House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 19 May 1641

Pages 149-151

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, 19 Maii, 1641.



NR. Hugh Potter made the Protestation.

Lessening Committees.

Mr. Whitehead, Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Moore, are added to the Committee for Lessening of Committees: And are to meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards.

Ly. Hatton.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Lady Eliz. Hatton is appointed to sit in the Star-chamber, on Monday next at Two post meridiem.


Ordered, That the Customers, Farmers, and all other Officers, within the Port of London, and all other Ports, within the Dominions of England and Wales, shall deliver Tobaccoes, and all other Goods, detained by any of the Officers, or their Servants aforesaid, upon Pretence or Colour of any Custom, Duty, or Imposition, to be paid upon Goods and Merchandize, unto the Owners of such Goods, so detained as aforesaid, or their Assigns, respectively; upon the Owners, or their Assigns, giving good Security to the Customer and Farmers Collector, within the several Ports aforesaid (the which Customer, and Farmers, and Collector, are hereby authorized to take the same Securities) to stand to such Order in the Premises, as this House shall make; and to pay all Duties, according to such Rates as this House shall hereafter appoint, for all such Goods as shall be, by virtue of this Order, delivered unto them.

Richaut's, &c. Nat.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir Peter Richaut, and Ten of his Children.

Countess of Exeter.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill concerning the Countess Dowager of Exon do meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-court.

Queen's Jointure.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill of the Queen's Jointure do meet on Monday next at Two post meridiem, in the Queen's Court

Herbert's Nat.

1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Naturalizing of Philip Henry Herbert, Son of Sir Hen. Herbert Knight, Colonel in the States Service

Council of Marches.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Council of the Marches do meet on Monday next at Two post meridiem, in the Exchequer-chamber.

Lancaster Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the County Palatine of Lancaster be referred to the Committee for Deputy Lieutenants: And the Petition is to be avowed before the Committee.

Apprehension of Prestcott.

Fra. Newton was called in, to inform the House concerning one Cuthbert Prestcott, whom he had apprehended, by virtue of a Warrant under Mr. Speaker's Hand.-


Mr. Hide is added to the Committee for Recusants convict.-

Proceedings against Prestcott, &c.

Mr. Perd went to the Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, to desire him, from this House, that there may be a Proceeding, with Effect, against one Cuthbert Prescott, now a Prisoner in Newgate, and apprehended upon Suspicion of being a Priest.

Mr. Perd is likewise to desire the Judges of the King's Bench, to proceed, according to Law, against William Oconnor, an Irish Priest, according as they intended, before they received any Intimation from this House to the contrary.

Lord Lieut. of Yorke.

Sir Philip Stapleton is appointed to go up to the Lords, with this Message;

To put their Lordships in mind of a former Message from this House to their Lordships, touching the moving his Majesty, that the Earl of Essex may be made Lord Lieutenant for the County of Yorke.

Army Waggons.

Ordered, That the Business concerning the Waggons belonging to the King's Army, be taken into Consideration at the final Disbanding of the Armies.

St. Gregorie's Church.

The Declaration of the Commons upon the Complaint, and in the Behalf, of the Parishioners of the Parish of St. Gregorie's by Paul's, London, against Inico Jones Esquire, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Army Affairs.

Upon Sir Jo. Hotham's Reports from the Committee of the King's Army, it was.

Resolved, upon the Question, That it is the Opinion of this House, that some of the Lords Commissioners be desired, that they, with some of the House of Commons, with all convenient Speed, do treat with the Scotch Commissioners; both concerning the Accompts, betwixt them and the Northern Counties, for Monies paid or received; as also for the Billets of the Scotts; and any other Goods that have been taken from those Counties; and for the Manner of Disbanding the Armies by Parts.

Resolved, upon the Question, That some Order be presently sent down, to take an Account what is due to the County of Yorkeshire, for Billet: And that those of the Army, that shall be employed in that Service, shall take to their Assistance such Gentlemen of that County, as shall be named by the Knights and Burgesses of the County.

Resolved, &c. That the Four hundred thousand Pounds, the Remainder of the One Million Two hundred thousand Pounds, borrowed of the City, and what Monies else shall be provided, be reserved for the Disbanding of both Armies.

Captives at Algiers.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Captives of Algiers do meet To-morrow at Two post meridiem, in the Star-chamber.

Army Supply.

Ordered, That the same Order, for Direction of Payment of the Monies to the Army, and the Country, as was last sent down from this House, shall be now sent, for the Payment of the Fifty thousand Pounds, now allotted for the Relief of the King's Army.

Lord Lieut. of Yorke.

Sir Philip Stapleton brings Answer from the Lords, that their Lordships had moved his Majesty, upon a former Message from this House, concerning the Earl of Essex being Lord Lieutenant of the County of Yorke: His Majesty's Answer was, that he would take it into Consideration, and give Answer in due time. As yet he had given none.

Their Lordships will again move his Majesty therein.

Treaty with Scotland.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Crue was called to the Chair.

And the Committee fell into further Debate of the Treaty.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Perusal of Letters.

Mr. Pymme went to the Lords, with a Message to this Effect;

To move the Lords, that the Letters of this Week from all foreign Parts, may be perused by the same Committee of the Lords, and of this House, in the like Manner as it was last Week. And likewise to desire, that there may be Secrecy enjoined upon the Lords. And that, if there shall be any Impediment, that the Committee cannot come to the clear Perusal of the Letters, they may report to the House, where the Impediment is, that the House may take further Order therein.

Treaty with Scotland.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Mr. Crue called to the Chair.

And the Committee again entered into the Consideration of the Treaty.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Upon Mr. Crue's Report from the Committee, it was Resolved, upon the Question,

1. That this House doth consent to an Act of Oblivion; and that this Consent be made known to the Lords, at a Conference:

2. That it shall be desired, at a Conference with the Lords, that the Lords Commissioners prepare a Bill of Oblivion:

3. That, at a Conference with the Lords, the Lords Commissioners be desired to prepare Heads; upon the Second Article of the Head concerning Peace; that this House might know, wherein they agree to the Scotts Demands, and wherein they differ, and what the Difficulties are:

4. That the Third Article of the Head concerning Peace shall be again referred unto the Lords Commissioners; to the end this House may hear the Reasons upon it, and that it may be further understood:

Opening Letters.

Mr. Pymme reports,- They did yield to the Opening of the Letters: but said, it would be very inconvenient, if often used.


Ordered, That the Committee concerning the Vintners do sit this Afternoon at Two, in the Treasury-chamber: And that Committee is to take into Consideration, how some Course may be taken for setting the Price upon Wines.

Treaty with Scotland.

Ordered, That the House, To-morrow Morning at Eight of Clock, be resolved into a Committee, to consider further of the Treaty.

Deans and Chapters.

Ordered, That the Business concerning Deans and Chapters shall be resumed on Friday next in the Morning.

Person summoned.

Ordered, That Mr. Bisse be summoned to be here Tomorrow at Eight of Clock, to acquaint this House, upon what Grounds he did inform the Court of Wards, of any Order made in this House, concerning the Privilege of Mr. Hollis; or concerning any Privilege to be allowed to Sir Anthony Ashley. Cowper.

Disbanding the Army, &c.

Sir Robert Harley is to go to the Lords, To-morrow Morning, with this Message;

To desire, that a select Committee of that House may meet with a select Committee of this House, to consider in what manner the Armies may be best disbanded; and likewise to consider of some Course, for the Ascertaining and Perfecting the Accompts between the Scotts, and the Northern Counties.