House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 4 February 1692

Pages 651-653

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 4 die Februarii; 3° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


Kinersley's Estate.

AN ingrossed Bill from the Lords, intituled, An Act to enable Tho. Kinersley to make a Lease or Leases, for Payment of his Debts, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Gray, Sir Gilb. Clerke, Mr. Bromly, Sir Tho. Darcy, Mr. Gilbert, Sir Tho. Dorrell, Sir Jervas Elwes, Sir John Moreton, Mr. Trevers, Mr. Hawtry, Mr. Dowdswell, Sir Wm. Honywood, Mr. Christy, Sir Fran. Massam, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Clerke, Sir Jos. Tredenham, Mr. Waller, Mr. Christo. Chetwin, Sir Math. Andrews, Sir Rob. Davers, Sir John Wynn, Mr. Cary, Mr. Gwyn, Mr. Jo. Chetwin, Mr. Piggot, Mr. Tredenham, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Biddolph, Sir Edward Chisnall, and all the Members that serve for the Counties of Nottingham and Stafford: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Four a Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Earl of Suffolke's Estate.

An ingrossed Bill from the Lords, intituled, An Act to enable the Trustees of James late Earl of Suffolke to sell the Manor of Hadstock in Essex, for discharging several other Manors and Lands of the said late Earl, from Five thousand Pounds, Remainder of Ten thousand Pounds, by him formerly charged thereon, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Biddolph, Mr. Gwyn, Sir John Moreton, Sir Tho. Darcy, Sir Tho. Haslerigg, Mr. Beddingfeild, Mr. Goldwell, Sir Jerv. Elwes, Sir Fran. Masham, Mr. Dowdswell, Sir Jo. Bolles, Mr. Christopher Mountague, Lord Ranelagh, Mr. Dyott, Mr. Robert Mountague, Sir Robert Davers, Sir Robert Cotton, Sir John Levison Gore, Mr. Wortley, Mr. Lutterell, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Burdett, Mr. Oneslow, Mr. Preston, Sir Hen. Ashurst, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Hedger, Mr. Culleford, Mr. Cope, Mr. Chetwynd, and all the Members that serve for the Counties of Essex and Suffolke: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Four a Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

St. Paul's Shadwell Waterworks.

An ingrossed Bill from the Lords, intituled, An Act for incorporating the Proprietors of the Waterworks, in the Parish of St. Paul's, Shadwell, in the County of Middlesex, and for encouraging, carrying on, and settling the said Waterworks, was read the First time.

Resolved, That the Bill be read a Second time.

Woolen Trade.

Ordered, That the Bill for the Encouragement of Clothiers, and others dealing in Woolen Manufactures, and for Suppressing of Wool Broggers, and Engrossers of Wool, and Blackwell Hall Factors, be read To-morrow Morning.

Supply Bill; Duties on Low Wines.

Ordered, That the ingrossed Bill for the better ordering and collecting the Duties upon Low Wines and Strong Waters, and preventing the Abuses therein, be read the Third time To-morrow Morning.

Settlement of the Poor.

An ingrossed Bill for the better Explanation and supplying the Defect of the former Laws, for the Settling of the Poor, was read the Third time.

And several Amendments were proposed to be made in the Bill.

Press 2d, Line 17, and Press 4, Line 25, by adding "Riding or Division."

And the same were, upon the Question severally put thereupon, agreed unto by the House; and the Bill amended at the Table accordingly.

Resolved, That the Bill do pass: And that the Title be, An Act for the better Explanation and supplying the Defects of former Laws for the Settlement of the Poor.

Ordered, That Mr. Hutchinson do carry the Bill to the Lords; and desire their Concurrence thereunto.

Supply Bill; English Forfeitures.

Mr. Palmes, according to the Order of the Day, reported from the Committee of the whole House, to whom the Bill for vesting the forfeited Estates in England in their Majesties, to be applied to the Use of the War, was committed, the Amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill: The which he read in his Place, with the Coherence; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same were once read throughout; and then a Second time, one by one; and, upon the Question severally put thereupon, agreed unto by the House.

A Clause was offered to be added to the Bill, That their Majesties may extend such Grace and Mercy to Henry Lord Dover, both in his Honour and Estate, as they shall think fit.

