petition be brought in to the Custody of the Clerk : And that there be no Execution made upon that Patent, till the House shall take further Order therein.

Seamens Petition.

The humble Petition of divers Seamen was read; but nothing done upon it at this time.


Mr. Glyn reports the Case concerning the Vintners: The whole Profit, that the King made of the Project of Forty Shillings the Tun was, in Three Years, but Nineteen thousand Six hundred and Six Pounds.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Merchants, and those, that were Parties to the Quadrupartite Indenture, and sealed and delivered the same, except Mr. James Mason, Mr. Kent, Wm. Woodcocke, Edward Nurse, Wm. Lloyde, John Carre, Matthew Foster, George Stanley, Wm. Meade, Robert Quaterman, Wm. Bellamy, Thomas Symes, Wm. Powell, Henry Goldstan, Thomas Haughton, Richard Robinson, Mr. Davies, Mr. Oswick, Mr. Leechland, Mr. Perry, touching the Imposition of Forty Shillings per Ton upon Wines, are Delinquents.

Resolved, &c. That the Company of Vintners, by their own Offer of Forty Shillings per Tun upon Wines to his Majesty, and Demand of Liberty to raise One Peny the Quart upon French Wines, and Two Pence per Quart upon Spanish Wines, and prosecuting the Business, as appeareth by their own Orders, are Contrivers of the said unlawful Imposition, and are Delinquents.

Resolved, upon the Question, That all those Vintners, that were Parties to the Indentures, Sharers and Contrivers of the said Imposition of Forty Shillings per Tun, and One Peny per Quart, are Delinquents, and ought to give Satisfaction to the Commonwealth.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Vintners, to take into Consideration, what Persons of the said Company of Vintners have been imprisoned, threatened, or drawn on, to give their Assent to the unlawful Imposition of Two Pence a Quart upon Spanish Wines, and One Peny a Quart on French Wines; or to underwrite for any Share therein : And also to consider what Persons of the said Company were not privy, or present to any such Assent for the said Imposition: And to report the same to this House; together with the Sharers and Underwriters thereof.

Moved, That the Bill prepared against Alderman Abell, and Mr. Kilvert, be brought by the Chairman into this House.

Ordered, That this last Vote, presented by Mr. Glyn, be likewise referred to the Committee for the Vintners.

Message from the Queen.

Mr. Comptroller brings a Message from the Queen in Writing: Which was first read by himself; and them by the Clerk; in hæc verba ;

" When the Parliament did, the other Day express their Affection to me, in taking into Consideration the Journey which I had resolved on for the Recovery of my Health; and represented a Desire of my Stay; with a tender Care of removing all Occasions of my Indisposition ; I could not then give a positive Answer, such as I desired, for their Satisfaction; because I knew not, it my Health would give way unto it: But since that time, I have resolved to venture my Health, and (for complying with their Desires) not to go, since my Presence hero will be acceptable unto them; and that they conceive it will be for the Good of the Kingdom: For I desire nothing more, than to let them see, that I shall in all Things be ready to gratify them, and to serve the State, tho' (as I then said) with the Hazard of Life."

Queen's Jointure.

Ordered, That the Bill for the Queen's Jointure shall be reported this Afternoon.

Ordered, That the House sit this Afternoon, at Two of Clock; to receive the Report for the Queen's Jointure.

Answer to the Queen.

Mr. Comptroller is to present to her Majesty, that this House is very sensible of the Favour done by her Majesty; and that they are thinking of some more solemn Way of representing * * * *

Appropriation of Money.

Whereas Fifty thousand Pounds was, by a former Order, appointed to be paid into the Hands of Sir Wm. Uvedale: It is now Ordered, That he shall have paid unto him Forty-five thousand Pounds only: Out of which he is to pay the Garisons a Month's Pay, and to send down the Residue, with all convenient Speed, to the Army : And that the Five thousand Pounds, Residue of the former Fifty thousand Pounds, allotted, as aforesaid, to Sir Wm. Uvedale; and that the Eighteen thousand Six hundred and odd Pounds, appointed to be paid by the old Customers to Sir Wm. Uvedale; and the Five thousand Pounds, appointed to be paid by the new Customers to Sir Wm. Uvedale; shall all be paid to the Earl of Warwicke, for Relief of the Northern Counties.

A Message from the Lords, by J. Reeve * * *

Conference on Message from the Queen.

The Lords desire a present Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, touching a Message, that they have this Morning received from the Queen, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House.

Answer returned by the same Messengers;

This House has taken their Lordships Message into Consideration; and will give a present Meeting, by a Committee of the whole House, as is desired.

Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Hollis, Lord Falkland, Sir Walter Erle, Mr. Pierpoint, Mr. Morley, Sir John Colpepper, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.

Durham Franchise.

Sir Thomas Widdrington reports from the Committee, the Bill of the Bishoprick of Durham, &c. to have Knights and Burgesses to serve in Parliament, fit to pass without any Amendments: And, upon Question, recommitted to the same Committee: And are to meet on Monday next at Two post meridiem, in the Court of Wards.

Thanks on the Queen's Message.

Mr. Hollis reports the Conference this Day had with the Lords; and presents a Message sent from her Majesty to their Lordships: Which was here read.

