House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 21 May 1641

Pages 152-154

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Veneris, 21 Maii, 1641.


Bp. of Bath and Wells.

ORDERED, That the Committee for the Bishop of Bath and Wells do meet on Tuesday next, at Two post meridiem, in the Duchy-court.


2da vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Addition to Two Statutes; One made 2° & 3° Phil. and Mary; and another made 1° Jacobi concerning Wherrymen and Watermen exercising the Trade of Rowing upon the River of Thames; upon Question, committed unto Mr. Bagshawe, Sir Guy Palmes, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Mr. Mathewes, Mr. Martin, Sir Sam. Rolle, Mr. Bell, Mr. King, Sir Robert Pye, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Whitlocke, Mr. Shuttleworth, Sir Antho. Irbye, Mr. Selden, Mr. Robert Goodwin, Sir Edm. Fowell, Mr. Perd, Serjeant Wilde, Sir Tho. Cheeke, Mr. Bence; the Knights and Burgesses of Kent, Surrey, Middlesex, Buck', Essex, and London: And are to meet on Wednesday next, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-court. And it is Ordered, That, together with this Bill, the Petition of the Generality of the Watermen be likewise committed unto the same Committee: And the Committee is to consider of that Petition, together with the Bill, and to report them both together.

Admission to Holy Orders.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth declare, that such Persons as shall be admitted into Holy Orders, or hereafter instituted or inducted into any Living, ought to be so admitted, instituted, and inducted, without any other Oath or Subscription to be required of them, but such as are injoined by the Statutes of this Realm: And, being instituted or inducted, ought not to execute any Power, by virtue of any Canon, not warranted by Act of Parliament.

Captives at Algiers.

Upon Mr. King's Report from the Committee for the Captives of Algiers; it was,

Resolved, upon the Question, as followeth:

1. That the Opinion of the House is, that his Majesty be moved, that some fit Person be sent from his Majesty, at the Charges of the Merchants, to the Grand Seignior, to demand the English Captives in Algiers, and other the Turks Dominions:

2. That the Opinion of the House is, that, in some convenient time after such Persons Departure out of England, a Fleet of Twenty Ships and Pinnaces be sent to Algiers, to assail the Town, and their Ships, if the Captives be not delivered, upon the Demand of them:

3. That the Opinion of the House is, that the Book of Rates being agreed and settled, there shall be One of the Hundred laid upon Trade, over and above the Sums expressed in the Book of Rates; to be collected and employed by Commissioners to be appointed by the Parliament for this special Use; and continue so long as the Parliament shall think fit.

Savile's Petition.

The Petition of Sir Wm. Savile was read.

Treaty with Scotland.

Mr. Treasurer reports from the select Committee, that met Yesterday with the Committee of the Lords, upon a Message sent to the Lords Yesterday, by Sir Robert Harley, and offered, from the Committee, Three Propositions, to be read: Which were accordingly read; and was Resolved, upon the Question, as followeth:

1. That the whole Arrear of One hundred and Twenty thousand Pounds be presently paid to the Scotts; out of which, the due Debts of the Counties are to be deducted: And, for the brotherly Assistance of Three hundred thousand Pounds, it shall be settled and secured by the Kingdom to them:

2. That, if the Deduction may withdraw more Monies, than the Scotts can spare, from the Disbanding, then the whole One hundred and Twenty thousand Pounds shall be allowed them for the Disbanding; and the Debt of the Counties be taken upon the Kingdom, and be first paid out of the brotherly Assistance:

3. That, when the Treaty shall be fully concluded, and public Faith given for Peace, and Security for Money, both the Armies may be disbanded, by degrees, as Money shall come in:

4. That the Committee shall have Power to present these Heads to the Lords Commissioners; to be treated upon with the Scotts.

