House of Commons Journal Volume 10: 10 December 1691

Pages 580-581

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 10, 1688-1693. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 10 die Decembris; 3° Gulielmi et Mariæ.


Leave of Absence.

ORDERED, That Mr. Stratford have Leave to go into the Country for a Fortnight, upon extraordinary Occasions.

Plantation Servants.

Mr. Christie reported from the Committee to whom the Bill for the Registering of Servants that shall go to the Plantations, pursuant to Letters Patents granted for that Purpose, was committed, That they had made several Amendments to the Bill: Which they had directed him to report to the House: And which he read in his Place, with the Coherence; and afterwards, delivered in at the Clerk's Table: Where the same were once read throughout; and then a Second time, one by one; and, upon the Question severally put thereupon, agreed unto by the House.

Ordered, That the Bill, with the Amendments, be ingrossed.

Thames Fishermen.

Mr. Travers, according to Order, presented to the House a Bill for the better Regulation and Encouragement of the Company of Fishermen of the River of Thames, and providing Seamen for their Majesties Fleet, and preventing Frauds in stealing Customs. And the same was received.

Dover Harbour.

A Bill for repairing of Dover Harbour, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House.

Resolved, That this House will, on Wednesday Morning next, at Ten a Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider of the said Bill.

A Bill for the better Explanation of Two former Acts for the Settlement of the Poor, was read the Second time.

Resolved, That the Bill be committed to Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Chetwin, Sir Gilbert Clerke, Colonel Sackvile, Mr. Slater, Mr. Dyott, Mr. Bull, Mr. Mountague, Major Vincent, Mr. Gilbert, Sir Richard Clerke, Mr. Hart, Sir Robert Hart, Mr. Price, Sir Hen. Ashurst, Mr. Carter, Sir Thomas Darcy, Sir Rob. Cotton, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Hawtry, Mr. Christie, Sir Math. Andrewes, Sir John Bolles, Mr. Willmott, Sir Rog. Puleston, Mr. Onslow, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Serjeant Blincowe, Mr. Thornhaugh, Mr. Blowfeild, Mr. Brewer, Sir Fra. Vincent, Sir John Moreton, Sir Walter Young, Sir Rob. Clayton, Mr. England, Mr. Waller, Sir Cha. Wyndham, Sir John Key, Mr. Palmes, Sir Sam. Bernardiston, Mr. Burdet, Sir Tho. Bernardiston, Mr. Faux, Sir Wm. Cooke, Sir Robert Edon, Sir Wilf. Lawson, Mr. Fenwick: And they are to meet this Afternoon at Four of the Clock, in the Speaker's Chamber.

Settlement. of the Poor.

A Petition of the Mayor, Aldermen, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of the Borough of Portsmouth in the County of Southampton, was read; setting forth, That * * * *.

Resolved, That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee to whom the said Bill for the better Explaining of Two former Acts for the Settlement of the Poor, is committed.

Oath of Supremacy in Ireland.

Sir Thomas Clarges acquaints the House, that he having been with the Lords, according to the Order of Yesterday, to desire a Conference upon the Subject Matter of the last

Conference; the Lords do agree to a present Conference in the Painted Chamber.

Ordered, That the same Managers who managed the last Conference do manage this Conference.

And the Managers went to the Conference accordingly:

And being returned;

Sir Thomas Clarges reported from the Conference, That the Persons appointed had attended the Conference; and delivered to the Lords the Amendments made by this House to the Amendments made by the Lords, to the Bill for abrogating the Oath of Supremacy in Ireland, and appointing other Oaths; and given the Lords Reasons for the same.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Miles Cooke and Sir Adam Ottley;

Albury, &c. Lands enfranchisement.

Mr. Speaker, The Lords have passed a Bill, intituled, An Act for Enfranchising of several Copyhold Lands and Tenements holden of the Manor of Albury and North Mims in the County of Hertford: To which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

And then the Messengers withdrew.

A Message from the Lords, by the Lord Chief Justice Holt, and Mr. Justice Powell;

Oath of Supremacy in Ireland.

Mr. Speaker, We are commanded by the Lords to acquaint this House, that the Lords have agreed to the Amendments made by this House to the Amendments made by their Lordships, to the Bill, intituled, An Act for abrogating the Oath of Supremacy in Ireland, and appointing other Oaths.

And then the Messengers withdrew.

J. Privateers.

A Motion being made, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill to encourage Privateers against France, and for the better Security of the Trade of this Nation;

And a Debate arising thereupon;

Resolved, That the Debate be adjourned till Tomorrow Morning, Ten a Clock.

East India Company.

A Petition of Eliz. Lucas, Widow, and Eliz. her Daughter, was read; setting forth, That the Petitioner's Husband, in 1671, lett to Freight to the East India Company the Zant Frigate; in which Voyage the Captain, and above half the Men, died by Poison, and the Unhealthfulness of the Climate: After which, the Company's Agent made away with the said Ship, and sold the same to the King of Bantham: Whereby the Petitioner's Husband lost the same, with her Freight and Demurrage, amounting to Eleven thousand Pounds, but could obtain no more than One thousand One hundred Pounds of the Company for his Satisfaction; to the Ruin of himself and Family: He afterwards going to the East Indias in the Company's Service, ended his Life there by Poison: And praying the Consideration of the House in the Premises.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole House . . . . . to consider further of the Petitions concerning the East India Trade, is referred.


Then the House, according to the Order of the Day, resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of the Petitions concerning the East India Trade.

Mr. Speaker left the Chair.

Sir John Guise took the Chair of the Committee.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Sir John Guise reported from the said Committee, That they had made some further Progress in the said Matter; and had directed him to move the House, That they may have Leave to sit again.

Resolved, That this House will, To-morrow Morning, at Eleven a Clock, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider further of the Petitions concerning the East India Trade.

Hawkers and Pedlars.

Ordered, That Mr. Waller, Mr. Buscawen, Sir John Bolles, Mr. Thompson, be added to the Committee to whom the Bill for the Suppressing of Hawkers and Pedlars, is committed.


Ordered, That all Committees be revived.

And then the House adjourned till To-morrow Morning, Eight a Clock.