House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 03 June 1641

Pages 165-166

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, 3 Junii, 1641.


Hoole Pa/?/

1a vice lecta AN Act for the new Erecting of the est Billa Parish of Hoole, in the County of Lancaster, and Endowing of the Rectory thereof.

Collaton Kirkham Manor.

12 vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Settling of the Manor of Collaton Kirkham, in the County of Devon, upon Edward Rod, and Richard Estcourt, in the Right of their Wives, until Six Hundred Pounds be paid unto them, with Damages.

Ratcliffe, &c., Churches.

12 vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Erecting of Four several Churches, within the Hamlets of Ratcliffe, Limehouse, Poplar, and Mil-end, now in the Parish of Stepney, in the County of Middlesex.

Bargemen, &c. working on Sunday.

2da vice lecta est Billa, An Act to restrain Bargemen, Lightermen, and others, for labouring and working upon the Lord's Day, commonly called Sunday; and, upon Question, committed unto Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Cage, Mr. Whitlocke, Mr. Corbett, Sir Anth. Irby, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Holland, Mr. Rowse, * Goodwin, Mr. Lower, Sir Tho. Widdrington, *Kirby, Sir Tho. Smith, Mr. Palmer, the Knights and Burgesses of Surrey, Midd', Bucks, Berks, Oxon, Kent, and Essex, Gloucester, Worcester; the Burgesses of * Town: And all, that will come, are to have Voices: And are to meet on Saturday post meridiem at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Bishops Secular Employments.

Mr. Pierepoint reports from the Conference with the Lords, "that the Lords conceive we understand,-not Unlawfulness by any Law, to have Votes there; but,- Convenience, or Inconvenience."

"One Reason; That, if we had thought, that absolutely it was unlawful, we would not have made Exception of the University, and of such of the Nobility as should happen to be in Holy Orders."

"For their Rights to vote in Parliament; they conceive, by the Common and Statute Law, and ancient Practice, there is no Question of it:-They said,-For Inconvenience; they did not yet understand any such, that might induce them to deprive the Bishops, and their Successors, of that Right: But if there be any Inconvenience, of which they yet know not, if we would shew them it, they will be willing to hear them; and take it into Consideration: And for their Votes in Star-chamber, Council-table, &c or any Office in Secular Affairs; they have fully consented to our Desires."

"They have excepted That of the Dean of Westminster; a Corporation confirmed by Act of Parliament, 27° Eliz' as also, That of Durham, and Ely, Hexham; and to keep Court Barons there, by their Stewards, &c.; and all other Courts, executed by Temporal Officers; which they conceive not to be contrary to this Bill.

Disarming Recusants.

Mr. Rigby reports the Bill for disarming of Recusants; with the Amendments and Additions: The which were twice read; and, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Bishops Secular Employments.

Mr. Peirepointte reports the Conference had with the Lords on Thursday last, concerning the Bill for restraining of Bishops, and others in Holy Orders, not to intermeddle with Secular Affairs.-

This Committee is to prepare Reasons, to be given to the Lords, at a Conference, in Answer of their Objections to the Bill concerning the Removal of Bishops, and others in Holy Orders, from Temporal Affairs; and to present them to the House. To-morrow Morning: And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Mr. Peirpoint, Mr. Pyme, Mr. Hide, Mr. Hollis, Sir John Colepepper, Sir John Hotham, Mr. Rowse, Mr. Selden, Mr. Hampden, * Goodwin, Sir Thomas Barrington, Sir John Clotworthy, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Waller, Sir Hen. Vane, Mr. Strode, Lord Faulkland, Sir Walter Erle, Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Fines, Mr. Glyn, Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Palmer, Sir John Strangewayes, Mr. Whistler, Mr. White.

Ecclesiastical Canons.

Ordered, That the Transmission of the Votes, upon the new Canons, be brought in on Saturday Morning next.

Abolishing Episcopacy.

Ordered, That on Monday Morning next at Nine of Clock, the House shall be resolved into a Committee, to consider of the Bill concerning Episcopacy: And that the Petitions from Ireland, and from the County of Northampton, be then read likewise.

Ecclesiastical Canons.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the making void of certain Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical, lately made; and for the Punishment of such Prelates as were the Makers thereof.


That those Gentlemen nominated by the Knights of the County of Yorke, to take the Accounts of the Billet of the Soldiers.

Ordered, That the Lord General of his Majesty's Army be desired to appoint the Officers of the Field, to be joined with such Gentlemen of Yorkeshire, as the Knights and Burgesses of Yorkeshire shall nominate to his Lordship, forthwith, to examine what Sums of Money are due to every of the Inhabitants of that County, for the Billet of the Soldiers: And that, with all Speed, they certify, what Sums of Money are and will be due to the Country by the Fourteenth of this present June.