Supply Bill; English Forfeitures.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House, to be made Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was offered to be added to the Bill; That nothing therein contained shall extend to impeach or avoid the Letters Patents made by their Majesties, to Arthure Earl of Torrington, and his Heirs, bearing Date the Fourteenth Day of May in the Year 1690, for granting unto the said Arthure Earl of Torrington, and his Heirs, several Parcels of Ground in the Great Level of the Fens, called Peterborrough Level, or Bedford Level, containing, by Estimation, Ten thousand Acres, be the same more or less; which was heretofore granted to Lawrence Earl of Rochester, Sidney Lord Godolphin, and others, and their Heirs, in the said Letters Patents recited, in Trust for Mary late Queen of England, for her Life.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House, to be made Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was offered to be added to the Bill; That Lord George Howard, having surrendered himself, according to their Majesties Declaration in August 1690, be and is excepted out of this Act.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House, to be made Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was offered to be added to the Bill; That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend in any sort to the Manor of Dantsey, with the Appurtenances, or to any the Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, which in and by certain Letters Patents of their present Majesties, bearing Date the Twelfth Day of January, in the Second Year of their Majesties Reign, were granted, or are therein mentioned to be granted, to Charles Earl of Monmouth, and his Heirs.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House, to be made Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was offered to be added to the Bill; That this Act shall not prejudice, or make void, a Grant or Demise, made by their present Majesties in the Year 1689, to Thomas Preston, of Holker in the County of Lancaster, Esquire, of certain Messuages, and Lands in Furness in the said County, lately the Inheritance of Sir Thomas Preston, Baronet, for the Term of One-and-twenty Years.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House to be made Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was offered to be added to the Bill; That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed, or taken, to hinder the completing a Grant intended to be made by their Majesties, for the Augmentation of several poor Vicarages in Wales, and other charitable Uses, out of the Impropriate Rectories of Poole, Myvod and Guilfeild, alias Gillifeild, in the County of Mountgomery, lately held by William Marquis of Powis, by Lease for Three Lives, of Christ Church College in Oxford.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House, to be made Part of the Bill.

Another Clause was offered to be added to the Bill; That nothing in this Act contained shall extend to invalidate, or make void, any Judgment, Statute, Recognizance, Assignment, Charge, Incumbrance, or Conveyance, of what nature soever, whereby any the Forfeitures beforementioned are made liable, or any ways subjected, to answer, or make good, any Sum or Sums of Money, by any Body Politick or Corporate, or by any Person or Persons whatsoever; other than the Wife, Child, or Heir of any the Persons liable to such Forfeitures, as aforesaid, really, and bona fide, lent and paid on or before the Thirteenth Day of February 1688.

And the same was twice read; and, upon the Question put thereupon, agreed unto by the House, to be made Part of the Bill.

Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingrossed.

Supply Bill Irish Forfeitures.

Mr. Palmes also reports from the said Committee, to whom the Bill for vesting the forfeited Estates in Ireland in their Majesties, to be applied to the Use of the War, was committed, the Amendments made by the said Committee to the said Bill: The which he read in his Place, with the Coherence; and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same were once read throughout.

Resolved, That this House will, To-morrow Morning at Nine a Clock, take into Consideration the said Report; and nothing to intervene.

Resolved, That this House will, To-morrow Morning, after they have taken into Consideration the said Report, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Bill for a Quarterly Poll; and nothing to intervene.

East India Company.

The House being acquainted, that the Committee for the East India Company attended, according to Order;

They were called in; and, at the Bar, delivered in a Paper, as their Answer to the Proposals the Twentyseventh of January.

And the same was read; they standing at the Bar; and is as followeth; viz.

At a General Court of the Adventurers for the general joint Stock to the East Indies, holden on Monday the First of February 169½

This Court, having been acquainted by our Governor, Deputy, and Committees, with the Proposal of the Twenty-seventh of the last Month, which was made by this honourable House; to which our Answer is required; upon mature Deliberation thereupon, doth humbly return, as follows;

That the Security already offered by some of our Members, by the Order and Direction of a General Court, for making the Stock and Estate of our Company Seven hundred and Forty-four thousand Pounds (all Debts paid,) was grounded upon the Promissory Vote and Resolution of this honourable House, of the Eighteenth of December, That, after such Security given, an humble Address should be presented to his Majesty, for confirming the present East India Company, under such Regulations as should be settled in Parliament, in order to pass the same into an Act.

Which Security, so tendered, has been since approved of by this honourable House: And if this honourable House shall not think fit to proceed in the Address before mentioned; yet, if the Substance of the said Vote and Resolution be so far preserved, that the present Company be confirmed by Bill, or otherwise, this Court is still ready and desirous to give the said Security.

But, for giving the same upon the Proposal of the Twenty-seventh of January, this Court, with all humble Submission, desire to be excused; in regard they conceive the said Proposal relates to a Bill lately brought into this honourable House, intituled, An Act for the establishing an East India Company: Which Bill, we humbly conceive, is not consonant to the former Vote and Resolution of the Eighteenth of December, in the very Substance thereof; but, in its whole Contexture, tends to the Destruction of the present Company, by several Clauses therein contained.

And, if this Answer shall not be accepted as satisfactory to this honourable House, it is humbly desired, in Behalf of the present East India Company, That they may be heard by their Counsel at the Bar of this honourable House; to shew, more particularly, Wherein the said now Bill depending is destructive to them; hoping to be so understood by this honourable House, that we do not intend to except against such Regulations that are or shall be thought reasonable for improving the East India Trade.

Signed by Order of the General Court.

Ro. Blackborne, Secretary.

And then they withdrew.

Resolved, That the said Answer be taken into Consideration upon Saturday Morning next, at Eleven a Clock.

Resolved, That this House will, upon Saturday Morning next, at Ten a Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the Bill for establishing an East India Company.


A Motion being made, and the Question being put, That all Committees be revived;

It passed in the Negative.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight a Clock.