House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 22 November 1641

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Luna, 22 Nov. 1641.


Person committed.

O RDERED, That John Sherborne, now in the Serjeant's Custody, and sent for to the Committee, and was there found very various and uncertain in his Answers, shall stand committed to the Gatehouse, till he give Security to produce his Son, and bring him to this House, to answer such Things as shall be objected against him.

Officers of the Mint.

The humble Petition of the Officers and Moniers of his Majesty's Mint was this Day read: And it is Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Poll-money.

Proceedings against Blany.

Ordered, That the Business that concerns Mr. Blany shall be heard on the First Wednesday in Candelmas Term: And that he should stand upon his Bail.

Suit in the Exchequer.

Whereas the Court of Exchequer was required, by an Order of this House, to proceed in the Business depending between the Tenants of Butley, and John Symcotts Esquire, notwithstanding the Order of the 11th of Nov. And whereas it is said in the latter Order, that the former Order, of the 11th of Nov. was grounded upon a Misinformation; It is this Day Ordered, That those Words, "concerning the Grounding of the Order upon a Misinformation," shall be left out of that Order; and that the Barons shall be forthwith acquainted therewith: But notwithstanding that, they shall proceed in the Cause as they think fit.

Irish Affairs.

Divers Letters out of Ireland were this Day read, confirming the Relations of great Troubles in Ireland.

That it may be recommended to some of the Citizens, to take care, by Providing of some of the Ships now in the River, to transport the Magazine of Hull.

To recommend unto the City, that there may be a convenient House prepared for the Entertainment of the Commissioners that are to come from Scotland to the Parliament of England.

To recommend unto the City the Proposition of transporting Cloth into Ireland, for cloathing the Soldiers in Ireland.

There was likewise a Proposition, whether, upon some Occasions, Power might not be given to write unto Mr. Frost, whom the Committees have left there, and who is a very discreet Man, and one fit to be trusted.

Ordered, That the Officers of the Ordnance do instantly make an Estimate what Shipping will be sufficient to transport the Magazine at Hull; and to certify the same to this House.

Ordered, That Citizens that serve for the City of London, and Captain Rainesbrough, do inform themselves what Shipping are now in the River, that are fit to transport the Magazine at Hull; and to give an Account of it To-morrow Morning.-

Pressing Mariners.

Ordered, That Serjeant Wilde do bring in a Bill To-morrow Morning for the Pressing of Mariners.-

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Letters, Remonstrance, Examinations, and other Writings, now read, which came from Ireland, and the Petition of Sir Faithfull Fortescue, be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs.


Ordered, That, as soon as the Debate of the Declaration of the State of the Kingdom is done, that the Business for Ireland be resumed.

Navy Victualling.

Ordered, That the Chamberlain for the City of London shall issue Four thousand Pounds to the Victualler of the Navy, and One thousand Pounds to the Treasurers of the Navy, out of the Fifty thousand Pounds that is to come from the City, according to an Order 19° Nov. Instant.

Commrs from Scotland.

Ordered, That Alderman Soame, and Alderman Penington, do recommend it to the Lord Mayor of the City, as a Desire of this House, that he would provide and assign a convenient House, well furnished, for the Entertainment of the Commissioners, that are to come from the Parliament in Scotland to the Parliament of England.

Declaration on State of the Kingdom.

The Order made on Saturday last, for the Taking the Declaration into Debate, was read:

And the House accordingly fell into the Debate of that Remonstrance.

The Question was proposed, whether this Question; viz. Whether this Clause, concerning the Court of Requests, shall be left out of this Declaration; should now be put;

The House was divided:

Sir Tho. Barrington, Tellers for the Yea, 187.
Sir John Clotworthy,
Sir Fred. Cornwallis, Tellers for the Noe, 123.
Mr. Stanhope,

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Clause concerning the Court of Requests shall be left out of this Declaration.

"That the Courts of Chancery, Exchequer-chamber, &c. are arbitrary, and unjust in their Proceedings," to be left out; and to be added, instead thereof, "which have been grievous in exceeding their Jurisdiction."

"Loose Persons" to be made "Libertines."

Resolved, upon the Question, That these Words, "which Authority shall enjoin," be made, "which the Law enjoins."

Resolved, "For to him they are best known," that these Words to be left out.

Resolved, &c. That the Word "First" be left out; and that the Clause beginning with the Word "which," and ending "Kingdom," be left out.

The Question being, Whether the beginning of this Clause, beginning "We confess, &c." should be left out;

The House was divided.

Sir Walter Earle, Tellers of the Noe, 161.
Mr. Ar. Goodwyn,
Sir Frederick Cornwallis, Tellers for the Yea, 147.
Mr. Strangwayes,

Resolved, upon the Question, That this Clause, beginning, "We confess, &c." ending "crossing it," shall stand.

The Question being proposed, Whether this Declaration, thus amended, shall pass;

The Question was put, Whether this Question should be first put;

And it went with the Yeas:

And then the Question was put, Whether this Declaration, thus amended shall pass;

The House was divided:

Sir Fred. Cornwallis, Tellers for the Noe, 148.
Mr. Strangewayes,
Sir John Clotworthy, Tellers for the Yea, 159.
Mr. Arth. Goodwyn,

Resolved, upon the Question, That this Declaration, thus amended, shall pass.

The Question being proposed whether the Word "published" should stand in the Order for the not Printing of the Declaration;

The House was divided:

Sir Walth. Erle, Tellers for the Noe, 124,
Mr. Knightley,
Sir Ro. Crane, Tellers for the Yea, 101.
Sir Edw. Deering,

Resolved, upon the Question, That this Declaration shall not be printed, without the particular Order of this House.