Tonage and Poundage.

Proposition.- That the Committee appointed to receive Propositions, from such as shall propound any Conditions to the Commissioners for the Bill of Tonage and Poundage, do meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Duchy-chamber; and report to the House Tomorrow Morning.

Business to be done.

That the House sit this Afternoon; and take into Consideration the Business of the Treaty; and, after That, the Bill of Subsidies: And the Committee to prepare Reasons to be given to the Lords, concerning the Bishops Votes in the House of Peers, to sit this Afternoon, notwithstanding that the House sits: And that no other Committee whatsoever sit during the time that the House sits.

Unauthorized Printing.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the Printing of Books, to take into Consideration the Printing of the Book, intituled, The Order and Course of passing of Bills; and report to this House, what they think fit to be done therein: And to send for the Printer thereof, and the Parties, who conceive themselves to be prejudiced by that false Copy.

Rachdale Manor.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Establishing of several Parcels of Land within the Manor of Rachdale, &c.

Treaty with Scotland.

Upon Mr. Crew's Report, this Day made, from the select Committees of the Lords and this House, appointed to proceed with the Treaty; it was

Resolved, upon the Question,

Religion.-That this House approves of the Opinion of the Committee, concerning their first Answer to the First Article, concerning Religion.

Resolved, &c.

Peace.-1. That, in this Act of Oblivion, Bribery and Corruption shall be excepted: And likewise, the Lands taken in Ireland shall be saved to the Scotts: And a general Proviso to the Bill, that it shall not bind us, unless they make an Act in Scotland according to the Terms agreed by this Bill.

Resolved, &c.

2. That the Second Article shall be agreed to, with a Proviso, that it may not extend to particular Quarrels of Borderers, or others; and with an Explanation of what is meant by "Levying War," and "Rising in Arms."

Resolved, &c.

3. That the Third Article be omitted; and Things to stand as they have done: And that there be special Care to prevent Loss and Mischief to both Nations.

Resolved, &c.

4. That, in the Fourth Article, "Confederations" being only understood by "Alliances;" they will have the Word "Alliances" left out, and "Confederations" put in; and that they shall be included in Confederacies to be made.

Resolved, upon the Question,

5. That this House thinks fit there should be a mutual Assistance; but not that the Particulars mentioned should be insisted upon.

Resolved, &c.

6. That the Sixth Article be assented unto: But 'tis to be restrained to the Articles of Peace, in this Treaty.

Resolved, &c.

7. The First Part of the Seventh is assented unto: As to the Second, they assent to a Disbanding, at Days to be agreed upon, as soon as may be: And such Articles, as cannot be concluded, be referred, by mutual Assent.

8. Concerning the Unity in Religion, the Lords give no new Answer: And this House hath already given an Answer: To which they refer themselves.

Trade.- To the Eight first Articles of the Head concerning Trade, the former Answers stand.

Resolved, &c.

9, 10. That the Ninth and Tenth Articles be referred to the select Committee, to prepare Heads upon, for this House to treat of.

Resolved, &c. That this shall be the Answer to the First Part of the Eleventh Article; That such Persons as shall be Native in either Kingdoms, and shall commit any Offence in this Realm, whereof they shall be Natives, and shall afterwards remove their Persons into the other; and such Persons, as shall be Inhabitants in either Kingdom, and shall commit any Offence where they shall be Inhabitants, during the time of their Habitation there; and shall afterwards remove their Persons into the other; and shall be, for the same Offence, censured by the Parliament of that Nation where the Offence was committed, as Incendiaries betwixt the Nations; or betwixt the King and his People; shall not enjoy any Benefit Civil or Ecclesiastical, or have any Shelter or Protection, in any other of his Majesty's Dominions.

Concerning the Removing of the Garisons of Barwicke and Carlisle, and slighting the Fortifications;

Answer;- His Majesty is desirous, that all things betwixt the Kingdoms of England and Scotland be reduced into the same Estate they were in before the Beginning of the late Troubles; and therefore he doth give his Assent to the Advice of the Two Houses of Parliament, that the Garisons of Barwieke and Carlile, upon the Disbanding of the Scottish Army, now in England, and of all such Forces as are gathered together in Scotland, be likewise presently removed: And that the Fortifications of Barwicke and Carlile be also reduced to the same Condition they were in before the last Troubles; so that all Fortifications in Scotland be likewise put into the same Condition they were before the said Troubles.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth think fit to assent to this Answer.


The House was resolved into a Committee, to proceed with reading the Bill of Subsidies.

Ordered, That the House be resolved into a Committee To-morrow at Nine of the Clock, and to take into Consideration the Bill of Subsidies.