That the said Committee, that formerly, with a Committee of the Lords, attended her Majesty, to desire a Stay of her Journey, shall, with the same Committee, represent, from this House, Thanks to her Majesty for her gracious Message.

Mr. Hollis is appointed to go to the Lords with this Message;

To acquaint their Lordships, that this House has resolved, that the same Committee shall meet with the Committee of the Lords, to present Thanks unto her Majesty, at such Time as their Lordships shall think fit.

King's Revenue.

Ordered, That the House shall be resolved into a Committee To-morrow Morning at Nine of Clock, to consider of his Majesty's Revenue; and that Mr. Speaker put the House in Mind of this Order.

Bill to be reported.

Ordered, That the Report of the Bill for the Manor of * in the County of Lancaster, shall be reported this Afternoon, after the Bill of the Queen's Jointure.

House to sit, &c.

Ordered, That the House do sit this Afternoon, at Two of Clock; and that all Committees do cease this Afternoon, except the Sub-committee for the Bishops Bill, which is ordered to sit at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards, this Afternoon.

Post Meridiem

Farley's Estate.

1a vice lecta est Billa, AN Act for Settling of Lands and Tenements in Avenbury upon Rowland Farley; and reversing a Decree made in Chancery, &c.

Queen's Jointure.

Mr. Palmer reports from the Committee the Bill for the Queen's Jointure, sent from the Lords to this House with the Additions, Amendments and Proviso: The which Additions, Amendments and Proviso, were twice read ; and, upon the Question, recommitted: And are to meet To-morrow post meridiem at Two of Clock, in the Queen's Court: And Mr. Whistler, Mr. Cage, Sir Sam. Rolle, and Mr. Morley, are added to this Committee.

Disarming Recusants.

Ordered, That the Bill for Disarming of Recusants, returned from the Lords with some Amendments, be reported To-morrow post meridiem at Two of Clock.


2da vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the free bringing in of Gunpowder from foreign Parts, and for the Making of it within the Realm; and, upon Question, committed unto Sir Rich. Buller, Mr. Cage, Mr. Perd, Mr. Carew, Sir Dudley North, Sir Petr. Carwyn, Mr. Partridge, Sir Edw. Aiscough, Sir John Jennings, Sir Sam. Rolle, * Wm. Lewis, Mr. Stephens, Alderman Pennington, Sir Walter Erle, Mr. Hill, Mr. Arthur Goodwin, Mr. Fines, Mr. Bodevile, Mr. Law. Whittaker, Mr. Fane, Mr. Strode, Mr. Wheeler, Sir Hen. Billingham, Sir John Hotham, Sir Guy Palmes, * *, Mr. Dutton, * Jones, Sir Christopher Yelverton, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Morley, Mr. Whistler, Mr. Schowin, Mr. Whitlocke, Mr. Selden, Mr. Reynolds, Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Shuttleworth, Sir Wm. Drake, Mr. Mathews: And are to meet on Friday next in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Star-chamber.

Itchington, &c. Manors.

Mr. Hill reports the Bill for settling the Copyhold Estates of his Majesty's Tenants of the Manors of * Itchington, &c. in the County Palatine of Lanc', with the Additions and Amendments : The which Additions and Amendments were twice read; and the Bill, with the Additions and Amendments, was, upon the Question, ordered to be engrossed.

Denton's Estate.

Mr. Whitlocke reports the Bill to enable Sir Alexander Denton to sell certain Lands, for Payment of his Debts, ane preferment of his younger Children, with the Additions and Amendments: The which Additions and Amendments were twice read: And the Bill, with the Additions and Amendments, upon the Question, was ordered to be ingrossed.

Vaughan's Case.

Ordered, That the Matter, this Day informed of by Mr. Serjeant Wilde, concerning an Order of this House, in the Case of Sir John Vaughan, for the Sequestring of the Rents and Profits of certain Lands in Lifford in the Kingdom of Ireland, be referred to the Consideration of the Grand Committee for Irish Affairs; who are to report their Opinions therein to this House, that such further Order may be made in this Case, for the confirming or Vacating of the said Order, as to Justice shall appertain.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Committee for Irish Affairs do sit every Thursday and Tuesday in the Afternoon; to take into consideration (after the Business of Londonderry be finished) such other Petitions as are depending before them, and Parties ready attending, with their Witnesses, to make good the same.


Ordered, That the Report of the Conference with the Lords touching Honours, be made on Saturday next.

Answer to the Queen's Message.

Mr. Hollis reports the Delivery of his Message to the Lords; that this House did assent to [join] with their Lordships, in returning Thanks to [her Majesty;] and presented to the House, in Writing, that which is to be returned to her Majesty by the select Committees, in the Names of both Houses: Which followed in hæc Verba;

The Answer to the Queen's Message;

" Both Houses of Parliament have, with very much Comfort and Thankfulness, received that gracious Message, whereby Your Majesty hath been pleased to declare Your Resolution of staying Your intended Journey, at their Humble Desire: Which, they hope, will be no Prejudice to the Recovery of Your Health, but rather an Advancement of it, by that Contentment, which You will receive from the continual Expression of their Affection and Zeal to do You Service: And they have commanded me, in their Names, to declare, that both their Prayers and Endeavours shall concur in all Things tending to Your Majesty's Welfare and Prosperity; which they shall esteem as a very great Blessing, both of the Kingdom, and to themselves."