Mr. Treasurer, Sir John Hotham, Sir Hen. Anderson, Sir John Culpepper, Mr. Crew, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Pairepoint, Sir Wm. Widdrington, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Sir Hugh Cholmeley, Mr. Martin;

These are appointed Managers of the Conference with the Lords, by a select and standing Committee of both Houses, touching the Disbanding of the Armies, &c.

Mr. Treasurer to go up to the Lords, to present the Propositions to their Lordships, to take into their Considerations: And to desire, that the Lords Commissioners may meet with the Scotts Commissioners at Four of Clock post meridiem; to enter into the Treaty, and upon these Propositions: And to desire their Lordships to appoint a Time for the select Committees to meet, concerning the Disbanding the Armies.

Bishop of Canterbury.

Ordered, The Bishop of Cant' Committee do meet Tomorrow post meridiem, in the usual Place.

Committees Reports.

Ordered, That the Chairmen of the several Committees bring in an Account, to the Committee for lessening Committees, of such Reports as are under their Hands.


Ordered, That the Clerk bring in a perfect Account of the Committees.


Ordered, That the Report concerning the Customers be made To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind of this Order; and interrupt all Business whatsoever shall be then in hand.

Treaty with Scotland.

Mr. Treasurer reports; that the Lords had taken into Consideration the Paper; did well approve of all; and had given Order for the Lords Commissioners to treat with the Scotts Commissioners: And that they had given Order to the select Committee to meet this Afternoon.

House to sit Afternoons.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the House shall sit every Afternoon at Three of Clock, till the House take further Order in it.

The Treaty.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Business concerning the Treaty, and providing Money, shall be taken in hand every Morning at Nine of Clock, and every Afternoon at Three of Clock: And that, at those times, Mr. Speaker shall interrupt any other Business that is then in hand.


Mr. Whitaker reports from the Committee appointed, concerning Recusants convict, . . .


Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill to prevent the Dangers that may happen by Popish Recusants, do meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Starchamber.

Ordered, That the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, respectively, do give Account, with Speed, of the Names of such Popish Recusants, as are in their several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs: And are to use all means the better to inform themselves thereof.

And it is further Ordered, That the Clerk of the Peace, and Assize, respectively, be, by them, from this House, required to return the Names of all such as are convict Recusants into the Exchequer.

Members to attend Lords Committee.

Mr. Godolphin and Sir Nicholas Slanning have Leave to appear before a Committee of the Lords, appointed to consider of the Forts of the Kingdom.


Ordered, That the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, respectively, do, on Monday Morning, bring in the Names of the principal Papists, or such as are justly suspected to be Papists, in their several Counties, Cities, and Boroughs, especially of such as are now in and about the Cities of London and Westminster: And that then likewise they bring Names of Commissioners, to be appointed in each County, for the Disarming of Papists; and that shall likewise have a care to see, that the Laws be put in Execution against Papists.


Ordered, That the Committee for the Star-chamber Bill do meet this Afternoon at One of Clock, in the Court of Wards.

Disarming Recusants.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill to prevent Dangers that may happen by Popish Recusants, do prepare an Order, concerning the speedy Disarming of all Popish Recusants, as well convict as not convict; and to present it to the House To-morrow Morning; to be presented to the Lords at a Conference; to the Intent, that an Ordinance of Parliament may be made accordingly.

Post Meridiem

Treaty with Scotland.

THE House met at the Hour appointed; and, according to an Order formerly made, the House was resolved into a Committee, to proceed in the Consideration of the Treaty.

Mr. Crew called to the Chair.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Upon the Question, whether the Report from the Grand Committee should be made;

The House was divided:
The Noes went forth. The Yeas staid in.
Mr. Perd, Tellers for the Noe.
Mr. Glynn, Tellers for the Yea.
Sir John Colpepper,
With the Yeas - - 48.
With the Noes - - 53.

And thereupon, the Report was not made.


Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill of Pluralities sit To-morrow post meridiem at Two of Clock, in the usual Place.