House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 13 July 1641

Pages 208-209

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 13 Julii, 1641.


Lady Lake's Deed.

THE humble Petition of Dame Mary Lake.

Whereas a Deed of Assignment, or some other Writings, to the Use of the Petitioner, bearing Date the Twenty-ninth Day of October, 10° Car. Regis, was brought into the Court of Star-chamber, in Easter Term last was Twelve Month, by the Petitioner, to examine one Richard Pettus, and Frances his Wife, upon Interrogatories there exhibited, in that Court, in a Cause depending between the Petitioner and the said Pettus and Frances his Wife: And whereas the said Court is dissolved by Act of Parliament; the Petitioner having use of her Deed, Philip Gerrard the Examiner refuseth to deliver the same, without Order of this House: It is therefore Ordered, that the said Examiner shall forthwith deliver the said Deed to the Petitioner.

Geobier's Nat.

Sir Balthasar Geobier took the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy; having a Bill for Naturalization.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Richard Vivian has Leave to go into the Country.

Soap Business.

Ordered, That the Soap Business be reported on Friday Morning next.

Priests and Jesuits, &c.

Sir Gilbert Gerrard and Sir John Franklyn are appointed to examine Mrs. Milles, concerning the Harbouring of Priests and Jesuits.

That the Order, whereby Mr. Waddesworth and Newton be authorized to apprehend and seize Priests and Jesuits, be enlarged, to apprehend and seize all Priests and Jesuits in all Places, as well privileged and exempt, as not exempt, the King's Houses only excepted; and to seize all Popish and superstitious Books, and all superstitious Massing Stuff; and the Priests and Jesuits, so apprehended, to carry before the next Justice of Peace,to be proceeded with according to Law.

That the Trunks and Church Stuff, already seized, be delivered into the Custody of the Hands of the Clerk of this House; and all Mayors, Constables, Sheriffs, and other his Majesty's Officers, and loving Subjects, are required to be assistant hereunto.

Leave of Absence.

Mr. Richard Moore has Leave to go into the Country, for a convenient time.

Sir Robert Crane has Leave to go out of Town on Friday come Sevennight.


Mr. Robert Strickland made the Protestation.


Mr. Prideaux reports the Bill concerning the Protestation, with the Additions and Amendments: The which Additions and Amendments were twice read; and reported by Mr. Speaker; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Printing Lord Digbye's Speech.

Sir John Evelyn reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the Printing of the Lord Digbye's Speech, concerning the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford:

Leave was given to Mr. Hampden, to read Part of a Letter, written from the Lord Digby to him, concerning this Business.

The Serjeant gives an Account, that he had given Intimation to the Lord Digby, that Sir Jo. Evelyn was this Day to make his Report, concerning the Publishing in Print of his Lordship's Speech, spoken upon passing the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford.

That no Member of this House shall either give a Copy, or publish in Print, any thing that he shall speak here, without Leave of the House.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Matter of my Lord Digbye's Speech shall be first taken into Consideration.

Resolved, &c. That the Lord Digbye's Speech, spoken at the Passing of the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford, contains within it Matters untrue, and scandalous, as they have Reference to the Proceedings of the Committees of the Lords House, and to the Committee of this House, and to the Evidence of the Witnesses produced in that Cause.

Resolved, &c. That the Publishing of that Speech by the Lord Digby, after a Vote passed in this House upon the said Bill; and Offence taken to it, and the same questioned in the House; is scandalous to the Proceedings of this House, and a Crime.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Publishing and Printing of the Speech, spoken by the Lord Digby at the Passing of the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford, is scandalous to the Proceedings of his Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Lewis Dive and John Moore are both Delinquents, in the Publishing and Printing of the said Speech of the Lord Digbye's.

Resolved, &c. That Thomas. Parslow, the Printer of the said Speech, is a Delinquent in Printing of it.

Resolved, &c. That this Book, thus printed, deserves the Brand of this House; and shall be burnt publickly,by the Hands of the common Hangman.

Resolved, &c. That these Books shall be burnt on Friday next; some in the New Palace at Westminster; some in the Cheapside; and some in the Smithfield: And Orders to this Purpose are to be sent to the Bailiff of Westminster, the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, respectively, to see them burnt accordingly: And the Stationers, and all others, are required to bring in the Books, that they may be all burnt.

Resolved, &c. That a Committee shall be appointed, to prepare these Votes that concern the Lord Digby, to be transmitted to the Lords; and to present them, so prepared, to this House.

Whereas, on the One-and-twentieth of April last past, there was a Speech spoken in the House of Commons,at the passing of the Bill of Attainder against Thomas Earl of Strafford, by the Lord Digby, then a Member of the said House; the which Speech contained in it Matters untrue, and scandalous, as they have Reference to the Proceedings of the Committees of the Lords House and this, and to the Evidence of the Witnesses produced in that Cause: And whereas the said Speech was published by the Lord Digby, after that the said Bill of Attainder was passed by Vote in this House, and after that great Offence was taken to the said Speech, and the same questioned in this House; to the Scandal of the Proceedings of this House; and is since come forth, in Print, to the Scandal of the Proceedings of his Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament: It is therefore this Day Ordered, by the said House, That all the said Books, so printed,shall be publickly burnt on Friday next; Part of them in the New Palace at Westminster; other Part of them in Cheapside, London, and the rest in Smithfield, by the Hands of the common Hangman: And, to this Purpose, the Bailiff of Westminster, the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, respectively, are hereby required to be Assistants to the effectual Execution of this Order, and see the said Books burnt accordingly: And it is also Ordered, by the said House, That the Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers do their uttermost Endeavours to collect all the said Books into their Hands, remaining now dispersed amongst their Company, or with others; and forthwith deliver them to One of the Sheriffs of London, to be burnt, according to this Order: And all others, who have any of the said Books, are hereby required forthwith to deliver them to One of the Sheriffs of London, or Bailiff of Westminster, as they will undergo the Displeasure of this House in doing the contrary, to be burnt according to this Order.

Upon the Question, whether the Words "for the present" should be added to the..

The House was divided.

Sir John Strangewayes, Tellers for the Yea.
Mr. Kirton,
Sir Christopher Wraye, Tellers for the Noe.
Sir Philip Stapleton,
With the Noes, that staid within, - - 128
With the Yeas, that went out, - - 114

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House shall move the Lords, to join with this House in a Petition to his Majesty, that he will be pleased to forbear to confer any Honour or Employment upon the Person of the Lord Digby, who has deserved so ill of the Parliament.

Mr. Fynes, Mr. Martin, Sir John Evelyn, Sir John Clotworthy, Mr. Glyn, Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Sir Ralfe Verney, Mr. Carew, Mr. Strode, Sir Philip Stapleton, are to prepare the Votes concerning the Lord Digby, to be transmitted to the Lords; and are to meet To-morrow,post meridiem, at Two of the Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Francis Barnham has Leave to go into the Country.

Abolishing Episcopacy.

That the House be resolved into a Committee, To-morrow at Eight of Clock, to proceed with the Bill of Episcopacy: And Mr. Speaker is to put the House in mind of this Order; and to interrupt any Business, &c.